All Lives Matter

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,577 posts
Every time I look at this thread I always misread the title as "All livers matter"
They may take our livers, but they'll never take... OUR FIREBALL!!!
Whatever estrogen-boy  8)

Spagelo | Respected Posting Spree
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152 posts
Who was the fool that threw the basket in the pool?
Every time I look at this thread I always misread the title as "All livers matter"
They may take our livers, but they'll never take... OUR FIREBALL!!!
Whatever estrogen-boy  8)

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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6,179 posts
the all lives matter thing is just dumb people not understanding that "black lives matter" is supposed to mean "black lives matter too."

FatherlyNick - fuck putin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: FatherlyNick
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9,094 posts
If you know, you know.
the all lives matter thing is just dumb people not understanding that "black lives matter" is supposed to mean "black lives matter too."
Black lives are part of all lives tho.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
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ID: Mmmmm Napalm
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6,179 posts
the all lives matter thing is just dumb people not understanding that "black lives matter" is supposed to mean "black lives matter too."
Black lives are part of all lives tho.
Yeah, but I think that the blm people's issue was that all lives matter distracts from the specific issue.

At the end of the day I don't care about people arguing over a slogan.
Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 02:54:35 AM by Mmmmm Napalm

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
the all lives matter thing is just dumb people not understanding that "black lives matter" is supposed to mean "black lives matter too."
Black lives are part of all lives tho.
but if all lives matter, then why are black people still systematically mistreated?

that's why you emphasize black lives—it's not about putting anyone else down, but raising black lives up to the standard enjoyed by most other groups of people who aren't as affected by racism in our country

you can say "all lives matter" if you want, but you're going to sound incredibly glib, because BLM isn't trying to say otherwise—it's about drawing attention to what needs to be drawn attention to, because presently, nobody else in america has to worry as much about stuff like police brutality like black people do
Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 03:28:09 AM by Verbatim

FatherlyNick - fuck putin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: FatherlyNick
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9,094 posts
If you know, you know.
the all lives matter thing is just dumb people not understanding that "black lives matter" is supposed to mean "black lives matter too."
Black lives are part of all lives tho.
but if all lives matter, then why are black people still systematically mistreated?

that's why you emphasize black lives—it's not about putting anyone else down, but raising black lives up to the standard enjoyed by most other groups of people who aren't as affected by racism in our country

you can say "all lives matter" if you want, but you're going to sound incredibly glib, because BLM isn't trying to say otherwise—it's about drawing attention to what needs to be drawn attention to, because presently, nobody else in america has to worry as much about stuff like police brutality like black people do
When I say "All lives matter." it should be interpreted as "I am for a world where all lives are equal." or "All lives should matter."

I feel like this better invokes images of unity than singling out one colour/gender/identity/species/age.
Lives matter. All lives should matter. All lives matter.

With BLM - its like there is an implication that all other lives are on some absolute level of justice while black people are the only group that is still mistreated in this world and that is definitely not true. There is cross-species slavery, genocides, abuses of power etc.

I think my problem is that I'm looking at this localized issue (USA) from a global scale, hence the concept disconnect.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
Black lives are part of all lives tho.
but if all lives matter, then why are black people still systematically mistreated?

that's why you emphasize black lives—it's not about putting anyone else down, but raising black lives up to the standard enjoyed by most other groups of people who aren't as affected by racism in our country

you can say "all lives matter" if you want, but you're going to sound incredibly glib, because BLM isn't trying to say otherwise—it's about drawing attention to what needs to be drawn attention to, because presently, nobody else in america has to worry as much about stuff like police brutality like black people do
When I say "All lives matter." it should be interpreted as "I am for a world where all lives are equal." or "All lives should matter."
but that is how it's interpreted, the problem is that these rephrasings don't sound any less glib, because despite what you say, "black lives matter" does not imply that black people are the only race that gets mistreated; simply that they are mistreated, and disproportionately so in america

i mean, i already said this shit lmao—the bottom line is that you're the one making unfounded assumptions about the phrase "black lives matter," whereas i'm making no assumptions about "all lives matter" at all; i'm taking the phrase at face value, just as you intend, and it still sounds dismissive

