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Messages - TheOneTrueDesticle

Pages: 1 23 ... 95
The Flood / Re: Farewell thread?
« on: January 22, 2025, 09:26:17 PM »
if you hated my guts this whole time, i'm sorry. i get it now—not that i entirely didn't before, but yeah.

lmao you finally unlocked the "I wasted my life" ending. yeah you're a jerk but I still hope you figure everything out. godspeed, spider-man 💯

The Flood / Re: recorded a new TOTD video last year
« on: July 05, 2022, 05:15:54 PM »
more years have passed since the last time you posted than you have brain cells, and it doesn't seem like anything has changed
dane dehaan

The Flood / recorded a new TOTD video last year
« on: July 05, 2022, 03:17:53 PM »
t4r. got hammered with some friends last year and showed them every one of my videos (autism: not even once) and then we proceeded to film a new one at 2am ft. me eating an entire box of twinkies while sobbing furiously

if any of you stupid bastards wants to see this shit then i'll throw it together in windows movie maker just like old times for your jerking pleasure

the one true desticle says "it's desticling time"

The Flood / Re: Post your vehicles
« on: November 26, 2020, 08:16:02 PM »
There are many like it but this one is mine.

The Flood / Verbatim is a stupid faggot
« on: August 29, 2018, 06:14:09 AM »
Don't @ me

Serious / The Truth About Israel
« on: August 16, 2017, 07:02:32 PM »
I think I've figured out the truth about the state of Israel. What you're about to read may shock you.

Israel is controlled by the Jewish people.

Hear me out for a minute. Notice that the Israeli flag has a Star of David (a prominent Jewish symbol) on the front. Also take note of the fact that the Prime Minister of Israel is also Jewish, along with most of the government. Even the nation's name: Israel is a reference to the Hebrews of the Old Testament.

Now I'm just asking questions here but I think Israel might be controlled by the Jewish people. It's a distinct possibility. Go ahead and let me know what you think about this theory.

The Flood / I've been in a coma since November 7th 2016
« on: December 17, 2016, 04:22:50 PM »
How are Madame President Clinton's cabinet picks looking? How much salt did you harvest from the Trumpsters?


The Flood / Re: >when you accidently find Flee on a porn site
« on: November 18, 2016, 07:17:32 PM »
Haha, yeah it's funny because his name is mlpfucker and tha-

>country: Belgium
>favorite pony is Fluttershy
>24 years old
>speaks Dutch


How do you say "verwaandheid" in Dutch?

Gaming / Re: I got Titanfall Tech Test early acess
« on: August 29, 2016, 09:26:21 PM »
It's actually a Pre-Alpha, not a beta test

it comes out in october, pre-alpha/beta/whatever is just a fancy name for their server testing demo

there isn't enough time between now and release to fix the games problems
Their lead engineer said the current pre-alpha build is from June. Four months isn't much better than two though.

I knew that the tech test wouldn't be on PC about two weeks before it was actually announced and I predicted it would be a fuckfest right then and there. Sure enough, it was true.

Serious / Re: 2016 Septagon General Election Poll
« on: July 18, 2016, 01:30:12 PM »

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 05:18:48 PM »
Except you missed the part immediately after that where I said
Even I can see why people would want to vote for Clinton or Stein or whathaveyou, it's not out of the realm of possibilities
I saw that. I just think you're a liar.
Then I don't really know what to tell you Verb.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 05:18:29 PM »
Wait, I thought Trump supported planned parenthood.
As far as I understand, it's basically "planned parenthood does some good stuff, but abortion is bad so defund it all anyways".
As long as they're performing abortions, he doesn't think taxpayers should have to pay for it. You get those "in situations of rape, incest, woman's well-being" cases which are obviously understandable but taxes paying for an abortion because someone was careless is stupid.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 05:16:39 PM »
I can go more in-depth about the misconceptions thing but I think what really truly turns me off talking to a lot of people about this are statements like
it kind of blows my mind that people would consider voting for him
Which in my experience often means
it kind of blows my mind that people would think differently from me
Even though that's most likely how you think when it comes to Hillary supporters.
Except you missed the part immediately after that where I said
Even I can see why people would want to vote for Clinton or Stein or whathaveyou, it's not out of the realm of possibilities

