Does most disagreement on the Internet boil down to semantic misunderstanding?

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
I've been arguing with people on the Internet for nearly a decade, and it's my personal experience that, if the argument comes to any sort of resolution whatsoever, it usually turns out that my opposition and I were both arguing on the same page, and we agreed on a lot, if not most, if not all the things we were fighting about.

The problem was, the words we were using, our methods of argumentation, clashed. Maybe I took a more logical approach, whereas they took a more emotional approach. Maybe my arguments were based on pure reason alone, and they preferred to pull up research, data, and statistics (which I still think is a waste of time).

I had this a lot with people like Meta--I can push Meta to the point where he's inches away from conceding that capitalism is dogshit, but there are various things that we get hung up on before we come to that point. He'll talk about how capitalism innovates, and how competition is a good thing--whereas my position has always been, "It's not the worst thing in the world, but it could be a fuck of a lot better."

If you read between the lines, you'll see that referring to economic competition as "a good thing" is kinda the same exact thing as saying "it's not the worst but it could be way better." The latter is phrased in a completely different way, yet they're both, essentially, the same sentiment. The difference lies with our personalities. I'm less satisfied with the system of capitalism than Meta is, because it's fucked me and those I care about so often, whereas Meta may not have had the same experience.

Meta is just one example--I see this kind of thing a lot. Two people agreeing on a subject, but their personalities clash, making it look like they disagree, when they're actually pretty much on the same page.

Has anyone else had similar experiences? Is there any truth to the question in the title?

Mr. Psychologist
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
This happened a fair bit with the two of us a little while back.

Things like animal rights and medication/drugs, we're essentially in agreement but to different extents over some of the finer points within those topics. It seems rather silly now that we had some rather vicious scraps over stuff we agreed on anyway.

That being said, I would reckon there is a fair amount of argumentation online where there is no common ground at all. Usually over the spicy political topics of the day.

More Than Mortal
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Steam: MetaCognition
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This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
I think most of our disagreements about capitalism are to do with how you frame your argument. Your normative position is anti-capitalist, mine is not, so we tend to view each other's arguments as coming from opposite ends of the spectrum.

We probably agree on a lot of the problems with capitalism indeed being problems, and arguments around these issues likely do come down to semantics. Arguments about solutions, however, are much more to do with substance. At least in the case of you and I on capitalism.

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Viva Redemption
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I wonder if some of that is just attrition on both sides. Neither wants to admit to a stalemate (the admission that their arguments were, essentially, ineffective) and both parties end it gracefully by conceding that the other does have some valid points and that they do share some beliefs.

Some of it is just not understanding the opponent's viewpoint. Take the abortion debate: both sides believe their position to be the best outcome for the mother, the child, and society; so often that debate is entirely centered around trying to convince the other person that they don't care about one or more of those three subjects, when that's really not what's happening at all.
Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 01:47:33 PM by Töqi

Aether | Mythic Invincible!
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Steam: Sofles_Yo
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Long live NoNolesNeckin.

Ya fuckin' ganderneck.
I haven't had too many semantics arguments on the net, personally. I try to recognize and avoid them when at all possible.

I do notice them a fair bit but not every argument I observe seems to boil down to them.

Dietrich Six | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Excuse me, I'm full of dog poison
Every argument I've ever had has been over semantics. I think people, for the most part, are not irredeemable twats and generally hold the same values just to a different extent.

I don't feel that you want to kill people or cause others harm just because you're antinatalist. You've argued time and time again that your stance is that we should reduce or eliminate suffering. I think everyone can agree with that, but not that the best option is to eliminate mankind to do so.

aMetroid | Ascended Posting Riot
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XBL: ImailU2Heaven
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I would say most of the time that's true

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
don't you mean semetics?

DAS B00T x2
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ID: DAS B00T x2
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This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
don't you mean semetics?
man, I hate those.