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Messages - eggsalad

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Serious / Re: "The EFIList" movie
« on: January 23, 2016, 07:59:59 PM »
No anti-natalist argument has provided a compelling reason why suffering should be considered supremely morally wrong any more than an atom losing or gaining electrons.
What ethical arguments do survive this counter? Was the Holocaust not unethical because it came about by deterministic means? 
Consciousness is a spectrum measuring awareness and reaction to outside stimuli; humans demonstrate the highest known form of this by responding with an array of emotions, and atoms display the most basic form by attracting and repelling other atoms. Sure, suffering isn't fun but "happy = good and pain = bad" is like the pre-school level of philosophy, and anti-natalism isn't much more profound than "the sum of human endeavors results in a greater net suffering than happiness, therefore human existence is morally wrong."

I know the question of why anti-natalists don't just commit suicide is a tired one, but if you truly believe your existence represents a net suffering on others there's really no reason to not do so,
Absolutely not necessary to anti-natalism. Anti-natalism is about the moral value of the act of creating life, not the existence of life itself. If a person is alive and enjoys their existence that is absolutely fine and dandy. It's when they believe that they can make that decision for others that there becomes issue.

The agency argument is a farce; nobody believes babies, toddlers, children, or even teenagers are autonomous. I'd argue that the very idea that humans are capable of autonomous reasoning is critically flawed by the social nature of our species; if we were, there'd be no moral argument against suicide of anti-natalists -- or anyone, for that matter -- or even against the murder of others to prevent reproduction.
Even if we are not violating the consent or whatever of the unborn, birthing them is deemed irresponsible by antinatalism due to a large list of possible negative outcomes that can only truly be prevented by not birthing them. There life could potentially be great, yeah. But that doesn't make the decision to take that gamble any less irresponsible, and if practiced enough, prone to produce the feared results.

I've weighed the values of murdering people who would otherwise reproduce before. It's troublesome of course because it would justify the murder of literally any one individual who could potentially create an ever growing lineage.

The argument against doing such a thing would be that doing so would probably create a world with more suffering, and ultimately would create more suffering than it prevents. Most anti-natalists agree that they'd only murder all life if they could do so instantaneously and completely, to prevent any consequences towards the currently living.

It's no more an affront to a person's agency to give birth to them as it is to give them a gift that they didn't explicitly ask for.
The two situations are absolutely different in scope.
A person gifting you a blender is not the same as a person "gifting" you a job that you didn't ask for, a job that can range from giving you painful colon cancer to giving you chronic depression or whatever awful conditions you want to imagine.

If a person doesn't want the blender they can dispose of it rather easily, a trip to the dumpster at most.
If a person doesn't want their life, they likely already had to go through a good decade and a half of it, be socially conditioned to fear death, overcome natural stress and apprehension towards death, then go commit suicide with variable degrees of effectiveness that might just put you in a hospital and put you in a whole new world of hurt as everyone you never chose to be surrounded by as a child is put through a ton of suffering.

Serious / Re: "The EFIList" movie
« on: January 23, 2016, 07:13:33 PM »
For a minute there I thought the lady in the video was a man.. <.<
She's trans.

Your movement attracts the worst of fronts to present itself.

Nothing against trans folks but damn.
if you judge an ideology by the attractiveness of its followers you need to get your dick out of your brain

The Flood / Re: charlie i watched gran torino
« on: January 23, 2016, 05:27:10 PM »
All of the Asian actors are actually pretty horrible.
I'm assuming they felt obligated to have actual Hmong people do the roles, which handicapped casting.

The Flood / Re: charlie i watched gran torino
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:09:27 PM »
Get off my lawn
pretty much any scene where he was scaring the shit out of gangsters was gold though

The Flood / Re: charlie i watched gran torino
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:05:48 PM »

Gran Torino is a masterpiece.

someone casted this kid
What's wrong with the acting here...?
there is no hope

The Flood / Re: charlie i watched gran torino
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:03:29 PM »

Gran Torino is a masterpiece.

someone casted this kid

The Flood / charlie i watched gran torino
« on: January 23, 2016, 03:56:49 PM »
was pretty awful
clint did fine enough but he has horrible range as an actor and needs someone else to play off of

The Flood / Re: Could you torture someone?
« on: January 23, 2016, 03:49:57 PM »
>thinking torture works

I don't think inventory should pause gameplay. Elder Scroll style inventory management ruins a lot of immersion. I always kind of imagined mid fight inventory diving as rifling through your bag desperately for something you need, which obviously comes at the cost of the ability to use several abilities and if you're not skilled you won't be able to survive long enough, which was fun and should stay.

But things like the settings menu or stats and the like could pause things.

I'm agreeing with Verb.

It's not like pausing even actually helps you unless you try playing the game frame by frame like some kind of sperg. It's just like shields. The enemy isn't going away just because you have these temporary tools of delaying yourself from taking damage.

