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Topics - Tinglyflame

Pages: 1
Serious / Does the number of parties in a political system help?
« on: February 04, 2016, 10:35:00 PM »
The American political system seems to be incredibly divided, as almost everything that one party believes in, the other party now has to be opposed to that. It makes compromise almost impossible, and, personally, its the only reason I don't want Bernie in office. If it is a republican majority, nothing will get done, as his views are seen in the republican party as more radical than Obama. If there was a third, or maybe even a fourth party, would that help? It would be almost impossible to hold a set of beliefs that no other party had. So, it holds the possibility for more compromise and flexibility within the government.

For the record, I am not from America. I am from Canada, where we have 4 main parties, with many smaller parties.

The Flood / Do you regret your relationships after they are over?
« on: December 15, 2015, 11:32:32 PM »
I just started talking to my ex again, and memories came back from when we were together. Despite it ending horribly, I still kinda miss it. I don't want to be back with her, but I still look back with happiness, even though I had some of the worst experiences of my life with her. Is this normal? Or am I just at a weird state?

Gaming / Should i try Dragon Age?
« on: December 16, 2014, 01:04:18 AM »
I have never played Dragon Age, i have wanted to, but I haven't had a chance. I am going to get it on either one or 360. If I should get it, what one should I get?

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