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Messages - Lord Starch

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The Flood / Re: Ouija Boards
« on: August 02, 2015, 05:51:52 PM »

I'm a Christian, but even if I wasn't I wouldn't fuck around with it. The stories I've heard is enough of a deterrent.

What does being Christian have to do with using Ouija boards or not? Does it say it in the bible to not use them? I'm seriously curious because I haven't read the bible all the way through only bits and pieces really.
Talking to the dead and screwing with demons is a pretty obvious taboo.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: August 02, 2015, 05:49:33 PM »
I'm writing a diss song abouy you and some other haters.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:32:44 PM »
Post your song on SoundCloud when you do it
I will. I'll make a thread once it drops.

The Flood / Re: Ouija Boards
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:31:30 PM »
I'm a Christian, but even if I wasn't I wouldn't fuck around with it. The stories I've heard is enough of a deterrent.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:28:43 PM »
So yeah, about those beats though. I'm looking for something that I can have a consistent flow on, and then it switches up around the midpoint with no warning. I need some harmonies in it too but go heavy with the bass.
So whoever wants to cook that up, I'll credit you.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:43:39 PM »
Nobodys king of the game right now.  Rap and hip hop have branched off in so many different ways it's silly to say who's the best. It isnt as simple as East/West coast style anymore
I disagree. The whole point of the modern rap game is to tear down this whole regional bias. The best in the game these days is determined by who is consistently dropping hits, staying relevant, getting platinum albums, overall influence, etc. I mean you can't really say one person is the best since it's subjective, but there is a group of rappers that can be considered the greats.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:39:46 PM »
Drake has proven himself the best in the rap game yet he still has haters who claim he sucks.
He hasn't proven that though
Also who can match drakes success in the rap game?
Eminem is still significantly more successful than Drake ever will be
Eminem got like a decade head start. Plus he doesn't even make albums anymore.
"b-but he started earlier so it doesn't count"
fuck outta here. drake isn't the best, nor will he be. it doesn't matter if eminem started earlier - he's still massively more successful than drake.

he still releases singles too. it doesn't matter if he doesn't release albums
The fuck your mean it doesn't matter? Eminem has had more time to build his career and establish his success. Shit drake literally has the most number one songs in the entirety of the rap genre and he hasn't even been rapping that long. He has a deal with Apple. Eminem can suck a dick. He isn't relevant in the game these days.

The Flood / Re: Is it rape if she cums?
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:37:22 PM »

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 31, 2015, 12:44:16 PM »
Drake has proven himself the best in the rap game yet he still has haters who claim he sucks.
He hasn't proven that though
Also who can match drakes success in the rap game?
Eminem is still significantly more successful than Drake ever will be
Eminem got like a decade head start. Plus he doesn't even make albums anymore.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:18:38 PM »

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:16:20 PM »
Drake has proven himself the best in the rap game yet he still has haters who claim he sucks.
First off, you can use drugs as an analogy since drugs basically sell themselves. Drake has to actually work for people to consume his work. Not to mention he has a ton of competition.
Also who can match drakes success in the rap game? Currently.
God you're so fucking basic.

The point of the analogy is popular =/= good.
Yall are putting words in my mouth. I never said popular inherently equals good, but to be popular some people have to think you're good. I think he's good. Millions of other folks think he's good. You think he's bad. It's all subjective, but the fact remains that he's a successful artist. I don't see what's hard about this.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:13:52 PM »
I'm getting so tired of people talking shit about Drake. What the fuck does this guy have to do to please people?
make good music

but to be honest, he doesn't need to make good music for me to respect him as an artist

and a big part of what helps me respect an artist, even if i don't like his art, is if he makes it all himself

...but he doesn't even do that
Well that whole ghost writer thing is a little complicated. He did have some help by Q Miller on his recent mixtape, I can't deny that, but his previous work is all (or mostly) him.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:12:32 PM »
Drake has proven himself the best in the rap game yet he still has haters who claim he sucks.
First off, you can use drugs as an analogy since drugs basically sell themselves. Drake has to actually work for people to consume his work. Not to mention he has a ton of competition.
Also who can match drakes success in the rap game? Currently.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 30, 2015, 04:50:16 PM »
I'm getting so tired of people talking shit about Drake. What the fuck does this guy have to do to please people?

