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Topics - Word Wizard
« on: February 02, 2017, 11:17:04 PM »
So just the other day I noticed I was having extraordinary flatulence. I could rip nasty for nearly 7 seconds every time, like I was taking a rolling pin to a whoopie cushion. I was bored and decided to experiment. So I dropped my pants and pressed my bare ass against my shanty walls of my apartment and poot fluted my poop shoot. The reverberations echoed all through walls and floor boards, trailing off like in that one episode of spongebob where the people speak with fart sounds. It was glorious. Like a trumpet player taking a breathe in-between blows, my intestines recuperated my pooper airway enough to blast off again. The 3rd time I heard though the wall "What in the FUCK!" followed by a banging on the wall. "Knock that shit off!" I turned to look at the wall and where my ass was touching and it looked like ground zero. I have a giggle to myself and laugh. My ass returned to the wall and I started again. I squeezed out another intestinal symphony. I heard my neighbors door slam. About 10 seconds later I hear banging on my door. I clinched my cheeks and went into bed and got on
« on: August 25, 2016, 10:42:58 AM »
« on: April 13, 2016, 10:31:34 AM »
Now I'm seeing shit like this Spoiler Justified by Faith in LGBTQ: The culture, long changing, has now changed overnight. Like a game of tug of war, it begins with little pulls in either direction and ends all at once and decisively. And that's where we are at now. But why? An analysis of Crony Capitalism morphing into Cultural Cronyism will tell you it's all about the money. And certainly, there's a large element of that. People are afraid of losing their jobs, careers, and livelihoods. Better to play it safe. But what of the advocates, and all the new converts? Well, we should recognize, this is at its heart a religious issue. The rainbow flag is a dead giveaway. Secular Liberalism is at its heart a belief, whose baptismal sacrament has long been abortion. But while the secularists justify abortion, abortion doesn't quite cut it when it comes to justifying the secularists. There has to be some cause, some belief, that sets a people apart, that brands them as good and righteous, and that is Gay Marriage, as encoded in the ever-expanding Confessional Documents of the LGBTQ agenda. Bill Clinton, accused of rape and sexually predatory behavior got a pass, because he was on the right side of killing babies in the womb. But, we want more than a pass, we want a way to make ourselves feel good about ourselves, to go to sleep thinking we are righteous. Since the church plays no significant role in our lives, we need another path towards righteousness. And that's LGBTQ. Forget the cross, wear the rainbow. It's the true crusade, a righteous conquering of all our enemies. And, even more, it not only is a substitute for Christianity, but it aims to silence the Christians, whose message has too long nagged at our conscience. The voice of the prophet must always be silenced. Nothing can be said that would put into question the new religion. Sociological studies showing a child's need for a mom and dad? Silence! Scientific studies question the validity of 32 genders? Silence! Reports that bathroom safety is a real issue and our daughters are at risk? Silence! There can be no debate, because then I might have to think a bit more deeply. I may have to question my new god. Christians are not in the business of justifying themselves. Christ does that. It's his life, and his righteousness upon which we rely. And in him, we live lives of love and kindness, along with a healthy dose of repentance for our own failures and selfishness. But apart from Christ, there is only self-righteousness. The Pharisees tried that by obeying all the laws, and when that wouldn't work, they created new ones, that the could follow more easily, and parade before the people. And so also the gay rights movement, which, when it comes down to it, is little more than a parade, an assertion of goodness, the ultimate badge of community-acclaimed righteousness, that we hope can wipe away all our other sins. Maybe, in all this, there is hope. Maybe the secularists are afraid that there really is a God. Otherwise, they would not be so concerned about themselves, so concerned about silencing the voices of dissent, which end up being voices in their own conscience, making them question if they are really as good as they think. So, what to do? Keep speaking the truth. The truth about our humanity, human sexuality, the goodness of marriage, the complementarity of male and female, and yes, keep speaking about Christ, our Bridegroom, the one who loved us so much that he gave up his life for us, that we might abandon all attempts at self-justification, and find rest and grace in him alone. TL;DR LGBTQ is the new God of secularists, abortions don't justify secularism, and God's not dead.
« on: January 23, 2016, 07:11:48 AM »
Now the title is just misleading.
