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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 151617 1819 ... 84
Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: March 14, 2016, 03:44:07 PM »
Why is it that in a world where people grow to be four stories tall all the doors and hallways are still only high enough for average sized people.
Dragons and Lords in mythology still had human size servants.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: March 14, 2016, 03:42:45 PM »
what do y'all think is the best way to collect humanities? ornstein & smough decided to fuck my day up a number of times and ended up making me use all my humanities for solaire. it didn't help that the caped tower guards in the mausoleum would bully solaire and take half of his health before he even passed the white light to help me...
Besides invasions and co-oping, just dupe them.


works with firekeeper souls that give 5 humanity each use

The Flood / Re: Who should die in Cap3?
« on: March 14, 2016, 03:37:49 PM »
The producers.

Gaming / Re: Thel 'Vadam and the Covenant War: Quantified
« on: March 13, 2016, 01:26:04 AM »
If we're talking actual K/D on a personal level, it's easily the SPARTAN-II's.

I wouldn't be so sure. Take note that Thel appeared in ground combat operations even when he was a commander and entered battles personally. He waded through a lot of infantry battles when he was demoted to an Arbiter.

I'd be willing to bet that his personal kill count is pretty close.
Yeah, but he's up against the guys that surf on top of Banshees and chuck football nukes at CCS-Class Battlecruisers to destroy them.
This is why Halo's IP is laughing stock.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:12:27 PM »
So I just found out about this fucking Looking Glass Knight. I haven't even fought the thing yet, and already the people who designed it, everyone who approved of it, and everybody part of any of those people's bloodlines need to be lined up and shot.
That's one of the easiest bosses

Letting it summon other players to fight you is literally the worst mechanic ever conceived by anyone ever.
Not really that's actually pretty cool.

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 09, 2016, 04:46:25 PM »
- Removal of Security Bureaucracy(The Police, Military, Intelligence services all combined into one uniformed service)
Why do you want militant police.

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 08, 2016, 04:46:49 PM »
We don't consider artificial organs and tissues in labs to be individuals. We don't consider the brain-dead to be themselves anymore.

It's pretty disingenuous to compare a fetus to an artificial (or natural) organ or brain-dead patients.
Why specifically?

Because "fetus" refers to an entire organism, not a single organ of one.
A brain dead patient is an entire organism. And even so the point was that a fetus holds no inherent value. Nothing about a fetus being an organism (not even independent at that) gives it anymore value than you could give a bacterium living in a human body.

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 08, 2016, 04:15:48 PM »
We don't consider artificial organs and tissues in labs to be individuals. We don't consider the brain-dead to be themselves anymore.

It's pretty disingenuous to compare a fetus to an artificial (or natural) organ or brain-dead patients.
Why specifically?

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:53:54 PM »
3. Dismantling and destruction of institutions that provide abortions, as well as the social movement seeking to dehumanize unborn children.
I'm curious for your reasoning here.
I've come around to the position that abortion is murder. I've so far been presented with nothing to credibly suggest there is some arbitrary development date where a fetus *becomes* a human being based on the development of a certain organ or feature. I have, in fact, been pushed further toward and anti stance since I've encountered a few people who suggested that a fetus did not become a human and get "rights" until it was physically born. All of this strikes me as an attempt to otherize and dehumanize infants in order to legitimize and normalize their destruction- not unlike what genocidal regimes do to ethnic minority groups.

Frankly, I think women's rights have nothing to do with it. If a fetus is a human being, it is never acceptable to kill one (excepting very special circumstances). If it is not a human being, it is likely always acceptable to destroy one, regardless of muh body muh choice. If you really cared that much about freedom from coercion, you'd be an anarchist.
Kids aren't worth anything more than animals up until they're just becoming toddlers IMO.

Yeah it should be illegal to cause undue harm and anguish to them as they're living things that can experience pain, but from an egalitarian perspective the only value a baby has over smart animals like crows is the fact that their parents invested a lot of time and care into them and they serve a future potential for productivity in society, they're more like property than agents deserving of rights until a few months out of the womb.

"Human" being being "human DNA" is already a situation we have dealt with. We don't consider artificial organs and tissues in labs to be individuals. We don't consider the brain-dead to be themselves anymore.

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:15:07 PM »
In descending order:

Nuclear Energy.

The sooner we cut back on emissions the less damage someone has to deal with later. Renewable would be nice, but isn't realistic right now.

Justice/Penal reform.

Prison is crippling a shit ton of people's ability to live productive and healthy lives. The justice system is also the actual frontline of racism in America right now. This of course includes the war on drugs.

Revising foreign policy.

Saudi Arabia is a massive contributor to destabilization in the Middle East and every day is proving itself to be less in line with Western ethics than fucking Iran of all places.

Also I've never fully understood the  "we need to support Israel, because we need an ally in that region" when by at large the reason the US has weak relations in that region is their support of Israel.

Misc. Issues. (Eg Abortion, Transrights, removing shit like the Duluth model, or misandry in custody disputes)

Corporate ethics.
Don't know enough to really say much but the game of whackamole the consumer has to play against these is irritating.

The Flood / Re: Couldn't vote today
« on: March 08, 2016, 02:06:43 PM »
"Yeah you better be ready to die for this establishment without your consent"

"Wtf you want to participate in this establishmentioned now? Needy much?"

The Flood / Re: is your love life in tip top shape?
« on: March 08, 2016, 01:23:38 AM »
LDR but we've met and banged before and are moving in at the end of this semester so good enough.

The Flood / Re: Who Were You One Year Ago?
« on: March 08, 2016, 01:15:15 AM »
Interacted with people but now I don't really feel any need to and go most days without any in person conversation. I just feel more fulfilled by other things now.

