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Topics - Freddy

Pages: 1
The Flood / Cyberattack by Chinese hackers hits University of Virginia
« on: August 14, 2015, 07:49:19 PM »

The University of Virginia shut down access to many of its information technology systems Friday in response to a cyberattack that originated in China, the university announced in a release.

The attack specifically targeted the email accounts of two employees whose work is connected with China, university officials told The Daily Progress. However, the identities and departments of those employees have not been released. They remain employed at the university, officials said Friday.

Forensic examination has indicated that personal information, including Social Security numbers, banking information and personal health records, was not accessed during the breach. There is also no evidence that any of the university’s research or similarly sensitive information was accessed, the university said in a release.

The university waited two months to announce the breach to “best protect against future attacks,” officials said in a news release Friday, “we notified the community as soon as we were confident that notification would not jeopardize our efforts to secure systems.”
“It is important that the hackers remain unaware of our action to investigate this event and protect against it,” the university’s release states. “If the university had not taken this course of action, the situation could have worsened.”
The university launched a system security upgrade at 5 p.m. Friday, which is expected to finish by Sunday evening — at that time, all of the university’s system users, including students and faculty, will be required to change their login passwords.

During the system upgrade, the university community will be notified of any emergency situations via several different channels, including fire alarms, sirens, UVa’s social media accounts and U.Va. Alerts, a system that notifies registered users of threats via text message.

My sister goes UVA, so this interested me a bit.

Are cyberattacks going to increase in the future, even with the headway the cyber security industry has made recently?


Necessary lovemaking music


If pleasant scenery helps the process


Theoretically possible answers:

"You're disgusting OP"=I came w/o touching  :-[

"What are you doing"=I lasted 1 or 2 minutes and then I busted

"(Asshole/insert insult here)"=I lasted 30 minutes and thank you OP (you are welcome)

"Nice turtle"=Nice turtle

or just leave a like if you didn't fap. I'll understand : )

The Flood / What's the most benevolent thing you could possibly do?
« on: August 14, 2015, 02:49:05 AM »
Given your present circumstances, characteristics etc.

The Flood / What is your favorite myth/fable?
« on: August 14, 2015, 02:45:03 AM »
Here's mine

According to Chinese mythology, the Dragon’s Gate is located at the top of a waterfall cascading from a legendary mountain.   Many carp swim upstream against the river’s strong current, but few are capable or brave enough for the final leap over the waterfall.  If a carp successfully makes the jump, it is transformed into a powerful dragon.  A Chinese dragon’s large, conspicuous scales indicate its origin from a carp. The image of a carp jumping over Dragon’s Gate is an old and enduring Chinese cultural symbol for courage, perseverance, and accomplishment. 


or this one

Nuppeppo is a yōkai that is genderless and estimated to be up to 1.5m in height. It is described to have a flabby appearance and its appearance is accompanied by a pungent body odor. It appears as a blob of flesh with a hint of a face in the folds of fat. It is also described as having fingers and toes that are vaguely defined lumps.

The Nuppeppō is passive and unaggressive. The body odor is said to rival that smell of rotting flesh. Other theories claim that the Nuppeppō is actually decaying flesh. There is a rumor that states that those who eat the flesh of a Nuppeppō shall have eternal youth.

The Nuppeppō aimlessly wanders deserted streets of villages, towns and cities, often at night towards the year-end, or graveyards or abandoned temples. It is normally solitary, but there are sightings of them in groups. Fingers and toes may be attributed as features amidst of fold of the skin.



Your turn btch

Gaming / Does anyone want to play old school rs
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:22:46 AM »
a friend got me back into this game

pm me or post here if you're interested

The Flood / ITT create your own friend
« on: August 11, 2015, 01:29:37 PM »
I have a few kind people as friends (i.e. Verby, however we're just going through a difficult time right now) but if I could choose to create one person that'd be my  friend it'd be this

His name would be Ravi, from New Delhi. We only talk online as penpals. He sends me download links to pirated newly releases movies and softcore milf joi's. On a good day we discuss topics such as baking and pantheism. However whenever  I ask him about about himself he sends me dick pics with the caption "I come to you" and one photo with his hand in Spiderman fashion, covered in manly juices. I accept this and go about my day

As the months go by I fall in love with a woman, we decide to elope. I lose touch with Ravi because I pay so much attention to her.

