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Messages - BaconShelf
« on: August 29, 2021, 09:49:58 AM »
Usually once every few months. I live about 2hrs away from where they are so if they come to visit it's usually if they're up in the area anyway and we go out for lunch or something. Every few months I get the train back home to stay over for the weekend if I have some stuff I need to do back there. Usually text every 1-2 weeks or so. I don't really dislike my parents or anything but I have very little to say to them in general, we have nothing really much in common.
« on: July 25, 2021, 08:24:04 AM »
This is a bit of a late response but I don't visit here too much, and it was an interesting topic. This place started when I was 16 so in my final year of Secondary School in the UK (idk what that translates to as far as American schools go). Going through 2015 I was definitely at probably the worst point in my life, due to doing Sixth Form and studyingig subjects I didn't want to do and wasn't very good at - in retrospect I was definitely a lot edgier back then and stuff but honestly I was just kinda miserable. I'd always been the kind of person who did well in school without really trying so when I got to some level of higher education and did have to try, I didn't do very well and ended up failing hard. It sucked but it was ultimately good I think, as it definitely gave me more motivation to make a better attempt at it again - but that time I ended up going to college for IT and took a liking to 3D modelling and gamedev. Throughout college and university after it, it felt like things definitely started to get a lot better and I think that was a combination of doing a subject I enjoyed and cared about and being surrounded by people who I had stuff in common with and I actually liked IRL. Overall I guess my reliance on the internet for socialisation sort of lessened which was definitely a good thing, and helped me grow my social skills a lot which I think was super valuable. In uni itself I managed to integrate well into a solid group of friends I see fairly regularly still, and made some super close friends I can't ever really imagine stopping talking to which was similarly good due to having some people IRL I can trust. I also ended up doing group projects where I was the lead artist and had to present to a full lecture hall of 200+ people which again was a huge deal for me in building my soft skills stuff. I sometimes feel like I might have spent too much time in uni working and not enough time relaxing, but it ended up paying off in allowing me to get a job in my field that I enjoy three months after graduating, and I recently got told they wanna keep me on permanently. It's still sort of surreal to think that I'm now able to live on my own with one of my friends just on my own work, and I'm paying my own way for stuff. So I guess really I ended up changing for the better overall, particularly from the ages of 19-21. I have a decent job, a solid group of friends and I get to live away from my parents without issue at 23, which is something I never I would have expected I'd be able to do when this site began. For me I think my biggest issue was that throughout my childhood/teenage years I never really had anyone around me who I really "got" or who got me, so I never really had that much in the way of people to be friends with or relate to IRL (living in the country away from anyone else was also a big thing as well). Going to uni and being around people with similar interests to me was a huge deal for me. Throughout 2019-2020 I ended up losing quite a bit of weight too just by starting to regulate what I eat more and that was going pretty well, but then I ended up moving back in with my parents for a few months and eating whatever they were having so I'm mostly back to where I was I think, but I've been working on getting that going again now so that's also good. I don't really have many pictures of me from a few years ago because I'm not much a picture person but here's one I took recently before i had my hair cut back to shoulder length-ish
« on: March 07, 2021, 02:31:05 PM »
i kinda missed when this thread was active but FWIW, on Halopedia we downloaded the entire website and atm we're working on hosting an archived copy. It's not up yet but I'll link it when it is up. At minimum it has all the news articles and stuff archived, I think we have the user pages too. Not sure. We have a collection of the old launch sites for some of the games up here preserved from their originals, though a few required flash so they're unuseable now rip. Some of the guys are working on making them compatible with modern web browsers now though.
