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Messages - ceresia

Pages: 1
Gaming / Re: Random FPS drops in games
« on: September 16, 2016, 03:18:57 PM »
CPU hovering at around 60/61 degrees

Your CPU shouldn't throttle until 70-72c, you are fine there.  Improper venting in your case can cause thermal throttling on your card, or even a garbage fan curve.  What 980 do you have?  Have you installed say EVGA PrecisionX and set the fan curve to 100%, regardless of how it sounds?  Not worried about fan noise, see if that fixes your FPS issue, if so then likely your case isn't vented properly, and please tell me you don't have a Hyper Evo 212 facing down so it blows all hot air directly on to the GPU.

Pages: 1