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Messages - Dr. Jan itor

Pages: 1 2
The Flood / Re: Camnator's Adventure in Bruma
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:51:09 PM »
"The only Bruma here is yourself.

P.S. Do you have any Nugtella?"

The Flood / Re: remember that time i got really into sikhism
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:09:40 PM »
My parents are Sikh. I kinda lost faith in it when I was a teenager.  My dad has the turban and beard; I never really saw the point, so I didn't do it.

There's a lot of hypocrisy with it (like with a lot of other religions), like how one of the rules is "you can't drink alcohol or eat meat", yet the  vast majority of Sikhs drink alcohol and eat meat. 

Also, there's a lot of close mindedness in the Sikh community, a lot of people who marry out of the culture are abandoned by their parents, and if one is gay or lesbian, they are completely shunned.

The only nice thing about it was my mom used to make butter chicken, rice and naan alllll the time.

The long-term effect of smoking marijuana consistently: Working at K-Mart for 25 years.

I made more than most people could ever hope for.

On topic, only complete fools support prohibition of drugs. cannabis is both harmless and beneficial. It freaking cures cancer. Case closed.

Weed contains 50-70 percent more carcinogens than tobacco and 4 times the amount of tar, you stoner.

It still doesn't cause cancer and only cures it. Vaporizing or eating has no tar, and unlike cigarette tar, cannabis tar is easily coughed out, not to mention not smoked nearly as often.

Game just started!

I know oncologists, they only give their patients marinol--synthetic non smokeable THC.  Vaporizing cannabis still contains carcinogens, they did studies on this.

Because cannabis has carcinogens, any oncologist who prescribes smoked marijuana to a patient is looked down upon, I can attest to this with personal experience.

This is a bad thing? I'm surprised that doctors aren't pushing mind numbing drubs through the door.

Some doctors are advocating for it, under strict controls to curb use:

The long-term effect of smoking marijuana consistently: Working at K-Mart for 25 years.

I made more than most people could ever hope for.

On topic, only complete fools support prohibition of drugs. cannabis is both harmless and beneficial. It freaking cures cancer. Case closed.

Weed contains 50-70 percent more carcinogens than tobacco and 4 times the amount of tar, you stoner.


They're going to sue the USA on behalf of the doctors and impose criminal sanctions. This is why the Department of Justice agreed, if the doctors give legalized marijuana a thumbs down, they will personally shut down marijuana legalization.

The UN won't do squat, and states won't listen or even acknowledge them.

They're in the process of imposing criminal sanctions on Uruguay.   The president of Uruguay is partially censored now, and he risks being sued in international court.


No credibility. It blatantly lied and said cannabis is addictive. That is incredibly wrong. Stop buying government propaganda.

It gets taught in Psychiatric residency. I learned this in med school, it is a fact. Weed hijacks the same striatal dopamine pathways that other addictive drugs hijack. They are developing medicine to treat cannabis addiction, whether you like it or not.

That is a psychological addiction, not physical one. That is caused by the user's own mind and could just as easily happen with food or sex. Cannabis is not physically addictive like alcohol, it does not cause withdrawals, it is used to tread actual addictions. That is the fact.

Nope its phsyical. The DSM 5, the medical manual psychiatrists use to treat addiction and mental health disorders, explicitly states cannabis withdrawal is physical.

If you are a psychiatrist and say it is only psychological, you can lose your license to practise medicine.

If you think the doctors and scientists are wrong, become president of the American Psychiatric Association and rewrite the DSM 5.

First, you must put down the joint Camnator, and become a doctor.

And anyone who claims it is physical is wrong, as it has been debunked countless times. I don't use joints, especially when rolled with tobacco. I'm apathetic to what corrupt governments and doctors claim. It's why they have been proven wrong and legalization is GOING to happen. No matter what they falsely claim.

Yeah?  I recently used the DSM 5 to diagnose cannabis addiction in a 18 year old psychotic patient.

