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Messages - Lord Starch

Pages: 1 ... 171819 2021 ... 43
The Flood / Re: what do you aspire to be?
« on: August 27, 2015, 12:11:50 AM »
I plan to join the Air Force as an officer, and once I do my four years join Lockheed Martin of some other government contractor.

The Flood / Re: Other than Sep7 what's your online presence?
« on: August 26, 2015, 06:55:00 PM »
This place

I'm sure I'm missing some though.

The Flood / How often do you get sick?
« on: August 26, 2015, 01:33:29 PM »
Ever since I started keeping track I noticed I get sick twice a year. Once in the earlier part of the year and then in August, which is a bitch because August is a busy month for me. I probably should have washed my hands after going to the gym, it was packed as fuck. Anyway what about you?

Moore's Law isn't really about technological progress, it's about the efficiency of components. Eventually (and soon) we'll reach a point where we can't make processors any smaller; that point isn't singularity.

Singularity will be more of a biological evolution than a technological one. We'll have the technology to reach it far before we actually understand the human brain and how (or if) AI is achievable.
They're not saying Moore's law is approaching the moment of singularity, they're just using it to help model a prediction for the arrival of the singularity.
And as far as I know singularity just applies to an AGI. But I agree that improvements in biomedical engineering and the other fields relating to it will come before strong AI.

Holy shit you're retarded "hey guys I read something off a wikipedia page I'm smart right?"
Who cares where the info came from, (which is more than just Wikipedia). It's not about being smart, it's about sharing information that apparently some of you didn't know. Stop being childish.
information that's incorrect and based off of pure speculation, poor speculation at that.
You can't call it incorrect information when you've literally put no effort into disputing their claims or even researching the topic. I'll take their analysis over yours.
As opposed to your effort that consists of skim reading something online and then posting it on a backwater Internet forum?

Just stop.
I think I know exactly what to do with you.

Holy shit you're retarded "hey guys I read something off a wikipedia page I'm smart right?"
Who cares where the info came from, (which is more than just Wikipedia). It's not about being smart, it's about sharing information that apparently some of you didn't know. Stop being childish.
information that's incorrect and based off of pure speculation, poor speculation at that.
You can't call it incorrect information when you've literally put no effort into disputing their claims or even researching the topic. I'll take their analysis over yours.
>haven't researched the topic


man i took a college course over AI theory and read Godel, Escher, Bach which contains the leading theory of how AGIs could be made.
Yet you still argue against expert opinion and analysis? Something ain't right then.
no credible expert opinion will predict the technological singularity happening in 2040 or anywhere near that. Optimism has no place in science.

If an inventor who wasn't optimistic about trying to create something then they'd have never passed the hurdles required to reach their end result.
scientists 50 years ago were also optimistic we would have flying cars by now. Look how that turned out. If you're going to study in the field of science you need to be a realist, not an optimist.
True,true. However these questions deal more with the engineering as opposed to the science. Although given this situation not enough research has been done in regards to AI so id say it's a bit of both. But look at the predictions for computer technology, space technology, flight, optics, etc. There's was once a time when the Wright Bros said we would never fly across the Atlantic. When predicting the state of technology sometimes people are right and sometimes they're wrong, but if you want to model technological progress (which I know isn't necessarily foolproof) we see it's an exponential curve.
I'm not saying that definitely by 2040 or 2100 we'll have strong AI, but it's something to think about.

Holy shit you're retarded "hey guys I read something off a wikipedia page I'm smart right?"
Who cares where the info came from, (which is more than just Wikipedia). It's not about being smart, it's about sharing information that apparently some of you didn't know. Stop being childish.
information that's incorrect and based off of pure speculation, poor speculation at that.
You can't call it incorrect information when you've literally put no effort into disputing their claims or even researching the topic. I'll take their analysis over yours.
>haven't researched the topic


man i took a college course over AI theory and read Godel, Escher, Bach which contains the leading theory of how AGIs could be made.
Yet you still argue against expert opinion and analysis? Something ain't right then.

Holy shit you're retarded "hey guys I read something off a wikipedia page I'm smart right?"
Who cares where the info came from, (which is more than just Wikipedia). It's not about being smart, it's about sharing information that apparently some of you didn't know. Stop being childish.
information that's incorrect and based off of pure speculation, poor speculation at that.
You can't call it incorrect information when you've literally put no effort into disputing their claims or even researching the topic. I'll take their analysis over yours.

The Flood / Re: Fucking airport security man
« on: August 25, 2015, 12:22:29 PM »
To be fair, it was pretty dumb of her to drink the entire bottle.

Holy shit you're retarded "hey guys I read something off a wikipedia page I'm smart right?"
Who cares where the info came from, (which is more than just Wikipedia). It's not about being smart, it's about sharing information that apparently some of you didn't know. Stop being childish.

The Flood / Re: The Hindenburg Disaster
« on: August 25, 2015, 02:21:40 AM »

this shit is so stupid, stop

this shit is still fucking stupid, stop
Small minds can't comprehend a paradigm shift.
rc is one of the smartest users here
Doesn't look like it from where I'm sitting.
based on two posts in this thread?

okay then
Repeating something is stupid, which isn't actually stupid, doesn't hint at much intellect. Please go away now so we don't derail. 👋🏽

The Flood / Re: The Hindenburg Disaster
« on: August 25, 2015, 02:04:47 AM »
Damn son, you're very late.

