Feminism in decline

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
It's good to see people adhering to common sense and looking past the bullshit facade feminism has attempted to spoonfeed us for the past 30 years. Hopefully in another 30 years time feminism will be tantamount to those kooky white supremacist rednecks living in their hillbilly shacks that no one takes seriously. Everyone has dreams.
Last Edit: November 18, 2014, 03:46:36 AM by Madman Mordo

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
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9,382 posts
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
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This is pathetic, Cheat
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Alternative Facts
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ID: IcyWind
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9,382 posts
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
The forum thinks there's a difference between feminism and women's rights but doesn't think there's a difference between feminism and 4chan trolling.

Not helping.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
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ID: Le Dustin
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5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
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Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
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9,382 posts
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
The forum thinks there's a difference between feminism and women's rights but doesn't think there's a difference between feminism and 4chan trolling.

Not helping.
Everyone has a different definition of what feminism is.

the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

More Than Mortal
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15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
It's such a disgusting misrepresentation of reality.

Feminists in Middle-Eastern and African nations? Fuck yeah, right with you.

Feminists in England? Fuck off, and deflate your ego.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,382 posts
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
It's such a disgusting misrepresentation of reality.

Feminists in Middle-Eastern and African nations? Fuck yeah, right with you.

Feminists in England? Fuck off, and deflate your ego.

I'd argue the same thing about the LGBT movement.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
If it's being replaced with Equalist/Equality then I can get behind that <.<
And not just because of Amon either >.>

I really do try to not just zone out whenever I hear that word, but god damn I'm getting sick to death of fethwits under it's banner bitching about first world problems and the patriarchy. I'm generally apathetic on a lot of issues, but when it comes to shit like that, I really don't fucking care to put it mildly.

The way I see it, as long as you treat all humans equally then there isn't a problem. That doesn't mean homogenised equality, that just means don't treat men/women/black people/asians/gays/etc badly because of who they are.

g💚jira | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: HeyLookItsMisterGojira
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1,925 posts
If it's being replaced with Equalist/Equality then I can get behind that <.<
And not just because of Amon either >.>

I really do try to not just zone out whenever I hear that word, but god damn I'm getting sick to death of fethwits under it's banner bitching about first world problems and the patriarchy. I'm generally apathetic on a lot of issues, but when it comes to shit like that, I really don't fucking care to put it mildly.

The way I see it, as long as you treat all humans equally then there isn't a problem. That doesn't mean homogenised equality, that just means don't treat men/women/black people/asians/gays/etc badly because of who they are.

So, call it egalitarianism.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
If it's being replaced with Equalist/Equality then I can get behind that <.<
And not just because of Amon either >.>

I really do try to not just zone out whenever I hear that word, but god damn I'm getting sick to death of fethwits under it's banner bitching about first world problems and the patriarchy. I'm generally apathetic on a lot of issues, but when it comes to shit like that, I really don't fucking care to put it mildly.

The way I see it, as long as you treat all humans equally then there isn't a problem. That doesn't mean homogenised equality, that just means don't treat men/women/black people/asians/gays/etc badly because of who they are.

So, call it egalitarianism.
I have been awake for more hours than I have digits <_<
Big words are slipping beyond my grasp somewhat, but that is the one I was looking for >_>

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
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6,364 posts

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts

g💚jira | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: HeyLookItsMisterGojira
IP: Logged

1,925 posts

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
It's so irrelevant and antiquated in the western world that it isn't even funny anymore. I wouldn't have that much a problem with feminism if it weren't for the nutjobs that have hijacked the movement and the amount of reprehensible shit they've tried to pull.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,382 posts
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
It's so irrelevant and antiquated in the western world that it isn't even funny anymore. I wouldn't have that much a problem with feminism if it weren't for the nutjobs that have hijacked the movement and the amount of reprehensible shit they've tried to pull.

So, your biggest problem is with the extremists in the movement.

Something that happens with any movement.

