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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 212223 2425 ... 84
Serious / Re: If censorship improves a work, should it be done?
« on: January 29, 2016, 02:50:36 PM »
People usually want kids of their own over adopted kids.
Which is one of the most ape-ass, selfish desires out there.
The legit reason to not want to adopt is because the adoption process right now is cumbersome and takes forever. "muh genes" is grounds for not letting someone pass their genes IMO. I know you weren't saying that's what you felt but guh this one fucking infuriates me.

The Flood / Re: Done with exams, let's talk
« on: January 29, 2016, 11:25:23 AM »
literally fucking bombed first calc exam
and i only feel the pain because i know it's 100% my fault

im not cut out for this college thing i think im just going to get a 2 year and get out
then get some entry level job that doesnt require thought and try to get into freelance web dev stuff or something on the side
i dont live on expensive means i think i might be fine
just gotta eat nothing but bulk ramen, gallon jugs of water, and live within biking distance of work for a few years to pay off those debts

The Flood / Re: Non-edge, non-cringe thread relating to 90s cartoons.
« on: January 29, 2016, 11:17:58 AM »
literally tempted to go listen to that song from Billy and Mandy's Big Boogey Adventure but I feel like it won't be as good as I remember

Serious / Re: FBI video of Burns Refuge occupiers getting BTFO
« on: January 28, 2016, 11:08:38 PM »
tbf the fuck was that officer trying to do

Gaming / Re: What game do you 'rage' in everytime?
« on: January 28, 2016, 06:09:13 PM »

youtube poop fucking gets me man

You pick it up like souls. Just check your inventory.

i think it should be on your HUD, like souls are
Well if they are soft and can be lost, they are displayed. So they kind of function identical to souls. Through the game you gain souls and humanity that you don't want to lose before dying, but you also occasionally find consumable souls or humanity that both don't show up on HUD (unless in item slot) because they aren't particularly designed for use outside rest areas.

-The Dark Knight
-American psycho
-Dodgeball: a true underdog story

-The Dark Knight

Ok let's just start off by cutting out the cancer and talk about the actual films on your list.

FOTR - Good choice, most pick TT or ROTK
American psycho - Nice, quite patrician.
Dodgeball: a true underdog story - Not bad, not great but not bad.

So you got around a 3/5  which is better than most people's tbh.

No order.

Resevoir Dogs.
Stalker (1979).
Good Bad Ugly.
can I say Revenge of the Sith because it's so fucking hilarious

Resevoir Dogs, people in this thread really seem to like this one over pulp fiction.
GBU - Good choice, however the patrician will always choose FAFDM
The rest of your list is pretty avergae. but the fact that you mentioned ROTS for it's comedic value gets you some brownie points.

You're defintely not a plebian but you're not quite patrician either.

I felt like Pulp Fiction was just a collection of well made scenes. Resevoir Dogs kept me more engaged with characters to care about and good performances.

A lot of these movies I included though I think actually just stuck because I remember their endings well. I know Saw had a lot of shit to it, but I really appreciated the low-budget sleeper hit it was.

gonna go ahead and mention Stand by Me, American History X, the Godfather, Scarface, and the Deer Hunter as well

and Trainspotting
fuck you make me want to rewatch American History and reassess my feelings on it, i havent seen it since i was a dumb kid

I'm convinced they originally intended to make Bridge Drake a required boss fight, couldn't find a way to make his design not be awful, and just scrapped him up to an obstacle and copy pasted Taurus in to make sure there was no long gap between bosses.
yeah, that's what i expected, too

speaking of which--i don't have to fight taurus again, do i
any boss with a title and healthbar does not respawn
some unrelated enemies dont as well
but no spoils on who

No order.

Resevoir Dogs.
Stalker (1979).
Good Bad Ugly.
can I say Revenge of the Sith because it's so fucking hilarious



you brought him here to KiLL me!

I'm convinced they originally intended to make Bridge Drake a required boss fight, couldn't find a way to make his design not be awful, and just scrapped him up to an obstacle and copy pasted Taurus in to make sure there was no long gap between bosses.

The Flood / Re: Do you own any weapons? (Knives, guns, etc.)
« on: January 27, 2016, 08:39:25 PM »
weapons are for attacking
my guns and knives are TOOLS

but rather that without them Russia wouldn't have been able to contest the Reich and history would be dramatically different as a result.
Soviet military strategy wasn't that different from Tsarist military strategy. It was basically composed of seeing individual soldiers as expendable, and victory through numbers. It was very much in the German interest in ~1916 to see the Leninists and Soviets take over Russia, and we of course have to remember that much of Hitler's early success was based on a non-aggression pact with Russia which was preserved until 1941.
No as in forced moving of labor resources from agriculture to industrial plants.

