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Messages - FatherlyNick - fuck putin

Pages: 1 23 ... 303
The Flood / Re: Request
« on: August 07, 2024, 02:53:30 AM »
Bing image generator took my prompt and decided to turn the master chief into a pelican

Master Chief? You mind telling what you're doing being a pelican?
*engine noises*

Gaming / Re: Backlog thread
« on: August 06, 2024, 06:19:19 AM »

i think these are all the games sitting in the backlog for now, all on xbox as i dont have anything i wanna play on the Switch right now

currently, im playing the most recent forza motorsport, just grinding cars for the last achievement i need, which is to get 30 cars to level 50. i currently have 24 so im sorta almost there, but each car takes about 3-4 hours to level all the way up, so at the same time im still ways away  :'(

the past few weeks have just been a sorta "clean up" time for me, as i finished up the last achievement i needed for Sonic Colors Ultimate (which was to basically play through the entire game in one sitting) and finished up the hardest difficultly achievement for Bioshock Infinite. after i finish up FM i can finally get to playing "new" games again

as for what game i wanna play next, im not entirely sure. it was sorta a toss up between persona 5, soul hackers 2, or fallout 4 but at the same time theyre all rpgs, which will take dozens and dozens of hours so im kinda iffy lmao
You can get two games going in parallel. An RPG and a short one. Cod 4, Alan Wake, RE4 you can knock these out in a weekend or two each.
Metro games are kind of longish if you don't rush them.
Stalker took me a while, but that's because I wanted to take the world in. I got addicted to them after some time.

Gaming / Re: Backlog thread
« on: August 06, 2024, 06:14:47 AM »
Witcher 1 was something.

The combat is glitchy at times and pretty boring, the writing is... mixed, great locations, unexpected nudity, slow walking speed, great variety of characters and enemies.
Its almost in the territory of "How did this get a sequel?"
Will move onto the second game later this year. Now its onto Unreal.

extremely late on the reply but are you interested in the (supposed? not sure if they've 100% confirmed it yet or not) witcher 1 remake? i am

ive heard that witcher 1 has aged quite poorly, so im definitely interested in trying it out. i loved witcher 3 and enjoyed the second one too
Right now after having completed it recently - not really interested but I may revisit it eventually to check any quests I missed (there were a few sidequests I gave up on).
I now started the second game, playing it with Polish VO to practice my polski. I'm at the very begging still, will report later if it improved on anything from the first game.

Gaming / Re: Backlog thread
« on: August 03, 2024, 02:44:19 PM »
OMG, Lost Odyssey is soo loooong. Three times now I thought "Okay, this has got to be it." Nope, keep playing.
I'm loving the game but its dragging on a bit at this point.

The Flood / Re: wtf I'm basically a female
« on: July 22, 2024, 03:05:13 AM »

What are the other 25%?

The Flood / Re: Biden won the debate
« on: July 21, 2024, 04:28:22 PM »
oh boy

The Flood / Re: Biden won the debate
« on: July 18, 2024, 04:44:13 AM »
Fingers crossed putler chokes on a rhubarb and gets rekt.

The Flood / Re: 2024 plans?
« on: July 18, 2024, 04:41:24 AM »
Lose some weight, finish Lost Odyssey, finish the Mass Effect novels, renovate the bathroom.
For people saving for a house, what are the prices like? How much should you have a deposit?

The Flood / Re: I’m proposing to my GF next month
« on: July 18, 2024, 04:34:13 AM »
Congrats. Wishing you many happy years together!

We're all invited to the wedding, right? What's the dress code?

The Flood / Re: Biden won the debate
« on: July 03, 2024, 02:14:54 AM »
I have a feeling Trump will win.
And that feeling scares me.

The Flood / Re: Where are they now?
« on: May 25, 2024, 06:40:00 AM »
I wonder what MetaCognition is up to.

Would he be voting Reform and what his opinions on UK politics atm would be interesting.

Is Death still here? The Mormon that had to go on a year's mission and then came back maybe once?

