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The Flood / Saw The Good, the Bad and the Ugly for the first time this week« on: August 18, 2016, 07:49:32 PM »
Holy fuck my life is forever changed, Sergio Leone and Ennio Morricone are geniuses. Now I'm addicted to spaghetti westerns. Also watched a Fistful of Dollars. On my list: For a Few Dollars More, The Wild Bunch, and Once Upon a Time in the West.
"If you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk" -Tuco 5
The Flood / Started reading the Dark Tower series« on: August 18, 2016, 07:25:08 PM »
Best decision I've made in a long time, fam. Halfway done with book I. WHY IS IT SO ADDICTING?
I love how strange the language is. It almost reminds me of A Clockwork Orange with its own slang and lingo. 6
The Flood / Got the para job...« on: August 11, 2016, 10:08:14 AM »
$17 an hour. Nervous...as a 24 year old male it seems weird to be working with 2nd and 3rd graders...or is that just in my head? I mean there were male janitors working there...
The Flood / I am stuck in a hard situation (not a girl thread)« on: August 06, 2016, 06:00:04 AM »
So, as you probably know, unemployed for three months. Here's my current options
1. Electrical assembly making light fixtures. I interviewed there Friday. It's okay, it';s just being a drone, and it's not something that requires a degree. $12.50 an hour, $100 a day, $2,000 a month. Most likely I would be miserable, so this would just be for the money. I have a second "work-interview" with them on Wednesday. 2. Yesterday I just got called to see if I was interested in being a school paraprofessional for 2nd and 3rd graders, group tutoring, and helping them with reading skills. $16.58/hr, 9-2:30. This is more for me than assembly, and I have an interview Tuesday. It might be special needs students too, but that doesn't matter. I have a feeling that I want to help, and when I pulled into the driveway for the assembly job, I just had this sinking feeling that it was not for me. 3. Go back to K-Mart. Guaranteed 25 hours a week at the least, maybe 30. $250 a week on average, then be on the substitute teaching list and hopefully get two days a week, so $85 x 2=170. I do like substitute teaching. I also have my own ad in the paper for independent tutoring I can also do, depending if I get the calls. I feel like I'm going crazy, I don't want to do some mindless assembly job. Even Kmart might be better because you're not confined to one single room for eight hours, but I'd be making significantly less. And also, say I get hired for the assembly, but then get hired for the teaching job, I can quit after a week or less right? 10
The Flood / Did someone say all too easy?« on: August 01, 2016, 07:37:18 AM »
I have been summoned back with an update on my personal life, comrades. It seems my penis is doing well, perhaps even better than before. No circumcision required, just removal of a small skin tag. The foreskin can now be pulled down farther than before for increased pleasure, and I can even look like cut guys. It can also be cleaned much better now, and it's overall hygiene has been increased.
Next, I have a full-time teaching interview this afternoon; although it is still a substitute position and different classes everyday. Meh... Third, I met an amazing girl Saturday night. She is as nerdy as I am and literally likes most things that I do, and we really clicked. She is gorgeous and looks like Scarlet Johannsen mixed with Adele and Marilyn Monroe. She looks like a doll and we had instant chemistry. I'm glad we met each other, and I realized I don't want to just hook up. Only problem is she just got out of a four year relationship, so I don't want to seem too pushy with her. But she does want to see me again and watch the Force Awakens together on Wednesday. She is just as unlucky as I am. On our first date we went to a park with our coffees. It rained and we got soaked, she spilled hers, and by the end of the night my car battery had died. 11
The Flood / I am deciding to get circumcised next month« on: July 15, 2016, 08:04:50 PM »
If you remember what happened to me. I'm not as in as much pain as I was before, but when I ejaculate it stings. A lot. Also getting it for cosmetic reasons. The recovery is painful from what I've heard. I'm just wondering if anyone here has gotten it done later on in life. I think I may actually prefer how it's going to look afterwards. Still, I am very nervous about the procedure. I am tired of going to hospitals. I've had two colonoscopies so far in my life, and still have to get a third before the year is up.
