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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 181920 2122 ... 84
Serious / Re: "White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic"
« on: February 22, 2016, 11:51:12 AM »
When did the privilege discussion become less about recognizing the challenges minorities face and more about just wishing whites experienced those injustices.

Serious / Re: "White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic"
« on: February 22, 2016, 11:47:42 AM »
Why is it when whites experience positive discrimination, it is called privilege, but when Asians experience positive discrimination it's called racism?

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 22, 2016, 11:39:04 AM »
Oh yeah fun fact, I've been called transmisognyistic before.
was it because you had the audacity to say that mtfs arent the only trans that matter

The Flood / Re: Turns out Martin Shkreli is a true Based God
« on: February 22, 2016, 08:38:35 AM »
Nothing he does from here on out can redeem him for his crimes
If you watch the stream, it's pretty clear that he didn't do anything truly bad. The whole thing got really misrepresented IMO and he does get into some legit conversation about it after he's done trolling the shit out of that lady.
What about extracting value from insurance companies and thus raising premiums is not just as retardedly greedy as what laymen think he is doing? Just because comparatively it is a minimal increase compared to price increases of more popular drugs doesn't change the fact he is dipping into society's pocket to get it.

What about any of this inspires anyone to go through R&D to make a better drug?

The Flood / Re: Turns out Martin Shkreli is a true Based God
« on: February 22, 2016, 08:33:35 AM »


The Flood / Re: Your user number dictates what Pokemon you transform into.
« on: February 21, 2016, 08:21:40 PM »

fuck im hot

The Flood / Re: Just got a 100% on my first Calc II exam
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:36:58 PM »
my first calc1 exam i got 57 and i missed the second one

fuck my shit up fam

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:06:07 PM »
Before we all right McHugh off as a religious hick there is still the issue of extremely high suicide rates for SRS patients that no one in the thread has yet to address. Those who had the sex-change surgery were almost 20 times more likely to take their own lives than the non-transgender population. They were also more likely to seek in-house treatment for psychiatric conditions.

The study was conducted in 2011, so you'd be pretty hard pressed to categorize the data as 'outdated'.
I already said comparing to the general population is misleading and ignoring context.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:55:34 PM »
The Hopkins chief psychiatrist seemed like he would be against HRT as well, based on the reasoning behind his argument against SRS.
He would be against it for childhood but I don't see any reason he would for adults considering he only cited statistics for postop and the changes made by hormones are far milder than SRS.

And in the end, even his argument boils down to it being benign at worst. He can say "removing functional organs" but he can't decide what value a penis is if the person with it never uses it the way he thinks it should be used.
Well how often do people just stop at HRT without aspirations of going further? You might be correct, though.

Removing of genitalia does more than just disable the person from commencing in sexual activities, it will have significant effects on the psychology of the individual.
Pretty often, but that is muddled by the fact it's hard and expensive to get it done right now. Until something changes my mind I don't intend to either.

It actually doesn't disable someone from sexual activities. (Not sure how FtM postop sex works or if it can get erect unassisted) Post-op MtFs can have penetrative sex with their pseudo-vagina (yknow what it is don't make this an argument of what to call it please), or even if they can't they can have anal or oral or mutual masturbation etc etc etc to infinity.

You can't cite the health of castrated cis individuals here, they like having their original organs and that makes them distinctly different.

If by "sexual activities" you meant strictly procreative, heterosexual sex, then I'm just going to say that your definition is too narrow for it to be relevant in this context. And if that professor thinks it's relevant, then that's a pretty large symptom of him being a psychiatrist and not a psychologist; not understanding the variety and spectrum of human sexuality.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:43:20 PM »
The Hopkins chief psychiatrist seemed like he would be against HRT as well, based on the reasoning behind his argument against SRS.
He would be against it for childhood but I don't see any reason he would for adults considering he only cited statistics for postop and the changes made by hormones are far milder than SRS.