Serious / Re: If censorship improves a work, should it be done?
« on: January 27, 2016, 05:15:03 PM »
There is a difference between tuning a product to create a new, better product and destroying the old product because you dislike it in comparison. I'm all for people taking their liberties to improve upon existing ideas and IP. I just think no one should restrict access to the original content, because ultimately even if something were objectively better to every person, being able to see the context and progression of developing that something is very worth preserving.

I think the whole idea of "tainting" an IP is just silly.

Are you implying that the world today would be better off without the forced and rapid individualization of Russia?
This is a myth. Prior to the removal of Nicholas II, Russia had been following a relatively liberal course towards agricultural and commercial reform under the watch of ministers like Sergei Witte and Pyotr Stolypin. The idea that the Soviets had a meaningfully positive impact on the Russian economy is largely false; almost all of the growth throughout that period is due to an increase in both available capital (and the replacement of that capital following the War) and the labour supply, with very little growth .
You're obviously more read on the subject than I am but to clarify I didn't intend to say that Soviet reforms improved the lives of anyone at the time, but rather that without them Russia wouldn't have been able to contest the Reich and history would be dramatically different as a result.

If I'm wrong about that too please make sure I know.

Not for slave owners or Stalin supporters.

consequentially bad for aggregate well-being.
How can you easily quantify the aggregate when it may take from one victim to hundreds to achieve a positive outcome.

Thinking that we just need one fella to get an injection in this scenario is unrealistic. This is about establishing the ability to indefinitely exhaust "undesirables".

At what point does this obsession with aggregate good preclude slavery, Stalinism, or other collectivist nonsense?
The point where you realise that slavery, Stalinism and collectivist nonsense has been pretty clearly consequentially bad for aggregate well-being.

The point I'm making is about operations it may be necessary to conduct on the margins of knowledge, in order to better inform our various decision-making processes.
Are you implying that the world today would be better off without the forced and rapid individualization of Russia? That the course of World War 2 wouldn't probably have been unpredictable without it?

I mean you are certainly justifying the acts of kooks like Mendelle as far as I can see. It's unfortunate that the victims were simply jews, but hey as long as we learn some things maybe then we should continue letting that process continue.

an equitable justice system failing wouldn't have nearly as severe or irreversible effects on someone as experimentation would.
This is irrelevant, though. I agree that the justice system ought to be reformed, but that's simply because the current system does nothing for aggregate well-being; recidivism, ignorance of mental health issues etc. What is necessary is some kind of incarceration and rehabilitation for offenders, and since such institutions are necessary we are willing to accept a margin of error in its operation.

Experimentation, even if functionally linked to the justice system, is a separate institution. If we have a defined subset of the population who we deem appropriate for experimentation, we should also be willing to tolerate some kind of margin of error regardless. If, for instance, we knew with certainty that of all the experiments conducted only one would be conducted on a wrongly prosecuted person, I think we would both agree that such a cost is worth bearing. So we hit a point where opposition to some margin of error is not, in fact, a moral principle.

This is, of course, all based on the premise that we choose prisoners to perform experiments on.
At what point does this obsession with aggregate good preclude slavery, Stalinism, or other collectivist nonsense?

maybe you should consider the value to you as a citizen there is in knowing that even a severe miscarriage of justice won't put you in the hands of some hawk who has a passion for winning, not doing things right.
I don't find these kinds of Rawlsian arguments as convincing as most people do, although I'm not as familiar with Rawls as I should be.

But, it seems to me, if we're willing to accept some margin of error in pretty much any routine government function it's not particularly rational to consider how I would personally like it if I fell into the group poorly done-by due to said errors. It seems aggregate (potential) utility should be the possible metric. If we agree that knowledge-advancing experimentation is necessary for society, and we agree that these experiments will be secretly performed on certain criminals, it should be irrelevant if that margin of error results in innocent casualties (assuming the MoE is within an acceptable range). The experimentation is done both without the public or broader justice system being aware; the possibility of experimentation is a function of human error in the pursuit of an agreed-upon goal, not some kind of punishment for wrongdoing. If we're willing to accept a margin of error in prosecution, I don't see why human experimentation should be any different.
Medical and psychological experimentation is hardly comparable to imprisonment. The core failure of the justice system today is the fact it does permanent damage to the incarcerated, an equitable justice system failing wouldn't have nearly as severe or irreversible effects on someone as experimentation would. Grouping "testing new malaria vaccines" with "waiting for parole" is hardly fair I'd think you'd agree.