and yes, of course, because it's an american movement and an american slogan, it should be viewed from an american lens, which is why i tried to keep using phrases like "in our country" and "in america"—because i'm aware that you, as someone who isn't american, would probably have more trouble reconciling the slogan from a global perspective, so i'm just trying to explain why the slogan shouldn't be framed that way

again, not that black lives don't matter elsewhere, or that all lives don't matter elsewhere, but that to use those phrases in an american context would be to tacitly dismiss the problems that black americans are facing

in such a context, "black lives matter" does not intend to disregard the lives of any other race—it's about making sure we don't forget about black lives, because unfortunately, we so often do in this country

if someone wanted to start a movement that promotes white lives, he or she can be my guest, but it's not going to gain much traction on the basis that white people simply don't have a whole lot to complain about with respect to their race, so they don't really need any movements in any country that i can think of—please enlighten me, if you happen to know any
Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 10:41:03 AM by Verbatim

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,242 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
the all lives matter thing is just dumb people not understanding that "black lives matter" is supposed to mean "black lives matter too."
Black lives are part of all lives tho.
but if all lives matter, then why are black people still systematically mistreated?

that's why you emphasize black lives—it's not about putting anyone else down, but raising black lives up to the standard enjoyed by most other groups of people who aren't as affected by racism in our country

you can say "all lives matter" if you want, but you're going to sound incredibly glib, because BLM isn't trying to say otherwise—it's about drawing attention to what needs to be drawn attention to, because presently, nobody else in america has to worry as much about stuff like police brutality like black people do
When I say "All lives matter." it should be interpreted as "I am for a world where all lives are equal." or "All lives should matter."

I feel like this better invokes images of unity than singling out one colour/gender/identity/species/age.
Lives matter. All lives should matter. All lives matter.

With BLM - its like there is an implication that all other lives are on some absolute level of justice while black people are the only group that is still mistreated in this world and that is definitely not true. There is cross-species slavery, genocides, abuses of power etc.

I think my problem is that I'm looking at this localized issue (USA) from a global scale, hence the concept disconnect.
I think the problem with the All Lives Matter response is that it's an extremely obtuse phrasing and kind of misses the entire point.

Yeah like no shit, all lives do matter, but right now at least in the US, black lives don't matter in the eyes of the criminal justice system. This is patently irrefutable.

You wouldn't turn around to a Leukemia patient and tell them "all illnesses matter" would you? No, because it doesn't solve anything and is extremely obnoxious.
Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 02:10:16 PM by Mordo

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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9,245 posts
Signature goes here.
When will SSOOCCIIEETTYY start taking responsibility for its mistreatment of the most oppressed minority?


E | Ascended Posting Riot
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630 posts
just gonna leave this here

hey cheat where's those gifv, webm, and mp4 embeds?

My cynicism calls. That footage could be cherry picking if it's not isolated to the same place. It's partwise a moot point if there's protesters getting beat up in another state entirely and others getting a better treatment on capitol hill. That just indicates the police force in one state is more rubbish than in another. Not to be a detractor to the actual situation, but shit like that serves no constructive purpose other than to paint a slanted narrative. If all the sources are out of the same general location, then I'd be more likely to buy it.

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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IP: Logged

630 posts
just gonna leave this here

hey cheat where's those gifv, webm, and mp4 embeds?

My cynicism calls. That footage could be cherry picking if it's not isolated to the same place. It's partwise a moot point if there's protesters getting beat up in another state entirely and others getting a better treatment on capitol hill. That just indicates the police force in one state is more rubbish than in another. Not to be a detractor to the actual situation, but shit like that serves no constructive purpose other than to paint a slanted narrative. If all the sources are out of the same general location, then I'd be more likely to buy it.
Not really. It's pretty well established that the police would've responded EXTREMELY differently if it was a BLM protest. To suggest otherwise is to be woefully unaware of just how bad the situation was.

