The Flood / Re: Platinum Mad
« on: February 07, 2015, 11:39:25 AM »
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The Flood / Re: Platinum Mad« on: February 07, 2015, 11:37:52 AM »How much did you cry when you got your hand cut off by your dad?How much did you cry when Noel didn't respond to your messages?So why are you talking to them?Lying on the internet won't make you feel better about your shit lifeYou must be compensating for your severe obesityBasedLove is better than you, though. He doesn't go all bitch-beta mode and tries to pick up ugly trannies online. He also doesn't lie about being a fat cunt on the internet.Somebody sounds obsessed and upset 4
Serious / Re: I'm fucking mad.« on: February 01, 2015, 11:31:44 AM »omg stahp opreseng me plsI take medication to treat anxiety which is also used as an anti-depressantlol 5
Serious / Re: I'm fucking mad.« on: February 01, 2015, 11:18:22 AM »I take medication to treat anxiety which is also used as an anti-depressantSo, Mr. True Patriot, why haven't you taken the oath I did four years ago then?Unlike you, I know what it means to be a patriotic American. Bet you're some ISIS sympathizer. Better call Cruz and inform himBecause not everybody hates people that protects livesI know this is bait but I still think you should kill yourself 6
Serious / Re: I'm fucking mad.« on: February 01, 2015, 11:17:55 AM »http://www.firefightersday.org/Because not everybody hates people that protects livesSo do cops and firefighters but they don't have a day. http://www.policeweek.org/ I take medication to treat anxiety which is also used as an anti-depressant 7
Serious / Re: I'm fucking mad.« on: February 01, 2015, 10:06:19 AM »Unlike you, I know what it means to be a patriotic American. Bet you're some ISIS sympathizer. Better call Cruz and inform himBecause not everybody hates people that protects livesI know this is bait but I still think you should kill yourself 8
Serious / Re: We had an assembly today on 'British values'« on: February 01, 2015, 10:03:55 AM »
So did they teach about Shariah Law and Muhammad?
Serious / Re: I'm fucking mad.« on: February 01, 2015, 10:00:31 AM »
Because not everybody hates people that protects lives
Serious / Re: I really don't get how people can be anti-capitalist« on: February 01, 2015, 09:53:19 AM »I do, sadly. I hate myself for itAnd this is, of course, coming from a former anarcho-communist.Well, shouldn't you understand what led you to be a filthy red for a while? 12
Serious / Re: Ted Cruz proposes Bill to strip American Citizens of their rights« on: February 01, 2015, 09:52:10 AM »
>ted cruz
take my keks 13
Serious / Re: What if Christianity didn't exist?« on: February 01, 2015, 09:51:12 AM »
The rise of Christianity was inevitable. Unlike the Roman-Greco gods, Christianity promised an afterlife, forgiveness, and undying love all of which greatly aided the spread of Christianity, especially under the rule of Nero where the people learned that Christians were being put to death not for starting the fire (one that happened under Nero) but to cover Nero's crimes and to sate his appetite for cruelty. Compassion for the meek followers of Jesus, whose blameless conduct was apparent to many, led to a new wave of conversions.
Serious / Re: What if Christianity didn't exist?« on: February 01, 2015, 09:47:33 AM »>mfw this biased piece of shit chart leaves out the islamic golden age >mfw the dark ages was a result of the collapse of rome, not christianity >mfw the dark ages wasn't even that dark >mfw the catholic church has always sponsored and funded science 15
Serious / Re: Can anybody in America explain this trend to me?« on: January 31, 2015, 08:59:22 PM »
The Flood / Re: Found a Desticle on Facebook...« on: January 31, 2015, 08:56:30 PM »I'd do it again alsoYou have a FB?And this was the moment Kinder realized he could find my Facebook page and post a link to it on ED for the lulz. ![]() 17
Serious / Re: Gun control laws in Europe failing; police outgunned by Jihadists« on: January 31, 2015, 01:47:42 PM »Yeah, going to rethink my whole European vacation plans nowThat's not unusual for Europe. 18
Serious / Re: Gun control laws in Europe failing; police outgunned by Jihadists« on: January 31, 2015, 11:01:35 AM »Quote not to mention the police officers who weren’t armedWait, there's police that are not even armed? fucking kek 19
Serious / Re: This is the new chair of the Senate Environment & Public Works committee.« on: January 29, 2015, 01:57:51 PM »Icy mentioned further regulationsFurther regulations will kill the economy and force hundreds of thousands of people out of work.Nobody's talking about that. If there wasn't previous global climate changes, then I would agree 20
Serious / Re: Clinton Expected to Launch Campaign in April« on: January 29, 2015, 01:55:55 PM »
Serious question. Is Challenger's spirit animal a wall? Because it feels like I'm talking with one
