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Messages - Dopameme

Pages: 1 ... 939495 9697 ... 261
The Flood / Re: When will Sep7agon become a public limited company?
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:25:31 PM »
cheat should create an LLC for sep7agon so that if someones tries to sue him they can't take his jew gold

But that costs money too. :(
as far as i know, registering an LLC is relatively inexpensive and would be worth it if the event of somebody suing you ever became serious, lol

but i guess that really wouldn't be necessary unless this site becomes a lot bigger

The Flood / Re: When will Sep7agon become a public limited company?
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:10:15 PM »
cheat should create an LLC for sep7agon so that if someones tries to sue him they can't take his jew gold

please fuck me

and give me an opinion, i guess

this reminds me that i can't forget about my thread again >.>
You have an absolutely appalling taste in music.

Other than that, you're probably one of the chillest users here. Perhaps a bit too chill, but likeable all the same.
to each their own, i guess. i can relate to a lot of the stuff i listen to ::)

please fuck me

and give me an opinion, i guess

this reminds me that i can't forget about my thread again >.>

how else is society supposed to function? how else do you provide government services?
Well you see goots, you leave everyone to it and after a few years of anarchy and strife people will look to the natural leaders in their ranks and start to bring about some sort of order. This then grows to make sure that everyone has food, water and safety and then it grows further to implement a justice system to allow people to have their grievances dealt with fairly.

Then of course they have to ensure a fair allocation of resources for work, and all citizens contribute or get thrown out and then boom you have a normal government again for edgelords to whine about on the internet. Or to leave engravings on rocks to fight the powah.
i say humanity just nukes itself to extinction so that another intelligent life form can evolve and hopefully do better than we have

The Flood / Re: Are you ugly? I'll rate you
« on: July 08, 2015, 01:44:38 PM »
Awww shit
fucking hate this one
face is swollen, blinded by the sun, and the shadow makes her nose look huge. Not to mention I've lost 20 pounds in the last month and a half. But she wanted me to share our gay shirts

better one of me
pre surgery. Should have a stronger jawline now

ambush photo of her
chink eyes/10

your gf is pretty though, how'd you manage to snag that one?

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna make a Cast Photo?
« on: July 08, 2015, 01:25:11 PM »
i would, but then i'd have to drive all the way back to my hometown so i could snatch my 360 since i don't have it with me

unless we do it on the MCC

The Flood / Re: HANK IS HERE
« on: July 08, 2015, 01:13:51 PM »
i'll tell ya hwat

The Flood / Re: Memetic Sep7agon vs Memetic Bungie.Net (post B.Old)
« on: July 08, 2015, 01:12:27 PM »

The Flood / Re: New Psychedelic Weight Loss Drug
« on: July 08, 2015, 12:54:11 PM »
this onion has no layers

The Flood / Re: Memetic Sep7agon vs Memetic Bungie.Net (post B.Old)
« on: July 08, 2015, 12:53:09 PM »

thank you basedzonda
i still don't understand this pineapple meme
wow, so the person who arguably hates memes the most indirectly created a meme...that's interesting

The Flood / Re: Memetic Sep7agon vs Memetic Bungie.Net (post B.Old)
« on: July 08, 2015, 12:44:09 PM »

thank you basedzonda
i still don't understand this pineapple meme

The Flood / Re: Are you ugly? I'll rate you
« on: July 07, 2015, 11:07:07 PM »
took this one a couple days ago at the beach

and literally just snapped this badboy

don't worry jive, i don't need you to tell me that i'm attractive, i already know that 8)

What beach is that?
Bonita Springs

The Flood / Re: Home-footage of Goots when he was just a little tyke
« on: July 07, 2015, 04:39:30 PM »

crying and extreme self-loathing at my fatass self

Serious / Re: Worst president in history?
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:39:56 PM »
How has nobody here mentioned Andrew Jackson? Not only was he behind the trail of tears and the Indian Removal Act, but he was also staunchly against paper money and believed that gold and silver coins were more suitable. The dude was a genuine psychopath.

tfw ignored.
i haven't ignored you, bae, you just have to wait your turn like everybody else :P

The Flood / Re: Are you ugly? I'll rate you
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:33:17 PM »
From the picture thread and because the intranet sucks right now

clean shaven and stoned as fook in olive garden


Keep in mind, I'm not mentally sound in this picture.
this reminds me of those grainy fake photos of bigfoot lmao

The Flood / Re: Are you ugly? I'll rate you
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:27:59 PM »
took this one a couple days ago at the beach

and literally just snapped this badboy

don't worry jive, i don't need you to tell me that i'm attractive, i already know that 8)

the best way i can describe you is that you're an enigma, because i never really know what to make of some of the things you post, which isn't a bad trait, lol. you're easily one of the most comical users here in my opinion and would be a 10/10 mod.