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 05:04:41 PM »
I disagree that this plan is sufficient. My gripe lies specifically with the universal nature of health care. His plan does not appear to be much more than "open the market and deregulate most of it", which could lead to major predatory practices and the consumer being fucked over majorly. As far as I can tell, the only thing he actually says about accessible health care for all is (and I quote) "We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it", which is immediately followed by "Block-grant Medicaid to the states" allowing individual states to set their own standards. I'm sorry, but to me that is not a sound plan. My previous comment was an obvious exaggeration and aimed at what he says during his speeches, but I don't think the underlying point was wrong. While his argument about price transparency is solid, I think his plan is simply one of deregulation which will ultimately benefit the corporations more than the people and, again, more vagueness.

I never said any of his policies are objectively bad. You can argue that killing babies and black people in the street isn't even objectively bad and easily say that no policy is objectively bad for everyone. You're asking me why I think Trump is such a terrible candidate. This is why.

Could you point out which parts of my post are wrong? If I'm taking things out of context or am misinterpreting things he's said, which ones are they?

I have yet to see any redeeming qualities of Trump. And that is saying something. I think he is a populist moron (or at least pretends to be one) banking on largely gullible voters and empty promises that will ultimately only serve his own interests. And in the end, it kind of blows my mind that people would consider voting for him.
I can go more in-depth about the misconceptions thing but I think what really truly turns me off talking to a lot of people about this are statements like

it kind of blows my mind that people would consider voting for him

Which in my experience often means

it kind of blows my mind that people would think differently from me

Which is not to say that's what you're doing but for many people that is the case. Even I can see why people would want to vote for Clinton or Stein or whathaveyou, it's not out of the realm of possibilities. When people go "I can't possibly see why someone would want him in office" or any similar sentiment, it makes me think they haven't given any real consideration to the idea.

I think something that's very important to consider in all of this is the fact that the US is experiencing a huge culture shift at the moment. Or at the very least it's the same culture pushing back against the PC-tier stuff. The pendulum so-to-speak has swung very far to the left and lots of people are getting sick of it even though they might not be very quick to speak up about it. Trump gaining the traction he has despite the very vocal outcry in the media pretty much confirms this.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 04:53:52 PM »
Icy, wanna make a new poll? Or I can do it. Or maybe you'd have better insight on how accurate the current poll is.

So, I removed Sanders from the poll on Tuesday, after he gave his endorsement speech of Clinton. At that time, he had 41% of the vote. Clinton looks like she has gained one vote since then, while Trump has gained 1-2 - that leaves a good 30+ votes uncounted for since Tuesday. A number of these votes are also likely from members who have stopped coming to the site.

If you'd like, I can make a new thread + poll with updated dates (including convention dates, debate dates) and full party tickets (President + VP).
Let's do it. We're getting into the generals and a new poll and hub thread would be awesome.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 04:30:12 PM »
Replying to people without using quotes is gay.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 04:24:41 PM »
I understand you dislike him and that you share the general sentiment that they're all bad. What I don't actually know is why specifically you dislike him.
I simply think he is a horrible person and would make for a terrible leader, doing little to nothing for his people and country. The man is a populist deliberately targeting the misguided, uneducated and poorly informed by playing on their fears. He might not actually be a moron, but he presents himself as one. His rhetoric is one of empty promises, lies and emotion. He's loud, intolerant, disrespectful, a notorious liar, bully, fraud and has very little involvement with facts or actual sound reasoning. The man will serve no interests but those of his own and his corporate peers, despite the image he tries to paint of him being the common man who will get rid of bureaucrats and clear up politics. I just think he would make a terrible president.
That's basically every comment I've seen about him summed up. I'm curious as to which things policy-wise you dislike.
He's anti-abortion and wants to defund planned parenthood.
His policies on immigration, banning groups from entering the country and building a wall.
His foreign policy and plans of asserting military force globally.
He's pro gun.
He supports torture.
His tax plans.
He is not outspoken in support of universal health care and thinks vaccines can cause autism.
He supports mass surveilance and violations of privacy.
He supports the death penalty and strict punishment rather than rehabilitation.
He does not believe in global warming and generally opposes rules to protect the environment.
He supports locally governed education rather than common standards and educational cuts.

