How fascist are you?

| Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
bored so imma say how I answered

[1] Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn.
agree strongly

[2] A person who has bad manners, habits, and breeding can hardly expect to get along with decent people.
agree mostly

[3] If people would talk less and work more, everybody would be better off.
agree strongly

[4] The business man and the manufacturer are much more important to society than the artist and the professor.
agree strongly

[5] Science has its place, but there are many important things that can never be understood by the human mind.
disagree somewhat

[6] Every person should have complete faith in some supernatural power whose decisions he obeys without question.
agree mostly

[7] Young people sometimes get rebellious ideas, but as they grow up they ought to get over them and settle down.
agree strongly

[8] What this country needs most, more than laws and political programs, is a few courageous, tireless, devoted leaders in whom the people can put their faith.
agree strongly

[9] No sane, normal, decent person could ever think of hurting a close friend or relative.
agree strongly

[10] Nobody ever learned anything really important except through suffering.
agree somewhat

[11] What the youth needs most is strict discipline, rugged determination, and the will to work and fight for family and country.
agree strongly

[12] An insult to our honor should always be punished.
agree strongly

[13] Sex crimes, such as rape and attacks on children, deserve more than mere imprisonment; such criminals ought to be publicly whipped, or worse.
agree strongly

[14] There is hardly anything lower than a person who does not feel a great love, gratitude, and respect for his parents.
agree strongly

[15] Most of our social problems would be solved if we could somehow get rid of the immoral, crooked, and feebleminded people.
agree mostly

[16] Homosexuals are hardly better than criminals and ought to be severely punished.
disagree mostly

[17] When a person has a problem or worry, it is best for him not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things.
agree mostly

[18] Nowadays more and more people are prying into matters that should remain personal and private.
agree strongly

[19] Some people are born with an urge to jump from high places.
agree strongly

[20] People can be divided into two distinct classes: the weak and the strong.
agree strongly

[21] Some day it will probably be shown that astrology can explain a lot of things.
disagree mostly

[22] Wars and social troubles may someday be ended by an earthquake or flood that will destroy the whole world.
agree somewhat

[23] No weakness or difficulty can hold us back if we have enough will power.
agree strongly

[24] It is best to use some prewar authorities in Germany to keep order and prevent chaos.
agree mostly

[25] Most people don't realize how much our lives are controlled by plots hatched in secret places.
agree somewhat

[26] Human nature being what it is, there will always be war and conflict.
agree strongly

[27] Familiarity breeds contempt.
agree strongly

[28] Nowadays when so many different kinds of people move around and mix together so much, a person has to protect himself especially carefully against catching an infection or disease from them.
agree strongly

[29] The wild sex life of the old Greeks and Romans was tame compared to some of the goings-on in this country, even in places where people might least expect it.
agree strongly

[30] The true American way of life is disappearing so fast that force may be necessary to preserve it.
agree somewhat

Your F Score is: 5.14
i've never seen so many wrong answers before

like, all in one place
The worst part is that these aren't actually her opinions.
but they are...
i believe he's alluding to the fact that slash has been a bad influence on you

I assumed something else since someone on Skype asked if I was joking.

but no, slash hasn't been a bad influence on me
You're a young, impressionable girl. We've all had a bad influence on you.
um no

I_IRONMAN_I | Heroic Unstoppable!
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IP: Logged

2,505 posts
Stark Industries
"Heavy boots of lead
fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again!"
Your F Score is: 4.13
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Fuck yeah! lol

i am karjala takaisin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Niedopalek
ID: Ember
IP: Logged

9,154 posts
Ember used to be cool and funny

Now he's just gay
i took the test again and got a 3.33

le epic trips of centrism

Winy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Phasenectar
ID: Winy
IP: Logged

3,164 posts

I'm a liberal airhead I guess.

Meh T.Z.E | Respected Posting Frenzy
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ID: Mehttaline
IP: Logged

316 posts
bored so imma say how I answered

[1] Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn.
agree strongly

[2] A person who has bad manners, habits, and breeding can hardly expect to get along with decent people.
agree mostly

[3] If people would talk less and work more, everybody would be better off.
agree strongly

[4] The business man and the manufacturer are much more important to society than the artist and the professor.
agree strongly

[5] Science has its place, but there are many important things that can never be understood by the human mind.
disagree somewhat

[6] Every person should have complete faith in some supernatural power whose decisions he obeys without question.
agree mostly

[7] Young people sometimes get rebellious ideas, but as they grow up they ought to get over them and settle down.
agree strongly

[8] What this country needs most, more than laws and political programs, is a few courageous, tireless, devoted leaders in whom the people can put their faith.
agree strongly

[9] No sane, normal, decent person could ever think of hurting a close friend or relative.
agree strongly

[10] Nobody ever learned anything really important except through suffering.
agree somewhat

[11] What the youth needs most is strict discipline, rugged determination, and the will to work and fight for family and country.
agree strongly

[12] An insult to our honor should always be punished.
agree strongly

[13] Sex crimes, such as rape and attacks on children, deserve more than mere imprisonment; such criminals ought to be publicly whipped, or worse.
agree strongly

[14] There is hardly anything lower than a person who does not feel a great love, gratitude, and respect for his parents.
agree strongly

[15] Most of our social problems would be solved if we could somehow get rid of the immoral, crooked, and feebleminded people.
agree mostly