I don't remember you actually giving your opinion of me in that other thread, so let's try again. Unless that was someone else entirely, I don't fully remember.
from what i've seen, you appear to have the perfect balance of being chill and serious when it is necessary. other than your atrocious obsession with ponies you might be one of the best mods on the site, at least in my opinion. you're also extremely knowledgeable in the study of criminal law (if i remember correctly), which i find to be really cool. if i decide to further pursue a degree in criminal justice, i know who to pay to get my homework done ;D

Alright, I'm bored enough.
overall i feel like you're an above average user who doesn't necessarily start shit or do anything detrimental to the community. you can come off as a little whiny sometimes but that's alright, who doesn't? i also remember you having a weird username that was hard to pronounce back on bnet, before you switched to casper. not quite sure how i remember that, lol.

i promised myself i wouldn't forget about this thread again, don't worry everyone >.>
Go for it.
i've known you for a good while now and we've talked in xbox live parties on multiple occasions back in the day. unfortunately you had to be a shill for Sony (PRAISE MS) and buy a ps4, but i don't hate you for that. okay maybe i do a little bit :P

all in all you're easygoing and chill; usually you're the one who tries to quell arguments instead of instigating them, so that's a plus. why did you have to come to florida right when i've been given a lot more responsibility at work and final exams for my classes at the end of the week, lol.

The Flood / Re: Write a creepy story using members of the Sep7
« on: July 06, 2015, 11:48:02 PM »
Longface and Vien and Tblocks walked into a bar

And Vien was hard. Tblocks was blocky. And Longface had a grin that literally stretched ear to ear...
Then Rocketman walked in, a freshly mint Holy Bible clutched in his hands and a guitar slung around his shoulder. He slammed the door behind him and exclaimed, "You drunkards are sinners and are damning yourselves to an eternity in Hell if you do not repent for your actions!" Vien swiftly turned around, his rock-hard sangheili cock tipping over a glass mug in the process, and instantly felt his horny sensation vanish as he noticed the hellish color of Rocketman's eyes.
A massive black shadow caste itself behind Rocketman and the creases of his face were darkened. His eyes were bloodshot and borderline glowing red. He roared in the most demonic tone, "May god have mercy..." And thrust a hand up, "On your sooouuullllsssss."

And the building began shuddering and groaning...
All of a sudden, the face of Satan himself appeared all over the dimmed walls, and ghastly apparitions began forming all around the helpless trio. "I'm scared, eh" said the blocky Canadian as he sat quivering in fear. Somehow, Vien's cock managed to maintain its pulsating form, but he was also stricken with fear. However, nothing about Longface budged an inch, not even his wide grin.

The Flood / Re: I'm Bored, Leg Thread.
« on: July 06, 2015, 11:19:59 PM »

tbh those are some pretty sexy legs, solid 9/10

The Flood / Re: Happy Bungie Day, Sep7agon
« on: July 06, 2015, 11:13:06 PM »
holy shit, i made that picture

The Flood / Re: Write a creepy story using members of the Sep7
« on: July 06, 2015, 11:11:08 PM »
Longface and Vien and Tblocks walked into a bar

And Vien was hard. Tblocks was blocky. And Longface had a grin that literally stretched ear to ear...
Then Rocketman walked in, a freshly mint Holy Bible clutched in his hands and a guitar slung around his shoulder. He slammed the door behind him and exclaimed, "You drunkards are sinners and are damning yourselves to an eternity in Hell if you do not repent for your actions!" Vien swiftly turned around, his rock-hard sangheili cock tipping over a glass mug in the process, and instantly felt his horny sensation vanish as he noticed the hellish color of Rocketman's eyes.


as much as i disagree with your general philosophy on life, i do enjoy your presence in this community. i feel like i learn something new every time i hop on this website and see one of your posts, as you're quite knowledgeable when it comes to social issues and the like.

i just wish you would be a little bit happier sometimes

i always remember you as the nigga who would never talk in our xbox live parties back in the day

now ur just another fgt who lives in florida

You did this already you cockmuncher
ur gay and i hate you

lol jk, you seem like a totes cool guy and can relate to the struggle of working in a fast food restaurant. when are you going to play l4d2 with me again, faget

Anytime when I'm not busy
of course on PC

kk i'll add you on steam

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