That's not what Moore's Law is. It's the amount of transistors in a single chip that doubles every two years, and yes as we get below 7nm we've run into trouble with just how small we can make it because as dies get smaller the failure rate goes way up.
It's essentially the same concept. Doubling of transistors would result in improved computational power. Also they've already delved into molecular computing and got a quantum computer to calculate 3*5. Eventually conventional electronics and circutry will be obsolete.

The Flood / Re: Dorm room with 3 user
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:49:29 PM »
Jive Turkey, Challenger, and... can't think of anyone else.
So to be fair Drake is pretty good in Killer
You should check out his new song Sweeterman.

Moore's law will be broken soon anyway so it doesn't matter. The whole technological singularity thing is pretty much bullshit.
All I can really say is we'll see. I find it a little optimistic, but think about the technology at the time you were maybe 8 or 10, then compare it to now. Once they crack quantum computing it might be a wrap.
Everyone thinks the development of an AGI is all flowers and rainbows but that could potentially be the ends of us. No one really knows how an AI that is intelligent beyond our capabilities is going to react to humanity, who would be just a bacteria to them. I believe most movies are accurate on that portrayal of AGIs and they'll most likely wipe us out or fuck off because of a lack of interest in us. I don't see a healthy stable relationship between humans and AGIs.
I think most people question the morality and implications of a strong AI. Intelligence and sentience that could exceed a humans is incomprehensible and has unknown consequences, but it will no doubt have some revolutionary applications. But we have to address that it's not a matter of if it'll happen, but when. 
And to address them wiping us out, I'll just look at it from a logical perspective. A non biological intelligence with the ability to improve itself will probably figure out it has some superior qualities. But who knows.

Moore's law will be broken soon anyway so it doesn't matter. The whole technological singularity thing is pretty much bullshit.
All I can really say is we'll see. I find it a little optimistic, but think about the technology at the time you were maybe 8 or 10, then compare it to now. Once they crack quantum computing it might be a wrap.

The Flood / We'll probably experience the technological singularity.
« on: August 24, 2015, 03:09:58 PM »
Some of yall probably know this, but anyway using the concept of Moore's law which states computer technology doubles every 2 years, people have calculated that given the average estimates, we'll have reached the singularity by 2040. Unless you die by some accident or disease, you'll probably be around then. Thoughts?

The Flood / Re: First day of Uni is too lit
« on: August 24, 2015, 02:50:01 PM »
Taking an 8am class.

You're doing college wrong.
I end up having an 8 am every semester. Even a 7:30 sometimes. For some, it's just unavoidable. But if you don't skip you're doing it right.

The Flood / Re: Dorm room with 3 user
« on: August 24, 2015, 02:32:41 PM »
Jive Turkey, Challenger, and... can't think of anyone else.

The Flood / Have you seen the movie Ex Machina?
« on: August 23, 2015, 03:53:27 AM »
It's damn good. If you're interested in the concept of artificial intelligence you'll enjoy this.

The Flood / Re: I don't know what Rick and Morty is
« on: August 22, 2015, 11:43:13 PM »
It's a pretty good show. I haven't been disappointed with an episode so far. It's the perfect combination of comedy, cleverness, creativity, and adventure. They can basically do anything they want with the show since it revolves around the multiverse.

The Flood / Re: Banging a coworker?
« on: August 22, 2015, 11:40:48 PM »
if you're certain that the girl won't become overly-emotional after the fact, then i'd say go for it. personally i'm not doing anything with a coworker ever again after what happened a couple months ago.

Oh shit what happened?
if you're certain that the girl won't become overly-emotional after the fact, then i'd say go for it. personally i'm not doing anything with a coworker ever again after what happened a couple months ago.
You can't leave us hanging on that story.

come on nasty, spill the beans
anyone else waiting for nasty to deliver?
it was nothing too extraordinary lmao, i knew this girl i worked with was into me so we flirted back and forth until we exchanged snapchats. she was honestly a 5/10, maybe a borderline 6/10, and a little chubby, but she had a fat ass so that's why i went for it.

anyway, that same night i invited her over to my apartment to "watch netflix" and fucked her silly. however, the next day she started blowing up my phone saying that we needed to talk and that she had to see me ASAP, but i kept blowing her off by saying i was busy. next thing i know she's banging on my front door screaming my name demanding me to let her in, but i just sat in my room and waited for her to go away. once that passed i sent her a lengthy text explaining that what she did was borderline insane and that i didn't dig that at all, so i blocked her number and removed her from snapchat.

and then the next day i had to work i found out that she quit, so there's that. haven't talked to or seen her since.
I know I'm late but holy shit. She caught feelings real quick.

The Flood / Re: Banging a coworker?
« on: August 21, 2015, 01:54:05 AM »
anyone else waiting for nasty to deliver?
It's like waiting for views from the 6 to drop. It better be damn good.

The Flood / Re: Banging a coworker?
« on: August 21, 2015, 12:14:39 AM »
if you're certain that the girl won't become overly-emotional after the fact, then i'd say go for it. personally i'm not doing anything with a coworker ever again after what happened a couple months ago.
You can't leave us hanging on that story.

The Flood / Re: Banging a coworker?
« on: August 20, 2015, 03:53:41 AM »
Wait is she your superior ie: shift supervisor, manager, etc.?
She's not in any upper level positions. We work in the same department.

« on: August 20, 2015, 03:52:46 AM »
Oh yeah, I'm sure the neighbors got the message from browsing an obscure forum and reading a random guys post. 👌🏽

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