I would be unaware since I wasn't there in person. And I keep tabs in a minimalistic sense only to know that stuff is happening. I don't trust news outlets or social media not to slant things in their favor because it's proven that they do.

Like I said, not to detract from the actual situation. You just can't ever trust anybody with political motiffs, even if they cover critical events and happenings.

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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IP: Logged

630 posts
just gonna leave this here

hey cheat where's those gifv, webm, and mp4 embeds?

My cynicism calls. That footage could be cherry picking if it's not isolated to the same place. It's partwise a moot point if there's protesters getting beat up in another state entirely and others getting a better treatment on capitol hill. That just indicates the police force in one state is more rubbish than in another. Not to be a detractor to the actual situation, but shit like that serves no constructive purpose other than to paint a slanted narrative. If all the sources are out of the same general location, then I'd be more likely to buy it.
Not really. It's pretty well established that the police would've responded EXTREMELY differently if it was a BLM protest. To suggest otherwise is to be woefully unaware of just how bad the situation was.

I would be unaware since I wasn't there in person. And I keep tabs in a minimalistic sense only to know that stuff is happening. I don't trust news outlets or social media not to slant things in their favor because it's proven that they do.

Like I said, not to detract from the actual situation. You just can't ever trust anybody with political motiffs, even if they cover critical events and happenings.
I had teargas thrown at me in a peaceful march with children and elderly people. Here's what DC looked like BLM vs MAGA:

I'm not really in the mood to entertain this.

Looks peachy. I certainly won't attempt to deny anything about the immense divides in the states because I can't. It's plain as day. You live there, so more than anybody you'd have a clearer picture. Certainly more than me, since I've only passed through fleetingly and heard all the talk from friends in the past.

Don't pardon me on my skepticism though. You of all people should know how all organisations and politics work. They all have self serving agendas. The longer they exist and the larger their framework gets, the more possibility of corruption or highjacking. And that only occurs at the top levels of the framework. It's always the people that are ground level who end up paying or being played.

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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IP: Logged

630 posts

Doing some reading up on stuff. Apparently the national guard was mobilized and ready to go but the pentagon gave some orders that delayed that, allegedly. If I had to make a ballpark on that one it probably came from repubs. Although I personally wouldn't rule out demos either.

Then you've got shit like the police on capital hill supposedly letting in the rioters vs the officer who got killed after getting beaten with a fire extinguisher and the other one that got crushed between a shield wall and the mob pushing against it. There's a lot of angles at play. Somebody wanted that shit to happen. Not just Trump or the dolts that stormed the building either.

You see the circle that's starting to spin up again? There's going to be political strife between hardcore repubs and demos for a while now. I'd bet you there'll be protests coming and more conflict. BLM is jumping into the mix now(not that their points are invalid). The big divides are being stirred up again, and everybody is going to be outraged at something for the next long while.

Things will settle, they'll debate for months, and then the next big firework show of whatever shit will come up and do it all over again. If this shit's not planned, then it happens through calculation and capitalization on events. And that's partially why shit never gets done down in the states. Those well meaning to do groups out there are played because all of their reactions are predictable. The divides are stirred up easily. And as long as everybody's bitching at each other or holding protests and riots(which are highly controllable through prediction of emotional responses), that little inner governmental wheel keeps turning, and nothing of any real consequence in the way of positive change happens.

That's why I've no faith in any organisation, even if they're well meaning. They're either playing for power(which they need to influence change) or they're being played. I didn't know you took part in the BLM protests Nuka, so out of curiousity, I have a question for you.

After all that shit and protesting, even if it was well meant, do you feel like anything at all was accomplished? Was any justice done? Any headway made(other than showing that the police force is an issue)?

FatherlyNick - fuck putin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: FatherlyNick
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9,094 posts
If you know, you know.
Were there any riots caused by Trump rallies previously?
Could be why there was lack of strong law-enforcement presence at the time.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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9,245 posts
Signature goes here.
His rallies usually have him there so there’s always strict security with secret service around.