The Flood / New Independence Day worth seeing?« on: June 25, 2016, 10:17:41 AM »
Anyone see it? Has some pretty disastrous scores, however lolIGN gave it an 8.0.
The Flood / I hate recruiters« on: June 21, 2016, 02:11:51 PM »
Literally the least productive and easiest career. I met with her last Monday for an interview. She says she found me a manufacturing position for $15.50. Great, send them my information. I don't hear anything back for a week, I have to check in with her like a toddler, would they be able to interview me this week? Sorry, that position is no longer available, but they do have a 2nd shift for $14 an hour. Great, I would be interested in that. The next day: sorry, but the company decided to pass on your resume. Anyone want to tell me how recruiters get paid to literally do nothing? I found the job myself on indeed for christsakes. Now I am literally begging people to get a $12 an hour assembly job, which I can more than do with my skills, and have done before. I am just furious.
The Flood / The world is ending« on: June 17, 2016, 10:22:04 PM »
I may actually be going out with a thin girl. We hit it off on Tinder tonight and she gave me her facebook. She is blonde and 5'8". She said she can out nerd me. I made her take a "test"
She likes: Star Wars Indiana Jones Spaceballs LoTR Fallout Has an Xbox One Tarantino movies Blade Runner Jurassic Park I'm tempted to post a picture of her. 15
The Flood / Did facebook messenger just message my entire friends list?« on: June 17, 2016, 10:11:48 PM »
I don't know why, but I installed that app. Next thing i know, every one on my list has their inbox full with a message saying I just joined facebook messenger. Is it supposed to do that? I quickly deleted the app.
The Flood / NSFW Can I post something without getting banned?« on: June 17, 2016, 08:34:15 AM »
Links to a porn site, but they're guys with what happened to my dong if anyone is interested. It's for science.
The Flood / I'm meeting a 36 year old for a fwb situation« on: June 14, 2016, 10:29:40 PM »
This thread is about how sex will end up killing me and destroying my life. She's a nurse and I already told her what happened and showed her.
Ask a guy who doesn't have that stretchy part attached to your head, the frenulum, anymore. She has kids and is an actually milf, can't pass this up. Pic ![]() 18
The Flood / Why should I not kill myself?« on: May 26, 2016, 09:13:21 PM »
My dick didn't heal correctly. That skin never reattached, so now I have a faulty abnormal dick. Probably can never have sex again.
My dad won't pay for graduate school next year and will start charging 500 a month for rent soon, which means unless I get a job soon, all of my money will run out and I can't do the program anyways. I didn't get that tutoring job after trying twice to pass the test. I can't go back to working at a Kmart making 1,000 a month slaving away. No friends. I only text the only friend I've ever had and haven't seen him in two years. I'm not happy about anything. I feel like I'm taking up space and of no real importance. And my life is already ruined. My dad hates me and I'm under a lot of pressure to start working right away. 19
The Flood / I feel like I just ruined my life« on: May 20, 2016, 06:41:09 PM »
By not doing this program this year. It was my chance to get out of a terrible job and grow up and have a career. I'm going crazy every day now with nothing to do. I cannot do nothing for an entire year and not work, I will literally go crazy and kill myself, I'm already losing it after not working three weeks but I cannot go back to working at KMart, I need something better right away. This is not what a 24 year old's life should be like: not paying rent and living with his parents not working. I can never have a partner now for sure at this point in my life. Everything I try to do to relax I feel guilty for not working. I read on reddit that some people were unemployed for years and I wonder how they can last. I seriously feel unstable. I'm such a fucking idiot for deferring.
The Flood / Everything will be okay« on: May 19, 2016, 10:08:02 PM »
On June 9th, I can finally masturbate again. I have a new faith in God.
YouTube 21
I put off my graduate program for a year because I was overwhelmed, anxious, and a few things happened and I realized I needed to improve myself before doing it with: anxiety, public speaking, confidence, stress-management. I emailed my adviser telling her I will defer until next year. If I am going to teach, I need to improve myself. And I am certainly not happy with myself right now either.