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 30, 2015, 04:44:48 PM »
If drake has a ghostwriter I will throw all his albums in the bin, I don't believe it
You listen to Drake?

he's got a few good tracks >.>
He has 15 number one songs and a ton of multi platinum albums. You can't diss him.
And Justin Bieber is famous.

Your point?
Oh boy, you're not gonna like what I'm about to say. Justin Bieber is a good singer, we have to stop denying this. I'm personally not going to buy any of his albums, but his work is pretty good, especially recently. His vocal range is top notch, even if he is a sack.
Oh ok, you're one of those airheads with a shitty taste in everything.
You're trying to argue drake and Bieber aren't good artists when their career speaks for itself.
Crack is widely used

Obviously it's great stuff
Crack isn't widely used anymore. Got another one?

It really doesn't matter what I use as an analogy, my point still rings true, that's why your only rebuttal was "hurr crack isn't widely used anymore".

And yes. It is used widely still.
No matter what your say or what flawed analogy you use, drake is still selling platinum records, has the most number one songs in rap, and has millions upon millions of fans around the world. You can't win this. You can talk all the shit you want but it doesn't change the fact that Drizzy has success that isn't matched in the rap game.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 30, 2015, 04:42:13 PM »
"it's popular, therefore it's good"

you couldn't say something dumber than that if you tried
If you have millions of fans and sell millions of records, then clearly some people think it's good. It's all subjective. Also I'm so done reading your posts.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 30, 2015, 12:52:11 PM »
If drake has a ghostwriter I will throw all his albums in the bin, I don't believe it
You listen to Drake?

he's got a few good tracks >.>
He has 15 number one songs and a ton of multi platinum albums. You can't diss him.
And Justin Bieber is famous.

Your point?
Oh boy, you're not gonna like what I'm about to say. Justin Bieber is a good singer, we have to stop denying this. I'm personally not going to buy any of his albums, but his work is pretty good, especially recently. His vocal range is top notch, even if he is a sack.
Oh ok, you're one of those airheads with a shitty taste in everything.
You're trying to argue drake and Bieber aren't good artists when their career speaks for itself.
Crack is widely used

Obviously it's great stuff
Crack isn't widely used anymore. Got another one?

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 30, 2015, 12:49:48 PM »
If drake has a ghostwriter I will throw all his albums in the bin, I don't believe it
You listen to Drake?

he's got a few good tracks >.>
He has 15 number one songs and a ton of multi platinum albums. You can't diss him.
And Justin Bieber is famous.

Your point?
Oh boy, you're not gonna like what I'm about to say. Justin Bieber is a good singer, we have to stop denying this. I'm personally not going to buy any of his albums, but his work is pretty good, especially recently. His vocal range is top notch, even if he is a sack.
Oh ok, you're one of those airheads with a shitty taste in everything.
You're trying to argue drake and Bieber aren't good artists when their career speaks for itself.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 29, 2015, 02:00:03 PM »
If drake has a ghostwriter I will throw all his albums in the bin, I don't believe it
You listen to Drake?

he's got a few good tracks >.>
He has 15 number one songs and a ton of multi platinum albums. You can't diss him.
And Justin Bieber is famous.

Your point?
Oh boy, you're not gonna like what I'm about to say. Justin Bieber is a good singer, we have to stop denying this. I'm personally not going to buy any of his albums, but his work is pretty good, especially recently. His vocal range is top notch, even if he is a sack.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:57:06 PM »
No offense but there's a lot of cringe in this thread. Some of yall need to just get off the internet and reevaluate how you live your lives. Or work on self esteem.
Wow! It's like after reading this post, all of my problems just seem so small and insignificant! Thanks, Lord Starch! You know, you should tell this to everyone with depression! "Reevaluate how you live your life" and "Work on self-esteem!"

No, really, that's absolutely beautiful. Put that shit on a fucking T-shirt.

"Reevaluate how you live your life"
- Lord Starch

Maybe put them on some offshoot of the Livestrong bracelets. That'll sell millions!

