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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 111213 1415 ... 84
The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:42:10 PM »
You have to posit objective reason to contradict nihilism.
i already have, countless times
i see you have as much substantiation for this as you have for actual reasons

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:38:12 PM »
it's almost like some ideas are better at propagating themselves than others, similar to natalism.
they're better at propagating themselves because they generally are better

obviously, there are exceptions, but generally speaking, the best ideas tend to win
Ideas that lead to large political actions or movements and evangelism tend to become more widespread over time. Ideas that appeal to intuition and emotional wew will garner more adherents.

The jump from looking at something as "well it's effective at doing this and this", to "it's better" without properly recognizing that "better" means it serves a purpose or intended function, is asinine. The core of this isn't about the fact that nihilism isn't very good for humans or society, that's never what nihilism was ever about. You have to posit objective reason to contradict nihilism.

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:25:38 PM »
look at all the most important and influential people in human history--people whose names will be remembered for as long as we're still around, and people whose positive contributions to the species will always be extolled

none of them were nihilists

in fact, i'd wager most of them were anti-nihilists
it's almost like some ideas are better at propagating themselves than others, similar to natalism.

Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 18, 2016, 09:30:50 PM »
I don't get it, use the bathroom that corresponds with what's between your legs unless you can get away with it.  If you can, then you have nothing to worry about.  I'm over simplifying, but that's the jist I'm getting from it.
The problem with that is what you think you can get away with and what Cletus thinks you can are different things.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:43:39 PM »
you look like spongebob

like this or?

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:39:56 PM »

i've gained 20 pounds since college started

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:37:15 PM »
have i posted a pic here?
should i post a pic here?

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 18, 2016, 01:41:34 PM »
This was the greatest duel of all time


fucking kill yourself

Gaming / Re: Fashion Souls
« on: April 18, 2016, 01:39:29 PM »

they made it hard to play fashion souls with dargon head

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 17, 2016, 08:52:37 PM »


Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 17, 2016, 07:15:05 PM »
Strictly assigning bathrooms based on genitalia or sex chromosomes works against the goal of making the environment more comfortable because it means transmen who look and act like men have to use women's restrooms, and transwomen who look like women have to use men's restrooms. Considering trans people use bathrooms more often than hypothetical rapists in drag invade bathrooms, I'm going to say that following the genital rule is working against yourself.

Peeping and gawking at naked people is still sexual harassment regardless of gender, nothing has ever changed that.

Gaming / Re: Fashion Souls
« on: April 16, 2016, 04:49:45 PM »
Dingy Robes + Channeler's gloves + Channeler's Skirt + Gold Hemmed Hood was a fucking amazing combo in DS1

what's the statute of limitations on two towers

Which is what I don't like about Undertale. It literally encourages you to only play half of the game. It wants you to only play half of the game.
it knows that players will elect to try genocide out of curiosity

Because the game, the game creator, and everyone who plays the game deeply hold onto that fact.
Genocide ending holds up perfectly well on its own. You just don't feel satisfied by it because you're a little puss who doesn't understand that tragedy is a genre.

What the fuck? Obviously I don't believe that choices in VIDEO GAMES represent the morality of the player, I'm saying that's the attitude of the game and its players.
why can't the game make moral assessments on actions you make
it's like you're literally feeling accused of being a murderer because a game does it for the sake of trying to give you a meaningful experience. it's hilarious. calling your viewpoint autistic isn't just a meme, you literally have trouble interpreting the intentions and feelings behind communication.

Even in a game like Mass Effect, taking the evil route results in disgusted reactions from certain companions, different and darker outcomes for the world, etc. You're being evil, of course nothing good is going to come from it.

But yet the game itself doesn't strongly, strongly dissuade you from taking that path. It's a viable option for you to play as - in Undertale, choosing that option makes you the player a monster. How dare you kill all these peace loving villagers who just want to be your friend? No, the TRUE way to play is to never kill a soul. Anything else and you're missing the TRUE point of the game.
Yeah funnily enough people consider you a monster if you commit genocide.
Yeah funnily enough you the player didn't commit genocide, you played a video game.

Jesus Christ, even after I underlined it, you still don't get it.
this is some advanced fucking autism
do you not understand what role-playing and immersion are?
I mean it this time, go play bejeweled.

You're getting way too defensive. You say it isn't black and white, but it totally is. One is the perfect, great ending where everyone is happy. One is the terrible ending where everyone is in doom and despair. And god help you if you choose the half of the game that's delegated as bad. YOU, not Frisk, are a bad person if you do so.
why is an ending with doom and despair the "wrong ending".

Lmao if you think Undyne's genocide boss fight is fun or beatable without wasting hours
get good
sans fight was one of the best in game

If you do the genocide ending first, you can't get the perfect ending, because Chara takes your soul.
you can, it's just slightly altered, choices have consequences, get over it. it's not "right or wrong", it's the experience of the game reflecting based on your behavior. if to you not having everything being perfectly lovey-dovey is what determines "right and wrong way to play" you need to grow up.

Asgore literally killed six children because he doesn't want to live underground, Chara is a BAMF who just wants to purge monsters.
Mass imprisonment of thousands could justify it. Especially if some of those kids were murderers. (yeah an empty gun sure didn't get used at all)

Like I said, it's not about characters hating the fact you killed their friends. It's about the game hating the player because you didn't play "the right way". Literally every fabric of the game's existence, in a meta way, goes out of its way to not want you to play half of the game.
no, you just think that because you're a whiny little cunt. you'd prefer it be a complete snoozefest that removes all weight to your decisions. please never influence the gaming industry with your purchases again.

