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Messages - eggsalad

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Gaming / Re: Video Games, consent, and you.
« on: January 14, 2016, 05:57:50 AM »
(they would have to make genitals, if the tech is possible, if may cause a lot of trauma to the brain, so you'd need to make sure everything is there)
idk about you that sounds cool not having genitals just being smooth
I'd feel like I'm missing a limb, I think that would be weird as hell not having those parts there. I think it's all a development thing, and if it would actually cause any mental issues. Maybe it would be easier for females, I don't know how they'd feel, but I think a lot of males would agree with me.

Not that I want to whip my dick out in the virtual world......but just, it's a difficult thing to explain, imagine if you could feel something which wasn't there? It'd feel wrong.
but feeling weird and different is the awesomest part of video games

it's also my fetish

Interesting, weird.......but interesting. You're the kind of person who wouldnt mind getting converted into a robotic body aren't you?
nah I just have an amputation and transformation fetish

Gaming / Re: Video Games, consent, and you.
« on: January 14, 2016, 05:53:13 AM »
(they would have to make genitals, if the tech is possible, if may cause a lot of trauma to the brain, so you'd need to make sure everything is there)
idk about you that sounds cool not having genitals just being smooth
I'd feel like I'm missing a limb, I think that would be weird as hell not having those parts there. I think it's all a development thing, and if it would actually cause any mental issues. Maybe it would be easier for females, I don't know how they'd feel, but I think a lot of males would agree with me.

Not that I want to whip my dick out in the virtual world......but just, it's a difficult thing to explain, imagine if you could feel something which wasn't there? It'd feel wrong.
but feeling weird and different is the awesomest part of video games

it's also my fetish

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread
« on: January 14, 2016, 05:51:25 AM »
Are you playing without any hints or walkthrough tips?
Preferably. I might have a few questions about some things, but yeah, as usual, I'd like this to be as blind as possible.

Ah right. Just saiyan, because there's some weird or vague things in there that are obscure or obtuse as hell that can leave you stumped, which you will probably chalk down to bad game design or something.
Well they tried to make it much like a lot of older games, where they explain the basics and leave the rest to you. Not every game needs to be showering the player in tutorials, and a game shouldn't be bad because it lacks that. There is only one thing they should have explained, beside that I'm fine with the rest.
sometimes there just isn't a clear way to progress

firelink is different, there are several areas you can try to progress through but they have too tough of enemies.

being lost after anor londo is just a bunch of backtracking until you can find the damn new areas

Gaming / Re: Video Games, consent, and you.
« on: January 14, 2016, 05:45:50 AM »
(they would have to make genitals, if the tech is possible, if may cause a lot of trauma to the brain, so you'd need to make sure everything is there)
idk about you that sounds cool not having genitals just being smooth

Gaming / Re: Video Games, consent, and you.
« on: January 14, 2016, 05:39:34 AM »
There's a reason boxes say "online content not rated".

to be honest shouldn't be criminal unless it's repeated or legitimately threatening. standard report systems should be fine to weed out people.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread
« on: January 14, 2016, 05:36:20 AM »
Are you playing without any hints or walkthrough tips?
Preferably. I might have a few questions about some things, but yeah, as usual, I'd like this to be as blind as possible.
tbh there are a few things in the game that are basically wiki or bust
ceaseless, he was very shit design

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread
« on: January 14, 2016, 05:09:38 AM »
Who says consent is the measure of value to a competitive game?
I do. Consent is the measure of value for all human activity.

In Street Fighter, you are not forced to fight people online. You have options to kick people you don't want to play against from your server. Every fight is consensual.

It's a fighting game, and you have to give your express consent for each fight.

Good game design.
All games have variables that consent does no account for, what if your opponent is more skilled than you because of naturally fluid MMR? What happens if your opponent uses weapons or strategies you never explicitly permissed?
All that matters is if I want to play you in the first place. If I don't want to play you, I should be able to kick you out. Anything beyond that doesn't matter. It's similar to anti-natalism in a way--I wouldn't have a single motherfucking problem with life if you could simply consent to your own birth, but you cannot do that.

Likewise, you can't consent to being invaded in Dark Souls, and I consider that shit game design. SHIT game design.

