Depp V Heard Domestic Abuse Case

Ehnsanity | Respected Posting Spree
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XBL: Ehnsanity
PSN: Caggus
ID: Warmoose
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142 posts
Anyone else following this as more gets revealed online? I’m interested to see how it plays out, given Depp was completely and totally fucked from what’s looking increasingly like false allegations from Heard.

This may just end up being a victory for Depp if he keeps presenting more and more information that directly contradicts whatever Heard says.

Also lmao at Heard shitting on Depp’s bed. What a disgusting bitch.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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I was kinda interested when those first recorded calls were revealed, but delving into the private lives of celebrities like that has always made me feel a little gross, so I stopped paying attention.

I was definitely anti-Depp when that initial recording of him being drunk and belligerent at home was uploaded several years ago, because I kinda always suspected that he might've been a douchebag anyway, but if it's true that Heard was the real abuser all along, then I guess people will have to stop making oh-so-clever jokes at his expense whenever they watch one of his movies, so that's nice.

Ehnsanity | Respected Posting Spree
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XBL: Ehnsanity
PSN: Caggus
ID: Warmoose
IP: Logged

142 posts
I was kinda interested when those first recorded calls were revealed, but delving into the private lives of celebrities like that has always made me feel a little gross, so I stopped paying attention.

I was definitely anti-Depp when that initial recording of him being drunk and belligerent at home was uploaded several years ago, because I kinda always suspected that he might've been a douchebag anyway, but if it's true that Heard was the real abuser all along, then I guess people will have to stop making oh-so-clever jokes at his expense whenever they watch one of his movies, so that's nice.

My interest in it doesn’t really relate to Depp, it’s more so because it’s a domestic abuse case where the male is actually winning and can set a precedent if he prevails in the end, there’s no denying the gender bias associated with cases like these. Hell, a couple that lived in my area a few years ago had a pretty bad divorce and the woman staged bruises and wounds from him. The guy was innocent and proved such in court but his reputation was completely and utterly ruined in the end and he moved away off to another county.

While this case could’ve been any male celebrity and I would’ve felt the same way, I want to see Depp get vindicated considering Disney cut basically every tie they had with him because of the abuse allegations years ago. He’s a decent actor that didn’t deserve half of this shit

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Sounds like a really fucking toxic and emotionally unstable relationship all round.