"Work on self-esteem"
- Lord Starch

If I'da known it was all that simple, I woulda stopped being depressed YEARS ago! You're going places, man. You're gonna be the next Dr. Phil. I mean, everything you said--it's all so nuanced, so erudite, so considerate of the complexity of the issue, but most of all, it's... Fucking retarded. I mean, wow.

It's this sort of glib, vapid ignorance that only makes me hate people even more--Self-esteem is probably the last thing I need to "work on". Whatever the fucking fuck that even means. "Work on self-esteem"? Please, describe to me in your own words what you THINK that means. It'll be hilarious.

Needless to say, your post lacks the substance, sophistication, and tact required to tackle such an issue.

This is the exact type of mongoloid idiocy that I was trying to preempt.
What are you accomplishing by posting this utter shit here? Wait, don't answer that--I already know.

Never post on this board again.
This reaction is reason you stay depressed. Your outlook on life and your fellow man is atrocious. All I'm saying is that maybe instead of being an online pessimist, you should change up and analyze how you live your life. But eh, I was just throwing in my two cents. I don't care what you do.

Can we seriously not turn this fucking thread into a garbage pile.
Not my fault he overreacted to a simple comment.

Actually yeah, it is. If you had a better grasp on the subject at hand that you'd understand that this shit isn't just an off switch. Depression doesn't give a fuck about how happy or well off you are.

It's neural fuckery at its finest and it doesn't give a shit about any walls you put up to stop it. You could be the king of the world and be depressed as shit. You could be well off and be depressed as shit.

And you might even tell yourself things, try to make yourself realize that you're actually okay but it gets reflected and turned back on you in a negative way by your own twisted and warped thoughts. Do you understand that? Here, let me give you an example.

Let's say, somebody who's depressed realizes it. And they start trying to shift their thoughts to better areas. Looking at their life and realizing that, hey, they're pretty well off. You'd think that would work right?


Because then, the person gets down about realizing that they're being stupid about things and that they're being ungrateful for what they have, and you start right back off at square one.

I even wrote you a post explaining that all things considered, I know that I'm well off. But yet I'm still in this shithole of a state no matter how much I try to beat it.

That's what you don't get. This shit isn't just a fucking off switch. It's a slow burn that hides around every fucking corner of your head and waits to come out and twist things against you, and when you think you've beaten it, boom, it comes crawling back out of the dark corners of your head and pushes you right back down into the mud as easily as the first time.

Do you understand me?
I get you. I already knew coming in that there isn't an off switch and its relatively complicated to fix. From what little I've read about it, they say you have to change aspect of your everyday life and focus on introspection. Quite frankly I probably won't ever get it in the sense that you do since I haven't experienced depression, but I suppose I'll make an effort to understand it more than I do now. The symptoms have been explained, but what about the solutions?

You know what? I don't even fucking know anymore. Depression at its core is a chemical inbalance which can be partially countered with its opposite chemicals. Basically, by being happy.

Growth, new experiences and lots of mental activity and stimulous that makes a person happy is always the soundest bet. But that's why I made this thread. I feel like I've hit the wall here. I've defined myself as a person, I've grown and changed, I've learned to do stuff that I enjoy, and I've learned about what makes me happy and satisfied.

And here I am. What the fuck am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to do things like that when I've already established a strong base to work off of? It depends on the depression. Some people have temporary downs which can be climbed out of.

Mine is fucking chronic. It'll always be there.
You know, I planned to head to Barnes and Noble to day for a poetry book, but I think I'll pick up a book on depression as well, as I'm now genuinely curuious about it. So we've established that it's a chemical imbalance that, from what I'm seeing, cannot be counteracted by conciously trying to be happy through introspective analysis or engaging in things that make you happy. Do you think antidepressants are the best solution to this problem? I was always skeptical about them since I assumed one would become dependant on them, but seeing as how it's more physiological than mental, I assume it's the most practical route. I've heard that people could improve by seeking consistent therapy as well.

I hope depression wont always be there for you though.

Anti-depressents aren't even a real solution. It's the opposite really. Yo don't become dependant on anti-depressents. Your brain rejects them.

They're a trick to your brain. Essentially, what they do is, trick your brain into thinking that it has what it needs in terms of a normal healthy chemical balance. And this, naturally, only works for so long. Eventually your brain adapts to the dosage and so over time, the dosage needs to be raised.