« on: January 07, 2016, 08:32:27 PM »
Anarchists don't need protection.
« on: December 27, 2015, 12:33:43 PM »
Are there any better alternatives?
« on: November 26, 2015, 09:58:28 AM »
I'm having a discussion with a group over two girls who joined ISIS because they felt they weren't greeted with opening arms to practice their religion in Austria. Apparently they got knocked up and then beaten to death after they realized how bad they fucked up. This group I'm discussing with thinks because the girls were 17, they were "just children" and that they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions.
What are your thoughts?
« on: November 21, 2015, 03:56:05 PM » Fort Wayne Muslim scholar and imam has issued a religious ruling, or fatwa, condemning terrorist group Islamic State as a "curse" and a band of mercenaries whose actions have no basis in the Islamic faith.
In a reply to an email from The News-Sentinel, Morrow says Muslims around the world constantly condemn the Islamic State, terrorism and extremism, but those views rarely get reported by mainstream media, creating the misconception of passive support.
Muslims despise groups such as Islamic State, the Taliban, al-Shabaab and Boko Haram because the majority of the people they kill are Muslims, says Morrow, who gave a lecture Thursday at Ivy Tech on "ISIS vs. Islam." In the fatwa, Morrow, who lives in Auburn, describes the Islamic State group as "a curse, the likes of which have not been seen since the Mongol invasion of Genghis Khan in the 13th century.
"While Islam does indeed permit jihad, in the form of armed struggle, to combat certain oppressive conditions, it is highly regulated by a detailed code of norms and conduct," Morrow writes. "The killing of non-combatants, civilians, women, children, imams, priests, monks, nuns and other members of religious orders, is categorically prohibited in Islam. Torture, rape and the trafficking of women are all crimes which merit capital punishment under Islamic law." Islam's great prophet, Muhammad, also "forbade Muslims from sacking sacred sites and places of worship, stating that anyone who destroyed a church or a monastery would receive the curse of Almighty Allah," Morrow writes. Islamic State members "do not speak for Islam or represent Islam in any shape or form," he writes. Muhammad warned Muslims about extremists, and he rejected and excommunicated those he faced during his lifetime, Morrow writes.
All terrorists should be brought to justice, Morrow notes, as should all people who helped found, fund, train, arm and support them. He urges Muslims to stand for peace and justice, to uphold Islamic ethical values, to defend human dignity, and to respect and preserve human life.
Citing verse 4:76 in the Quran, Islam's holy book, Morrow writes, "As Muslims, our response towards terrorists can only be one: 'Fight the friends of Satan.'” When he has shown his fatwa to Muslims, they support it, Morrow says in his email. "I stand firmly for justice and proclaim without fear: It is the collective obligation of all Muslims to annihilate ISIS and other terrorists by all legitimate means," he says. "ISIS has declared war on Islam, Muslims and all faiths," he adds. "Muslims have a moral, legal and ethical responsibility to defend themselves and their faith. Since ISIS has declared war on humanity, all human beings, regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity or nationality, should join forces to combat this evil that threatens us all." Thoughts?
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:15:54 AM »
There's going to be a public lecture/discussion on Islam and ISIS at my college, led by the foreign language teacher. The fliers said to bring questions, so what are some questions I should ask?
Wow that lecture was disappointing.
« on: September 12, 2015, 03:38:07 PM »
So the idea for this show was like a spin off of Cops, except instead of being about police responding to crimes, it's your everyday libertarians. They drive around with cell phone cameras looking to provoke cops into pulling them over and then they verbally spank the cops with their superior knowledge of law and not consent to being arrested and tasered.
« on: July 10, 2015, 04:51:24 PM » For a period of 20 years between 1949 and 1969, the U.S. army had conducted more than 200 secret biological warfare tests over populated areas, and among the first was in the 1950s off the coast of San Francisco Bay.
A boat went back and forth for a couple of days in September spraying a bacteria called Serratia marcescens.
In his book, “Clouds of Secrecy,” Cole said it was touted as harmless bacteria, but that wasn’t the case.
Nearly all of San Francisco received 500 particle minutes per liter. In other words, nearly every one of the 800,000 people in San Francisco exposed to the cloud at normal breathing rate (10 liters per minute) inhaled 5,000 or more particles per minute during the several hours that they remained airborne.