[16] Homosexuals are hardly better than criminals and ought to be severely punished.
disagree mostly

[17] When a person has a problem or worry, it is best for him not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things.
agree mostly

[18] Nowadays more and more people are prying into matters that should remain personal and private.
agree strongly

[19] Some people are born with an urge to jump from high places.
agree strongly

[20] People can be divided into two distinct classes: the weak and the strong.
agree strongly

[21] Some day it will probably be shown that astrology can explain a lot of things.
disagree mostly

[22] Wars and social troubles may someday be ended by an earthquake or flood that will destroy the whole world.
agree somewhat

[23] No weakness or difficulty can hold us back if we have enough will power.
agree strongly

[24] It is best to use some prewar authorities in Germany to keep order and prevent chaos.
agree mostly

[25] Most people don't realize how much our lives are controlled by plots hatched in secret places.
agree somewhat

[26] Human nature being what it is, there will always be war and conflict.
agree strongly

[27] Familiarity breeds contempt.
agree strongly

[28] Nowadays when so many different kinds of people move around and mix together so much, a person has to protect himself especially carefully against catching an infection or disease from them.
agree strongly

[29] The wild sex life of the old Greeks and Romans was tame compared to some of the goings-on in this country, even in places where people might least expect it.
agree strongly

[30] The true American way of life is disappearing so fast that force may be necessary to preserve it.
agree somewhat

Your F Score is: 5.14
I've failed you

| Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
bored so imma say how I answered

[1] Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn.
agree strongly

[2] A person who has bad manners, habits, and breeding can hardly expect to get along with decent people.
agree mostly

[3] If people would talk less and work more, everybody would be better off.
agree strongly

[4] The business man and the manufacturer are much more important to society than the artist and the professor.
agree strongly

[5] Science has its place, but there are many important things that can never be understood by the human mind.
disagree somewhat

[6] Every person should have complete faith in some supernatural power whose decisions he obeys without question.
agree mostly

[7] Young people sometimes get rebellious ideas, but as they grow up they ought to get over them and settle down.
agree strongly

[8] What this country needs most, more than laws and political programs, is a few courageous, tireless, devoted leaders in whom the people can put their faith.
agree strongly

[9] No sane, normal, decent person could ever think of hurting a close friend or relative.
agree strongly

[10] Nobody ever learned anything really important except through suffering.
agree somewhat

[11] What the youth needs most is strict discipline, rugged determination, and the will to work and fight for family and country.
agree strongly

[12] An insult to our honor should always be punished.
agree strongly

[13] Sex crimes, such as rape and attacks on children, deserve more than mere imprisonment; such criminals ought to be publicly whipped, or worse.
agree strongly

[14] There is hardly anything lower than a person who does not feel a great love, gratitude, and respect for his parents.
agree strongly

[15] Most of our social problems would be solved if we could somehow get rid of the immoral, crooked, and feebleminded people.
agree mostly

[16] Homosexuals are hardly better than criminals and ought to be severely punished.
disagree mostly

[17] When a person has a problem or worry, it is best for him not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things.
agree mostly

[18] Nowadays more and more people are prying into matters that should remain personal and private.
agree strongly

[19] Some people are born with an urge to jump from high places.
agree strongly

[20] People can be divided into two distinct classes: the weak and the strong.
agree strongly

[21] Some day it will probably be shown that astrology can explain a lot of things.
disagree mostly

[22] Wars and social troubles may someday be ended by an earthquake or flood that will destroy the whole world.
agree somewhat

[23] No weakness or difficulty can hold us back if we have enough will power.
agree strongly

[24] It is best to use some prewar authorities in Germany to keep order and prevent chaos.
agree mostly

[25] Most people don't realize how much our lives are controlled by plots hatched in secret places.
agree somewhat

[26] Human nature being what it is, there will always be war and conflict.
agree strongly

[27] Familiarity breeds contempt.
agree strongly

[28] Nowadays when so many different kinds of people move around and mix together so much, a person has to protect himself especially carefully against catching an infection or disease from them.
agree strongly

[29] The wild sex life of the old Greeks and Romans was tame compared to some of the goings-on in this country, even in places where people might least expect it.
agree strongly

[30] The true American way of life is disappearing so fast that force may be necessary to preserve it.
agree somewhat

Your F Score is: 5.14
I've failed you
go take a nap

TheOneTrueDesticle | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: TOTDesticle
ID: TheOneTrueDesticle
IP: Logged

2,833 posts

The Pancakes List:

-True Velox
-Rinev Jeqkogo

These questions were jokes. Anyone who agreed with some of these are trolling or total scumbags.
The quintessential leftist strat: deeming ideas they disagree with as trolling. "Nobody could possibly believe that!"

wew lad

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
IP: Logged

10,577 posts
A liberal airhead.

I'd have gotten higher if it weren't for the fact that this test asked me if I wanted to surrender my manhood and bend over to other people.

If you got a high score you're a cuck and a coward.

Stroud | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: commodore_talon
ID: Stroud
IP: Logged

1,875 posts

Да ли је то истина или се само шалиш?
I received a score of 3.37.

Dietrich Six | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DietrichSix
IP: Logged

11,784 posts
Excuse me, I'm full of dog poison
Your F Score is: 3.23
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Fascism is great for retarded cucks, this is America God damn it.