I am unemployed now, and trying to keep busy. I cold called a bunch of places for work yesterday, mostly newspapers and tutoring centers. I have an interview with a new tutoring company that just opened up Monday. All you need is a BA. It would be for a few different subjects, and starting pay is $18 an hour and could go up to $25. Just part time to start though, depending on how many clients they get. I do like explaining things to people, and maybe it will help me, and will certainly do more good than my last job. Still, I've barely been sleeping these past few nights, hoping that I made the right decision. Now I'm thinking what ifs...but I needed to work more too before I committed to a program that was so intensive. And thought I wasn't mature enough yet. And I'm going to try to improve myself this next year. I know you guys hate me/dislike me, but just thought I'd share. 22
The Flood / I dropped out of the teaching program« on: May 11, 2016, 12:27:37 PM »
Now I need to consider my options. I want to try being a waiter. Has anyone here had any experience as one?
The Flood / Can you still have a fun life as a teacher?« on: May 10, 2016, 06:14:48 PM »
Everyone says you have to be a role model and example as one, but for the rest of my 20s I still want to drink a lot and be a player.
The Flood / NSFW I had the worst night of my life Thursday night« on: May 07, 2016, 07:30:27 PM »
All because I wanted sex as soon as possible, with someone who was basically a stranger. I can't even believe what happened but it did. This was the worst night of my life and it seems unbelievable. Very NSFW you've been warned.
She came over. We started fooling around. I was very nervous. She was giving me oral on top of me. I got a little too excited and tried rubbing my dick between her with her bra still on...I'm such an idiot. My foreskin that attaches to the head got caught on her bra and ripped....and got seperated. A lot of blood. I almost fainted. Ambulance had to come and I had to get taken to the ER to get it stitched. And I'm worried if it will ever be the same again. It's called the Frenulum for people who aren't circumcised. She doesn't want to see me again. but that's not what's boterhing me. Just that it will be normal again. I've been researching online about it happening to other people. I may have to get a surgery if it doesn't heal right,. I hope it does, they only gave me stitches. I really wish I was making this up. And I had a bad feeling about it before she even came over. 25
The Flood / It's finally been released!« on: May 05, 2016, 06:01:43 PM »YouTube Makes you want to blaze some intergalactic spice. 26
The Flood / >tfw living the player life« on: May 05, 2016, 03:30:48 PM »
Have a hookup/booty call tonight because the parents are staying the night in another state. Then have a nice date with a blonde woman on Monday who could actually be girlfriend material.
![]() 27
The Flood / Two girls in my graduate program are cute« on: April 26, 2016, 06:08:51 AM »
And I'm debating even starting to talk to them...I added both of them on Facebook.
There's Erin. She came up to me, shook hands, and said I know your brother. She's five foot, chubby, and has blue eyes and curly brown hair. I don't know too much about her, other than she wants to teach Ag science. She seems to innocent for me and has that doll-ish look, she's three years younger than me. Then there's Lauren. She's tall and slender, but still has some meat on her. Blonde and blue eyed. She is Social Studies, like me, but we also spoke. I kind of want to date both. But...if it doesn't work out, they will be my fellow students and coworkers for the next 11 months...I know you can be just friends with women. Feel like taking both on a date to see what happens. 28
The Flood / Well what an uneventful birthday« on: April 23, 2016, 07:43:43 PM »
But maybe that is to be unexpected as you start to reach your mid twenties. I worked until 4, didn't feel like going to a restaurant with the family. Now I might want to go to a bar soon by myself...although I think there'd be no point. But maybe there's a chance I'll meet blonde, blue eyed, and cute that I keep hoping for. The worst part though? Friends and people you know not even writing happy birthday on your facebook wall.
Gaming / Unimpressed by Gears 4 beta« on: April 20, 2016, 09:50:17 AM »
Anyone else? Yes, I know it is just a beta. More interested in campaign anyways, mp has always turned into the same thing for every release.
The Flood / 11/22/63 is one of the best novels I've ever read« on: April 18, 2016, 07:19:41 AM »
I'm around page 400. Already have seen the miniseries...but wow. I may even say it's Stephen King's best, most heartfelt work. Recommended if you can stick with a 1,100 page paperback.