Cole said a careful inspection of the medical literature would have shown that bacteria was responsible for not only making some people ill over the course of 50 years, but also in a few instances caused their death.
“Here’s an experiment involving human subjects, but the purpose of the experiment was not to see anything about the survival of the individuals,” Cole said.
« on: May 14, 2015, 10:58:15 PM »
So this bowling alley has $8 for 3 hours after 6 on Thursdays that my friends and I have been going to. Tonight we got there around 6:20 and got our lane and started bowling as the normal. 5 frames in this 1 eyed bozo, wife, douche looking teenager, and 2 other middle aged no lifes show up and get the lane next to us. My friends and i don't really take notice and just run up when it's our shot.
This guys wife is up at the same time as me and is just standing there focusing, I grab my ball not giving a shit, and as she does some retarded prance, I swoop in an cannonball my ball down the lane. She gutter balls it and walks back saying "wow that startled me".
I'm sitting there when I hear someone say "Hey, Dan". I turn around and Cyclops is giving me the stink eye with his face scruntched.
"You rolled while my wife was up"
"So?" I asked.
"That's not proper bowling etiquette".
"Show me the rule book then"
"It is bowling etiquette you little smartass"
"That doesn't explain why I should care, I think you should just adapt"
"Do it when I roll, asshole! I FUCKING DARE YOU, SEE WHAT HAPPENS!"
"Okay I will"
At that point he leaned in (we were on opposite sides of the chairs) and his wife said to calm down and his friend stepped between us. They had 2 lanes and put him and his wife on the other lane farthest away. His friend came over and introduced himself and repeated the same bs about bowling etiquette, but in a much calmer manner. I at least respected that and only showed courtesy because the guy was being so nice.
1 Eye was about to start in again and my friend called him out saying he takes bowling too serious and that it's just a game.
Throughout the next 2 hours (he left early) I heard him whining saying things like "wah wah he started it" yada yada, needless to say, i got him butthurt.
Now my question, is bowling etiquette an enforcible rule? Could I get kicked out for not following it? Cause the people who have ever mentioned it are try hards with multiple hundred dollar balls, wrist guards, and wipe their balls off every other frame, etc. If it's not I'll do it again just because he's a tight wad who ain't gonna do shit or he'll swing first.
« on: March 02, 2015, 09:17:01 PM »
You see flood, I have math finals tomorrow and I spent 6 hours studying and needed a breathe of fresh air. I went out back and I was bird watching on my back patio when I farted unlike any other fart in the histories existence of rectum trumpeting. It dematerialized my fucking cargo shorts and my butt funnel prolapsed so hard that it looked like a flesh tree grew up from the ground, up my asshole, with my g-spot sticking out like lone branch. Outta no where my dog Sparky runs up and starts licking my g-spot and turns me on. My step mom walks out to see the source of the glass shattering boom. I turned to her, with the creepiest grin imaginable, though not consciously, but through a moment of sexual ecstasy. I rotate on my meaty pedestal and slowly start stroking my bone. Her eyes widen in horror before being enveloped in a sea of splooge.
There was a knock at the front door, my brother answers it. It was a Mormon, "Hello young sir, do you have a moment to talk abo- JESUS CHRIST!" they both got swept away by my splooge sea.
Jogging on the sidewalk just a block away from home with our other dog, Sea Biscuit, my father watches in jaw dropping terror as his wife, son, Sparky, and a stranger explode away from the house carried in a seamen's sea of semen. Sea Biscuit shits right there and starts dragging his ass on pavement grinning. My dad turns to run but gets swallowed almost immediately.
"Here lies a man of many talents" said the pastor at Leonard Nimoy's funeral procession. Just then, a tree cracking explosion paused the event. Up the hill everyone gawked. They looked at the mandible hang inducing catacyclism of formula A 28 chromosome baby formula bursting through the tree's. "Aw Hell NO" said Samuel L. Jackson, "That's THAT BULLSHIT!". A homeless man, Glenn Beck, shouts "It's the government, I called it" before dropping his pants, shitting, and wiping his ass on the ground grinning. The crowd scattered to escape but they were all consumed.