And so forth and so forth. But I believe that him as a person is almost as important as his policies. Trump says what he thinks people want to hear. He changes his opinion frequently. And even more worrisome are his "plans" and how people support them. Trump rarely has a plan, instead he has an incredibly vague and broad statements that could appease anyone.

"Oh, health care? Well Obamacare is terrible. Just terrible. I will improve it. Just believe me when I say I will, okay? I can do this. The details are still being worked on, but it will be better. It will be higher quality, cheaper, more accessible and just amazing, okay? This will happen."

I think other candidates are simply better people who will do a better job at presidency. In addition, I think their policies are generally better than Trump's typical vague and undecided "Make America Great Again... somehow" rhetoric.
Talking about the healthcare thing specifically, he most definitely does have a fairly specific plan so I'm not sure what you mean there.

As for things such as "he's pro gun" and "his immigration policies" and "he supports locally governed education" and "his tax plans", those are things I agree with on for the most part. I understand for you these aren't good things but they're not objectively bad to everyone.

As for things such as "he's anti-abortion" and "he supports torture", those are things I do not agree with him on. Although Planned Parenthood is another matter entirely.

As for the other things, I've seen a lot of untrue smear-type stuff get pushed as fact and it's frustrating. It's very difficult to have an honest conversation with people about Trump because it seems that hardly anybody legitimately knows what are things he's actually said and things which have either been taken out of context or things he didn't say at all. The worst is satirical/joking statements he's made which people have taken as fact. That's where a lot of the rest of the list comes from. I'm not so keen to defend him on that as the foot-in-mouth thing he's had for the last year has been getting on my nerves but it helps to know which is which.

So that's just my perspective on a lot of this. To say that you personally dislike XYZ is fine but to say XYZ is objectively bad ("he's pro gun", etc.) isn't. Although I did ask you how you felt personally, so it's whatever.

And of course this is the poll thread but there aren't a lot of good Trump threads in Serious right now.

The Flood / Re: ITT: people who left because of dumb shit
« on: July 17, 2016, 03:47:31 PM »
Verb told me in a PM that he likes penis.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 03:23:01 PM »
I understand you dislike him and that you share the general sentiment that they're all bad. What I don't actually know is why specifically you dislike him.
I simply think he is a horrible person and would make for a terrible leader, doing little to nothing for his people and country. The man is a populist deliberately targeting the misguided, uneducated and poorly informed by playing on their fears. He might not actually be a moron, but he presents himself as one. His rhetoric is one of empty promises, lies and emotion. He's loud, intolerant, disrespectful, a notorious liar, bully, fraud and has very little involvement with facts or actual sound reasoning. The man will serve no interests but those of his own and his corporate peers, despite the image he tries to paint of him being the common man who will get rid of bureaucrats and clear up politics. I just think he would make a terrible president.
That's basically every comment I've seen about him summed up. I'm curious as to which things policy-wise you dislike.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 02:38:14 PM »
I just realized I never voted in that one. Literally anyone but Trump is where my vote goes.
I get way more enjoyment out of supporting a candidate than going "anyone but XYZ" tbh

I'm curious about your general line of thinking on this though
American politics are typically pretty shitty.
This election around, they are especially shit.
All main candidates are pretty shit.
One candidate, Trump, is even shittier than all the others.
Choosing between one pile of shit and another even bigger, more disgusting and foul steaming pile of shit, I will choose for the lesser pile of shit.