I didn't really gave any drive back then and I just felt emotionally weak.

Serious / Re: Financial literacy test:
« on: March 07, 2016, 06:27:27 PM »
but no. 2 could be answered by any middle schooler
What's the answer?

15 minutes is a quarter hour
quarter of a circle is 90 deg

you look at a clock
and see that 12:15 makes a fucking right angle

The hour hand moves slightly with the minute hand. At 12:15 the angle must be less than 90 degrees because the hour has moved slightly clockwise. At 15 minutes past the hour it will be 1/4 of the way to the next hour. 1/4 of 30 degrees (there are 30 degrees between each hour) is 7.5.

90 - 7.5 = 82.5
Now I might be retarded, but I stand by saying that a middle schooler could solve that. It's just a trick question.

Serious / Re: Financial literacy test:
« on: March 07, 2016, 06:25:03 PM »
holy shit im retarded

im not even going to edit that let it forever be a monument to a lack of critical thinking

still could be solved easily though

Serious / Re: Financial literacy test:
« on: March 07, 2016, 06:23:35 PM »
but no. 2 could be answered by any middle schooler
What's the answer?

15 minutes is a quarter hour
quarter of a circle is 90 deg

you look at a clock
and see that 12:15 makes a fucking right angle

Serious / Re: Financial literacy test:
« on: March 07, 2016, 05:13:02 PM »
I wish the questions in my econ seminars were this easy.

You should look at Wall Street quantitative analyst interview questions.


1. The number 1978 is such a number that if you add the first 2 sets of numbers, you'll will get the middle 2 sets of numbers. So in 1978, 19+78=97; so the question is write a formula that can find numbers that satisfy these conditions.

2. If you look at a clock and the time is 12:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute hand?

3. How many Hershey's chocolate bars were sold in the US last year?

but no. 2 could be answered by any middle schooler

The Flood / Re: What song plays when you enter a Room?
« on: March 06, 2016, 04:31:51 AM »

The Flood / Re: Anal
« on: March 06, 2016, 12:26:15 AM »
What was bottoming like?

I've been on both ends.
a guessing game of "how can I squeeze these muscles to make it better for him"
but otherwise pretty great

The Flood / Re: Anal
« on: March 05, 2016, 07:59:05 PM »
Is there anybody here that actually had anal sex?
3 or 4 times

The Flood / Re: Anal
« on: March 05, 2016, 07:52:25 PM »
Feels pretty good. The sphincter does wonders in keeping it in compared to a vagoo

The Flood / Re: My friend hates DBZ for one reason
« on: March 05, 2016, 07:26:50 PM »
Maybe because all weight is removed from these numbers when characters being supposedly stronger than someone who took a season to destroy die in 5 frames.

The Flood / Re: I saw Zootopia AMA
« on: March 05, 2016, 04:24:22 PM »
rango > furry movie
scalies > furries

The Flood / Re: Is this man sad or happy?
« on: March 05, 2016, 04:23:36 PM »
A soul lying to itself that life has value.

The Flood / Re: how the FUCK do people draw with a mouse
« on: March 05, 2016, 04:18:03 PM »

The Flood / Re: OJ's murder weapon allegedly found
« on: March 04, 2016, 11:35:28 AM »
Imagine if they could retry someone every time they produced a tissue with someone's booger on it.

Gaming / Re: So I just downloaded Artorias of the Abyss (SPOILERS)
« on: March 03, 2016, 08:11:47 PM »
literally the peak of the soul series you're experiencing right now

The fact that Egg is on about minority representation not mattering in the context of race makes me chortle, tbh
why fam
Because would you not agree that more representation of women and trans individuals in mainstream media would be beneficial?
Sure. Would #hollywoodsocis be appropriate, though? Encourage meaningful and good portrayal by seeing movies made with thought and avoiding movies full of annoying tropes. I'm not going to look at every movie without a trans person or woman main character and say "this would be better with these demographics somehow included", that's not how art works.

And just because a character is trans does not mean I am going to be able to relate to them better than someone who's cis.
But in a setting where it doesn't matter - I.E., Star Wars - wouldn't you argue that it is because of that exact reason that minorities should strive to be included?

White men being the "default" is the current problem.
Whites being the "default" is inevitable when the majority of the country is white, especially when we look at characters through this lens.

Men being the default is getting pretty dismantled at this point. There are a ton of fantasy / sci-fi shit with female leads.

Nobody is doing that, and I have no idea why you keep saying anybody is. The sole reason I brought up Finn in my first reply was to demonstrate a recent film's use of an audience character.
You said that minorities were able to receive Star Wars better because of Boyega's race.
They're not, though. The average black American (or Asian, or Latino, etc) has a significantly different experience than an average white American.
I wasn't meaning to be talking about staffing. I was talking about an audience's ability to empathize with a character. Which if audiences really can't relate to white characters because of those societal issues, then just putting in a minority wouldn't instantly fix the problem. You'd still have to find ways to represent those issues in the context of the story. Unless of course this is all just about caring about the color of someone's skin and not the content of their character.

The fact that Egg is on about minority representation not mattering in the context of race makes me chortle, tbh
why fam
Because would you not agree that more representation of women and trans individuals in mainstream media would be beneficial?
Sure. Would #hollywoodsocis be appropriate, though? Encourage meaningful and good portrayal by seeing movies made with thought and avoiding movies full of annoying tropes. I'm not going to look at every movie without a trans person or woman main character and say "this would be better with these demographics somehow included", that's not how art works.

And just because a character is trans does not mean I am going to be able to relate to them better than someone who's cis.

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