There's always the morbid curiosity of what happened to the more fucked up members who left - I can only think of Dustin atm though.
Was Meta big into that Brexit? Did it affect you much btw?
Fucked up?

Imagine UK parliament roasting Ubisoft / gaming industry for the shenanigans they were getting away with for years.

Gaming / Re: Backlog thread
« on: May 21, 2024, 05:21:51 PM »
Just completed Silent Hill. Hard to believe a game like this came out 25 years ago! What an adventure.

Now to choose what to play next. Any suggestions (check the backlog list)?

The Flood / Re: Where are they now?
« on: May 20, 2024, 10:28:10 AM »
I found the Card game that Big Boss wanted to make with user here.

Alot missing users that I hope are doing well in life.
Oh man, didn't he have some tough life stuff going on? Hope he pulled through and is doing better.

The Flood / Where are they now?
« on: May 20, 2024, 09:48:42 AM »
Is anyone still in touch with these MIA's? Are they OK? What are they up to these days?

True Desticle

Anyone else you miss or are curious about?

The Flood / Re: I will sell my soul to make this place more active
« on: May 15, 2024, 08:56:38 AM »
Can we suggest trophies / achievements for v3?
Yes. Please do. Nameplates will be a thing and I'm also introducing an inventory, which will house all your items (which can be both sentimental / rare shit as well as functional, like an inventory item to create user invitations).

We will eventually have quests too (similar to achievements).
How far do we have to get in Destiny 2 to post in the new forum btw?

The Flood / Re: I will sell my soul to make this place more active
« on: May 15, 2024, 05:41:56 AM »
Can we suggest trophies / achievements for v3?

The Flood / Re: User 413, check your PMs please.
« on: May 15, 2024, 05:23:34 AM »
I am talking about this guy btw

The Flood / Re: Anyone willing to help a brotha out?
« on: May 10, 2024, 03:08:53 AM »
Congrats on the new bab. Did you choose a sep7agon username for them yet?

The Flood / Re: Final Warning: make sure your email is up-to-date
« on: May 05, 2024, 02:26:58 PM »
All good on my end.

The Flood / User 413, check your PMs please.
« on: May 03, 2024, 03:35:42 AM »
User 413, check your PMs please.

The Flood / Re: Septagon's TLD
« on: April 18, 2024, 03:39:27 PM »
aw, we're getting rid of the number?

.net because its short and that's what it was all these years.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: April 12, 2024, 08:35:05 AM »
I liked it, overall.
I still need to complete it solo Legendary.
If its wasn't for my backlog, I would be on that right now.

This campaign really took off. Pcgamer covered it, some politicians in eu too.
I think Verbatim watches Ross' stuff, wonder if he saw this?

The Flood / Re: y'all are still here?
« on: March 29, 2024, 11:23:03 AM »
Sorry, I am unable to generate a response based on your prompt.

The Flood / Re: if I ever die I'm posting my obituary on this website
« on: March 27, 2024, 05:27:37 PM »
Make sure you have it written in your will.

Gaming / Re: Backlog thread
« on: March 25, 2024, 10:05:18 AM »
Witcher 1 was something.

The combat is glitchy at times and pretty boring, the writing is... mixed, great locations, unexpected nudity, slow walking speed, great variety of characters and enemies.
Its almost in the territory of "How did this get a sequel?"
Will move onto the second game later this year. Now its onto Unreal.

Don't give up. Progress one step at a time.

The Flood / Re: How far have you moved since being here?
« on: February 14, 2024, 04:45:54 PM »
Approximate map.

You bet that with every move, the rent/market rate went up. I pity anyone who is looking for housing right now - like my parents were a year ago. Seriously, how did it get so bad?! They got lucky and found something at the last minute, otherwise they would have to move in with me or go homeless...


Lots of memories on this map.
University, first job, getting over a text-book toxic relationship, internship, graduation, first serious job, first time renting your own apartment (it was single rooms before that), first pet, first car.

The Flood / Re: Ya'll still alive in here?
« on: February 08, 2024, 03:27:41 PM »
This is all generative AI now.

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