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Messages - Pillow

Pages: 1
Gaming / Re: I started playing Warframe 10 days ago.
« on: August 13, 2017, 04:01:19 AM »
I would hesitate to commend them purely for making things look "unique" (because really, anyone can make a something "unique".) What I would commend them for is:

a) Making the aesthetic of the game look unique in a consistent way. It all looks like deviations of the same 4 "families" of design -- Grineer, Corpus, Infested, and Orokin. Everything that's Grineer looks like it should be Grineer, but also fits into the game's overall style. Same can be said for the other families.

b) The variety present in each lane of design. No two assets look the same, but all assets flow and work together in visual harmony.

b) Despite an unpopular art style being demonstrably less profitable, they still decided to do it and managed to pull it off. There's nothing I like more than creators successfully pulling off their artistic vision.
Yeah I wasn't trying to commend them purely on making things look unique, but their artists consistently make things look new and fresh and maintain the game's signature artstyle. Honestly, nothing in Warframe looks like something in other games or media, save for vague similarities - they have a very unique and defined artstyle that is just "Warframe".

Even the enemy factions manage to be really unique-looking, and looking at any enemy in Warframe doesn't make me think "of that's like x from z", all I see is "yeah that's Warframe".

I don't know if I'm making any sense.

Gaming / Re: I started playing Warframe 10 days ago.
« on: August 13, 2017, 03:58:49 AM »
Repala Syandana.
Anubis helmet.

Repala is a tennogen Syandana and like 5-6$ or so.

Gaming / Re: I started playing Warframe 10 days ago.
« on: August 12, 2017, 05:30:19 PM »
I realize artstyles are a question of taste and opinion, but if anything I think anyone should be commending DE for managing to make everything so unique and downright alien. A lot of the designs look like something you would never see in another game and the creative mind(s) behind it all deserve some praise for managing to keep everything so fresh and 'foreign', so to speak.

that said, MR 14 here, been playing for three years now, am on PC.

Serious / Re: US elections: Russian request to monitor vote gets a 'nyet'
« on: October 24, 2016, 06:19:54 PM »
Makes sense though they'd ask people they know will say no, and then turn around and go "Look their elections are rigged!"
Maybe they know these people will say "no" because there's something fucky about the elections.

If you believe in the democratic process and free and open elections, you have no business getting upset when someone asks to observe.
It's Russia. You know damn well they were going to get denied and only push their rhetoric more. They're doing the EXACT same thing with Finland, along with questioning their independence in the first place. Stop taking Russia's word at face value.
What independence? :D Finland was more independent under Russia than in the EU.
Anteeksi vittu mitä

This has got to be a fucking joke

Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2 Teaser Trailer
« on: April 12, 2016, 06:12:17 PM »
I hope this means more melee weapons in general, not just one.

I'd love to have axes, hammers and whatnot.

maybe even chainsaws or scythes for style points.

The Flood / Re: Toby Turner comes out against rape allegations
« on: April 12, 2016, 05:32:19 PM »
It's sad that we live in world where a woman can accuse an innocent man of rape without any proof whatsoever, and the man will be condemned and seen as a rapist and have the rest of his life ruined. And, of course, the woman always gets away with it.

Eh, not really. The patch didn't add much at all.

Gaming / Re: You know a game is shit when _____
« on: April 12, 2016, 04:37:08 PM »
You know a game is shit when the 'fun' in the game revolves around getting loot.

Serious / Re: Promiscuity and desensitization to sex
« on: December 31, 2015, 04:05:03 AM »
I don't know why I wrote violent, but the word I meant to write was furious or something like that.
That's more like it. I'd be lying if I said video games didn't frustrate me sometimes, but it's not the same thing as violence. If someone gets angry at a video game and then takes out his frustrations by, let's say, beating up their brother or something? Yeah, that's an issue with the person, not the game.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 30, 2015, 08:51:22 AM »
I guess I'll just keep trying, in that case. Five tries in and no success yet.

Serious / Re: Promiscuity and desensitization to sex
« on: December 30, 2015, 08:50:43 AM »
You play video games, and you become violent.
I can't tell if this is a joke or not.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 30, 2015, 06:08:43 AM »
Today I finally hopped on H5 to try out the new Forge. Everything seems to be going swimmingly otherwise, except for one thing - the game freezes if I try to swap the daytime setting to "nighttime" on Glacier.
No other daytime setting on any map does this, but for some reason Nighttime on Glacier freezes my game and I need to reboot it.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

The Flood / Re: Seriously, if you like anime, you are a degenerate.
« on: December 29, 2015, 08:21:44 AM »
wanpanman is best amine

Gaming / Re: Holy shit this easter egg (BF4)
« on: December 29, 2015, 07:08:36 AM »
Battlefront is the best multiplayer shooter on the market right now, and that's sad.
Biggest joke I've heard all week.

It is a joke, right?

Gaming / Re: Destiny now has major transactions
« on: December 29, 2015, 02:23:11 AM »
There's not much to know besides what has already been mentioned, Bungie's slowly introducing more and more stuff into their microtransaction scheme as if trying to ease the playerbase into slowly accepting it all, with the added bonus of there maybe being paid content packs in the future similar to TDB and HoW.

