All Lives Matter

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I'm well aware that what I'm about to post will be publicly archived since the site is open for search engines to index it, but that's not going to convince me to change my stance on this. I also normally don't get political but I think this warrants a discussion for any sane individuals left.

Now, I think police brutality is wrong, under any normal circumstance there should be police reform, because stopping or killing someone because they're black is wrong. I'm all for ending racism. Honestly I would like nothing more but for everyone to just gather around, put their differences aside and sing kumbaya.

However, that's not what's happening. What is happening is we are having these "Peaceful Protesters" looting, stealing, destroying businesses, causing destruction, pretty much destroying the liberal cities. I say liberal because you're not seeing this happen in conservative areas. That and people are dying. All in the name of defunding the police.

I don't know about you, but when things get really bad, and someone is after you and you don't have anyway to protect yourself and they're armed. Your normal reaction would be to call 911 and ask for the police to get that guy or whoever off your back right? Or if you witness a hit and run.

All defunding the police will do is make things even worse, pretty much eliminating the existence of police all together and leaving you vulnerable unless you own or live with someone who owns a gun to defend your home, because the police aren't going to come by if some fuck nut breaks in, and this is assuming you live in a liberal city that has its police defunded or its district attorney is so politically far left that they won't prosecute anyone in Antifa or BLM that is causing massive destruction and civil unrest. We really might be having a 2nd civil war soon.

I don't know what more to say, other than this has really gone too far. Its one thing to have a different political point of view and argue with the other side and call them names and whatnot. Its another to actually cause destruction and fucking kill someone because they support Trump and the police.

Its not fucking okay. I'll disagree with anyone who supports Biden sure, but holy shit I'm not going to hunt them down and fucking execute them over it, and yet this is what the radical left is doing. This is borderline insanity, what the fuck is happening to this country let alone this world?

Also I am well aware there are multiple factors to all of this, with people despising Trump, Covid 19, The death of George Floyd, etc, however this shit is really getting out of hand.

This is fucking scary, and yeah. I'm scared. With all the shit happening in Portland, Seattle, and Kenosha, this is one hell of a fucking nightmare that I just can't wake myself out of. That and the whole thing with these people wanting to reeducate those who disagree with them or have them dead. Like..... holy shit.

That's all I have left to say, thank you for reading this far if you did. If not, its okay. I'm not expecting most people here to read it. Yeah this shit is something I couldn't fathom ever happening, and I feel like I'm losing my sanity everyday I hear something about it. If I ever stumble across BLM or Antifa by mistake, I'm pretty sure I'm going to die.
Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 04:34:40 AM by Decimator Omega

| Flora Colossus
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XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,654 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 12:49:07 PM by Decimator Omega

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
IP: Logged

9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
friendly reminder

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
friendly reminder

I'd appreciate not derailing this thread, also that hasn't been updated in like 6 years. Besides I'm done with Halo.

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
IP: Logged

9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
If you think George Floyd’s death was the sole catalyst of the protests then I think you might want to do a bit of reading up on just what’s being protested here.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
If you think George Floyd’s death was the sole catalyst of the protests then I think you might want to do a bit of reading up on just what’s being protested here.

I already said in the OP that there are multiple factors to all of this. George Floyd's death is one of them.

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
IP: Logged

9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim

I already said in the OP that there are multiple factors to all of this. George Floyd's death is one of them.

It’s less about the mentioned and more a movement for Police Accountability. By all reports from organisers, people engaging in actual rioting/looting aren’t even there to protest (twitter is a pretty useful channel for keeping up to date especially if you follow tags like #seattleprotestcomms). Like it or not a lot of stuff in the US is made specifically for Authority figures to have zero accountability for their actions, especially against minorities.

Like you have to understand, George Floyd wasn’t an isolated case. Hell Police shooting black people has been a running gag on south park for the entirety of the show’s runtime and nothing has changed.

| Flora Colossus
more |
XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,654 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts

I already said in the OP that there are multiple factors to all of this. George Floyd's death is one of them.

