Oh look, yet another obvious Neo-Nazi organization..
Oh lord, I love how Bongland's extremists are even more xenophobic, homophobic, and anti-common sense then our own Teabaggers.
Firstly let me begin by saying – Homosexuality is completely unnatural. There is nothing normal or even remotely positive about a homosexual relationship between two members of the same sex, in fact it borders the realms of pure evil; satanic, sick and perverse evil.
Nature decrees that Homosexuality is unnatural,
By encouraging widespread homosexuality, the white race is being eaten away by those who refuse to fulfil their basic human function of reproducing.
Homosexuality, feminism and metrosexualism are just several weapons used by the cultural marxist parasites who reign above us. People need to wake up and realise what is happening to our country and to our race before this evil unfolds fully and destroys everything.
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I love how most people who believe in Fascism now are the people who the Fascists would have exterminated 80 years ago.