Lemy the Lizerd | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Lemy the Lizerd
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2,002 posts
The ultimate problem with Feminism is that the term is such a huge umbrella, covering ideologies ranging from innocent equalism (which I for one do not believe has reached all it's goals yet, even in the West) to the radical, dare-I-Say Cultural Marxist (oh god I said it) shit you see pushed around Tumblr.

g💚jira | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: HeyLookItsMisterGojira
IP: Logged

1,925 posts
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
It's so irrelevant and antiquated in the western world that it isn't even funny anymore. I wouldn't have that much a problem with feminism if it weren't for the nutjobs that have hijacked the movement and the amount of reprehensible shit they've tried to pull.

The word itself irks me. I'd even go as far as to say that it's almost an intrinsically biased term at this point. Saying "feminism" is wholly synonymous to egalitarianism [note: this is why I say "almost" as not all people say the two are wholly equal] is basically implying that campaigning for the rights of women is inherently the same as campaigning for the rights of everyone. i.e.  campaigning for the rights of women will always be necessary to maintain a standard of equality.

Sounds good for some dictatorspeak but I think there's already a less biased term that people should be using.

TL;DR linguistic manipulations once again confuse silly people into being silly. Nothing new.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
It's so irrelevant and antiquated in the western world that it isn't even funny anymore. I wouldn't have that much a problem with feminism if it weren't for the nutjobs that have hijacked the movement and the amount of reprehensible shit they've tried to pull.

So, your biggest problem is with the extremists in the movement.

Something that happens with any movement.
My problem doesn't just lie with the extremists (they're a significant problem in and of itself). You'd be hard pressed to find a moderate feminist that doesn't believe in the gender pay gap, or that "teaching men not to rape" is actually a good idea.

You can link me the dictionary definition of feminism until the cows come home. It doesn't really matter what the original ideas meant to convey. What ultimately matters is how it is being perceived as now, and let me tell you, it isn't something I want to subscribe to.

Death | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: giant nubbz
ID: Death
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I am always around, but never seen. I am often avoided, but you can't out run me. for I will come when you're old and grey, or maybe even the very next day. I will come with cold embrace, and give you rest with a chilled kiss on your face. I come in many forms of emotional state, whether it's irony, love, laughter, or hate. I am everyone's final fate.
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
If it's in a 3rd world country then it's needed, sure.
Everywhere else they're just trying to find problems in nothing, such as videogaming or online trolling.

The Lord Slide Rule | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: MrMeatyMeatball
Steam: SexyPiranha
ID: SexyPiranha
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4,306 posts
My stupidity is self evident.
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
Good causes sometimes have bad consequences. Blacks, women, and other historical out-groups were right to demand equality before the law and the full respect and liberties due to any member of our civilization; but the tactics they used to “raise consciousness” have sometimes veered into the creepy and pathological, borrowing the least sane features of religious evangelism.

One very notable pathology is a form of argument that, reduced to essence, runs like this: “Your refusal to acknowledge that you are guilty of {sin,racism,sexism, homophobia,oppression…} confirms that you are guilty of {sin,racism,sexism, homophobia,oppression…}.” I’ve been presented with enough instances of this recently that I’ve decided that it needs a name. I call this general style of argument “kafkatrapping”, and the above the Model A kafkatrap. In this essay, I will show that the kafkatrap is a form of argument that is so fallacious and manipulative that those subjected to it are entitled to reject it based entirely on the form of the argument, without reference to whatever particular sin or thoughtcrime is being alleged. I will also attempt to show that kafkatrapping is so self-destructive to the causes that employ it that change activists should root it out of their own speech and thoughts.

My reference, of course, is to Franz Kafka’s “The Trial”, in which the protagonist Josef K. is accused of crimes the nature of which are never actually specified, and enmeshed in a process designed to degrade, humiliate, and destroy him whether or not he has in fact committed any crime at all. The only way out of the trap is for him to acquiesce in his own destruction; indeed, forcing him to that point of acquiescence and the collapse of his will to live as a free human being seems to be the only point of the process, if it has one at all.

This is almost exactly the way the kafkatrap operates in religious and political argument. Real crimes – actual transgressions against flesh-and-blood individuals – are generally not specified. The aim of the kafkatrap is to produce a kind of free-floating guilt in the subject, a conviction of sinfulness that can be manipulated by the operator to make the subject say and do things that are convenient to the operator’s personal, political, or religious goals. Ideally, the subject will then internalize these demands, and then become complicit in the kafkatrapping of others.

