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Messages - eggsalad

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The Flood / Re: So, I saw Zootopia today...
« on: April 26, 2016, 11:23:58 PM »

We all do man, we all do.
jfc they did it on purpose

The Flood / Re: Tolkienism and the decline of fantasy tales
« on: April 24, 2016, 06:46:51 PM »
Sci-fi suffering from the same illness.

lmao casuals can't into atmosphere
considering the signs and player interactions are incorporated into lore, it adds to it more than it takes away IMO. I'm halfway to agreeing because while it does break more vivid immersion in the gameworld, it creates a better connection emotionally with the game as it ties the worlds of players, and their experiences, together.

lying, axiomatically, can never be justified--not even in a video game
To some degree comedy is based on deceit isn't it?
The surprise and punchline of a joke comes from something that contradicts one's expectations, doesn't it? At least to some degree.

This leads into asking what moral axioms don't extend into video games, obviously you've said before that killing another player without explicit consent is inherently immoral. But in response the only answer is that your consent is filed when you play the game human/embered. You hold the football, you get tackled. You weren't forced onto the field, you chose to play football.

and a consensual PvP system would not have changed that somehow?
I suppose not. But without it coop would truly be too easy. And I'd say coop deserves to exist in the game, it could have been better with more reactive boss design (flat HP buffs aren't enough compensation), but I think the PvP is a workable alternative to that. 9 man 3v3v3s are great experiences.

how, though

as you've read, a lot of my opinions so far are anti-casual and anti-hand holding

i hate the idea of receiving help from other people, and i'm all about the heuristic process of learning games for yourself, because that, to me, is the most satisfying part of beating a game--you did it yourself, with your own wits

that's the opposite of what i want, yet i'm a casual somehow, just because i fucking hate everything about netplay
The point is that you don't want to deal with invasions and other players opposing you, which is something made to be part of the game experience. You might hold anti-casual opinions on other things and just overall not actually be casual, but wanting the game to change to you because you don't want to deal with competitiveness off your own terms is trying to eliminate difficulties in the game, a casual leaning motive.

No really though, I don't try to say that Dark Souls is some objectively perfect game everyone should like. I just think that if you're going to assess it, you're going to have to assess it with consideration of genre and intended effect. An effective comedy can be said to be an awful drama, but that doesn't mean a thing. If you wanted to critique perma-death in a rogue-like, you have to start by critiquing the rogue-like genre as a whole.

I mean, for fuck's sake--why would I want to remove the bad messages without also removing the helpful messages?

Egg really is the best example of the toxic Dark Souls fanboy on this website.
and you're the best example of a CASUAL.

i do like borderlands
guess I'm biased because I hate borderlands

But anyway, I think you've missed my point. I hate the messages in general, not just the ones that try to mislead you or make dumb jokes. The fact that they can help you is bullshit, too.

I just prefer the old-school gaming philosophy of DIY. No guides, no help--just two things: 1. You. 2. Game. No tips.
i can agree with that
I enjoy clever or subtle hints that can help build anticipation, and sometimes the game just feels lonely and empty without them. sometimes just those messages that show that other people are having trouble with an area too makes a difference.

The fact that you can mislead players, too, just adds insult to injury. The entire system is bad. That's why you play offline, because you don't even have to worry about it anymore.
to make sure that true messages don't become too revealing, the temptation and likelihood of players to lie and deceive helps draw doubt on every message, which can just give better anticipation because you'll never be sure if a message was true or not.
they balance themselves out in that way, similar to coop and invasions.
while their self-cancelling effect might seem to make them pointless, it spawns a sub-culture in the game's community. gives it charm and some things to talk about. I think they do more good than bad.

Most people play games to escape from all the idiots in their lives--so it kinda baffles me that people embrace this system so much.
a lot of people play games to connect with other people, or at least that's what they end up doing. and this game offers opportunity to kill and defeat those idiots in combat.

but you might as well be asking why people play smash if they play video games to escape other people.

Yeah, I realize this. That doesn't make it a good feature, though. Co-op is bad, and invasions are bad, too. That's why I asked the question--what's good about MP?
Well Dark Souls PvP is what gave the game longevity for me and a lot of people, so I'd say it's very good for the game community as a whole. It's a type of competitive multiplayer that doesn't really feel like anything else on the market.

i bet verb actually listened to "try jumping"

forced invasions have always been a thing in dark souls
you'd think they'd learn from their mistakes
Go make your own Dark Souls game and see how many people like it. 