The problem with it being classified is that directly reduces how much oversight and insurance there is on misdoings being reported and obvious criminals being punished. MK-Ultra should have put people in concrete graves.

Secondly the issue of trying to justify it with criminals and the "undesirables" puts faith in a justice system that still uses god damn juries. If you can feel that those mistakes are worth the benefits, maybe you should consider the value to you as a citizen there is in knowing that even a severe miscarriage of justice won't put you in the hands of some hawk who has a passion for winning, not doing things right.

I'm pretty much going through a process of shedding off that persona I've had for years and becoming an actual person with feelings and emotions beyond just "happy"
Are you going to have an edgy phase?
tsundafruit when

Serious / Re: God I really hate Clinton
« on: January 26, 2016, 11:22:48 PM »
Cunt is a sexist slur, no different than if you called Obama a nigger to disparage him. People like Verb using the c-word as a general insult is retarded.
that's offensive to retards
They're not called retards.
i don't even know WHAT the PC term for them is nowadays

it's offensive to them, is the point

language policing is silly, is the point
When you call someone a retard, you're not calling them out for being actually mentally slow. It's not a personal attack. That's why "retard" isn't a slur.

When you call someone a cunt/nigger, you're calling them out for being female/black. It is a personal attack, which is why both are slurs.

You can do this whole "I call women and men cunts" routine, but that's literally no different than if you went around calling white guys niggers. It doesn't make it okay to call black guys that, it just makes you look dumb when you say it to white guys.
meanwhile no outrage at the obvious gender slurs of dick or douche which describe men as belligerents or inconsiderate or some other negative connotation

'bbut we can call anyone dicks' can call women dicks. You can call men dicks. It's not a slur (people are disdaining you because of your attitude with that word, not your sex).

holy shit you actually did it

when you're called a bitch or a cunt its for being belligerent or an asshole.
when you're called a dick or a douche its for being a belligerent or an asshole.

its hilarious how some feminists have such male centric viewpoints that they think explicit references to male genitals are generic while references to female genitals are specific

Used to be a fucking rollercoaster but after spending a few weeks with bae and his fam I suddenly have things to live for and don't descend into panics anymore. Although haven't hit the first waves of tests so who knows.

The Flood / Re: You guys like cats?
« on: January 26, 2016, 04:09:39 PM »
I like dogs because they're better than cats in every shape and form
theyre needy af and noisy af and intrusive af

cats can be
but they dont throw themselves onto you like dogs do
Needy? My dog isn't needy at all. Noisy? My dog just sleeps all day. He only barks when my mom gets home from work. Intrusive? Very rarely from my dog, both the inside and outside one.

At least dogs show more affection towards you than cats, that's what pets are supposed to do.
yeah but my anecdote anecdotes me whenever im anecdote

The Flood / Re: You guys like cats?
« on: January 26, 2016, 03:40:21 PM »
I like dogs because they're better than cats in every shape and form
theyre needy af and noisy af and intrusive af

cats can be
but they dont throw themselves onto you like dogs do

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: January 26, 2016, 03:38:54 PM »
again that was my cancer build at the 125~range if i remember
my main build was winged spear xanthous set at ~75 range
>winged spear
>not cancer

It takes literally no skill to use spears in PvP.
if spears were what made wins, everyone would use them

weirdly though everyone uses poise and greatswords

again that was my cancer build at the 125~range if i remember
my main build was winged spear xanthous set at ~75 range

Elite Knight doesn't have great poise or defense.

I lold

poise has poisoned the meta so hard you forgot sets exist below the median

poise ruined PvP balance sadly

If it wasn't for poise those faggots with no armor using that ring that lets you do cartwheels are fucking unstoppable.
Poise = continue to do damage while your opponent is stunlocked
The ridiculous iframes of flip-ring = stalling the game

one of these things definitely seems to be "either play this meta or you lose"
People rarely play that cheaply and if they do just be cheap back.
Havel's and Giant's and Wolf are all very prolific because of poise.

of my last 3 invades in woods 3/5 people had havels
I rarely lose to anybody and all I use is the Elite Knight armor and the claymore.
literally training wheels

at least when i played a cancer build I did it wearing nothing but manly monk robes

flip ring + chaos zwei + good ping + hornet ring
delicious one shots

those sinful days are behind me though.

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