It’s less about the mentioned and more a movement for Police Accountability. By all reports from organisers, people engaging in actual rioting/looting aren’t even there to protest (twitter is a pretty useful channel for keeping up to date especially if you follow tags like #seattleprotestcomms). Like it or not a lot of stuff in the US is made specifically for Authority figures to have zero accountability for their actions, especially against minorities.

Like you have to understand, George Floyd wasn’t an isolated case. Hell Police shooting black people has been a running gag on south park for the entirety of the show’s runtime and nothing has changed.

If its more of a movement for police accountability then why the fuck are they terrorizing residential neighborhoods and not letting people sleep at 3 in the morning? What makes it okay to fucking KILL someone that just disagrees with you? Have you been paying attention to Portland recently?

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
IP: Logged

9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
This is exactly what I expected to happen seeing such a shit take nobody asked for and my dumbass still jumped right in smh

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a news organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 01:42:19 PM by Decimator Omega

maverick | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Maverick
IP: Logged

4,297 posts
Consider watching media that isn’t designed to scare boomers into voting for trump

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
This is exactly what I expected to happen seeing such a shit take nobody asked for and my dumbass still jumped right in smh

As I have been saying I'm well aware of the problems that police have caused, but that doesn't mean they are all like this.

Like I said I'm all for ending racism and police brutality, especially on black people, but this isn't the right way to go about it. Martin Luther King Jr. would be rolling over his grave right now if he were to see all of this.

| Flora Colossus
more |
XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,654 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Consider watching media that isn’t designed to scare boomers into voting for trump

Yeah I don't trust the media, and consider not relying on the liberal media for its bias reporting.

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
IP: Logged

9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
Deci every day a new video emerges on twitter of a black guy getting his grey matter evicted from his skull by a cop who goes on to not be held accountable in any way, shape or form. If your takeaway from this is Rioters are the problem because some murdoch press ‘journalist’ posted a video of an empty shopfront ablaze with no context then I think you really need to re evaluate your line of reasoning because you’re essentially being the same guy that stands up and screams ‘not all men’ the nanosecond sexual abuse is brought up.
Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 01:27:22 PM by Zonda

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

The root word of Defund is to take funds away, cut their pay, their salary. If you want the definition of defund, prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Defunding the police should mean to cut their pay, but its going far enough to cut their jobs entirely. The collective left wants the police abolished.

| Flora Colossus
more |
XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,654 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

The root word of Defund is to take funds away, cut their pay, their salary. If you want the definition of defund, prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Defunding the police should mean to cut their pay, but its going far enough to cut their jobs entirely. The collective left wants the police abolished. We want to replace SOME of the police with social workers and programs to help take care of non-violent stuff. The same way police don’t take care of 911 calls for fires, we want to shuffle around funds so we don’t have unstable, hostile, armed cops responding to wellness checks, getting spooked, and executing a 9 year old.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Deci every day a new video emerges on twitter of a black guy getting his grey matter evicted from his skull by a cop who goes on to not be held accountable in any way, shape or form. If your takeaway from this is Rioters are the problem because some murdoch press ‘journalist’ posted a video of an empty shopfront ablaze with no context then I think you really need to re evaluate your line of reasoning because you’re essentially being the same guy that stands up and screams ‘not all men’ the nanosecond sexual abuse is brought up.

Okay but has that guy done anything to get killed by a cop? Has every guy done anything to get killed by a cop or were they just standing their innocently?

All sides need to be looked into here.
Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 03:10:26 PM by Decimator Omega

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

The root word of Defund is to take funds away, cut their pay, their salary. If you want the definition of defund, prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Defunding the police should mean to cut their pay, but its going far enough to cut their jobs entirely. The collective left wants the police abolished. We want to replace SOME of the police with social workers and programs to help take care of non-violent stuff. The same way police don’t take care of 911 calls for fires, we want to shuffle around funds so we don’t have unstable, hostile, armed cops responding to wellness checks, getting spooked, and executing a 9 year old.

See but that's not want BLM wants. BLM wants the police abolished entirely, there haven't been any actual protests or anything of the sort because it doesn't fit their political agenda.