On the wedding day, I ogle at her gorgeous, angelic wedding dress as we stand facing each other, the rosy summer horizon cradling our giddy hearts.

"Will you marry this man?" says Flash, donning priest attire.

My bride removes the veil hiding the face I loved all along. "I come to you."

I embraced that beautiful brown man and I was never confused or sad about anything ever again. Rip Cheat

How about yourself

The Flood / How Wesley Snipes saved my life
« on: August 09, 2015, 05:13:07 AM »
It was a year ago. Detroit penitentuary. Staring down a black man's ass. I dropped the soap and now they we're going to make me eat crumbs. And they didn't look like cookie crumbs to me.

"You liked yesterday's lunch, right Freddy? Well why don't you try it again, I remixed it this time HAHAHA."

"I don't want that," I said.

Two men started to beat the shit out of me. The blows sent shockwaves through fiber after fiber of the corpse that was me.

Cascading water from above cleared the blood from my mangled face. Dizzy, I could hear them laughing as the white tiled walls merged into a blank, pristine void. Everything was just barely discernible forms now, and I thought then that I might as well give into their demands.

"He's going for it!" said a guy named Walter. Walter wasn't a part of the entire fiasco. He was a good guy, however I think something sparked a hidden fetish inside of him that day.

"Arrrgghhhh," said the man waiting gleefully to receive my service. His grin sank into a wince, and then he tumbled onto his side and died. A dart stuck out from his neck.

"Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill." A man dressed like Blade stood at the entrance of the shower.

Wesley teleported right behind the whimpering man to my right.

"FFFRRROOOOOOSSST!" Welsey expressed himself as he shoved the man's arms into the poor soul's throat.

"What are you," the other man exhaled hopelessly.

"Looks like your mascara's running." And then Wesley turned him into a human pincushion. Hues of crimson oozed through the crevices of his dart infested carcass and twirled like a dainty stream into the shower drainage.

Lastly, Daywalker faced Walter.

"You better wake up. The world you live in is just a sugar coated topping!"

Walter stopped fapping as Wesley's fist impaled his face.

Awe inspired, I gazed at that wonder of a man, and I tried to contain my weeping. Wesley just ran his fingers through my hair.

"Why didn't you just use those darts in the movies."


He smiled.

The Flood / Most hearbreaking song
« on: August 08, 2015, 03:15:06 AM »
I like, this one


I listen to your post if I still can

The Flood / Groovy af in here better bring lube
« on: August 08, 2015, 01:21:25 AM »

Gaming / Lavender Town and other Pokemon urban legends
« on: August 08, 2015, 01:20:15 AM »
Did Lavender Town Syndrome ever exist? How about any other Pokemon urban legends? What do you think?

My opinion


The Flood / Dentist Saves Eagle
« on: August 07, 2015, 05:47:46 PM »

Residents of Tofino BC heard a gunshot and saw a truck driving away after a bit of searching they found the wounded bird and quickly took it to Rory’s refuge where it was then transported to the North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre in Errington, BC The shot blew away most of his upper beak, leaving just the tip, which remained attached to his skull by a thin piece of cartilage. Some veterinarians suggest that he be put down but volunteers persevered, and slowly the bird started to recover.

That’s when Dr. Brian Andrews from Nanaimo, BC offered his services. Andrews took an exact mould and then built a wax model for dental technician Fred Leak of Victoria, to work with.

When the mould was ready, Leak constructed a permanent prosthesis and tinted it yellow to match the rest of Brian’s beak. With all the negativity of Walter Palmer lion killing incident I thought this would be a breath of fresh air.

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