If I went full Camnator, and said it was psychological, I would be in trouble.

The federal government personally told the delegation, if their risk benefit analysis shows marijuana legalization is wrong, they will send the DEA to shut everything down.

Deal with it.

They are definitely making medical marijuana illegal. Recreational, they are looking into Colorado and Washignton to see if it can work.

But it's probably not going to end well, because the delegation agreed they will be sending the data from Colorado, Washington and other states that legalize it to the United Nations, which reserves the right to sue the living hell out of any country that legalizes marijuana.

The only thing illegal are unjust laws which infringe upon freedom. I don't care what the United Nations sayd, they're a joke no one should listen to.

They're going to sue the USA on behalf of the doctors and impose criminal sanctions. This is why the Department of Justice agreed, if the doctors give legalized marijuana a thumbs down, they will personally shut down marijuana legalization.


No credibility. It blatantly lied and said cannabis is addictive. That is incredibly wrong. Stop buying government propaganda.

It gets taught in Psychiatric residency. I learned this in med school, it is a fact. Weed hijacks the same striatal dopamine pathways that other addictive drugs hijack. They are developing medicine to treat cannabis addiction, whether you like it or not.

That is a psychological addiction, not physical one. That is caused by the user's own mind and could just as easily happen with food or sex. Cannabis is not physically addictive like alcohol, it does not cause withdrawals, it is used to tread actual addictions. That is the fact.

Nope its phsyical. The DSM 5, the medical manual psychiatrists use to treat addiction and mental health disorders, explicitly states cannabis withdrawal is physical.

If you are a psychiatrist and say it is only psychological, you can lose your license to practise medicine.

If you think the doctors and scientists are wrong, become president of the American Psychiatric Association and rewrite the DSM 5.

First, you must put down the joint Camnator, and become a doctor.

No, weed has a ton of carcinogens in it, and you can't standardize its dosage by smoking it, this is why you can't use it as medicine. The whole foundation of medicinal chemistry is to isolate the medicinal properties of marijuana and make it into a form where you can standardize its dosage. This is what they are doing right now, putting millions of dollars into cannabis derived medication that is non smokable

Except it is constantly used as medicine and we know CBD and THC both have benefits, they have had these things for a long time now. Vaporizers, edibles, pills, chews, sprays, chapstick and many other things were sold at my dispensary.

My uncle was one of the delegates at the meeting, their plan is to shut down all the medical dispensaries, and make cannabis derived medication (i.e. pills, inhalers, etc.) the future of medical marijuana.

They even agreed to keep marijuana a Schedule I degree, to show how little they support smoked or vaporized marijuana.

And that is incredibly silly. Their opinions are worthless after that discrediting.

Whether you like it or not, Doogie Howser, the feds are listening to the docs. They agreed, if the doctors don't support recreational--or medicinal--marijuana legalization, they will personally shut everything down.

Only thing you gotta do, Camnator, is become president of the World Health Organization, and prevent this from happening.


Yeah, pot is a remedy that can fix many medical problems. The fact that it's a weed and it can grow anywhere would make doctors go broke. It's rather obvious this is the reason they don't support it
And just to tell you, my uncle told me the reason why they approve of letting colorado and Washington to go by unscathed for the moment is that some legal teams said there could be some forms of regulation that could in theory work out.  The only way for them to see if these alternate forms of regulation can work, while keeping marijuana abuse low, is to experiment with Colorado and Washington and see what happens.

Prohibition simply makes things worse, as proved by Washington and Colorado. The massive amount in resources saved, lower traffic accidents and lower teen usage. Also, anything can be abused, including food. That doesn't mean you infringe upon people and make it illegal.

They are definitely making medical marijuana illegal. Recreational, they are looking into Colorado and Washignton to see if it can work.

But it's probably not going to end well, because the delegation agreed they will be sending the data from Colorado, Washington and other states that legalize it to the United Nations, which reserves the right to sue the living hell out of any country that legalizes marijuana.