Sometimes the kafkatrap is presented in less direct forms. A common variant, which I’ll call the Model C, is to assert something like this: “Even if you do not feel yourself to be guilty of {sin,racism,sexism, homophobia,oppression…}, you are guilty because you have benefited from the {sinful,racist,sexist,homophobic,oppressive,…} behavior of others in the system.” The aim of the Model C is to induce the subject to self-condemnation not on the basis of anything the individual subject has actually done, but on the basis of choices by others which the subject typically had no power to affect. The subject must at all costs be prevented from noticing that it is not ultimately possible to be responsible for the behavior of other free human beings.

A close variant of the model C is the model P: “Even if you do not feel yourself to be guilty of {sin,racism,sexism, homophobia,oppression…}, you are guilty because you have a privileged position in the {sinful,racist,sexist,homophobic,oppressive,…} system.” For the model P to work, the subject must be prevented from noticing that the demand to self-condemn is not based on the subject’s own actions or choices or feelings, but rather on an in-group identification ascribed by the operator of the kafkatrap.

It is essential to the operation of all three of the variants of the kafkatrap so far described that the subject’s attention be deflected away from the fact that no wrongdoing by the subject, about which the subject need feel personally guilty, has actually been specified. The kafkatrapper’s objective is to hook into chronic self-doubt in the subject and inflate it, in much the same way an emotional abuser convinces a victim that the abuse is deserved – in fact, the mechanism is identical. Thus kafkatrapping tends to work best on weak and emotionally vulnerable personalities, and poorly on personalities with a strong internalized ethos.

In addition, the success of a model P kafkatrap depends on the subject not realizing that the group ascription pinned on by the operator can be rejected. The subject must be prevented from asserting his or her individuality and individual agency; better, the subject must be convinced that asserting individuality is yet another demonstration of denial and guilt. Need it be pointed out how ironic this is, given that kafkatrappers (other than old-fashioned religious authoritarians) generally claim to be against group stereotyping?

There are, of course, other variants. Consider the model S: “Skepticism about any particular anecdotal account of {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression,…}, or any attempt to deny that the particular anecdote implies a systemic problem in which you are one of the guilty parties, is itself sufficient to establish your guilt.” Again, the common theme here is that questioning the discourse that condemns you, condemns you. This variant differs from the model A and model P in that a specific crime against an actual person usually is in fact alleged. The operator of the kafkatrap relies on the subject’s emotional revulsion against the crime to sweep away all questions of representativeness and the basic fact thatthe subject didn’t do it.

I’ll finish my catalog of variants with the verson of the kafkatrap that I think is most likely to be deployed against this essay, the Model L: “Your insistence on applying rational skepticism in evaluating assertions of pervasive {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia, oppression…} itself demonstrates that you are {sinful,racist,sexist,homophobic,oppressive,…}.” This sounds much like the Model S, except that we are back in the territory ofunspecified crime here. This version is not intended to induce guilt so much as it is to serve as a flank guard for other forms of kafkatrapping. By insisting that skepticism is evidence of an intention to cover up or excuse thoughtcrime, kafkatrappers protect themselves from having their methods or motives questioned and can get on with the serious business of eradicating thoughtcrime.

Having shown how manipulative and psychologically abusive the kafkatrap is, it may seem almost superfluous to observe that it is logically fallacious as well. The particular species of fallacy is sometimes called “panchreston”, an argument from which anything can be deduced because it is not falsifiable. Notably, if the model A kafkatrap is true, the world is divided into two kinds of people: (a) those who admit they are guilty of thoughtcrime, and (b) those who are guilty of thoughtcrime because they will not admit to being guilty of thoughtcrime. No one can ever be innocent. The subject must be prevented from noticing that this logic convicts and impeaches the operator of the kafkatrap!