I hate the slippery slope argument as much as the next guy, but it really feels like said slippery slope is happening with Destiny as we speak. Shame, really, since I do enjoy the game at it's core, I just wish they'd put more effort into taking advantage of all the untapped potential there is.

Gaming / Re: Universes that you'd like to explore deeper than the games do?
« on: December 29, 2015, 02:13:32 AM »
Destiny is pretty disappointing lore wise in game but the Grimoire is pretty solid stuff

Some stuff is referenced in TTK (Eris mentions they'll lose you like Eriana, a Guardian in the Fireteam that tried to kill Crota) and there is a mission centered around Praedyth, Tolands journal is brought up, but it feels very limited in comparison to the Grimoire.
If anything, Eris and other folks mentioning stuff that is only explained in the grimoire is awful - they may as well just not mention them in the first place. The people who don't read the grimoire are just going to feel even more confused when the characters start speaking about things that are only explained outside of the game in some silly cards.

Don't get me wrong, the grimoire cards are facinating to read (especially the Book of Sorrows), but they need to put that in the actual game. At the very least open a Library in the Speaker's quarters where the player can read that stuff.

Gaming / Re: Universes that you'd like to explore deeper than the games do?
« on: December 29, 2015, 02:10:54 AM »
Destiny. The setting's quite interesting, and the enemy factions are fascinating. It's a goddamn shame all of the actual story and lore was stuffed into cards I have to read on the internet, instead of being put into the game one way or the other.
I wanna know what the huge threat back at the Cabal homeworld is.
I wanna delve deeper into the struggle for survival the Eliksni suffer on a daily basis, I want to know more about their history and what they were like before the became 'the Fallen'. I wanna how their hierarchy, civilization and daily lives in general worked before shit hit the fan.
I want to see what the Vex are truly capable of with their powers and unified hivemind-like thoughts. The game does no justice to them in that regard.
I wanna see what the process of a Wizard draining light from a Guardian is like.
I want to know more about Rasputin, how he thinks, how he operates, etc.

There's so much shit to explore and expand upon, and Bungie isn't doing anything with it. It frustrates me, because there's just so much unused potential!

Gaming / Re: Destiny now has major transactions
« on: December 29, 2015, 01:58:13 AM »
You're going to have a hard time convincing me that this price-point is a bad thing when it covers MY free content updates.
You keep saying this, but the free content we've gotten so far was Festival of the Lost and Sparrow Racing League.

The free 'content' in Festival of the Lost was Jackolyte consumables, Flight of Shadows consumable (and both of these were recycled from year one), 'candy' that was basically just the glimmer-boosting consumabls we have now except with a new name and icon, and cosmetic masks that you can't really wear at all outside of regular crucible, patrol or the tower. You can't show off that sweet flaming skull or funny engram mask to your LFG raid groups because you'll be useless when wearing it.

Sparrow Racing League took a couple of steps in the right direciton by actually having armor pieces that have light level, not to mention the decently high-level drops, full cosmetic armor sets, and new cosmetic sparrows and sparrow horns, shaders, and a couple of emblems. Do remind me if I'm missing something, I'm listing these off the top of my head.
But then there's the fact that if you want those sweet new sparrows, you don't have the chance to grind towards them. You don't get them by playing, you get them by gambling real money on RNG. That sucks, since the entire event revolves around SPARROWS. Which you can't get unless you pay up. No bueno. Sure, you can get ONE free roll by doing something - but I can't remember what that something was. Reaching a certain level with Amanda Holliday? Completing enough bounties? Something along those lines, either way I got one free Sparrow Kit to open, and lucky me, I got the Arcrunner which I thought was the coolest.
But the point is, the novelty of these events wears off fairly quick when there's barely anything that changes your gameplay. I would've appreciated having entire SRL armor sets with light level, not just the helmets and class items. Even some SRL themed weapons would've been nice. Hell, even if they were just recycled weapon stats from already existing vendor weapons just with new paintjobs or models would've been nice to have.
I also think the SRL Record Book should've been something Amanda gives to every player when they first visit her, not something you have to pay up for. At least that way players would've had the chance to actually play and compete towards challenges which unlock awards for them.

I also don't like how they're timegating exotics. I want ATS/8 Arachnid Y2, and I'd really like to have Thagomizers and Shinobu's Vow already. But alas, I can't have them because Bungie has locked them out and will release them at whatever point they want in the future. This 'pacing content' shit needs to go away.

Lastly, wasn't there an interview some time ago where the Bungie employee in question actually said that there may be paid content packs even besides these microtransactions? I'd go find it but I'm lazy and need my coffee atm.

The Flood / Re: Which state do you live in?
« on: December 29, 2015, 01:38:24 AM »
I ain't american.

Gaming / Re: What do you think The Flood smell like?
« on: January 02, 2015, 05:37:30 PM »
Rotting, decaying flesh.

And whatever the fuck they roll around in with their mangled existence.

Pages: 1