It's basically, a money racket. It doesn't fix things. And I can't even consider it because I've conversed with all my various docs and they all agree that with the amount of chemicals I'm taking right now, in the form of meds for chemo, already make me unstable. Throwing more pills on top of things has the potential to seriously fuck me up if it already hasn't.
I see, the brain builds a tolerance to the drug. I figured this would be the case to an extent. That actually reminds me of a case where antidepressants were abused although I can't recall the specifics. Damn, the variables and biochemistry of depression is very complicated. I hate I've fallen into the trap where we as a society haven't really addressed or completely acknowledged the complexity of depression and other neurological conditions.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:50:09 PM »
cannot be counteracted by conciously trying to be happy through introspective analysis or engaging in things that make you happy
You know, I think I took your comments a little too personally and went overboard. I'm glad you've engaged Sandtrap in a proper discussion, and I'm glad you're willing to learn about the issue. That's commendable. So I apologise for being way too hostile in this thread.
I appreciate your apology. I'll also apologize as well for attacking you, that was uncalled for. From now on I'll try to get as much information as possible before speaking on subjects like this.

The Flood / Re: tfw 90 degrees and 70% humidity
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:24:56 PM »
We got a high of 102 here. No humidity though. But it's better than winter.

High temps + humidity > high temps + dry
This is true.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:20:45 PM »
No offense but there's a lot of cringe in this thread. Some of yall need to just get off the internet and reevaluate how you live your lives. Or work on self esteem.
Wow! It's like after reading this post, all of my problems just seem so small and insignificant! Thanks, Lord Starch! You know, you should tell this to everyone with depression! "Reevaluate how you live your life" and "Work on self-esteem!"

No, really, that's absolutely beautiful. Put that shit on a fucking T-shirt.

"Reevaluate how you live your life"
- Lord Starch

Maybe put them on some offshoot of the Livestrong bracelets. That'll sell millions!

"Work on self-esteem"
- Lord Starch

If I'da known it was all that simple, I woulda stopped being depressed YEARS ago! You're going places, man. You're gonna be the next Dr. Phil. I mean, everything you said--it's all so nuanced, so erudite, so considerate of the complexity of the issue, but most of all, it's... Fucking retarded. I mean, wow.

It's this sort of glib, vapid ignorance that only makes me hate people even more--Self-esteem is probably the last thing I need to "work on". Whatever the fucking fuck that even means. "Work on self-esteem"? Please, describe to me in your own words what you THINK that means. It'll be hilarious.

Needless to say, your post lacks the substance, sophistication, and tact required to tackle such an issue.

This is the exact type of mongoloid idiocy that I was trying to preempt.
What are you accomplishing by posting this utter shit here? Wait, don't answer that--I already know.

Never post on this board again.
This reaction is reason you stay depressed. Your outlook on life and your fellow man is atrocious. All I'm saying is that maybe instead of being an online pessimist, you should change up and analyze how you live your life. But eh, I was just throwing in my two cents. I don't care what you do.

Can we seriously not turn this fucking thread into a garbage pile.
Not my fault he overreacted to a simple comment.

Actually yeah, it is. If you had a better grasp on the subject at hand that you'd understand that this shit isn't just an off switch. Depression doesn't give a fuck about how happy or well off you are.

It's neural fuckery at its finest and it doesn't give a shit about any walls you put up to stop it. You could be the king of the world and be depressed as shit. You could be well off and be depressed as shit.

And you might even tell yourself things, try to make yourself realize that you're actually okay but it gets reflected and turned back on you in a negative way by your own twisted and warped thoughts. Do you understand that? Here, let me give you an example.

Let's say, somebody who's depressed realizes it. And they start trying to shift their thoughts to better areas. Looking at their life and realizing that, hey, they're pretty well off. You'd think that would work right?


Because then, the person gets down about realizing that they're being stupid about things and that they're being ungrateful for what they have, and you start right back off at square one.

I even wrote you a post explaining that all things considered, I know that I'm well off. But yet I'm still in this shithole of a state no matter how much I try to beat it.