And that's why I would vote for literally any other candidate than Trump.
I understand you dislike him and that you share the general sentiment that they're all bad. What I don't actually know is why specifically you dislike him.

He's not an idiot?
Nobody asked you.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 02:17:13 PM »
I just realized I never voted in that one. Literally anyone but Trump is where my vote goes.
I get way more enjoyment out of supporting a candidate than going "anyone but XYZ" tbh

I'm curious about your general line of thinking on this though

The Flood / Re: niggers tongue my anus
« on: July 17, 2016, 01:12:03 PM »
This isn't funny, this was never funny, and this will never be funny.
This is why you're objectively always wrong. This will always be funny.

The Flood / Re: We might as well change the forum's name
« on: July 17, 2016, 01:09:01 PM »
Haha yeah we really need to watch our casual racism in light of recent events.

Yet when BLM goes on social media celebrating innocents being killed, we don't have a problem.
Why watch what you're saying. Fuck it. Pretty much everyone here is an out and out racist.

Just be open about it
Because being disgusted at these people openly calling for police to be killed is racist, right?

Oh, this is the Flood. wew

Fuck it. Kill all the dindus. Purge them before they purge us
Nobody's saying that you mongoloid

The Flood / Re: I found this picture
« on: July 17, 2016, 01:08:39 PM »
Why don't your balls work properly?

The Flood / Re: We might as well change the forum's name
« on: July 17, 2016, 01:08:08 PM »
Haha yeah we really need to watch our casual racism in light of recent events.

Yet when BLM goes on social media celebrating innocents being killed, we don't have a problem.

Why watch what you're saying. Fuck it. Pretty much everyone here is an out and out racist.

Just be open about it
"anyone that disagrees with my neo leftie way of thinking is an automatic racist/sexist/whatever other buzzword I feel is appropriate" meme

I thought this died with goobergate.
Mordo, why are you so fucking based?

Legit I was just talking about this exact shit in Serious. "Racist" doesn't mean "someone who discriminates based on race" anymore, it means "person who I think is an asshole"

It's a total fucking joke.

The Flood / Re: We might as well change the forum's name
« on: July 17, 2016, 01:06:49 PM »
Haha yeah we really need to watch our casual racism in light of recent events.

Yet when BLM goes on social media celebrating innocents being killed, we don't have a problem.
Why watch what you're saying. Fuck it. Pretty much everyone here is an out and out racist.

Just be open about it
Because being disgusted at these people openly calling for police to be killed is racist, right?

Oh, this is the Flood. wew

The Flood / Re: niggers tongue my anus
« on: July 17, 2016, 12:59:20 PM »
hi kenny

The Flood / Re: We might as well change the forum's name
« on: July 17, 2016, 12:58:48 PM »
Haha yeah we really need to watch our casual racism in light of recent events.

Yet when BLM goes on social media celebrating innocents being killed, we don't have a problem.
That's what's amazing about all of this. They're so fucking shameless with their blatant hatred of police and white people. It's legitimate racism yet we're to blame. What a joke.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about the Sep7 Presidential Poll
« on: July 17, 2016, 12:39:42 PM »
This is a poll that's been going for almost a year, so there are a lot of users that don't really post here that voted. I think Bernie had like 40 votes before he got removed. But yeah, starting a new one might not be a bad idea.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. Bernie was vastly in the lead when he was still in the poll. Curious to see if Bernie guys switched their vote to Trump (like I did, although I never really was a Bernie guy) or if most of the current Trump votes are from people who voted him in the first place.

Serious / Re: Bernie endorsing Hillary
« on: July 17, 2016, 12:37:45 PM »
I want to punch every fucknut Bernie supporter that's saying they will support Trump now. Like, do they not realize that Trump is on the complete opposite end of the political spectrum than Bernie?
On social issues, they're somewhat dissimilar. On economic issues, I trust Trump far more than a guy who seems to not really understand how money works. On the anti-establishment angle, I think they're both on the same page.

Of course judging from your other response you don't seem to think Trump is anti-establishment and in that case I don't know quite what to tell you.

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