Hello administrators,
My name is Pablo. I was recently referred to your site by a friend who claimed this would be an enjoyable place to spend my browsing hours. However upon signing up I found my experience to be QUITE unpleasant!
Upon trying to log in, your site told me that such names that I chose simply did not exist, I felt this to be frustrating and the system forced me to "sign up".
After following this procedure I was asked a series of rather invasive questions! Such as "what is the name of han solo's ship?" And "what is 5 + 7?".
Aside from generally feeling violated by such demanding protocols, I found that what happened next was much more terrifying.
Minutes after logging onto your site, I saw a man running down the street with MY VERY FACE! He flashed my very own credit card at me (among other things of which I wish to remain private), smirked, then ran away giddily! Moments after this I found that I no longer had my credit card! Or my face!!! Your website stole my identity!
I feel scammed and distraught... I doubt I will ever sleep again.
I ask that you change your sign up procedure to something much less invasive. My wife has left me, my girlfriend has left me, my medication seems to have gone missing too!
For this site to be a better place for all, you must take action against this racism. Tread carefully admins. I shall be calling the feminazis.
(tried copy/pasting this to post somewhere else. Phone wouldn't let me. Soz magoats)