That's what you don't get. This shit isn't just a fucking off switch. It's a slow burn that hides around every fucking corner of your head and waits to come out and twist things against you, and when you think you've beaten it, boom, it comes crawling back out of the dark corners of your head and pushes you right back down into the mud as easily as the first time.

Do you understand me?
I get you. I already knew coming in that there isn't an off switch and its relatively complicated to fix. From what little I've read about it, they say you have to change aspect of your everyday life and focus on introspection. Quite frankly I probably won't ever get it in the sense that you do since I haven't experienced depression, but I suppose I'll make an effort to understand it more than I do now. The symptoms have been explained, but what about the solutions?

You know what? I don't even fucking know anymore. Depression at its core is a chemical inbalance which can be partially countered with its opposite chemicals. Basically, by being happy.

Growth, new experiences and lots of mental activity and stimulous that makes a person happy is always the soundest bet. But that's why I made this thread. I feel like I've hit the wall here. I've defined myself as a person, I've grown and changed, I've learned to do stuff that I enjoy, and I've learned about what makes me happy and satisfied.

And here I am. What the fuck am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to do things like that when I've already established a strong base to work off of? It depends on the depression. Some people have temporary downs which can be climbed out of.

Mine is fucking chronic. It'll always be there.
You know, I planned to head to Barnes and Noble to day for a poetry book, but I think I'll pick up a book on depression as well, as I'm now genuinely curuious about it. So we've established that it's a chemical imbalance that, from what I'm seeing, cannot be counteracted by conciously trying to be happy through introspective analysis or engaging in things that make you happy. Do you think antidepressants are the best solution to this problem? I was always skeptical about them since I assumed one would become dependant on them, but seeing as how it's more physiological than mental, I assume it's the most practical route. I've heard that people could improve by seeking consistent therapy as well.

I hope depression wont always be there for you though.

Serious / Re: What's your opinion on nuclear weapons?
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:04:53 PM »
I'd prefer to live in a world without nuclear weapons. I could argue MAD nullifies their existence, but there will always be one person who will press the button without thinking or not caring about the consequences. I don't trust mankind with that kind of power. I'd like for nuclear disarmament to be mandatory by the UN, but that's an unrealistic outlook. With the strives in engineering and spread of knowledge, I wouldn't doubt that a terrorist organization or an "unstable" country would attempt to create and use a nuclear bomb eventually. The biggest deterrents from initiating a "nuclear program" seems to be access to materials and international backlash.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 12:49:03 PM »
whose life revolves around a small website insulted me.

You couldn't be more fucking pathetic if you tried.
Yeah, a person with your life isn't going to hurt my feelings.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 12:47:10 PM »
No offense but there's a lot of cringe in this thread. Some of yall need to just get off the internet and reevaluate how you live your lives. Or work on self esteem.
Wow! It's like after reading this post, all of my problems just seem so small and insignificant! Thanks, Lord Starch! You know, you should tell this to everyone with depression! "Reevaluate how you live your life" and "Work on self-esteem!"

No, really, that's absolutely beautiful. Put that shit on a fucking T-shirt.

"Reevaluate how you live your life"
- Lord Starch

Maybe put them on some offshoot of the Livestrong bracelets. That'll sell millions!

"Work on self-esteem"
- Lord Starch

If I'da known it was all that simple, I woulda stopped being depressed YEARS ago! You're going places, man. You're gonna be the next Dr. Phil. I mean, everything you said--it's all so nuanced, so erudite, so considerate of the complexity of the issue, but most of all, it's... Fucking retarded. I mean, wow.

It's this sort of glib, vapid ignorance that only makes me hate people even more--Self-esteem is probably the last thing I need to "work on". Whatever the fucking fuck that even means. "Work on self-esteem"? Please, describe to me in your own words what you THINK that means. It'll be hilarious.

Needless to say, your post lacks the substance, sophistication, and tact required to tackle such an issue.

This is the exact type of mongoloid idiocy that I was trying to preempt.
What are you accomplishing by posting this utter shit here? Wait, don't answer that--I already know.

Never post on this board again.
This reaction is reason you stay depressed. Your outlook on life and your fellow man is atrocious. All I'm saying is that maybe instead of being an online pessimist, you should change up and analyze how you live your life. But eh, I was just throwing in my two cents. I don't care what you do.