Well there is an issue, because again that would go against the idea the game is built upon directly. The game actively tries to make sure nothing is too overpowered and can exploited.
They were pretty lazy with backstabs.
Which if, the player can freely choose to, devolves the game into an endless spin simulator just trying to loop around enemies with slower turn speed. In DS2 they sometimes created cool solutions to the problem with the turtlebros, but they largely only patched it over by artificially changing the turn speed faster than the animations could compensate for so we have horrible looking sliding in place.

As much as I love how much of a great skill inventory management is in Dark Souls, there is no reason for it to exist.

well havent told my friends irl that i have a bf in texas and that i want boobies
How are there so many of you
the bungle curse

well havent told my friends irl that i have a bf in texas and that i want boobies

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: January 23, 2016, 01:26:08 AM »

Love this game's art
That backdrop felt very Japanese and I wish there was more to it.

Dark Souls definitely needs more of these types of environments not just 80% caves

they made some great pvp arenas

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: January 23, 2016, 12:55:38 AM »

Love this game's art
That backdrop felt very Japanese and I wish there was more to it.

The Flood / Re: Kittens thead
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:53:35 PM »

im a cat person with no cats :(

The Flood / Re: Is it worse to watch porn...
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:34:31 PM »
Thinking of people I know in that sense is really uncomfortable. Lust is a terrible thing.
the taboo of it makes it arousing imo

The thought that somewhere out in the world, there might be somebody wanking off to me is slightly uncomfortable to think about.
think of how many people youve fapped to
just one person of many
Imagined persons, or someone quite intentionally putting "that" business for public display. Fantasizing about Becky from accounting is just weird.
youre weird nerd

The Flood / Re: Is it worse to watch porn...
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:27:19 PM »
Thinking of people I know in that sense is really uncomfortable. Lust is a terrible thing.
the taboo of it makes it arousing imo

The thought that somewhere out in the world, there might be somebody wanking off to me is slightly uncomfortable to think about.
think of how many people youve fapped to
just one person of many

The Flood / Re: Is it worse to watch porn...
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:25:51 PM »
maybe if you know gross people

The Flood / Re: Is it worse to watch porn...
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:23:13 PM »
Thinking of people I know in that sense is really uncomfortable. Lust is a terrible thing.
the taboo of it makes it arousing imo

The Flood / Re: Is it worse to watch porn...
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:16:16 PM »
.On the one hand, you're jerking off to the actual act of two people having sex.
What, literally, is the taboo in that.

I dunno. Something weird about getting off to someone else getting off, I guess. I don't make the rules.
idk about you fam I put myself in the persons perspective
else thats voyeurism specifically as a fetish

The Flood / Re: Is it worse to watch porn...
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:11:24 PM »
.On the one hand, you're jerking off to the actual act of two people having sex.
What, literally, is the taboo in that.

Serious / Re: Are you pro-establishment or populist?
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:08:28 PM »
What if I dislike the establishment and think it needs regulation but also don't think it's as simple as taxes.

Gaming / Re: [SERIOUS] Wanting to pick up Dark Souls
« on: January 22, 2016, 06:58:09 PM »
Do you guys play it on pc? Because I see a lot of reviews saying the pc port is horrid. Should I be worried, because I was only going to get it for pc?
There's fixes out.

The Flood / Re: Does Japan have the inverse of Weebs?
« on: January 22, 2016, 06:16:38 PM »
they want to go to paris but sperg out and suicide

The Flood / Re: Humanity next big step?
« on: January 22, 2016, 06:14:10 PM »
Edible fleshlights
it's called steak

Dark Souls 1 was overall better, but there were a few things in Dark Souls 2 they did right, such as replacing the kick with the poise break for the shield. Discourages someone always holding it up. Same with backstabs I think.
I always felt the kick was better for balance. With no poise-BS DS2 needed some form of turtling, and shields were pretty balanced in that aspect in DS1. Sure you can sit there doing jack shit behind a shield, but only if your shield was 100% phys reduc and the enemy weapon was 100% phys would that be sustainable. Also shield turtling is about as benign as strategies get, considering you aren't harming your opponent. So nuking shields with a free stun and special attack with that poise break thing was pretty overkill in a game where any and all weapons in the meta had mixed damage and countered shields anyways. Partly why DS2 meta is so aggresive.

I suppose it is nice that the poise break comes at the cost of a long wind-up, but kicking was so close range it was virtually the same risk IMO.

Gaming / Re: [SERIOUS] Wanting to pick up Dark Souls
« on: January 22, 2016, 03:41:23 PM »
Don't pick up if you dislike adapting to horrible Japanese controls.

Once you adapt to them it's very easy to understand...

But then I played a different game and used B to sprint and RB to attack.
It's not hard to understand.
But using a polearm without lock-on illustrates how much of a crutch the lock-on system is.
And bow combat failed incredibly.

Gaming / Re: [SERIOUS] Wanting to pick up Dark Souls
« on: January 22, 2016, 03:40:14 PM »
Don't pick up if you dislike adapting to horrible Japanese controls.

Can't be worse than resident evil controls....
It's not. The controls are tight. Disregard that.
About as tight as you are slut

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