Also BLM doesn't even care for black people.
Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 01:37:10 PM by Decimator Omega

| Flora Colossus
more |
XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,654 posts
Deci every day a new video emerges on twitter of a black guy getting his grey matter evicted from his skull by a cop who goes on to not be held accountable in any way, shape or form. If your takeaway from this is Rioters are the problem because some murdoch press ‘journalist’ posted a video of an empty shopfront ablaze with no context then I think you really need to re evaluate your line of reasoning because you’re essentially being the same guy that stands up and screams ‘not all men’ the nanosecond sexual abuse is brought up.

Okay but has that guy done anything to get killed buy a cop? Has every guy done anything to get killed by a cop or were they just standing their innocently?

All sides need to be looked into here.

What are you even talking about? Even murderers deserve a trial, guy.

| Flora Colossus
more |
XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,654 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

The root word of Defund is to take funds away, cut their pay, their salary. If you want the definition of defund, prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Defunding the police should mean to cut their pay, but its going far enough to cut their jobs entirely. The collective left wants the police abolished. We want to replace SOME of the police with social workers and programs to help take care of non-violent stuff. The same way police don’t take care of 911 calls for fires, we want to shuffle around funds so we don’t have unstable, hostile, armed cops responding to wellness checks, getting spooked, and executing a 9 year old.

See but that's not want BLM wants. BLM wants the police abolished, there haven't been any actual protests or anything of the sort because it doesn't fit their political agenda.

Also BLM doesn't even care for black people.
No. Some individuals want the police abolished. I am one of them.

But I’ll settle for defunding them.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Deci every day a new video emerges on twitter of a black guy getting his grey matter evicted from his skull by a cop who goes on to not be held accountable in any way, shape or form. If your takeaway from this is Rioters are the problem because some murdoch press ‘journalist’ posted a video of an empty shopfront ablaze with no context then I think you really need to re evaluate your line of reasoning because you’re essentially being the same guy that stands up and screams ‘not all men’ the nanosecond sexual abuse is brought up.

Okay but has that guy done anything to get killed buy a cop? Has every guy done anything to get killed by a cop or were they just standing their innocently?

All sides need to be looked into here.

What are you even talking about? Even murderers deserve a trial, guy.

Okay, here's a hypothetical example, Cheat. Say you are a cop. You are responding to a 7-11 robbery in progress. The robber comes out and decides he is going to aim his weapon at you and shoot you. You are armed and you have a gun aimed at him. What do you do?

Will you let him shoot and kill you?

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

The root word of Defund is to take funds away, cut their pay, their salary. If you want the definition of defund, prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Defunding the police should mean to cut their pay, but its going far enough to cut their jobs entirely. The collective left wants the police abolished. We want to replace SOME of the police with social workers and programs to help take care of non-violent stuff. The same way police don’t take care of 911 calls for fires, we want to shuffle around funds so we don’t have unstable, hostile, armed cops responding to wellness checks, getting spooked, and executing a 9 year old.

See but that's not want BLM wants. BLM wants the police abolished, there haven't been any actual protests or anything of the sort because it doesn't fit their political agenda.

Also BLM doesn't even care for black people.
No. Some individuals want the police abolished. I am one of them.

But I’ll settle for defunding them.

Okay, say the police are 100% abolished and gone from the country. Now what? What are you going to do when shit hits the fan?

| Flora Colossus
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XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,654 posts
Deci every day a new video emerges on twitter of a black guy getting his grey matter evicted from his skull by a cop who goes on to not be held accountable in any way, shape or form. If your takeaway from this is Rioters are the problem because some murdoch press ‘journalist’ posted a video of an empty shopfront ablaze with no context then I think you really need to re evaluate your line of reasoning because you’re essentially being the same guy that stands up and screams ‘not all men’ the nanosecond sexual abuse is brought up.

Okay but has that guy done anything to get killed buy a cop? Has every guy done anything to get killed by a cop or were they just standing their innocently?

All sides need to be looked into here.

What are you even talking about? Even murderers deserve a trial, guy.