« on: November 02, 2020, 06:32:57 PM »
Your score is 24 out of 36. Your score is equal or better than 28% of all participants.
lmao seems accurate
« on: October 12, 2020, 03:49:51 PM »
i would have had a graduation
« on: October 10, 2020, 06:42:20 PM »
Wow I really did have the weakest red/green axis huh
« on: October 10, 2020, 07:48:56 AM »
« on: October 07, 2020, 09:48:31 AM »
idk how it works in Ireland but in the UK TV license works by whether you watch live TV or not. If you just have a TV and only use it to watch Netflix or DVDs or play games etc it's fine. When I kept up with the Walking Dead I'd watch it an hour after it aired on NowTV because I didn't have a TV license.
oh also watching BBC content because TV license is what pays for BBC to do stuff as they don't run adverts but also BBC has nothing worth watching anyway so it's not missing out on anything
People here are wishing for the UK BBC model. The way it works in IE is if a device is capable of getting a TV signal (regardless if you actually watch TV or not) you have to pay it. The kicker is that you cannot watch TV unless you buy an aerial or a decoder box.
holy shit that's awful
« on: October 07, 2020, 09:09:56 AM »
I made a playlist on spotify to throw on while I play stuff like Elite Dangerous/ Stellaris, though recently I've just been using it as background music. Full of scifi ambient music - Mass Effect, Halo, Interstellar, Bladerunner, Elite, etc OSTs. Throwing it on shuffle with crossfade on is super nice. Link if anyone wants it
« on: October 07, 2020, 05:54:14 AM »
idk how it works in Ireland but in the UK TV license works by whether you watch live TV or not. If you just have a TV and only use it to watch Netflix or DVDs or play games etc it's fine. When I kept up with the Walking Dead I'd watch it an hour after it aired on NowTV because I didn't have a TV license.
oh also watching BBC content because TV license is what pays for BBC to do stuff as they don't run adverts but also BBC has nothing worth watching anyway so it's not missing out on anything
« on: September 28, 2020, 06:10:48 PM »
Maybe graduating into mid/senior level environment art roles if i'm lucky
« on: September 07, 2020, 04:46:53 PM »
halo reach rat
« on: August 20, 2020, 04:11:01 AM »
Why do american universities make you do PE classes when you're doing a degree
Do you guys ever actually get to do the course you go there to do?
« on: August 12, 2020, 06:36:02 PM »
I fucking knew you guys were redditors
This is so wholesome. Take my upvote.
« on: August 05, 2020, 06:02:40 PM »
Finished final project now, here's some pics.

 I posted some more pics and a video over on Artstation if anyone is particularly interested. I did a lot of work with flow maps to make the steam particle effects so its an area I'm pretty happy with.
Very strong Foundry and The Storm influences on the environment. Looks good.
I think I actually used Foundry for some of my texture reference yeah, though for the most part I was sticking to the original Titanfall 1 concept art (linked in my Artstation post) and the Titanfall levels Drydock and Airbase. Thanks a lot!
Was gonna say that I was getting Titanfall vibes as well but I figured that was a bit more obvious lol
Yep. The original concept piece has been one of my favourite bits of concept art for anything since I first saw it in The Art of Titanfall in 2014, so I picked it as my final project well over a year before actually starting lmao
« on: August 05, 2020, 02:40:17 PM »
Finished final project now, here's some pics.

 I posted some more pics and a video over on Artstation if anyone is particularly interested. I did a lot of work with flow maps to make the steam particle effects so its an area I'm pretty happy with.
Very strong Foundry and The Storm influences on the environment. Looks good.
I think I actually used Foundry for some of my texture reference yeah, though for the most part I was sticking to the original Titanfall 1 concept art (linked in my Artstation post) and the Titanfall levels Drydock and Airbase. Thanks a lot!
« on: August 04, 2020, 06:12:31 AM »
Finished final project now, here's some pics.   I posted some more pics and a video over on Artstation if anyone is particularly interested. I did a lot of work with flow maps to make the steam particle effects so its an area I'm pretty happy with.
« on: August 04, 2020, 06:06:59 AM »
I applied for a technical artist internship today
« on: August 04, 2020, 05:45:24 AM »
Watched Ad Astra and 1917 last week. Loved every second of them both.
My local cinema was gonna be showing Interstellar this week but then my region went back into lockdown so thats on hold now. Hoping it's still gonna play when it reopens because Interstellar is genuinely one of my favourite films and I wish I could have seen it in cinema.