Now my question is, what is X?
« on: March 01, 2015, 03:46:35 PM »
Mine's blow job fart slips.
« on: February 17, 2015, 08:38:26 PM »
And that was just her vagina. I forget the rest of her.
« on: January 28, 2015, 07:43:24 AM »
After I burst through your bedroom window and crab walk at you wearing this shit I'll spank that lil sexy ass of yours with my big ole trunk
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:54:29 PM »
I just got a call from a supposed judge with a golden voice saying someone gave my name as being an enabler of underage drinking on New Years eve. I started interupting asking "what's my name?" and he hung up. Called him back and he answered and I could hear him breathe so I said "ya fiddle your ass bitch" and he hung up again.
Ever been prank called before? How was your experience?
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:03:35 PM »
The results just came back and the doctor said I do in fact have gay jeans.
« on: January 19, 2015, 08:20:32 PM »
Considering he is God in the flesh, did he not foresee his resurrection shortly after death, or give himself infinite pain tolerance? Even if he didn't, dying still doesn't seem like bad thing for him seeing as once he died he got to go to heaven, which is a paradise, to jointly rule and further unlock more of his abilities. He didn't really lose anything besides some time on earth in human form and gained lots from it. Is it moral to push others responsibility on to a person and punish them for others misdeeds? Also, doesn't God contridict himself sacrificing his son when he condemned it through out the OT? Spoiler Deuteronomy 18:9-12: When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire...Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. Spoiler Deuteronomy 12:31: You must not worship the LORD your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the LORD hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.
Then there's the prophecies in Ezekiel of a future temple, which are accepted by scholars, both Christian and Jewish, to refer to the messianic age. Contained in the description of the operations of this future temple are references to a fully re-established and functioning animal sacrificial system (Ezekiel 43). If Jesus's sacrifice on the cross was supposed to be the final and perfect sacrifice, rendering animal sacrifices obsolete and ineffective, why would such sacrifices be required in the future messianic age? In Jeremiah 31, the coming of a "New Covenant" is mentioned, which is interpreted as referring to the coming of Jesus and his death on the cross. Jeremiah 33 provides another OT confirmation that the "obsolete" sacrificial system will be reinstalled in the future messianic age. Why is this?
« on: January 18, 2015, 12:26:30 PM »
Whether it be a parent, teacher, celebrity etc, has one ever done something to lose your respect?
« on: January 11, 2015, 06:17:28 PM »
Well have I got the solution for you!  I call it the Neck Erector. Similar to the function of the penis, the wearer's arousal activates the erector tube stetching your partners neck up to a safe 7 extra inches. Give her the extender to tend to your member, it's surely a gift she'll remember! Neck Erector comes in several different colors which include: Pink Orange Negro Yellow Blue balls And spunk white Buy now for a measly $19.99 and WAIT HOLD THAT PHONE, I'M BEING TOLD IF YOU ORDER IN THE NEXT MINUTE AND NINE SECONDS I CAN THROW IN A FREE COCK SOCK (FREE) FOR FREE Neck Erector is unisex and works for women and manlets. (Not recommended to be used in convertables or on rollar coasters. Spinal disalignment and death may occur in some cases, I am legally not obligated to be responsible for any injury. Ask your doctor before having seXTREME sexual intercourse) OUR NUMBER IS 1-888-NECK-ERECT, CALL NOW
« on: December 28, 2014, 06:16:06 PM »
For the sexual pleasure.
« on: December 26, 2014, 08:08:56 PM »
faster than in master chief collection. The netcode is also noticeably better. This is just sad.
« on: December 17, 2014, 03:34:25 PM »
My skin pigment may be white, but everytime I look in the mirror all I see is a hood nigga with an asian dick looking to fuck bitches and get money.
« on: December 15, 2014, 09:47:01 AM »
« on: December 13, 2014, 09:11:36 PM »
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:22:01 PM »
So I'm applying to a college online and initially all their site said they offered was a course on computer science. When I got to the course selection part of the application I notice there is software development and software development via DE courses. Does anyone know the difference between CS and SD or what the DE stands for?
« on: December 05, 2014, 11:21:42 AM »
 Biceptual that is.