Were there any riots caused by Trump rallies previously?
Could be why there was lack of strong law-enforcement presence at the time.

maverick | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Maverick
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4,297 posts
Not sure how I feel about this narrative to vilify the Capitol Police in a scenario where they were incredibly overwhelmed and that resulted in five lives lost.

It's reasonable to assume that the response would have been different if it was ANTIFA or something (a discrepancy between police responses in right-wing vs left-wing protests is a fact supported by data) but the National Guard probably would have been called much sooner. They were withheld by President Trump, who was reportedly pleased with the riot while it was occurring. I don't think I can fathom why democrats or republicans would want to be stormed by an angry mob of fascists and conspiracy theorists, when they were literally in the building.

The video of them "letting them in", is actually the police falling back because they knew they wouldn't be able to hold their position. The only person waving them in is some guy in a hoodie and sweatpants. Not sure what to make of the selfie guy, but to my understanding there's an investigation going on.

There's not some big conspiracy here. The only villains are the mob members that were chanting "hang Mike Pence" and had combat gear and zip tie hand cuffs, our dangerous rogue president, and the GOP members that continue to enable him.

Feel free to fact check me on any of this.

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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630 posts
After all that shit and protesting, even if it was well meant, do you feel like anything at all was accomplished? Was any justice done? Any headway made(other than showing that the police force is an issue)?
I went to 3 separate marches, stopped going because of health stuff and the risk for covid was too high. I was there for police brutality, as I've seen a lot of it firsthand. The last time I ever called the police was when I was staying at a motel near the public transit station- I heard a man and woman screaming in the floor above me, sounded like the man was extremely angry and the woman like she feared for her life. By the time the cops arrived, the screaming had stopped and they didn't even try to investigate. Instead they kicked a homeless man awake who was sleeping on the grass, arrested him, and left. There have been other events, but that was the one where I completely stopped trusting them and the last time I ever called 911.

Not much changed here, but in other parts of the country the police was at least partially defunded. I don't go much into specific detail about events like that in my life on here, but I'm no stranger to attending protests. When you work in nonprofits as much as I have it's practically part of the job. They don't typically result in immediate change. But as far as I'm concerned I was just doing my part. Nonprofit work was what kept me going when I was homeless and gave somewhat a sense of purpose, and I still contribute to causes on occasion. It's also what got me couches to crash on and scholarships to go back to school.

Never been in protests but I've passed through small riots and gang gatherings. I was surprised when I was in victoria back in 2019 for new years. The police had some real heavy duty combat rifles and gear like they were expecting trouble. I guess I just never pictured myself as a protester person. Never saw the point, considering all the downsides that can come with, like opportunist riot starters and looters. To my understanding it's part of the reason why the BLM protests where met heavy handed. Antifa was involved in the looting and rioting. Everybody got painted a broad brush stroke. S'pose I can't rule out the possibility of change from a protest, if done right though. That'd be the catch though, wouldn't it.

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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IP: Logged

630 posts
Not sure how I feel about this narrative to vilify the Capitol Police in a scenario where they were incredibly overwhelmed and that resulted in five lives lost.

It's reasonable to assume that the response would have been different if it was ANTIFA or something (a discrepancy between police responses in right-wing vs left-wing protests is a fact supported by data) but the National Guard probably would have been called much sooner. They were withheld by President Trump, who was reportedly pleased with the riot while it was occurring. I don't think I can fathom why democrats or republicans would want to be stormed by an angry mob of fascists and conspiracy theorists, when they were literally in the building.

The video of them "letting them in", is actually the police falling back because they knew they wouldn't be able to hold their position. The only person waving them in is some guy in a hoodie and sweatpants. Not sure what to make of the selfie guy, but to my understanding there's an investigation going on.

There's not some big conspiracy here. The only villains are the mob members that were chanting "hang Mike Pence" and had combat gear and zip tie hand cuffs, our dangerous rogue president, and the GOP members that continue to enable him.

Feel free to fact check me on any of this.