I hope it is clear by now that the particular flavor of thoughtcrime alleged is irrelevant to understanding the operation of kafkatraps and how to avoid being abused and manipulated by kafkatrappers. In times past the kafkatrapper was usually a religious zealot; today, he or she is just as likely to be advancing an ideology of racial, gender, sexual-minority, or economic grievance. Whatever your opinion of any of these causes in their ‘pure’ forms may be, there are reasons that the employment of kafkatrapping is a sure sign of corruption.

The practice of kafkatrapping corrupts causes in many ways, some obvious and some more subtle. The most obvious way is that abusive and manipulative ways of controlling people tend to hollow out the causes for which they are employed, smothering whatever worthy goals they may have begun with and reducing them to vehicles for the attainment of power and privilege over others.

A subtler form of corruption is that those who use kafkatraps in order to manipulate others are prone to fall into them themselves. Becoming unable to see out of the traps, their ability to communicate with and engage anyone who has not fallen in becomes progressively more damaged. At the extreme, such causes frequently become epistemically closed, with a jargon and discourse so tightly wrapped around the logical fallacies in the kafkatraps that their doctrine is largely unintelligible to outsiders.

These are both good reasons for change activists to consider kafkatraps a dangerous pathology that they should root out of their own causes. But the best reason remains that kafkatrapping is wrong. Especially, damningly wrong for anyone who claims to be operating in the cause of freedom.

UPDATE: A commenter pointed out the Model D: “The act of demanding a definition of {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression} that can be consequentially checked and falsified proves you are {sinful,racist,sexist, homophobic, oppressive}.”

UPDATE2: The Model M: “The act of arguing against the theory of anti-{sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression} demonstrates that you are either {sinful,racist,sexist, homophobic, oppressive} or do not understand the theory of anti-{sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression}, and your argument can therefore be dismissed as either corrupt or incompetent.”

Model T: Designated victims of {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression} who question any part of the theory of {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression} demonstrate by doing so that they are not authentic members of the victim class, so their experience can be discounted and their thoughts dismissed as internalized {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression}

This isn't just the crazies either. You see it at every level of the ideology and until they're rid of it I can't take it seriously. It's intellectually dishonest and emotionally abusive to boot.

The Lord Slide Rule | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: MrMeatyMeatball
Steam: SexyPiranha
ID: SexyPiranha
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4,306 posts
My stupidity is self evident.
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
It's so irrelevant and antiquated in the western world that it isn't even funny anymore. I wouldn't have that much a problem with feminism if it weren't for the nutjobs that have hijacked the movement and the amount of reprehensible shit they've tried to pull.

So, your biggest problem is with the extremists in the movement.

Something that happens with any movement.
You'd be hard pressed to find a moderate feminist that doesn't believe in the gender pay gap, or that "teaching men not to rape" is actually a good idea.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
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ID: Rocketman287
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22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
Feminism itself, isn't a bad thing. True Feminism is simply seeking equality for women, alongside men.
However, things have gotten kinda.........stupid and outrageous.

Feminism isn't bad. the feminism we see today, its just weird.

Raptor the Kid (24) | Respected Posting Spree
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XBL: Raptorkid24
ID: Raptorkid24
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220 posts
If it's being replaced with Equalist/Equality then I can get behind that <.<
And not just because of Amon either >.>

I really do try to not just zone out whenever I hear that word, but god damn I'm getting sick to death of fethwits under it's banner bitching about first world problems and the patriarchy. I'm generally apathetic on a lot of issues, but when it comes to shit like that, I really don't fucking care to put it mildly.

The way I see it, as long as you treat all humans equally then there isn't a problem. That doesn't mean homogenised equality, that just means don't treat men/women/black people/asians/gays/etc badly because of who they are.

Amon did nothing wrong...

TheOneTrueDesticle | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: TOTDesticle
ID: TheOneTrueDesticle
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2,833 posts

The Pancakes List:

-True Velox
-Rinev Jeqkogo
If it's being replaced with Equalist/Equality then I can get behind that <.<
And not just because of Amon either >.>

I really do try to not just zone out whenever I hear that word, but god damn I'm getting sick to death of fethwits under it's banner bitching about first world problems and the patriarchy. I'm generally apathetic on a lot of issues, but when it comes to shit like that, I really don't fucking care to put it mildly.