No credibility. It blatantly lied and said cannabis is addictive. That is incredibly wrong. Stop buying government propaganda.

It gets taught in Psychiatric residency. I learned this in med school, it is a fact. Weed hijacks the same striatal dopamine pathways that other addictive drugs hijack. They are developing medicine to treat cannabis addiction, whether you like it or not.

No, weed has a ton of carcinogens in it, and you can't standardize its dosage by smoking it, this is why you can't use it as medicine. The whole foundation of medicinal chemistry is to isolate the medicinal properties of marijuana and make it into a form where you can standardize its dosage. This is what they are doing right now, putting millions of dollars into cannabis derived medication that is non smokable

Except it is constantly used as medicine and we know CBD and THC both have benefits, they have had these things for a long time now. Vaporizers, edibles, pills, chews, sprays, chapstick and many other things were sold at my dispensary.

My uncle was one of the delegates at the meeting, their plan is to shut down all the medical dispensaries, and make cannabis derived medication (i.e. pills, inhalers, etc.) the future of medical marijuana.

They even agreed to keep marijuana a Schedule I degree, to show how little they support smoked or vaporized marijuana.

Another good link

Doctors (highly trained human beings in medicine, in which marijuana is concerned)>>>>>>>NORML

Many doctors back NORML, and other doctors remain biased because they make much more when pushing harder and expensive drugs. Chemo is $8 thousand a bag you need every two weeks. Hemp oil is a lot less expensive and isn't going to destroy your body.

No, most doctors don't back NORML. Whether you like it or not, the American Medical Association's House of Delegates speaks on behalf of the entire country's doctors, and there is now a formal opposition to medical and recreational marijuana legalization.

BRB marijuana shrinks your sperm

BRB "Regular cannabis use during the teenage and young adult years is associated with poorer cognitive function (verbal memory, processing speed, cognitive inhibition, sustained attention),"

BRB "Marijuana has some addictive qualities. Study finds that 40 percent of those in an outpatient treatment program for pot use exhibited withdrawal symptoms — a hallmark of drug dependence."

BRB "Smoking cannabis doesn’t make you more creative: Cannabis with a high concentration of THC does not improve creativity. Smokers who ingested a low dose of THC, or none at all (they were given a placebo), performed best in the thinking tasks that the test candidates had to carry out."



Debunked, can help break harder addictions, has one of the lowest codependency rates even below caffeine and has no physical withdrawals such as alcohol does.

That doesn't mean there aren't benefits.

From the American Psychiatric Association:

""• There is no current scientific evidence that marijuana is in any way beneficial for the treatment of any psychiatric disorder. In contrast, current evidence supports, at minimum, a strong association of cannabis use with the onset of psychiatric disorders. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to harm, given the effects of cannabis on neurological development.

• Further research on the use of cannabis-derived substances as medicine should be encouraged and facilitated by the federal government. The adverse effects of marijuana, including, but not limited to, the likelihood of addiction, must be simultaneously studied.

• Policy and practice surrounding cannabis-derived substances should not be altered until sufficient clinical evidence supports such changes.

• If scientific evidence supports the use of cannabis-derived substances to treat specific conditions, the medication should be subject to the approval process of the FDA.

Regarding state initiatives to authorize the use of marijuana for medical purposes:

• Medical treatment should be evidence-based and determined by professional standards of care; it should not be authorized by ballot initiatives.

• No medication approved by the FDA is smoked. Marijuana that is dispensed under a state-authorized program is not a specific product with controlled dosages. The buyer has no way of knowing the strength or purity of the product, as cannabis lacks the quality control of FDA-approved medicines.

• Prescribers and patients should be aware that the dosage administered by smoking is related to the depth and duration of the inhalation, and therefore difficult to standardize. The content and potency of various cannabinoids contained in marijuana can also vary, making dose standardization a challenging task.