Once you solve that problem, I don't give a fuck about any other variables--you've solved the one big variable that matters. You don't have to consent to your opponent using certain strategies--that's retarded. If you don't want to play someone you know is going to use a particular strategy, don't play that person. That's the game.

Oh, that's because whether or not those things matters depends on the context of an individual game. Want to know why there aren't popular gametypes like that? Because it favors the home playing field at all times. You are only consenting to play when it is within your comfort zone. It is not an objectively worse or unethical design, it is a different design made for the purpose of incorporating elements of challenge and risk, because those elements are what make games rewarding when your risks pay off as a result of your skills. With this consent shite you are arbitrarily holding up as the standard of a game, you are just eliminating the value of game design itself.
Because I don't think that particular design choice has any value.

Indeed--it has negative value.
It's like you're reading a book meant to be a tragedy and complaining that it is objectively worse to the reader because it doesn't make them feel happy in the end compared to a fairy-tale. You refuse to acknowledge what the intended effect of the damn thing is and then try to give it some objective value or quality.
What a categorically shit comparison. A better comparison would be if I were reading a book, and every once in awhile, someone tried to snatch the book away from me as I was trying to read it, for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I ask them why, they tell me, "It's part of the experience."

If that's part of the experience, then it's a shit experience.

>4 likes on this post
What a joke.

I doubt anyone actually understood the points you were making.
Why isn't it important that you consent to the strategies your opponent will use? If consent is truly the empericism standard. Would you consent to someone coming over for a fencing match and you only find out he was bringing a broadsword once you start fighting? Would you consent to a game of chess when the opponent wants to play checkers?

Or is part of playing a game with an established set of rules independent of your preferences? In chess your opponent can castle, in Dark Souls your opponents can enter at will. If you must consent to enter a world why do you not have to consent to spamming Dark Bead other than it personally doesn't bother you when it most certainly bothers other people.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread
« on: January 13, 2016, 10:27:48 PM »
Also just become human at bonfires for the sake of additional potions, after that just go back to normal zombie man. I dont think you care about rare drops so you dont really have anyother reason to go human. If you do you can summon NPC helpers at certain parts but theyre not that great.

The game will be impossible with only 5 flasks though, dont do that to yourself.
it's impossible if you dont play speedrun souls

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread
« on: January 13, 2016, 10:25:56 PM »
You can however argue that the invasion system doesn't work well towards that effect. Because what most people will do is just disconnect themselves and only have to face the scripted encounters, which aren't up to par most of the time. I don't know if arbitrary number crunching is really a healthy way of solving that, but maybe stat bonuses like Chaos weapons with humanity would be good incentives to take on a heavier burden.

One aspect about the inbalance of invasions is it gives players insight in to the potential damage outputs and playstyles that can be had in the game, and sometimes some are more effective than others.

Serious / Re: Making a Murderer
« on: January 13, 2016, 10:21:03 PM »
at this point ive started to respect judges as much as sheriffs
Hey man, sheriffs can be cool dudes. I just slipped one a $20, answered no to a bunch of questions, and he printed me right out a carry permit.
exactly its more a per individual basis

Serious / Re: Making a Murderer
« on: January 13, 2016, 09:25:32 PM »
at this point ive started to respect judges as much as sheriffs

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread
« on: January 13, 2016, 09:15:19 PM »
I won't bother.

The fact that none of that stuff is available as Hollow is a game flaw that I will be taking note of. That's bad design.
It's only bad design if you suck at the game.
Except that doesn't make any sense. Even if I were the greatest Dark Souls player ever, I would still consider that shit design.

No player should ever be able to join your game without your permission. Ever.

That has absolutely nothing to do with player skill. It's about ethics.

This is why Dark Souls fans are so toxic and cancerous--any criticism at all is just met with the slack-jawed response of "get good," even if it doesn't even remotely apply to the criticism at hand.
Your only response is slack-jawed "it shouldn't be that way".
"because that's not how consent works"
Who says consent is the measure of value to a competitive game?
All games have variables that consent does no account for, what if your opponent is more skilled than you because of naturally fluid MMR? What happens if your opponent uses weapons or strategies you never explicitly permissed? Oh, that's because whether or not those things matters depends on the context of an individual game. Want to know why there aren't popular gametypes like that? Because it favors the home playing field at all times. You are only consenting to play when it is within your comfort zone. It is not an objectively worse or unethical design, it is a different design made for the purpose of incorporating elements of challenge and risk, because those elements are what make games rewarding when your risks pay off as a result of your skills. With this consent shite you are arbitrarily holding up as the standard of a game, you are just eliminating the value of game design itself.