I thought one death was the officer that got beaten with a fire extinguisher, and the other four were rioters. One of them at least was a rioter, since she got shot through the doorway by an officer.

maverick | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Maverick
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4,297 posts
I thought one death was the officer that got beaten with a fire extinguisher, and the other four were rioters. One of them at least was a rioter, since she got shot through the doorway by an officer.
You are correct. I was arguing with the notion that that they were taking it easy on them (or secretly supporting them) when there ended up being so many deaths. However, after further reading, it looks like the other three were due to “medical emergencies” so maybe this was a somewhat weak point. I still disagree with demonizing the capitol police, many of whom are feeling demoralized and suicidal about the ordeal.

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
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37,628 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
the year is 2021

people still think that "antifa" is an organized group in America

fucking clown world

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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IP: Logged

630 posts
I thought one death was the officer that got beaten with a fire extinguisher, and the other four were rioters. One of them at least was a rioter, since she got shot through the doorway by an officer.
You are correct. I was arguing with the notion that that they were taking it easy on them (or secretly supporting them) when there ended up being so many deaths. However, after further reading, it looks like the other three were due to “medical emergencies” so maybe this was a somewhat weak point. I still disagree with demonizing the capitol police, many of whom are feeling demoralized and suicidal about the ordeal.

Isn't it a shitty thing in general to paint broad brush strokes no matter what side? Every group's composed of individuals and they've all got their respective sides. Super damn easy to look at one group and throw them all under the bus, and that's what hurts everybody in the long run.

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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IP: Logged

630 posts
the year is 2021

people still think that "antifa" is an organized group in America

fucking clown world

Gonna guess that's alluding to the news sources I hear speculating that it was antifa masquerading as maga? Not that I know much about either, other than maga being trump's slogan and some vague radio broadcast I listened to that antifa are allegedly terrorists. I guess since I'm stuck on my ass with nothing better to do I may well verse myself on the current affairs of 2000 years worth of my southern meth coooking neighbors.

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
the year is 2021

people still think that "antifa" is an organized group in America

fucking clown world
u dont understand antifa are rising up to turn the world into USSR 2.0

SLy | Newbie
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PSN: TJ_117
Steam: Human_NPC
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16 posts
Silly human.

No Lives Matter

That's what this has taught me.  Maybe the AI from Metal Gear were right in wanting to strip us from the choice of what's truth and not truth, or maybe it's already in progress, just in real life of course

Obviously there's been riots on both sides of the argument anyone who argues otherwise is a Liar.

But I find it really hard to trust mainstream media with their BLM statistics, given how many horrible things I've seen, I'm not gonna say all weren't peaceful or anything insane though because I have a semi functional brain.

For those of you saying you've never met a nice cop, that's because police departments vary from area to area.  If you move out of Florida or California you're bound to have a different experience at some point.
Shitty police departments attract shitty people and vice versa.

The political shift has come fast, it's come with a wave of sensitivity too.  People get offended over jokes people loved in 2016.  It's sheeple bandwagon shit.  People want to claim they love call of duty shit talking but try to deplatform Speed for talking shit on valorant.

I have lost friends from simply doing my own research and being able to prove to them why they need to not use Twitter and social media as a news source.  Social media is NOT a reliable news source. It can sometimes contain evidence though. If you're willing to throw friendships away over a disagreement in a highly controversial issue, you are the problem.

If you're telling people they have to go out there and agree with your opinion or they're the issue, they're not, it's you.

If you're too far up your own ass to act like you know everything 100%, you are the problem. 
Last Edit: April 12, 2022, 11:19:04 AM by SLy

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
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37,628 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Silly human.

No Lives Matter
Unironically true under our current economic system

SLy | Newbie
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PSN: TJ_117
Steam: Human_NPC
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16 posts
We just keep feeding the politicians so they can fuck us over again and again and again.

You should always be wary of giving others a lot of power.

dahuterschuter | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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All posts made under this account are works of fiction and satire under the ongoing online fictional writing project known as "dahuterschuter - A Character Study".
I logged back in just to say ACAB
This and also BLM is a fraudulent domestic terrorist organization/cult.

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
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ayy lmao
I logged back in just to say ACAB
This and also BLM is a fraudulent domestic terrorist organization/cult.
please never agree with me again 🙏