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Topics - Dopameme

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The Flood / Oh god what am I doing
« on: August 09, 2015, 07:14:18 PM »
just took my first baby step in my attempt to eventually convert to a more vegan-friendly diet. this is more of a test run to see if this powder will yield the same results as whey protein powder does. if i don't encounter any negatives from using this then i'll make a permanent switch.

i hope verby is happy for me now

The Flood / We should unban everyone who is currently perma'd
« on: August 08, 2015, 11:56:47 PM »
Ya know, give them another chance. Honestly if you never take kinder, dustin, cam, etc. seriously the shit they posted was actually pretty funny sometimes.

Actually, just exclude comms. Pretty sure he's the only we can all agree is kind of annoying, especially when he flooded the board with shit-thread sprees.

Maybe we can get Charlie to come back too, even though he voluntarily made a permanent leave.

The Flood / Road trips
« on: August 08, 2015, 03:28:30 PM »
Have you ever taken one? If so, how long were you on the road and where did you visit?

I've been on numerous road trips throughout my life and, while driving long distances is definitely a grind, it's a special experience that you just can't get when you take a plane. Taking your own car also gives you the freedom of traveling wherever you want and not being restricted to a single tourist destination.

I'm actually riding home now from a two week road trip all over the east coast. We visited family who lives on the Chesapeake bay in Virginia, New York city, spent a couple days in Niagara falls and Ontario, visited the civil war memorial in Gettysburg, and stayed with my brother in Atlanta.

The Flood / Something yall librul Yankees will never understand
« on: August 07, 2015, 01:18:55 PM »
You can take away our guns, you can take away our confederate flags, but you can't take away our authentic southern BBQ.

There's really nothing better than BBQ ribs, brisket, and sweet tea. Mmmmmm

The Flood / how many times have you fapped to Naoto's avatar
« on: August 06, 2015, 10:29:45 PM »
he does objectively have the best avatar on this website, after all

The Flood / I'm in Canada, eh!
« on: August 05, 2015, 12:39:25 AM »
arrived at Niagara Falls a couple hours ago and went out exploring on my own, only to find out that the drinking age here is 19

i can get used to this 👌

The Flood / So I picked some mushrooms while hiking today
« on: August 03, 2015, 07:59:42 PM »
Gonna put them in my food dehydrator when I get home and do a little research to see if they're psilocybin shroomies 👌

what did you guys do today

The Flood / daily reminder that arky is indeed dead
« on: August 03, 2015, 12:11:26 AM »
it's a shame he had to die at such a young age

rip in pepperonis, arky

The Flood / Drinking a mike's hard lemonade ama
« on: August 02, 2015, 12:49:14 PM »
omg guiz im like SOOO drumk XD

The Flood / Holy shit, Tblocks was right all along
« on: August 01, 2015, 04:34:44 PM »
Tim Horton's is fucking amazing, thank you based Canada

Dunkin Donuts pls go and stay go

The Flood / Note to self: never eat food from Dunkin Donuts again
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:29:40 AM »
i just ate a chicken croissant and an egg and cheese wrap not too long ago and my stomach is not agreeing with me. it feels like a small alien is kicking around and wreaking havoc in my insides...

this iced coffee is bretty good, though

The Flood / This music video is a monument to all your fears
« on: July 31, 2015, 03:49:27 PM »

If you have never seen this video before, I promise you will not be disappointed. Pretty sure I can already feel the emotional scars beginning to form.

post other weird/creepy music videos

The Flood / how was your weekend
« on: July 26, 2015, 10:28:39 PM »
talk to me, flood

i just got home after a weekend full of activities such as staying at a lake-house with a group of friends, incinerating a fair amount of cannabis, and going skinny dipping with females.

guess i'll say this was the best weekend i've had in a while lol

Gaming / anyone here still play Evolve?
« on: July 23, 2015, 04:50:20 PM »
I remember seeing some gameplay trailers way back when and getting super hype for this game. Just started playing it about a week ago and I've already fallen in love with the multiplayer and the game's concept in general.

only thing is, trying to play multiplayer with a team of randoms is dreadful at best...I've heard some people tell me that they just got really bored with the progression system and matchmaking in general so they don't touch the game anymore, but idk, I've always digged these types of games.

anyway if anyone still likes playing the game or is willing to team up with me my GT is I JackitTo HALO. discuss Evolve shit for muh discussion value

The Flood / so Space Jam 2 might be happening
« on: July 22, 2015, 11:48:32 PM »

hopefully this doesn't spawn a Space Jam 3+ and get milked to death, the original movie with MJ is a childhood favorite of mine. plus i'm not a fan of lebron james so there's that.

but if this is actually happening, it could be a hit if it's done right.

