Farmers riot in Belgium

More Than Mortal
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This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Fuck me.

Farmers have been filmed trying to drive tractors through a group of heavily armed riot police during violent clashes in Brussels, Belgium.

Farmers were protesting in the EU capital over milk and meat prices, which they say are down 30-40 percent, causing many farms to go bankrupt.

Rally organisers said at least 6000 farmers had gathered in the city, with 2000 tractors blocking traffic.

Tractors were used to try and break through the police cordon, while hundreds of protestors lit fires and threw stones, eggs and firecrackers at police officers.

The protest took place outside EU headquarters where the European Union’s agricultural ministers have gathered to discuss the market crisis.

Prices for European meat and milk have dropped due to falling Chinese demand, Russian embargos on Western products put in place in response to sanctions over the Ukraine conflict, and changing dietary habits.

The European Commission announced a 500 million euro package aiming to provide relief to farmers.

"This package will allow for 500 million euros of EU funds to be used for the benefit of farmers immediately. This is a robust and decisive response," European Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen said.

Secretary-General for the European Copa-Cogeca farmers union, Pekka Pesonen, said the aid package was nowhere near enough to compensate for the loss of the Russian market.

“EU farmers are paying the price for international politics,” he said.


-- Farmers everywhere.
Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 08:39:55 AM by Executioner Sigma

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Mr. Psychologist
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Meta as amusing as the banter is, we have kicked door's threads out of srs for less <_<

Try and add a bit of quoted text or something to dress it up good n propa innit

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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There's just something inherently comical about this. It'd be like firemen having a violent protest, lol.

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ID: Sandtrap
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Rockets on my X
Seriously. They're rioting over price drops. The entire fucking reason food prices are soaring ridiculously high over here is because of those price drops and embargos over there. But, farmers. Doesn't matter who or where they live.

If it's too cold, bitch about it.

Too hot, bitch about it.

Insurance, bitch about it.

Not making money but not having to pay so much? Bitch about it.

Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 11:31:34 AM by 

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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
I can understand the farmer's side of it though. They have to get back the funds that they put into their work. Going bankrupt is going bankrupt. I can understand why they'd be pissed.

But if anything, and I know I'm probably leaving myself open to get shit on by a certain economist, this just re-affirms my belief that a globally interconnected economy in terms of monetary money value blows fucking ass.