Consent to murder - Right or Wrong?

Mr. Psychologist
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
Ah good, well yes this isn't just random deprivations of liberty <.<
I'm quite relieved.

Just out of curiosity lets say someone was extremely depressed but caused no one any problems. They went through life despising and hating it. Let's say some new pill made him completely happy with no side-effects and for some reason he was just against taking pills. Would it be alright for a government to shove that pill down his throat? Let's even say he was glad and happy with the results and took the pill willingly after.

You probably won't like my answer, but I would say it is justifiable.

I'm not all for it and I'm not running out to grab the funnel and the feeding tube but I think that if you are able to treat someone who is in that state of mind, then if they are opposed to it because they are in that state of mind then forcing it upon them and subsequently curing them results in the optimum outcome.

The alternate one is to leave them alone until their inevitable suicide, I don't think it's right to stand by and allow that to happen if it's preventable. Life is precious and if people consider taking their own because of the fixable situation they are in then it's abhorrent and should be prevented <.<

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Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
Ah good, well yes this isn't just random deprivations of liberty <.<
I'm quite relieved.

Just out of curiosity lets say someone was extremely depressed but caused no one any problems. They went through life despising and hating it. Let's say some new pill made him completely happy with no side-effects and for some reason he was just against taking pills. Would it be alright for a government to shove that pill down his throat? Let's even say he was glad and happy with the results and took the pill willingly after.

You probably won't like my answer, but I would say it is justifiable.

I'm not all for it and I'm not running out to grab the funnel and the feeding tube but I think that if you are able to treat someone who is in that state of mind, then if they are opposed to it because they are in that state of mind then forcing it upon them and subsequently curing them results in the optimum outcome.

The alternate one is to leave them alone until their inevitable suicide, I don't think it's right to stand by and allow that to happen if it's preventable. Life is precious and if people consider taking their own because of the fixable situation they are in then it's abhorrent and should be prevented <.<

In that case, I'd like to hear your stance on abortion. I'm not attempting to ridicule or anything, I just genuinely enjoy these discussions and debates.

Hmm alrighty <.<

And of course not, I enjoy them too.

So with Abortion I think up to 12 weeks is free firing so to speak. Just whirr up the vacuum and straighten out the coathangers and have at it. I kid, but yeah <.<
After 12 weeks, I would say that it's no longer a simple matter as the clump of cells has at that point developed a CNS and the beginning of a brain. I think at this point it should be for medical or extenuating financial circumstances only, or to put it simply if it will kill the mother/risk her health or the family simply cannot support the child then it's acceptable. But to simply write it off as down to the mother's whim up to something as late as 24 weeks I find wrong.

Not from a religious viewpoint, but from the fact that it's ending a human life and shouldn't be dismissed as 'just a clump of cells'. There are times when ending a life is the right thing to do but it shouldn't be a simply walk in procedure to have it done <.<

You have death panels in hospitals (in countries that permit it) euthanasia to determine if a patient should be allowed to end their life, so I think something similar should really be implemented.

At the same time, it seems wrong to force someone to carry to term if they really do not want it to happen. There should be clear channels of help and support if they are worried about being able to raise the child but if it simply comes down to they are the kind of scum that cares more about their own life than that of their unborn child as it would inconvenience them, it would be unfair to inflict such a parent upon a potential child.