Can we seriously not turn this fucking thread into a garbage pile.
Not my fault he overreacted to a simple comment.

Actually yeah, it is. If you had a better grasp on the subject at hand that you'd understand that this shit isn't just an off switch. Depression doesn't give a fuck about how happy or well off you are.

It's neural fuckery at its finest and it doesn't give a shit about any walls you put up to stop it. You could be the king of the world and be depressed as shit. You could be well off and be depressed as shit.

And you might even tell yourself things, try to make yourself realize that you're actually okay but it gets reflected and turned back on you in a negative way by your own twisted and warped thoughts. Do you understand that? Here, let me give you an example.

Let's say, somebody who's depressed realizes it. And they start trying to shift their thoughts to better areas. Looking at their life and realizing that, hey, they're pretty well off. You'd think that would work right?


Because then, the person gets down about realizing that they're being stupid about things and that they're being ungrateful for what they have, and you start right back off at square one.

I even wrote you a post explaining that all things considered, I know that I'm well off. But yet I'm still in this shithole of a state no matter how much I try to beat it.

That's what you don't get. This shit isn't just a fucking off switch. It's a slow burn that hides around every fucking corner of your head and waits to come out and twist things against you, and when you think you've beaten it, boom, it comes crawling back out of the dark corners of your head and pushes you right back down into the mud as easily as the first time.

Do you understand me?
I get you. I already knew coming in that there isn't an off switch and its relatively complicated to fix. From what little I've read about it, they say you have to change aspect of your everyday life and focus on introspection. Quite frankly I probably won't ever get it in the sense that you do since I haven't experienced depression, but I suppose I'll make an effort to understand it more than I do now. The symptoms have been explained, but what about the solutions?

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 12:40:31 PM »
Not my fault he overreacted to a simple comment.
I don't think it's possible to over-react to the sheer level of stupid you managed to fit into it.
Oh no, a depressed person whose life revolves around a small website insulted me. Whatever will I do? Like I said before, reevaluate your life.

The Flood / Re: tfw 90 degrees and 70% humidity
« on: July 29, 2015, 12:27:33 PM »
We got a high of 102 here. No humidity though. But it's better than winter.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 12:25:21 PM »
No offense but there's a lot of cringe in this thread. Some of yall need to just get off the internet and reevaluate how you live your lives. Or work on self esteem.
Wow! It's like after reading this post, all of my problems just seem so small and insignificant! Thanks, Lord Starch! You know, you should tell this to everyone with depression! "Reevaluate how you live your life" and "Work on self-esteem!"

No, really, that's absolutely beautiful. Put that shit on a fucking T-shirt.

"Reevaluate how you live your life"
- Lord Starch

Maybe put them on some offshoot of the Livestrong bracelets. That'll sell millions!

"Work on self-esteem"
- Lord Starch

If I'da known it was all that simple, I woulda stopped being depressed YEARS ago! You're going places, man. You're gonna be the next Dr. Phil. I mean, everything you said--it's all so nuanced, so erudite, so considerate of the complexity of the issue, but most of all, it's... Fucking retarded. I mean, wow.

It's this sort of glib, vapid ignorance that only makes me hate people even more--Self-esteem is probably the last thing I need to "work on". Whatever the fucking fuck that even means. "Work on self-esteem"? Please, describe to me in your own words what you THINK that means. It'll be hilarious.

Needless to say, your post lacks the substance, sophistication, and tact required to tackle such an issue.

This is the exact type of mongoloid idiocy that I was trying to preempt.
What are you accomplishing by posting this utter shit here? Wait, don't answer that--I already know.

Never post on this board again.
This reaction is reason you stay depressed. Your outlook on life and your fellow man is atrocious. All I'm saying is that maybe instead of being an online pessimist, you should change up and analyze how you live your life. But eh, I was just throwing in my two cents. I don't care what you do.

Can we seriously not turn this fucking thread into a garbage pile.
Not my fault he overreacted to a simple comment.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 29, 2015, 12:09:05 PM »
If drake has a ghostwriter I will throw all his albums in the bin, I don't believe it
You listen to Drake?

he's got a few good tracks >.>
He has 15 number one songs and a ton of multi platinum albums. You can't diss him.

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