More like the fact that there are two almost impossible to beat bosses solely designed to punish you for doing a genocide run
Those aren't punishments, they're fucking rewarding, fun fights that you just suck at.
you can never get the good ending if you do it first (even though ruining the good ending by doing genocide second is objectively more immoral)
unless you mean "perfect ending" that sums up to a few lines of dialogue, you can get the pascifist ending. Again, you're just scared pissless of consequences to your actions in a game that expresses itself as having permanent ones. go play bejewled you fucking scrub
and that Chara is set up to be this terrible person but didn't do anything as bad as Asgore
Chara kills because she hates everything. She's a product of her environment, but she is just a feral monster. Asgore would have to kill people one way or the other in order to free the monsters. He's not of respectable ethical character but he's not evil.

Those aren't realistic "consequences", they're meta mechanics solely put into place because the SJW creator is obsessed with "muh no one has to die tagline"
characters hating you aren't realistic consequences? characters should just have no response to the fact you're murdering everyone?

or are you saying that stylistic reflections of the nature of your actions aren't good for the game. in which case you should posit why they aren't effective. because nothing about those aspects are bad.

Undertale is a flawed game that easily dislikable, but these aren't the reasons.

"wtf if i kill all the characters in an area the music gets all depressing, is the game trying to tel me that killing every living thing i see has a major impact on how I interact with the world? talk about shoving it down my throat"

you're literally just scared of consequences.

They're all written like they belong in homestuck, which means they all start to sound the same over time.

Also people like you are the reason why a lot of games have shitty, token "choices" that don't change the game's course or tone at all. If you don't want your choices to have consequences, then you might as well not be making any at all.

The fact you complain about characters being dynamic and responsive to your choices just tells me you don't understand good writing.
Hell, I'd do more then talk down to you if you started murdering people...
Not the characters, the game itself. The reactions from the characters are fine even if the characters thenselves are bad, but it's just the way the game preaches to you and drones on and on about how you're making a bad choice. Like how Sans says "you're not going to have a good time if you keep going this way" in a very meta sense.

Why even have the option to do a non peaceful run if the game is going to constantly cram in your face that that's the only right way to play it?

Maybe read through the thread next time
Nothing about that post changes what I said.

It's your fault you choose to interpret everything to childish degree as "right and wrong way to play" rather than seeing it as an aspect of the narrative. If experiencing negative emotions and character feedback for choosing to act evil is considered discouraging to you then I think you missed the point completely in being able to take such a path.

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft Nostalrius in the nutshell
« on: April 15, 2016, 01:11:17 PM »
So what you're saying is your analogy is shit?

Nothing about operating with Blizzard's decade old assets upsets Blizzard's operation of their current product, like entering someone else's kitchen would.

They're all written like they belong in homestuck, which means they all start to sound the same over time.

Also people like you are the reason why a lot of games have shitty, token "choices" that don't change the game's course or tone at all. If you don't want your choices to have consequences, then you might as well not be making any at all.

The fact you complain about characters being dynamic and responsive to your choices just tells me you don't understand good writing.

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft Nostalrius in the nutshell
« on: April 15, 2016, 11:51:18 AM »
So private servers are operated and maintained on Blizzard resources?

Serious / Re: When the snowflakes start turning on each other
« on: April 14, 2016, 04:49:20 PM »
Like when they did not let that Transman at Brown sit on the council for diversity, because through identifying as a white male, they suddenly became the enemy oppressor.
Transmen are constantly treated unfairly and shittily in many trans circles, especially Tumblr. This is partially the reason why some people choose only to use the term transmisogyny now, instead of transphobia: once they become a man, everything must be magical and perfect for them now, so they don't matter.
I'd say transmisogyny exists as a word because to many transphobes, transmen aren't even blips on the radar. Shit like that is evidenced by all these bathroom bills that specifically target transwomen while none of the legislature even considered the fact that transmen exist. For fuck's sake there isn't even really any backlash when transmen come out about the issue, people who were previously describing transwomen as hairy pedophiles just resign with an "oh".

Of course, being thought of as a thing that doesn't exist is a bag of worms of its own, but I think there is an important distinction that warrants some more specific words.

Gaming / Re: ITT games with Terrible Metas
« on: April 14, 2016, 01:59:40 PM »
Heartstone. It's honestly run by lazy, idiotic monkeys.

Serious / Re: When the snowflakes start turning on each other
« on: April 09, 2016, 08:03:26 PM »
>tumblrinas have lists of sexualities that don't exist
"omg this shit is ridic"
>tumblrinas start recognizing there are legitimate and illegitimate things to consider sexualites
"lol look at these people and their infighting"

i can kind of get behind pan, but dem is literally retarded

The Flood / Re: Best quotes iyo
« on: April 05, 2016, 05:39:03 PM »
"jews are from space"
-spirit science
"fractal (verb)"
-spirit science

Serious / Re: Food Ethics
« on: April 05, 2016, 10:45:18 AM »
Honesty doesn't fucking matter to me that something dies. What matters is how that kill is done, minimizing the experienced suffering of the livestock. With less complex organisms, you have less to consider as they don't have the faculties to feel stressed out about certain circumstances. A mammal usually needs more breathing room and sanitation than an invertebrate in order to feel adequately comfortable.

Currently the industry really doesn't give a shit about anything like that. I don't oppose killing animals for food, I oppose keeping them in such destitute and torturous conditions. I would pay more for meat not made by sociopaths.

The Flood / Re: Just Watched God's Not Dead AMA
« on: April 05, 2016, 12:04:38 AM »
the perceived war on christianity...lmao

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