Democrats and the green party have been trying to get a carbon tax for ages. However you seem to believe that a carbon tax on its own is good enough. Generally speaking, this is an irrelevant conversation because a carbon tax will never get passed because all republicans have to do is start a smear campaign about how the democrats are trying to raise taxes.Anyway, carbon isn't the only pollution, and you need a legal entity that's going to handle that (not to mention the EPA has dozens of other community and educational roles, which is vitally important considering America's poor reputation with scientific literacy, which means less engineers and less scientists, which means a slower economy). Back to the carbon tax, businesses are going to decide whether or not to pollute and pay the tax based on whichever option is more economical. Considering the costs to prevent pollution, they're more likely just to pay the tax, just like businesses are more likely to pay the Obamacare business mandate tax than to pay for their healthcare. And if businesses are polluting then that means more human health and environmental problems, which once again means a slower economy.
I can't bring myself to vote for someone who believes in creationism.
Burning coal causes global warming via excessive amounts of carbon in the atmosphere trapping more heat than usual. And as we know, global warming is going to hurt the economy. It's more economical to rely on other energy sources rather than something that's raising sea levels that will force the world to build massive levees around the cities, will cause food shortages globally, exacerbate poverty, overpopulation, and probably war as countries fight over diminishing arable lands and glacial melts. Not to mention the increase in the severity and commonness of hurricanes, heat waves, tougher winters, and drier, longer droughts (which cause forest fires).The economics are not on your side of the argument.
The IPCC definitely does not agree with letting governments sit back and do nothing. You clearly have no knowledge of the IPCC and the amount of lobbying they do to countries to change the way they do things. You still seem to not understand that what might be economical for one business or one country isn't economical for the rest of the world, and that's exactly why you can't just sit of things and let it all play out pretending that it's all going to be okay.
Why do factories pollute when it hurts all the people around it, lowers their property values and increases their medical bills. They pollute because they don't have to pay the expense of dealing with the pollution. Unless the government tells the factory that they can't dump toxic waste in the river and spill out particulate matter into the air, the local economy is going to be massively weaker, all so that one factory doesn't have to pay to control their pollution.
The EPA is what enforces environmental regulations. They're the ones who look at the bottom of rivers for pipes to make sure there aren't any factories dumping into it. They're the ones who make sure that new buildings and bridges comply to a standard that isn't going to damage the area around it. Without the EPA, it wouldn't matter if there's a carbon tax because you wouldn't have anyone to tell the IRS which factories and which corporations are polluting carbon into the atmosphere.
In terms of innovation, yes, the market is a good tool to use. If you don't mean government inaction then that should be fine. I'm starting to feel like you're just ignoring my arguments at this point and just spitting back libertarian dogma trash about how corrupt the government is. I'm not even saying this just to say it, but because I genuinely believe you are too unaware about the responsibilities and roles of the EPA to say that it isn't necessary. Where did you hear that the Safe Drinking Water Act is wasteful and unnecessary? I can guarantee it wasn't your original thought because clearly you don't even know what it does. So what is it? Forbes, Fox, some other conservative blog that only tells you one side of the story?
Where the hell did you hear that from? The EPA will work with polluters, which can take time, if they are willing to cooperate in order to avoid a lawsuit. But the EPA doesn't disregard its responsibilities to deal with polluters.The EPA are the ones who sue polluters, and they do get fined, usually heavily.
What exactly is Milwaukee vs Chicago? I've never heard of that court case and Google has apparently never heard of it either.
I'm asking because it seems as if you don't even understand the responibilities of the EPA. I know because I've taken multiple classes where I've learned about environmental issues and the role the federal, state, and local governments play to protect it and the people, as well, I've listened to speakers from the EPA and of course I've done my own independent research for projects and papers. It's something I'm knowledgeable on, which is why I feel I'm prepared to talk about it despite being a technocrat. And generally you seem to be fairly intelligent yourself, but the fact of the matter is that you don't know what you're talking about when you talk about the responsibilities of the EPA.
You should know why I'm confronting you about your sources. You don't have to brush it off and say we all have to get our information somewhere. The Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act are the two more important pieces of legislation the EPA handles. The only people I could imagine that are insane enough to say that a law that prevents governments and private institutions from dumping pollutants into our water supply is a law that needs to be eliminated might be... well shit, I don't know if even the Tea Party could be that insane. You probably read news articles written by factory owners that are buttmad because they got caught dumping waste in a river. I get that the government can succomb to lobbying and be paid off, but that's not a reason to solely target the EPA and eliminate its powers and responsibilities. There are other ways you can go about taking on corruption without destroying government.
The information the EPA gathers is extensive, and it being a federal administration helps. Still, I believe it couldn't hurt to link a few short articles on what the EPA does.OverviewRegulationsEnforcement
ruin the economy