And in the end, even his argument boils down to it being benign at worst. He can say "removing functional organs" but he can't decide what value a penis is if the person with it never uses it the way he thinks it should be used.

The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:14:43 PM »
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder, does that mean we should shame all schizophrenics and look down on them getting treatment?
Of course not. They should get treated, just like transexuals should. We should not indulge their delusions.
HRT/FFS/SRS is the treatment. People are talking about suicide in the other thread, MtFs who are treated as CIS and pass as their desired sex are 82% less likely to kill themselves.
It's allowing them to indulge in their delusions.

You could say allowing a schizophrenic to indulge in their delusions is "treatment" too.
No, because that doesn't treat it. Allowing TGs to indulge in their "delusions" does.
No, because it doesn't get rid of the delusions. They cannot change their gender, the idea that they can is a delusion. That's why so many of them still commit suicide after transitioning.

It's truly sad.
pussies can't even learn to be a man smh

The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:01:27 PM »
when are we nerfing yasuo so that his e has a one second cooldown (3 on champions)

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:57:22 PM »
And I know the comparison to BDD or other disorders are often made, but I'd say that someone's ability to be productive adults in society is a relevant concept when considering the difference someone missing limbs and someone having rearranged junk are in terms of normal functionality in their lives.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:51:39 PM »
it seems like bullshit to me.

The legitimacy of transgenderism, or recognizing someone as something other than their sex in a social context?
The former. Which is unfortunate, because I really do want to be supportive of it. It's not easy holding views the people around you would be disgusted by. I just can't get over the suicide statistics, genetics and doctors turning away from sex changes. It seems really off at this point.
Are your views on sexual reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments the same?

(Let's leave this to the case of adults, medical intervention with children is controversial for obvious and understandable reasons)
As someone with a libertarian (no longer necessarily anarchist) political stance this is very problematic to me. Obviously a consenting adult has the right to do with their body as they please. The question is- is a transgender person mentally healthy and able to make this decision reasonably? If not, it would not be morally permissible to offer them these procedures and medications. Quite a few medical professionals are coming out against it, which, coupled with the frequency of suicide and other mental health conditions in transgender persons, makes me very apprehensive about it. I don't think rushing toward this stuff with open arms, screaming "fuuuutuuuuurre" all the way, is the smartest way to handle it.
The only professionals I've seen against it are that fella from Hopkins and that was in reference to SRS and child intervention, not HRT.

Also all of the suicide statistics I've seen in regards to it are in comparison with the general population, not other trans demographics. Yeah they're magnitudes more likely than a cis person, but a trans person is already so regardless of SRS or not. It seems benign at worst (barring medical costs).

Also while I agree with defining it as a mental illness, using that fact to remove the agency of trans people is exactly why there is such a vehement resistance to calling it that. Removing someone's agency is more dehumanizing and defeating than any misgendering or name calling could do.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:46:09 PM »

If there were no social consequences in a homogeneous setting like that, the negatives would be minimal, it wouldn't be a terrible decision, but I see no point unless you really harbor racist feelings deep down. With such limited exposure to those outside of your ethnic group (white is not an ethnic group outside of formerly colonial nations), I don't know what would inspire you to develop racist views in the first place.
Wouldn't you agree that environments where people are liable to hold feelings like those are hostile and discourage people of different demographics from ever entering them? I'm not trying to say that there's a problem with homogeneous regions, but if conditions like these are just sort of thought to be okay and allowed to exist, that limits the freedom of different groups to freely move and settle in new areas wouldn't you agree? Are those disadvantages we want to create for anyone?

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:35:42 PM »
it seems like bullshit to me.

The legitimacy of transgenderism, or recognizing someone as something other than their sex in a social context?
The former. Which is unfortunate, because I really do want to be supportive of it. It's not easy holding views the people around you would be disgusted by. I just can't get over the suicide statistics, genetics and doctors turning away from sex changes. It seems really off at this point.
Are your views on sexual reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments the same?