• Physicians who recommend use of smoked marijuana for “medical” purposes should be fully aware of the risks and liabilities inherent in doing so. "

Cannabis addiction exists, and the numbers are 1/10 of adults become addicted, and 1/6 of adolescen users become addicted. It is medical malpractice to deny marijuana addiction, meaning you can, at maximum, lose your licence to practice medicine.

About the cognitive decline, it is not debunked. There is great interest in the medical research world in studying the negative effects of marijuana on the adolescent mind.

"Missing is the scientific evidence to enable us to appreciate the specific impact of marijuana on the developing brain. Proponents of legalization argue that pot is “no worse” than alcohol and tobacco in terms of their potential for medically harmful effects. While this may be true (to some extent), many of the potential deleterious effects and long-term brain pathologies from adolescent drug use are seen in mental health where marijuana use can trigger serious and persisting anxiety and psychotic disorders. And no one is talking about the possible effects of adolescent marijuana use on more subtle brain effects, including information processing, academic achievement, and motivation.

Research has already shown that early marijuana use is linked to these problems. We need data to show whether those changes have enduring biological underpinnings. Answers to this and other questions are essential to guide future drug policy and legislation."

Another good link

Doctors (highly trained human beings in medicine, in which marijuana is concerned)>>>>>>>NORML

There's going to be a TON of hate in this thread.
Prepare yourself new guy.

*grabs popcorn*
.    I don't really care about legality of weed.      I just like rustling stoners on online forums from time to time as entertainment.


Yeah, pot is a remedy that can fix many medical problems. The fact that it's a weed and it can grow anywhere would make doctors go broke. It's rather obvious this is the reason they don't support it
Well, it's not a weed. It's a plant with flowers.

But the problem is not that they couldn't make a profit, it's that legalizing cannabis and really taking advantage of all its uses (including hemp) would destroy the oil industry, the lumber industry, and big pharmaceutical companies which sell more expensive medicine and treatment. Curing cancer doesn't generate as much money as "treating" it.
.  Hemp has been legal here in canada since 1998.   Nothing major has happened.  Get over yourself stoners, you're overselling weed.
>calling me a stoner

There are literally 100 uses with hemp. Wood, paper, fuel. Educate yourself.
.   In canada, they didn't find it as useful as  you seem to.    Also, weed doesn't cure cancer, one of my parents works in medical marijuana research. The isolated compound cannabidiol is where most of the cancer research on weeds medicinal properties occurs. Cannabidiol is the component in weed that doesn't get you high.


Yeah, pot is a remedy that can fix many medical problems. The fact that it's a weed and it can grow anywhere would make doctors go broke. It's rather obvious this is the reason they don't support it
Well, it's not a weed. It's a plant with flowers.

But the problem is not that they couldn't make a profit, it's that legalizing cannabis and really taking advantage of all its uses (including hemp) would destroy the oil industry, the lumber industry, and big pharmaceutical companies which sell more expensive medicine and treatment. Curing cancer doesn't generate as much money as "treating" it.
.  Hemp has been legal here in canada since 1998.   Nothing major has happened.  Get over yourself stoners, you're overselling weed.

No, weed has a ton of carcinogens in it, and you can't standardize its dosage by smoking it, this is why you can't use it as medicine. The whole foundation of medicinal chemistry is to isolate the medicinal properties of marijuana and make it into a form where you can standardize its dosage. This is what they are doing right now, putting millions of dollars into cannabis derived medication that is non smokable
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh lord. I don't know what's worse, that you think vaporized weed has carcinogens, or the fact you're saying this shit on a role playing account.
. They did empirical studies demonstrating this.  Buy a subscription to the medical journal Lancet and type in vaporized marijuana smoke.    Also, whether you like it or not, they found 50 to 70 percent more carcinogens in smoked marijuana than smoked cigarettes.

