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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 202122 2324 ... 84
Make sure you tell us when you get to Blightown asap so we can make sure you don't miss something super super cool in the game that's kind of tucked away.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:32:21 PM »

Serious / Re: Female journalist hires a male escort and feels "validated"
« on: February 06, 2016, 03:11:34 PM »
Here's the same site criticizing men who have bought escorts, broadly denouncing them as "not real men".
jesus christ i hate these bitchy web authors
and i hate more the fact that they are hired because they have a market

The Flood / Re: Most evil/cruel thing you've ever done?
« on: February 06, 2016, 06:01:57 AM »
I beat the ever living shit out of somebody and I didn't let them get back up until after I was done.

I'm no fan of violence. Hate starting it. But it was somebody who legitimately deserved it. Even still. They weren't expecting me to attack them when I did. It was a mistake to do it though.
lmao what a puss taking the suckerpunch
probably eats wheaties

how do you know you haven't encountered a trap already but you just don't know it
because you'd instantly be able to tell
because trannies are transparent as hell
If you're a professional chaser like me, sure, but to the average bro at a party?
Embarrassing stories from friends and a squadmate show otherwise.
to anyone with an IQ above 60, it's super obvious
you've got a trained eye pal
theres a pathological reason its easy for you

Gaming / Re: Current go to game?
« on: February 06, 2016, 05:38:23 AM »
League o Legends and Dota

and Hearthstone in between

i am cancer
jump off a bridge
I love rogue-likes but dont have the time now with college
mobas are the future

Gaming / Re: Current go to game?
« on: February 06, 2016, 05:13:38 AM »
League o Legends and Dota

and Hearthstone in between

i am cancer

The Flood / Re: Seeing Force Awakens for a sixth time, AMA
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:11:46 PM »
why did they make it like the first as much as possible?
because the movie serves to establish new characters, not a new story
guess which direction the prequels went

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 04, 2016, 11:26:36 AM »
No, fuck this society where some of us think it's okay to harm the weakest and most fragile members of our society--whereas if you so much as slap an adult, you'll be pressed with assault charges. Fuck
All punishments are meant to cause harm. I'd assume you recognize that emotional duress isn't something trivial.

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 04, 2016, 12:35:15 AM »
When a parent intentionally hurts their kids in any fashion, this bond is ripped up and thrown in the garbage. And it can never be recovered. I don't know the finer details on this one, but it speaks for itself. Kids trust their parents, absolutely. And breaking that trust through physical violence or any kind of abuse creates heaping truckloads of potential problems, depending on the severity and the circumstances.
I'd enjoy something measurable here.

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 03, 2016, 11:14:50 PM »
I think you're projecting at this point.
No. I have read this one study that links corporal punishment with pedophilia--and that's really not a very controversial hypothesis if you REALLY think about it. I'll see if I can find it.
It'd make sense that pedophiles would probably do that.
I don't see how that pertains to anyone else though.
Er I guess I see what you're saying but that's some irrelevant stuff.

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 03, 2016, 11:10:59 PM »
3.) they derive a perverse sense of pleasure out of inflicting pain on somebody smaller and weaker than them.

I think you're projecting at this point.

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 03, 2016, 11:05:53 PM »
It didn't make me a worse person.
I don't know about that.
oh man i wish you were spanked then you wouldnt be such a whiny bitch

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 03, 2016, 11:02:30 PM »
It didn't make me a worse person.

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:57:47 PM »
And it's not like it's some sort of spank and run.
Better adults would explain to the child why they are doing it, the spanking serves as a way to break hysteria and assert to a child the gravity to the situation, which they might not necessarily grasp or be willing to grasp by means of words alone. They're kids, and when a kid gets excited or mad or etc. you'll have a fun time reasoning with them.

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:49:46 PM »
Some misbehavior needs to be stopped faster than standard conditioning can achieve sometimes. The thing about kids is, not everything works with every kid all the time.
So condition them to be resentful, sadistic bastards who solve their problems with violence. Brilliant solution.
That's why you don't solve everything with spanking or just keep spanking even when it doesn't work.
Nothing about parenting should or can be rigid between individuals.

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:45:19 PM »
Some misbehavior needs to be stopped faster than standard conditioning can achieve sometimes. The thing about kids is, not everything works with every kid all the time.

Serious / Re: Who here has had suicidal thoughts lately?
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:09:30 AM »
I might relapse if I don't manage to salvage myself in Calc.
Otherwise I've been like literally free of it for the first time in memory.

but we all know how fucking long that lasts

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - ON HOLD
« on: February 01, 2016, 07:02:39 AM »
Am I the only one that really likes dark souls 2?


it's a better pvp environment

*metallic alarm sounds akin to the death of silence*

"I have aspergers."