Okay, here's a hypothetical example, Cheat. Say you are a cop. You are responding to a 7-11 robbery in progress. The robber comes out and decides he is going to aim his weapon at you and shoot you. You are armed and you have a gun aimed at him. What do you do?

Will you let him shoot and kill you?
I am not a cop. I don’t know what to tell you other than my go to probably wouldn’t be to fucking kill him.

| Flora Colossus
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XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,654 posts
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

The root word of Defund is to take funds away, cut their pay, their salary. If you want the definition of defund, prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Defunding the police should mean to cut their pay, but its going far enough to cut their jobs entirely. The collective left wants the police abolished. We want to replace SOME of the police with social workers and programs to help take care of non-violent stuff. The same way police don’t take care of 911 calls for fires, we want to shuffle around funds so we don’t have unstable, hostile, armed cops responding to wellness checks, getting spooked, and executing a 9 year old.

See but that's not want BLM wants. BLM wants the police abolished, there haven't been any actual protests or anything of the sort because it doesn't fit their political agenda.

Also BLM doesn't even care for black people.
No. Some individuals want the police abolished. I am one of them.

But I’ll settle for defunding them.

Okay, say the police are 100% abolished and gone from the country. Now what? What are you going to do when shit hits the fan?
When has a cop ever helped you? My only interactions with them are when they pull me over to ticket me or after a fender bender. They are no help when “shit hits the fan” in most cases. You’re thinking of paramedics or fire fighters.

I’m pro gun. I have one as a last resort because I’m not naive, but what makes you think a cop is going to save you if some maniac breaks into your house?

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Deci every day a new video emerges on twitter of a black guy getting his grey matter evicted from his skull by a cop who goes on to not be held accountable in any way, shape or form. If your takeaway from this is Rioters are the problem because some murdoch press ‘journalist’ posted a video of an empty shopfront ablaze with no context then I think you really need to re evaluate your line of reasoning because you’re essentially being the same guy that stands up and screams ‘not all men’ the nanosecond sexual abuse is brought up.

Okay but has that guy done anything to get killed buy a cop? Has every guy done anything to get killed by a cop or were they just standing their innocently?

All sides need to be looked into here.

What are you even talking about? Even murderers deserve a trial, guy.

Okay, here's a hypothetical example, Cheat. Say you are a cop. You are responding to a 7-11 robbery in progress. The robber comes out and decides he is going to aim his weapon at you and shoot you. You are armed and you have a gun aimed at him. What do you do?

Will you let him shoot and kill you?
I am not a cop. I don’t know what to tell you other than my go to probably wouldn’t be to fucking kill him.

So in this instance you'd let him kill you yes?

This is the point I'm trying to make here, I'm not a cop either but say you were in the shoes of one. Maybe you're alright with getting killed, but most people value their life, even if they are police. They don't know if they're going to live to see tomorrow, and honestly, when someone is armed in dangerous and they point the gun at police, the police don't have much of a choice because it turns into a "us or them scenario"

Now if the person is unarmed, I agree that they shouldn't shoot them, and they are in the wrong for that, but again that doesn't mean every police officer is a murderous asshole that kills someone because of their skin color.

Hell, what about black police officers? Do they not matter?

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
IP: Logged

9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
Deci every day a new video emerges on twitter of a black guy getting his grey matter evicted from his skull by a cop who goes on to not be held accountable in any way, shape or form. If your takeaway from this is Rioters are the problem because some murdoch press ‘journalist’ posted a video of an empty shopfront ablaze with no context then I think you really need to re evaluate your line of reasoning because you’re essentially being the same guy that stands up and screams ‘not all men’ the nanosecond sexual abuse is brought up.

Okay but has that guy done anything to get killed buy a cop? Has every guy done anything to get killed by a cop or were they just standing their innocently?

All sides need to be looked into here.
kind of a moot point you’re hiding behind, there. We’re talking about cops using a gun as a first resort against unarmed people not resisting arrest. Even if they were armed or resisting, that really doesn’t justify killing a living being to me.

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
IP: Logged

9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
What point are you even trying to make here