No, weed has a ton of carcinogens in it, and you can't standardize its dosage by smoking it, this is why you can't use it as medicine. The whole foundation of medicinal chemistry is to isolate the medicinal properties of marijuana and make it into a form where you can standardize its dosage. This is what they are doing right now, putting millions of dollars into cannabis derived medication that is non smokable
And they'll put a patent on it, sell it as a prescription, and profit big time off of it

Smoking it acts as a natural pain killer, leaving the person free from pain of whatever they suffer from. It also helps stimulate appetite in people with cancer and AIDS
.   Smoking weed has carcinogens in it, so does vaporizing.  You don't give a cancer patient carcinogens.   This is why marinol synthetic THC exists.     You don't smoke cigarettes for medicinal properties, you don't smoke weed for medicinal properties.     Also the docs won't profit off of this, just like they don't profit off of the creation of any medicine.    And again, they are considering letting legal marihuana, in a more restrictive manner, proceed because of the high costs of Prohibitionism.  This does not support your conspiracy theory that they're opposed to weed because it's a controversial medicine.              Medicine is not smoked, deal with it.

There's your problem
.  The uk docs are against it too, from what I remember they opposed the reclassification of cannabis from class B to class C.     From what I read, the French take illegal drug use seriously too.     I think smoking weed is a personal choice though.


Yeah, pot is a remedy that can fix many medical problems. The fact that it's a weed and it can grow anywhere would make doctors go broke. It's rather obvious this is the reason they don't support it
And just to tell you, my uncle told me the reason why they approve of letting colorado and Washington to go by unscathed for the moment is that some legal teams said there could be some forms of regulation that could in theory work out.  The only way for them to see if these alternate forms of regulation can work, while keeping marijuana abuse low, is to experiment with Colorado and Washington and see what happens.

No, weed has a ton of carcinogens in it, and you can't standardize its dosage by smoking it, this is why you can't use it as medicine. The whole foundation of medicinal chemistry is to isolate the medicinal properties of marijuana and make it into a form where you can standardize its dosage. This is what they are doing right now, putting millions of dollars into cannabis derived medication that is non smokable

BRB marijuana shrinks your sperm

BRB "Regular cannabis use during the teenage and young adult years is associated with poorer cognitive function (verbal memory, processing speed, cognitive inhibition, sustained attention),"

BRB "Marijuana has some addictive qualities. Study finds that 40 percent of those in an outpatient treatment program for pot use exhibited withdrawal symptoms — a hallmark of drug dependence."

BRB "Smoking cannabis doesn’t make you more creative: Cannabis with a high concentration of THC does not improve creativity. Smokers who ingested a low dose of THC, or none at all (they were given a placebo), performed best in the thinking tasks that the test candidates had to carry out."
                                                                                                                                                                     Pick your own poison has always been my motto, be it cigarettes,weed, alcohol, etc.

I saw this on, so I thought I'd post it here.

One of my uncles was a delegate at this meeting. He said the delegates from California asked everyone to take a neutral stance, and there was an instantaneous "lolno", and they all voted to oppose what is going down in Colorado and Washington.

They decided on allowing the Colorado and Washington "experiments" to go on, and study the negative consequences to try to build a case for a more restrictive form of legalization, or just put an end to marijuana legalization altogether.

Here is an article written by both the president of the American Psychiatric Association and the chairman of the American Society of Addiction Medicine on their plans to study Colorado and Washington thoroughly:


The Flood / Re: Mr. Psychologist, Please Calm Down
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:14:08 PM »
I love you Camnator.

The Flood / Re: Well this sucks
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:41:19 PM »
Hemp oil  for your grandmother, small amounts of wine, tomatoes an artichokes for your mother. No joke.

You'd make a great naturopath, Camnator.

The Flood / Re: Well this sucks
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:40:07 PM »
There are scholarships and financial aid for people in your position, if you're willing to look into it. I'd suggest you go to a guidance counselor at your school.

The Flood / Re: Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:25:53 PM »
Locked in the library studying :/

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