Serious / Re: This is the new chair of the Senate Environment & Public Works committee.« on: January 29, 2015, 01:54:21 PM »Further regulations will kill the economy and force hundreds of thousands of people out of work. And I'm not disagreeing that humans impact the climate, but I don't beleive we're the sole cause of itSo because a person is a business man and others have a differing opinion, it's automatically wrong?It took me like 20 minutes to gather everything that was wrong with the sources in your response. I'm not sure how many of these were published in what could be considered a peer-reviewed journal. Consider this post the short response:Arthur B. Robinson, PhD, et al., "Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide" (3 MB) , Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Fall 2007[Citation needed]I'm not denying climate change exists, I'm questioning that history and science has shown multiple times in the past that change in the environment is natural. A study conducted in 2003 showed that temperatures 1000-1100 AD are comparable to the temperatures from 1900-1990. Rising CO2 levels are a result of global warming, not a cause of it. As temperatures increase, CO2 is released from "carbon sinks" such as the oceans or the Arctic tundra. Measurements of ice core samples show that over the last four climactic cycles (past 240,000 years) periods of global warming preceded global increases in CO2. Human releases of CO2 cannot cause climate change as any increases in CO2 are eventually balanced by nature. CO2 gets absorbed by oceans, forests, and other "carbon sinks" that increase their biological activity to absorb excess CO2 from the atmosphere. 50% of the CO2 released by the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities, has already been absorbedClimate change has been happening before humans even industrialized. Ever hear of the Medieval Warm Age and Little Ice Age?Ever heard of carbon dioxide and how it's a heat trapping gas? Ever hear about the fact that the majority of our technology emits carbon dioxide? Challenger doesn't do it :^) 22
Serious / Re: Clinton Expected to Launch Campaign in April« on: January 29, 2015, 01:52:17 PM »I can't understand how you can be this thick-mindedTo a far lesser extent than the Republicans.Great, and so do Democrats. You keep ignoring that both parties only care about lining their pocketsThe logic is they do what benefits them and nobody else, effectively ruining the economy.You're seriously delusional if you think the goal of a party is to ruin a country. There's no logic behind that reasoning.Of course I'm partisan when there are only two parties and one of them wants to destroy America for everybody who isn't rich. Sorry, but you're wrong. There has almost never been a time conservatism has caused progress for humanity or created a stable economy. They actively deny climate change, it's the party of racists, they're incredibly classist, they hate immigrants. There's nothing good about them.I don't want to be rude because I like you, but you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. The republicans want to do nothing but run America into the ground and have done so almost every time they've been elected.I like you too, but you're incredibly partisan, at least when it's against Republicans. Republicans, quite clearly, don't want to run the U.S. into the ground, and whether you think their policies will do that is an interesting discussion. No, not a far lesser extent to Republicans. Both are equal. Stop trying to suck up to the Democrats already It is not fact that Republicans are what you claim. If it was fact then EVERY Republican would hate blacks, gays, immigrants, etc. Guess fucking what? Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are Hispanics that come from immigrant families and are Republicans. Ben Carson and Tim Scott are black and are Republicans. Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman are women and Republicans. Carl DeMaio and Richard Tisei are gays and Republicans. You're completely insane to think for one second the Republicans are what you think they are Keep twisting my words. Where did I fucking say to get rid of welfare? Point it out No, it's not fair. It's the same as punishing a kid for making honor roll Yes, they are, especially when they are demonized by the left for working to the American dream Pro-life isn't bullshit. If you think people can kill an innocent life then you're disgusting. And the north is far more discriminatory than the south. Like, what sense would it make for majority of blacks to live in the south when it's supposedly racist? Can you comprehend that? Actually, we don't use all the welfare 23
Serious / Re: This is the new chair of the Senate Environment & Public Works committee.« on: January 29, 2015, 01:40:17 PM »So because a person is a business man and others have a differing opinion, it's automatically wrong?It took me like 20 minutes to gather everything that was wrong with the sources in your response. I'm not sure how many of these were published in what could be considered a peer-reviewed journal. Consider this post the short response:Arthur B. Robinson, PhD, et al., "Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide" (3 MB) , Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Fall 2007[Citation needed]I'm not denying climate change exists, I'm questioning that history and science has shown multiple times in the past that change in the environment is natural. A study conducted in 2003 showed that temperatures 1000-1100 AD are comparable to the temperatures from 1900-1990. Rising CO2 levels are a result of global warming, not a cause of it. As temperatures increase, CO2 is released from "carbon sinks" such as the oceans or the Arctic tundra. Measurements of ice core samples show that over the last four climactic cycles (past 240,000 years) periods of global warming preceded global increases in CO2. Human releases of CO2 cannot cause climate change as any increases in CO2 are eventually balanced by nature. CO2 gets absorbed by oceans, forests, and other "carbon sinks" that increase their biological activity to absorb excess CO2 from the atmosphere. 50% of the CO2 released by the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities, has already been absorbedClimate change has been happening before humans even industrialized. Ever hear of the Medieval Warm Age and Little Ice Age?Ever heard of carbon dioxide and how it's a heat trapping gas? Ever hear about the fact that the majority of our technology emits carbon dioxide? 24