It's like you're reading a book meant to be a tragedy and complaining that it is objectively worse to the reader because it doesn't make them feel happy in the end compared to a fairy-tale. You refuse to acknowledge what the intended effect of the damn thing is and then try to give it some objective value or quality.

Serious / Re: Why do people give a shit?
« on: January 13, 2016, 09:02:49 PM »
dude nothing matters so yolo yknow

Serious / Re: Making a Murderer
« on: January 13, 2016, 08:48:34 AM »
"It would have been easier to kill him."

jesus christ

Serious / Re: Is nothing even anything?
« on: January 11, 2016, 05:25:06 PM »
It's impossible to get nothing...although Black Holes probably come close (although even then, they have gravity soooo...)
by many standards black hole are more thing than we are thing

I meant "close as" to true nothing in the sense is they're in the vacuum of space and have no light either.

Of course they are something, they have an astounding gravitational force. But that's my point, true nothingness is impossible. If you were able to have a thick lead box containing a vacuum, truly devoid of any particles at all there would still be the forces of gravity acting within, and that can't be removed or blocked off.

theyre also like

a ton of matter

Serious / Re: Is nothing even anything?
« on: January 11, 2016, 03:17:05 PM »
Some properties of particles should make us reconsider what we think of when we think "existence" anyways. Particles flickering in and out of observable reality, etc.

Serious / Re: Is nothing even anything?
« on: January 11, 2016, 03:11:15 PM »
It's impossible to get nothing...although Black Holes probably come close (although even then, they have gravity soooo...)
by many standards black hole are more thing than we are thing

Society is required to continue the search for truth. A dysfunctional society can inhibit progress.

The Flood / Re: how long has it been since your last lay?
« on: January 09, 2016, 05:14:16 PM »

The Flood / Re: Overheard the "Blacks are less evolved" talk
« on: January 09, 2016, 02:21:15 PM »
Pretty sure that'd put Asians above us whites.

waste of time

but thats the most of it really
tbh i always felt weird calling women those titles anyways

The Flood / Re: totes reaching that time of month
« on: January 07, 2016, 12:47:36 PM »
>tfw only need to buy 1 textbook this semester

Serious / Re: Answering Cadenza's question
« on: January 07, 2016, 12:46:40 PM »
When does the number of descendents someone will have outweigh the negative results of murdering them before they can reproduce?

The Flood / Re: Things that really bother you thread
« on: January 06, 2016, 01:54:26 PM »
people who systematically destroy the value of words to suit their arguments

The Flood / Re: Post the last thing you heard offline ITT
« on: January 03, 2016, 09:37:51 AM »
"i cant sleep when we spoon"

The Flood / Re: Grievous is interesting.
« on: January 02, 2016, 04:23:37 PM »
he's not that interesting really
pawn being played and manipulated
he's just fucking cool

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on The Force Awakens?
« on: January 01, 2016, 07:44:41 PM »
It remained consistent within itself as far as pacing and tone were concerned. No ewok songs, no Jar Jar.

Serious / Re: Promiscuity and desensitization to sex
« on: December 31, 2015, 03:16:33 PM »
without judging women based on your very specific experiences
Statistics are a thing.

This one also includes statistics for men.

Academic paper linked in the article.

First study also suggests that men do not suffer the same long-term marital consequences from promiscuity. I'm sceptical, though. My own experience with promiscuity suggests otherwise.
ya got me

Serious / Re: Promiscuity and desensitization to sex
« on: December 31, 2015, 12:29:02 PM »
I'm saying I don't know if a very specific consequence of promiscuity for women is the same for men.
How can you possibly be certain about how it is for women without judging women based on your very specific experiences that most certainly cannot be representative of majority.

without being sexist

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