« on: July 26, 2020, 07:47:38 AM »
I like that they are adding things and not really trend-chasing. Though you could argue that open-world is a trend. Still, they are trying to keep the franchise fresh.
eh, the grappling hook is just copying off of doom eternal/titanfall 2 to me, and I can't really say I saw anything that seemed trend setting.
tbh a lot seems taken from Titanfall. Grapple/ Sliding, the new rifle looks like a poor man's R101 Carbine and the new pistol looks like the Hammond P2016. Even the insistence on hexagon rocks is something Titanfall did back in 2016.

at least the hexagon rocks in Halo 4 kinda made sense, it seemed based on a real life location in Iceland. At least there it looked believable, but in the Halo Infinite trailer it just looks like a lazy cop out to avoid cliff faces. Just bothers me.

I always assumed it was more based on the Giant's Causeway in Ireland than Iceland. btw how's OPTRE doing?
Some cool stuff being done. Recently a bunch of Forerunner structures got released on dev build.   I've also seen some of the stuff in the non-OPTRE Arma 3 mod currently being made. There's some pretty amazing work being done there, I can't wait for it to release.
« on: July 25, 2020, 06:00:02 PM »
I like that they are adding things and not really trend-chasing. Though you could argue that open-world is a trend. Still, they are trying to keep the franchise fresh.
eh, the grappling hook is just copying off of doom eternal/titanfall 2 to me, and I can't really say I saw anything that seemed trend setting.
tbh a lot seems taken from Titanfall. Grapple/ Sliding, the new rifle looks like a poor man's R101 Carbine and the new pistol looks like the Hammond P2016. Even the insistence on hexagon rocks is something Titanfall did back in 2016.
« on: July 25, 2020, 01:32:23 PM »
>not superbug
>Not Quarantine
I was gonna put that one too but I was on my phone and am lazy
« on: July 25, 2020, 04:09:16 AM »
« on: July 21, 2020, 08:39:51 PM »
ive been playing nothing but ce btb
it's always super fun
CTF on Ice Fields is the most fun mp in any Halo
« on: July 18, 2020, 04:38:39 PM »
I've lived with some guys on my uni course for the last few years, but I move back in with parents this week now I'm pretty much done. Gonna be weird going back to living in a tiny little house without a desk.
« on: July 18, 2020, 04:34:38 PM »
Getting BTB Heavies on Sandtrap, Avalanche and Valhalla in a row is pretty amazing though
« on: July 15, 2020, 02:45:40 PM »
honestly the way you guys go about it you'd think you want it to be broken
« on: July 10, 2020, 11:26:18 AM »
You probably won't need to play HW2 to understand Infinite, given the game ends more or less as it began. The entire game is just "people doing stuff" but nothing really actually happens. They're trying to av oid doing the super hard EU/ game integration now so its unlikely they'll bring the Spirit of Fire into the main series.
The only thing from HW2 really worth noting is Spoiler The Ark builds a third replacement for Installation 04 and Anders sends it to the Soell system to try contact the UNSC, but it gets intercepted by a Guardian The rest of the games plot can basically just be summed up as Humans shoot Brutes for 8 hours and Atriox gets mad.
i downloaded the game to give it another try, but if thats the case i might not play it lol
Fair tbh, I'd say it's worth for PvE in custom games, but the campaign story and level design are both pretty mediocre. The campaign feels like it both starts and ends in the second act. The Operation Spearbreaker DLC campaign has some decent level design (only two missions, and a forgettable story) and the Awakening the Nightmare DLC (five missions) has an ok story but some pretty good levels, notable because you play as the Banished fighting Flood. Overall though I'd just watch a cutscene compilation on YT.
« on: July 10, 2020, 06:01:59 AM »
You probably won't need to play HW2 to understand Infinite, given the game ends more or less as it began. The entire game is just "people doing stuff" but nothing really actually happens. They're trying to avoid doing the super hard EU/ game integration now so its unlikely they'll bring the Spirit of Fire into the main series. The only thing from HW2 really worth noting is Spoiler The Ark builds a third replacement for Installation 04 and Anders sends it to the Soell system to try contact the UNSC, but it gets intercepted by a Guardian The rest of the games plot can basically just be summed up as Humans shoot Brutes for 8 hours and Atriox gets mad.
« on: July 03, 2020, 09:05:24 PM »
I'm the most forgettable user