The Flood / next time you smoke weed...
« on: July 19, 2015, 07:12:35 PM »

think about how it affects your dog, and just say no!

The Flood / if you haven't watched True Detective
« on: July 19, 2015, 06:32:58 PM »
what the fuck are you even doing with your life? i started watching the first season last night, fantastic show.

« on: July 11, 2015, 12:09:20 PM »


discuss one of the best movies of this generation

i gotta go to work now so i'll be getting back to this when i return home. don't be afraid, i won't bite.

okay maybe i'll bite a little

The Flood / are you having a shitty night?
« on: July 05, 2015, 09:11:42 PM »

here's a video ostriches having sex

you're welcome

The Flood / great start to my weekend
« on: July 04, 2015, 02:12:45 AM »
how are yall doin tonight,  i'm feeling bretty gud

The Flood / rev up those fryers
« on: July 02, 2015, 12:12:27 AM »

because i sure am hungry

Specifically, possessing 20 grams or less only comes with the risk of a minor $100 fine, unless the officer in charge decides to arrest you instead.

MIAMI, FL — County commissioners in Florida’s largest county voted Tuesday to allow police the option of issuing a civil violation instead of arresting an offender caught possessing small amounts of marijuana.

On a vote of 10-3, Miami-Dade County Commissioners approved the measure, which will give police officers the option of issuing a $100 civil violation to offenders caught possessing 20 grams or less of marijuana, essentially treating the marijuana possession as they do other minor offenses such as littering or loitering.  Those offenders who can not afford to pay the $100 fine can elect to provide two days of community service instead.

Supporters of the ordinance said the new approach to handling minor marijuana possession offenses will free up police resources while keeping offenders out of the criminal system.

“We have better things to do with our police resources,” said Commissioner Sally Heyman, who sponsored the ordinance. “For goodness’ sakes, we don’t have to destroy the lives of so many.”

Under Florida law, possession of 20 grams or less of marijuana is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in prison and fines up to $1,000.

Police would still be allowed to place an offender under arrest under state law at their discretion.  Supporters say this would most likely be the case for people caught smoking marijuana in public, in a vehicle, or if it seems that they are selling marijuana.

Supporters of the measure say that currently, police have two choices: arrest an offender, or let them go.

“Right now, it’s let go completely or arrest,” explains Heyman. “This will give a middle alternative.”

Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez endorsed the legislation Tuesday, calling it “good, common sense.”

The police department that answers to Gimenez helped draft the ordinance.

The proposal to reduce marijuana penalties in Miami-Dade is part of a larger proposal to rewrite the county’s criminal codes and create the option of civil fines for six other minor offenses, including loitering, shopping-cart theft, littering and possession of drug paraphernalia.
The ordinance takes effect in 10 days, and applies to all cities in Miami-Dade County as well, including Miami, Miami Beach, and Homestead.

With a population of nearly 2.5 million, Miami-Dade County is the most populated county in Florida.

it's starting to look like Florida is finally taking the necessary baby steps to fully legalize this relatively harmless plant.

The Flood / you know who we still need to join this site?
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:01:51 PM »

somebody track down that glorious man and bring him here

The Flood / what are your favorite kinds of tree nuts?
« on: June 30, 2015, 11:44:21 AM »
Almond squad or kill yourself. probably the most nutritionally potent nut to eat out of the rest

but Brazil nuts are up there for me too, only because my grandma always calls them "nigger toes"

i was having a conversation with him today and he said that he'll be studying how to commercially grow cannabis and something about how it's the largest cash crop in the united states. honestly with cannabis starting to become legal and less stigmatized going into a field like that is a great business opportunity.

i think i might just switch my major again

The Flood / >tfw you go to click on anarchy and it's not there
« on: June 29, 2015, 12:47:32 PM »

give me back my memes, cheat

The Flood / tfw this was part of my childhood
« on: June 27, 2015, 11:27:29 PM »

i remember going here on field trips during my elementary years and having a fucking blast roleplaying as a police officer and arresting other kids. pretty cool that this was also like 20 minutes away from where i grew up. shame that it closed down though, guess it lost attention as the years went on.

The Flood / lol i found a silhouette portrait of cheat
« on: June 27, 2015, 11:33:46 AM »
get it, because he's a nigger? i'm so funny

The Flood / i feel like i made a good decision today
« on: June 26, 2015, 04:32:40 PM »
had to decide on whether i wanted to spend the last of my extra budget money on a whey protein supplement or some more chronic. ultimately i decided on the supplement but i wish i could have both :-\ that opportunity cost, man.

oh well, guess i'll take a little two week break until my next paycheck. anyone else suffer through something similar?

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