(Let's leave this to the case of adults, medical intervention with children is controversial for obvious and understandable reasons)

Therapist keeps begging me to get tested for the ASD.
Which I guess basically means I'm on it.

talk about ouch

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:21:19 PM »
Okay so let's just assume someone here is actually honestly "transphobic".

Now explain to them what's wrong with that. Keeping in mind that this person recognizes that bigotry and its unnamed antithesis are spooks.
Are you asking what's wrong with bigotry?
Not really bigotry in general. It is to one's objective disadvantage to avoid interactions with people of different ethnicities and religions, for example. You gain nothing and lose quite a bit by discriminating on the traditional grounds.

But why should someone acknowledge transgenderism as legitimate, aside from the obvious social advantage of being viewed as a "progressive" by one's peers?

I'm just not convinced of the validity of it. I'll continue, like I have done, to be cordial and use preferred nomenclature to make things easier for myself, but it seems like bullshit to me.
So your criteria of what makes discrimination something one ought or ought not to do is their own detriment? Would it then be not surprising of people (like me say) who live in a 96% white county to be racist, because the number of opportunities that deprives them of are almost zero (unless my racism also effects interactions with those of the same race)?

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:07:35 PM »
nvm already covered

Gaming / Re: Favorite, Meh tier, and Least Favorite Pokemon, design wise?
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:36:28 PM »
scolipede is my favorite because of porn

The Flood / Re: As a Species, We Should Have Prevented This
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:35:55 PM »
if you havent used facerig to become a cheeseburger you havent enjoyed the 21st century

Serious / Re: Ten policies to save America
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:13:03 PM »
The pressure to find a partner in this country is extraordinarily high, and it's kinda sickening.

I can agree with this, even in britain. The look of shock on my parents' faces when I say I'd rather live alone than get married and have kids and shit is pretty disappointing. Especially when my father starts spouting the crap about 'continuing the family bloodline' as though we're a noble house of fucking westeros. Maybe its because I'm an only child, but it's still fucking stupid.

It's even worse when people treat it as "oh, it's just a phase and you'll grow up eventually!" And start being all condescending because apparently you're a silly willy little kid if you don't want to dedicate your life to someone else.
Tell your pap to go wank into a petri dish if he cares so much about his genes.

What's more pathetic is even within the realms of their own narrative, men can still be victim to sexism. A patriarchal society tries to shape and control the roles of men just as much as it does women. Nothing about gender roles excludes the oppression men face for not filling traditional male roles.

It seems like these early 20's women all seem to speak from a general lack of perspective, and quite honestly are becoming a new brand of "womansplaining".

"Privilege is invisible to those who have it", indeed.

The Flood / Re: How tall are you?
« on: February 20, 2016, 02:05:14 PM »

The Flood / Re: egg
« on: February 19, 2016, 09:24:19 PM »
honestly disgusting

Serious / Re: Ten policies to save America
« on: February 19, 2016, 02:02:12 AM »
If someone could red pill me on nuclear energy real quick, that would be great.

Advantages/disadvantages, and why I shouldn't prefer renewable energy instead.
I mean I could really sloppily summarize it to some degree,

but it's just a good three videos.

The Flood / Re: Post ur legs itt
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:55:22 AM »

Post new leg pics plz
phone's dead so here they are folded on my the desk in a black void

Gaming / Re: Games you own multiple copies of?
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:21:54 PM »
Own DS1 and 2 for console and PC.

The Flood / Re: Post ur legs itt
« on: February 18, 2016, 12:32:44 AM »

In ES, even though there isn't any hardcore mode where eating and drinking matters, I always tried to eat and drink and sleep on a regular schedule anyways, and tried to seclude myself from sleeping in the middle of the road or something. I'd also turn the difficulty all the fucking way up to make combat actually not a good solution most of the time.

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