Serious / Re: Clinton Expected to Launch Campaign in April« on: January 29, 2015, 12:11:52 PM »Great, and so do Democrats. You keep ignoring that both parties only care about lining their pocketsThe logic is they do what benefits them and nobody else, effectively ruining the economy.You're seriously delusional if you think the goal of a party is to ruin a country. There's no logic behind that reasoning.Of course I'm partisan when there are only two parties and one of them wants to destroy America for everybody who isn't rich. Sorry, but you're wrong. There has almost never been a time conservatism has caused progress for humanity or created a stable economy. They actively deny climate change, it's the party of racists, they're incredibly classist, they hate immigrants. There's nothing good about them.I don't want to be rude because I like you, but you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. The republicans want to do nothing but run America into the ground and have done so almost every time they've been elected.I like you too, but you're incredibly partisan, at least when it's against Republicans. Republicans, quite clearly, don't want to run the U.S. into the ground, and whether you think their policies will do that is an interesting discussion. dat fucking damage control. It's pretty evident with your delusional Republican hate that you would jump all over it if it said conservatives were more close-minded People that don't actively search for jobs and just collect benefits don't do jack shit and Democrats reward that behavior. News Flash: The purpose of taxation is NOT to hurt and humiliate a specific class like the Democrats want to do to the upper-class, the point of taxation is to raise revenue in a FAIR manner. In fact, a large portion of millionaire only stay such for a short period then others take the position; it's a cycle and heavily taxing the upper-class makes people afraid of working to make money and instead stay middle-class No, you don't know. If you think Republicans are all what you claim then you're an uneducated ignorant child that has no business discussing politics when you type like a Mother Jones article 25
Serious / Re: Clinton Expected to Launch Campaign in April« on: January 29, 2015, 12:06:03 PM »Anybody that can read can see my point of your inability to refuteLOL Sure thing kiddo.tl;dr: Chally instead of refuting uses his typical "lalalala i can't hear you" attitude when facts are shown that discredit him. God, grow up already. I bet if I told you the grass was green then you would call that a lie because that IS your attitude>complete liesThe irony.Good to know indoctrination is a real thingI don't want to be rude because I like you, but you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. The republicans want to do nothing but run America into the ground and have done so almost every time they've been elected.Let me ask - what is so bad about Clinton?She has some fairly shit opinions. I don't have the sheet on me at the moment that I made comparing Clinton, Rubio and Gary Johnson but Clinton was by far and away the worst there. Not misrepresenting of anything. You pointed out his title like it was of great importance. And I'll give a little tip: what some person claims, in this case your insider, doesn't mean it's total fact; that's called anecdotal Instead of refuting, once a again, you instead twist my words when I said the president doesn't have total control. But again, twisting words is your specialty 26
Serious / Re: Oklahoma Looks to Put Approval of Marriage Licenses in the Hands of the Clergy.« on: January 29, 2015, 11:44:43 AM »>goes to talk about FREDOOMFreedom is for the freedom loving.Can't exactly run around calling itself the land of the free when it doesn't combat discrimination.Can't do it if it's forcing people to perform services they don't want to perform, either. >says before hand would like to see government restrict freedom of churches mysides.jpg 27
Serious / Re: Clinton Expected to Launch Campaign in April« on: January 29, 2015, 11:39:38 AM »tl;dr: Chally instead of refuting uses his typical "lalalala i can't hear you" attitude when facts are shown that discredit him. God, grow up already. I bet if I told you the grass was green then you would call that a lie because that IS your attitude>complete liesThe irony.Good to know indoctrination is a real thingI don't want to be rude because I like you, but you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. The republicans want to do nothing but run America into the ground and have done so almost every time they've been elected.Let me ask - what is so bad about Clinton?She has some fairly shit opinions. I don't have the sheet on me at the moment that I made comparing Clinton, Rubio and Gary Johnson but Clinton was by far and away the worst there. So because he has some fancy title, he's automatically the most "credibe" source on the planet? By that logic, the Republican in-charge of the environmental committee must be the most credible person on the climate You're the one denying facts as the fact is inflation started growing in 1965 and snowballed for the next 15 years. To battle inflation, Carter appointed Paul Volcker as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, who defeated it by putting the nation through an intentional recession. Once the threat of inflation abated in late 1982, Volcker cut interest rates and flooded the economy with money, fueling an expansion that lasted seven years. Neither Carter nor Reagan had much to do with the economic events that occurred during their terms. Because if you seriously think the president has total control of the economy then you're totally damn wrong 28
