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Topics - A Dumb Door

Pages: 1
The Flood / So I'm working on a bit of a project here... Thoughts?
« on: September 14, 2014, 03:06:06 AM »
This is going to be my pitch to the first super intense REAL virtual reality developer that impresses me with their technology.

Preview image

The pitch
Imagine you are in one of the old, large, spacemanesque underwater exploration suits. The one like in The Spongebob Movie.  You are exploring when you accidentally tumble down a rather steep and deep drop off into deeper ocean than you wanted to. You look up to grab the rope to climb up only to see it tumble down into your hands. The oxygen pump is still connected, but who knows how long that has left? You flip on your light. You know that while treacherous and time consuming, you could probably climb back up the sandy drop off and get to your anchor, then use that to climb back into your boat. Or, you could explore and try to find an alternative means.

You climb the drop off
Attempts to climb are slow, and the heavy suit only makes it harder. However, you are still able to make steady progress. Looking around as you climb, you notice little eyes in the darkness watching you. You decide to ignore them and focus on climbing. After a while you hear water rushing and feel a great smack in your side as one of them crashed into you, knocking you off the side of the drop off. You tumble back to the sand and look up to face your attacker. None can be seen. You peer into the dark abyss and see naught but the eyes just out of any real view staring back at you. You resume your climbing, but now watching more intently around you in case of another attack. Your lights seem to keep them away, but they are dimming. You are losing power. You barely make it to the top as your lights run out... From there, what happens is only between me and a future developer =P
You go exploring
You look around. Surely climbing up that drop off would be difficult, since it's almost pure sand. Maybe you can find a better climbing surface? Or perhaps a part of the drop off that is less steep and more accommodating to your heavy suit? You traverse the floor, moving between rocks and undersea foliage. Things are strangely quiet, and there is a lack of life. Then, you start to see eyes in the darkness. Not close enough to discern any real details about their owners, but their eyes definitely reflect in your light. You press on, however, undeterred. Probably nothing to worry about. You have to get out of here. You keep following the wall until you come across a large stone column in the middle of the ocean. Peculiar. You look closer at it and see strange carvings of an ancient civilization. Intrigued, you press on to just barely see a structure in the distance... The eyes are drawing nearer, though, and your lights are dimming. They seem to close in more and more as the lights dim. What happens next is between me and a future developer =P


« on: August 27, 2014, 02:53:34 AM »

How many internet points do I receive!?

ITT: What's your favorite Unreal Tournament/Quake/Other game announcer announcement?

The Flood / How would you guys feel about starting one of these?
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:52:23 AM »
I kind of missed the days when Lord Snakie and Texas Ben had these games going, so how would you guys feel about starting one up here?

The Flood / Tonematrix
« on: August 10, 2014, 09:54:59 PM »

Pages: 1