A couple of my other Dark Souls-playing friends told me that co-op shouldn't ever be done, because it makes the game too easy, and that playing single player offline is the best way to go. To them, multiplayer takes from the spirit of the game, and the invasion system only serves to make the game more frustrating and less fun. What do you make of that?
For most bosses I agree with your friends. The bosses are designed around interacting against one enemy. Exploiting their poor AI with aggro trading trivializes a boss fight, while that fault can easily be put on the game's design and not players for just wanting to play together, you're still opting to deprive yourself of more meaningful experiences.

I would have absolutely zero qualm with some optional bosses being put in the game that are so difficult for one person that they're essentially designed for coop play, which is already true to some extent.

I think your reasoning for disliking player written notes is boring. If you remove all of the coy jokes or deception, it just becomes a fucking walkthrough tutorial of the game, in the game. That's not fun. That's just "ooo shiny". I think you'd like Borderlands, Verb.

As for invasions.
It's a BALANCE MEASURE. Embers and humanity allow coop and other huge bonuses. It is intentionally designed to be a trade-off. You consent to being invaded when you play Dark Souls and remain human/embered just like you consent to be tackled when you play football and hold the ball.

I do think the forced invasions in 3 are pretty frustrating. There's a part that summons two invaders at once, and the only way to progress is to kill them or go un-embered. And invaders in the swamp...just fuck those people. That said, it's no coincidence that there are tons of summon signs around those areas to help out.
It's intentional game balancing you dingus.
forced invasions have always been a thing in dark souls

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:01:33 AM »
Fight clubs are fun and all, but if the host is just sitting there with low hp then I'm taking the fucker out.
you really are just consistently a toxic person

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 23, 2016, 06:54:28 PM »
I swear every time I lose to an invader it's just some weaboo cunt running a katana.
tbh the katana set's pretty balanced in this one compared to 2
i dont run katanas ever

The Flood / Re: Conspiracies you believe in.
« on: April 23, 2016, 04:11:44 PM »
They didn't actually dump Laden's body.

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 23, 2016, 01:13:52 PM »
At this point debating with Verb is worse than debating the religious. He claims his own axioms and refuses to acknowledge anything contrary to them, whether they be well-reasoned, supported or not. He's just plugs his ears and goes nananana.

My biggest mistake is being as childish as he is to let myself get sucked back in whenever he starts taunting about his victories.

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 23, 2016, 01:05:33 PM »
Nor does being anti-circumcision mean you are diverting your resources away from bigger problems that need your attention
It kinda does, though. It kinda really really does.

I'm not saying you shouldn't care about small problems, but yeah--if you've spent your entire life debating about foreskin, that's 80 years you could've spent arguing about something that actually matters. It's just the truth.
If no one focuses and specializes on something, some things never improve.

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 23, 2016, 01:04:16 PM »
Well, if she gets a spot on NBC for her story, and she ends up getting thousands and thousands of dollars from various sympathizers across the country, then sure--Getting date raped might have been the best thing to ever happen to her.

Facetiousness aside, that's an insultingly shit garbage comparison.
Because she's obviously going to be psychologically distressed by the mere knowledge she was raped? Do you not see that that being circumcised could cause someone distress in similar fashion, and the probable reason it is not is because it has been normalized? Do you not think that if date rape was as normalized as circumcision is that this dichotomy you think is obvious starts to fall apart?

Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 23, 2016, 10:02:46 AM »
-People seem so worried about "strange men" in the female bathroom, ignoring the fact that, with the transphobic bathroom laws, trans men would be forced to use female bathrooms and, considering the body-changing effects of testosterone, are often many times more masculine than many natural-born men.
I shit you not, I was arguing with someone yesterday who said transmen wouldn't make women uncomfortable because they:

1. Have vaginas
2. Are attracted to men
3. Look like butch lesbians

The folks who support these bills are so ignorant on what trans people even are it's depressing.

The Flood / Re: While I'd never convert, I have respect for Mormons
« on: April 22, 2016, 11:45:24 PM »
too bad they're a bunch of sexually repressive nutters
utah is backwards

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 22, 2016, 03:38:08 PM »
Definitely like Soul of Cinder most.

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 22, 2016, 10:10:52 AM »
Uncircumsized penises are far easier to get dirty and infected
yeah those europoors sure are just losing dicks in the millions to their uncleanness

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 22, 2016, 10:09:07 AM »
>worm dicks

How does it feel knowing my pee pee is prettier than yours?

It's amazing how quickly people get salty and butthurt over this topic, especially when no one is calling them out.

but worm dicks are the only ones that ever bring up this topic
except when they're not

Gaming / Re: Immersion or story?
« on: April 22, 2016, 09:36:21 AM »
Immersion usually. "Choice" often just leads to breaking investment and immersion when you learn to see the seams of the game, places where they had to make sure the character was bottle-necked through some event or sequence and their choices ultimately can't effect. Because some events are paramount and core to a story.