Serious / Re: Clinton Expected to Launch Campaign in April« on: January 29, 2015, 11:31:35 AM »You're seriously delusional if you think the goal of a party is to ruin a country. There's no logic behind that reasoning. You have an unhealthy and ignorant bias that proves Meta's thread correct when liberals are more close-mined than conservatives. The Democrats want to make people that work hard feel like the bad guys by taxing them to hell. If you SERIOUSLY think Republicans have never benefited the economy, are racisists, xenophobes, etc then you're the definition of ignorance and it's disgusting you're acting in a fascist mannerOf course I'm partisan when there are only two parties and one of them wants to destroy America for everybody who isn't rich. Sorry, but you're wrong. There has almost never been a time conservatism has caused progress for humanity or created a stable economy. They actively deny climate change, it's the party of racists, they're incredibly classist, they hate immigrants. There's nothing good about them.I don't want to be rude because I like you, but you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. The republicans want to do nothing but run America into the ground and have done so almost every time they've been elected.I like you too, but you're incredibly partisan, at least when it's against Republicans. Republicans, quite clearly, don't want to run the U.S. into the ground, and whether you think their policies will do that is an interesting discussion. 29
Serious / Re: This is the new chair of the Senate Environment & Public Works committee.« on: January 29, 2015, 10:01:48 AM »Arthur B. Robinson, PhD, et al., "Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide" (3 MB) , Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Fall 2007[Citation needed]I'm not denying climate change exists, I'm questioning that history and science has shown multiple times in the past that change in the environment is natural. A study conducted in 2003 showed that temperatures 1000-1100 AD are comparable to the temperatures from 1900-1990. Rising CO2 levels are a result of global warming, not a cause of it. As temperatures increase, CO2 is released from "carbon sinks" such as the oceans or the Arctic tundra. Measurements of ice core samples show that over the last four climactic cycles (past 240,000 years) periods of global warming preceded global increases in CO2. Human releases of CO2 cannot cause climate change as any increases in CO2 are eventually balanced by nature. CO2 gets absorbed by oceans, forests, and other "carbon sinks" that increase their biological activity to absorb excess CO2 from the atmosphere. 50% of the CO2 released by the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities, has already been absorbedClimate change has been happening before humans even industrialized. Ever hear of the Medieval Warm Age and Little Ice Age?Ever heard of carbon dioxide and how it's a heat trapping gas? Ever hear about the fact that the majority of our technology emits carbon dioxide? Willie Soon, PhD, and Sallie Baliunas, PhD, "Proxy Climatic and Environmental Changes of the Past 1000 Years" (660 KB) , Climate Research, 2003 Anders Moberg, PhD, et al., "Highly Variable Northern Hemisphere Temperatures Reconstructed From Low and High Resolution Proxy Data," Nature, Feb. 2005 Timothy Ball, PhD, "Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?," www.canadafreepress.com, Feb. 5, 2007 Nicholas Caillon, PhD, and Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, PhD, et al., "Timing of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature Changes Across Termination III," Science, Mar. 14, 2003 US Senate Minority Environment and Public Works Committee, "US Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007," epw.senate.go, Dec. 20, 2007 Willie Soon, PhD, "Implications of the Secondary Role of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Forcing in Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future,” Physical Geography, 2007 Arthur B. Robinson, PhD, et al., "Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide" (3 MB) , Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Fall 2007 30
Serious / Re: This is the new chair of the Senate Environment & Public Works committee.« on: January 29, 2015, 09:48:11 AM »I'm not denying climate change exists, I'm questioning that history and science has shown multiple times in the past that change in the environment is natural. A study conducted in 2003 showed that temperatures 1000-1100 AD are comparable to the temperatures from 1900-1990. Rising CO2 levels are a result of global warming, not a cause of it. As temperatures increase, CO2 is released from "carbon sinks" such as the oceans or the Arctic tundra. Measurements of ice core samples show that over the last four climactic cycles (past 240,000 years) periods of global warming preceded global increases in CO2. Human releases of CO2 cannot cause climate change as any increases in CO2 are eventually balanced by nature. CO2 gets absorbed by oceans, forests, and other "carbon sinks" that increase their biological activity to absorb excess CO2 from the atmosphere. 50% of the CO2 released by the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities, has already been absorbedClimate change has been happening before humans even industrialized. Ever hear of the Medieval Warm Age and Little Ice Age?Ever heard of carbon dioxide and how it's a heat trapping gas? Ever hear about the fact that the majority of our technology emits carbon dioxide? |