The way I see it, as long as you treat all humans equally then there isn't a problem. That doesn't mean homogenised equality, that just means don't treat men/women/black people/asians/gays/etc badly because of who they are.
I don't even need to comment because you summed up my thoughts perfectly.
"Equalist > Feminist" and "treat people like people". Honestly.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
If it's being replaced with Equalist/Equality then I can get behind that <.<
And not just because of Amon either >.>

I really do try to not just zone out whenever I hear that word, but god damn I'm getting sick to death of fethwits under it's banner bitching about first world problems and the patriarchy. I'm generally apathetic on a lot of issues, but when it comes to shit like that, I really don't fucking care to put it mildly.

The way I see it, as long as you treat all humans equally then there isn't a problem. That doesn't mean homogenised equality, that just means don't treat men/women/black people/asians/gays/etc badly because of who they are.

Amon did nothing wrong...
I know <_<
The ooooonly thing that gives me pause about what he was doing is how cool bending is e.e

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
There is not much left that hasn't already been mentioned in this thread. I doubt anyone in the right mind actively opposes equal rights, opportunities and treatments for and of women, which is what feminism should be all about. However, the word, which is already a pretty loaded term to begin with, has grown to have so many different meanings and interpretations, that it's effectively turning people away from the movement.

The egalitarian ideals have become perverted by SJW's and extremists who no longer seek equality or a true promotion of women's rights, but instead argue about things like the criminalization of "stare rape" or how sexism and double standards against men are called for in the great scheme of the battle against the evil patriarchy. This most definitely is a shame, because feminism in its core is something that everyone should support.

The logical and desirable next step is for "true" feminists to abandon the sinking and polluted ship. Make egalitarianism an actual thing and movement, distance yourself from the crazies and extremists, and get the men involved to fight for things that'll actually promote equality rather than a skewed cushion society.
I also think the failure of feminism in western society has much to do with a lack of clear goals or leadership. First wave feminism fought for women's political and institutional footing (for white women only though, but I wont get into that) during the dawn of the 20th century, whereas second wave fought for equal pay and bodily autonomy during the early 60s. Third wave is a bit trickier to gauge because they all seem to disagree on what constitutes as an actual problem. This can also be attributed to the fact that perhaps we have ultimately eliminated gender discrimination, at least in the Western World.
Last Edit: November 18, 2014, 03:58:30 AM by Madman Mordo

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
There is not much left that hasn't already been mentioned in this thread. I doubt anyone in the right mind actively opposes equal rights, opportunities and treatments for and of women, which is what feminism should be all about. However, the word, which is already a pretty loaded term to begin with, has grown to have so many different meanings and interpretations, that it's effectively turning people away from the movement.

The egalitarian ideals have become perverted by SJW's and extremists who no longer seek equality or a true promotion of women's rights, but instead argue about things like the criminalization of "stare rape" or how sexism and double standards against men are called for in the great scheme of the battle against the evil patriarchy. This most definitely is a shame, because feminism in its core is something that everyone should support.

The logical and desirable next step is for "true" feminists to abandon the sinking and polluted ship. Make egalitarianism an actual thing and movement, distance yourself from the crazies and extremists, and get the men involved to fight for things that'll actually promote equality rather than a skewed cushion society.
I also think the failure of feminism in western society has much to do with a lack of clear goals or leadership. First wave feminism fought for women's political and institutional footing (for white women only though, but I wont get into that) during the dawn of the 20th century, whereas second wave fought for equal pay and bodily autonomy during the early 60s. Third wave is a bit trickier to gauge because they all seem to disagree on what constitutes as an actual problem. This can also be attributed to the fact that perhaps we have ultimately eliminated gender discrimination, at least in the Western World.
I wouldn't be as quick to rule it as eliminated, but it's certainly no where near the problem that it once was. Then again, it depends on how far you decide gender discrimination goes in the first place. When it starts getting into muh patriarchy and all that, it's where it starts to get ridiculous.

'Yes Dear'

Two words that shows that the evil patriarchy isn't all it's cut out to be.