Often times a game being "off the rails" just means having to walk through a zoo, if you get the analogy.

Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 22, 2016, 12:22:29 AM »
But he does actually talk sense sometimes when he's not going on about the wall.
I don't think the wall is a terrible idea tbh. Everyone brushes it off with "it's a waste of time/money and it won't work" to which I always ask "why?" and I never really get a good answer.

There's no reason it shouldn't work. Just look at the Hungarian border wall.

Iunno fam, I think it's not a bad strat. Totally unrelated to the thread too but whatever. I might start a new one just for this.
Length   175 kilometres (109 mi)

Size of US Mexico border     1,954 miles (3,145 km)
You can't just say "look at that wall, it worked!" here.
I could say my backyard fence has been good at keeping people out.
I don't see a reason a wall along the whole border wouldn't work.
You either need to operate and maintain a massive project, which costs a shit ton of money.

Or you don't, and people just find the weakpoints and negate the purpose of a wall.

Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 21, 2016, 11:16:18 PM »
But he does actually talk sense sometimes when he's not going on about the wall.
I don't think the wall is a terrible idea tbh. Everyone brushes it off with "it's a waste of time/money and it won't work" to which I always ask "why?" and I never really get a good answer.

There's no reason it shouldn't work. Just look at the Hungarian border wall.

Iunno fam, I think it's not a bad strat. Totally unrelated to the thread too but whatever. I might start a new one just for this.
Length   175 kilometres (109 mi)

Size of US Mexico border     1,954 miles (3,145 km)
You can't just say "look at that wall, it worked!" here.
I could say my backyard fence has been good at keeping people out.

Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 21, 2016, 11:03:33 PM »
But he does actually talk sense sometimes when he's not going on about the wall.
I don't think the wall is a terrible idea tbh. Everyone brushes it off with "it's a waste of time/money and it won't work" to which I always ask "why?" and I never really get a good answer.

There's no reason it shouldn't work. Just look at the Hungarian border wall.

Iunno fam, I think it's not a bad strat. Totally unrelated to the thread too but whatever. I might start a new one just for this.
Length   175 kilometres (109 mi)

Size of US Mexico border     1,954 miles (3,145 km)

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 21, 2016, 10:58:22 PM »
I guess we should stop vaccinating our kids until they're old enough to make an informed decision about it.

And yes, some vaccinations are completely unnecessary and can be held off until the kid is an adult.

I love how now one gives a shit about consent and the right to your own body until this one issue comes up.
It doesn't leave lasting alterations to your bodies appearance and outward functionality.
There's a clear benefit to vaccination, there are not clear benefits to circumcision.

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 21, 2016, 02:06:46 PM »
The difference is that I've demonstrated in the past, quite thoroughly, exactly why I believe childbirth to be immoral and why life is a massive burden to levy upon a sentient being.
well k, I probably agree because I'm an antinatalist too but

I haven't seen compelling enough reason to believe circumcision is anything at all to be concerned about.
I thought you were inexorably concerned about the idea of something suffering. Is ability to remember it necessary? If pain is inherently bad why is memory necessary? Does this now exclude simple animals that don't have the ability to reflect on pain cognizantly? If hypothetically I were to harm someone but be able to erase their memory of it without issue is that now not a big deal?

Serious / Re: Gun manufacturer liability
« on: April 21, 2016, 01:47:13 PM »
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to go after distributors and retailers? Unless the manufacturers are those in this case.
Or what about the folks that the dude got the gun from?

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 21, 2016, 01:43:42 PM »
I'm apathetic. I'm neither for nor against it. My personal experience with having been circumcised has worked out splendidly for me, so it's difficult for me to think of it as this big horrible thing that I should care about.
Well my entire life was pretty fucking cushy and free from suffering, therefor it's difficult for me to see being birthed as a big horrible thing that I should care about.


Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 21, 2016, 01:42:23 PM »
Pain that they won't remember--no more than they'll remember having their skull squeezed through the birth canal, causing them plagiocephaly for five months. If you're willing to forcefully schlep a child into the world in the first place, circumcision is going to be the least of that newborn's problems.
uh relative privation?
just because the majority of the anti-cut crowd aren't antinatalists doesnt give you free pass to be just as hypocritical.
"wow you guys oppose something bad, fucking idiots"

Especially when you consider that it does have its benefits.
yeah those europoors sure are just plagued with dick cancer compared to healthy american boys

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