Serious / Re: 10 Canadians question Trudeau in unscripted interviews
« on: February 01, 2016, 05:59:23 AM »
The contrast between the problems faced by Native Americans and Black Canadians is fucking hilarious.

The Flood / Re: Anyone stand up so fast they kinda pass out?
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:58:20 AM »
I don't pass out when it happens, I'm still conscious, but my brain sort of shuts down sometimes I fall over and start seizing. Only once did I hit something hard while falling so I'm lucky I guess. I was mostly numb so got on pretty well.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - ON HOLD
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:26:26 AM »
]I see what you're doing by using my favorite game of all time as an example--but the comparison would only work if you lost all your missiles, super missiles, power bombs, etc. as well as your energy tanks, which you don't. Souls are that important in Dark Souls, and that's what makes it such a drag to lose them.
I feel like you dramatically overvalue souls. If you haven't spent your souls, that probably means you don't need them too much. If the souls gained from bonfire to bonfire seem like a lot to you, I'll tell you to save some stress that they're not really.

And hard souls being finite isn't that big a problem, their benefit is permanent because when you pop them, you should be spending them on permanent improvements.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - ON HOLD
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:19:52 AM »
What makes the game fun for me is the combat, and the whole not-knowing-what's-gonna-come-next. Right now, those are my biggest takeaways so far. I feel like I'm really on a perilous journey, and it's cool.
I feel you.

Just so many times I find myself amazed at how I had found yet another new area with a whole new sets of quirks and enemies. Nowadays the game seems so small, but that first playthrough it felt like some surreal never ending story.

Superjail was great fam

Serious / Re: FBI video of Burns Refuge occupiers getting BTFO
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:41:17 PM »
almost ran one down with his truck
can you please not act like that is in any way not the officer running into the direction of the vehicle like a monkey

Serious / Re: If censorship improves a work, should it be done?
« on: January 29, 2016, 04:24:25 PM »
The only real behavioral inheretence is manifested in conditions like aspergers
Ha, what?
you're right to sin me

but what I was really trying to get at was you can't simply predict the personality of your children based on casual observation on you and your spouse, bar severe disorders

Serious / Re: If censorship improves a work, should it be done?
« on: January 29, 2016, 03:18:24 PM »
"Like father like son"

Personally speaking, I would prefer to raise my own offspring over another, simply because there is good possibility my offspring's behavior is something akin to either me or my partner (or both) thus making how to approach raising them slightly easier. While there is a good possibility the child could be something completely different from the two of us, it's not as big of a gamble as adopting a child.

The other reason is as you stated, the process is very tedious. Screening the potential parents has a variety of problems and basically expects all parents to create the perfect child. News flash: That is not the reality, while parenting you WILL fuck up in some instances, that's an unavoidable fact, but it's all about reducing those mistakes and the ones your parents may have made when we we're raised. This fact however, is one child services doesn't believe in.

Which is one of the most ape-ass, selfish desires out there.
The legit reason to not want to adopt is because the adoption process right now is cumbersome and takes forever. "muh genes" is grounds for not letting someone pass their genes IMO. I know you weren't saying that's what you felt but guh this one fucking infuriates me.
The only real behavioral inheretence is manifested in conditions like aspergers, which is an entire other touchy subject because just because the parents have learned to live at peace with something like that, it is not very ethical at all to knowingly put it on a child. Aspergers can lead to some crippling fucking depression and death.

Everything else has hardly any emperical basis though. If you try adopting a child who's well developed already, yeah they're coming in with a lot of conditioning outside your control, but waiting for a younger orphan isn't out of the question (again the system is the problem).

And I think people need to reframe how they see dealing with an adopted child's problems. It seems when people imagine an adopted's problems they suddenly feel like they don't have responsibility to help their child get through them. That's not how parenting works, if you want to be a parent you should want to assist your child with their problems no matter who's fault it is it happened.

Serious / Re: FBI video of Burns Refuge occupiers getting BTFO
« on: January 29, 2016, 03:13:32 PM »

>crash car
>stumble out in shock
>gets shot for no fucking reason
>instinctively clutches the wound
>gets shot again and dies

By the way, the man wore his pistol on his RIGHT, yet he grabs his LEFT

Supposedly he had a gun in his jacket pocket, which is convenient. Also convenient that he chose to crossdraw instead of draw from his hip.
I'd imagine the defense will be that he was cross-drawing to make it more discreet.

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