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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 789 1011 ... 84
The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 06:55:23 PM »
Well if you were educated, you would know that you need a doctor's approval to have it changed
Did you think you could go to the DMV and just have it changed or something?
So I've been reading up on this and it seems a lot of states do have pretty fair ways to which you get your DL (similar level IDs) changed. I'm thinking that might actually be a viable solution. There are a few problems though in how all of this bullshit being on state or local levels can lead to inconsistent results. Some legislation are defined as written on birth certificate, some state "as biologically defined", which means DL or similar aren't legally valid. But I guess I'm coming to the realization that a lot of the people on the other side of the issue don't necessarily agree with NC implementation or any current iterations, but rather disagree with specific policies like Target.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 03:40:36 AM »
Well there's a thing called a license and it has gender on it
What stops perverts from getting it changed if it's so simple. If it's easy, then perverts can easily abuse it, if it's hard, then you're putting undue burden on trans people.

That's the nature of society tho
People completely entitled to question what they deem to be out of the ordinary
And some people's ideas of out of the ordinary are not something that need to be entertained.

Because all transmen are big hairy and buff
Many are. This did nothing to address the point.
And cops are just waiting to kick down the stall door
They've proven quite willing to enforce these policies, even on cis women.

And no it's not worse for women's privacy
Because they know that under law, the pervs can be taken to court and persecuted
Whereas with your policy they cannot
You can't always just tell whether a person who looks like a man in the bathroom is trans or pretending to be without calling the police on them. "Oh he can't be a pervert, perverts get punished" is delusional level thinking. Is that going to matter to a woman at the moment? When she's unsure whether this 200 pound bearded dude who can clearly overpower her is standing there? Is she going to care "oh well whatever he does he can be punished for it", or is she going to genuinely feel uncomfortable?

In which case she of course then contacts the police to verify this situation.

And so is how transmen are never able to use the bathroom without dealing with the police again.

What the what
A non issue?
First off it was you guys who pushed the whole bathroom thing
Second, a non issue?
Unsurprisingly to no ill effects or notable patterns of crime.
But hypotheticals are of more importance than reality to those supporting these bills.

You guys love to say that "oh but no trans person ever raped anybody" to defend a law that pedophiles can literally use in the court of law to defend themselves
Really? I've seen examples where that was attempted, not once where it was held up.

The point is that you cannot open up the law to protect the scum of society to accommodate one group of people
It doesn't protect them. Criminal behavior is still punished. Somehow you act as if there is some magic act rapists can perform to simultaneously conduct criminal behavior while not conducting criminal behavior. If some dude goes in there and looks every woman in the eye as they leave the stall and he licks his lips, that's sexual harassment and he can get arrested. I don't understand what mental gymnastics you're pulling.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 01:50:03 AM »
Diss, how do you propose we stop the big bad rapists from just claiming to be transmen and then entering women's restrooms.

Because the only options I see are having genital police (hahah fuck you) or effectively forcing any person who looks vaguely androgynous (doesn't matter if they're cis or trans, you could get reported either way) to carry their birth certificate with them (because that's the basis of the NC law).

I don't think Billie Jo should be able to turn someone's bathroom visit into a run-in with the police. Because Billie Jo is a retarded hick who shouldn't have the power to decide who passes and who doesn't, especially when there are plenty of cis-women who don't even pass all the time.

And ironically, forcing people to attend bathroom by sex is even WORSE for women's privacy. Do you think women are going to feel naturally at ease as big buff hairy transmen have to be in the same space as them? How the fuck can anyone tell the difference between a transman and some perv pretending to be one unless we just have the police jump them anytime they need to just fucking piss.

The right has managed to engineer an unsolvable problem from a non-issue, it's quite amazing.

The Flood / Re: Test to see how Jewish your favorite movie is.
« on: May 14, 2016, 01:35:10 AM »

jews removed since 1939

Serious / Re: The UK is one of the worst places on Earth.
« on: May 13, 2016, 03:49:35 PM »
Yea, Australia is pretty awful too.

America is getting pretty crap to with all this "progressive" bullcrap swirling about.

Are there any good anglo-nations left?
sorry fam
you got slavs

The Flood / Re: What mouse are you currently using?
« on: May 13, 2016, 01:10:20 AM »
Logitech Trackman Marble Mouse

The Flood / Re: Which one is more cancerous?
« on: May 12, 2016, 09:56:36 PM »
tumblr's amazing for porn
I can agree there, pretty much Tumblr's redeeming factor.
its honestly irritating how awful 4chan made itself for porn
nazi-mods nuke anything furry, meanwhile futafags literally pollute every thread and there are countless fuckboys who litter threads with replies without images

but then again i just use /d/

The Flood / Re: Which one is more cancerous?
« on: May 12, 2016, 09:38:34 PM »
tumblr's amazing for porn

Serious / Re: Boston is closer to Moscow than Honolulu.
« on: May 12, 2016, 11:20:01 AM »
That's pretty damn misleading, as most of that is ocean that doesn't technically belong to the US.

The green dots are the kingdom of the Netherlands, a country smaller than most US states. I doubt anyone would consider the distance between the mainland and the two islands on the other side of the world when deciding on how large the country is.
To be fair, our navy does control most of the Pacific. That being said, I just find it kind of amazing that I can travel half way across the world and still be in the US. Also the fact that I'm closer to Eastern Europe than Hawaii.
You crossed international waters.

The Flood / Re: how much do you weigh
« on: May 12, 2016, 10:26:50 AM »
im a fat cunt

The Flood / Re: The Koenigsegg Regera
« on: May 12, 2016, 09:58:34 AM »
btw electric cars and hybrids are bad for the environment

amount of lithium mining needed to create these batteries causes more environmental damage than most petroleum cars will do in emissions in its lifetime
lmao this fucking retard bought that facebook garbage

Serious / Re: Boston is closer to Moscow than Honolulu.
« on: May 12, 2016, 09:57:07 AM »
It's a fucking island. This metric is retarded.

Frostbite is painful.
Hypothermia isn't.

Gaming / Re: Forced Inclusivness in Games?
« on: May 12, 2016, 12:32:59 AM »
It's a product of bad writers catching the wave more than it is problems with the trend itself. It's like in movies of modern conflicts, every Marine has to mention his little Billy back home being born or something cliche in order to try and give shallow characters depth. It's just another tool for lazy writers.

Serious / Re: The UK is one of the worst places on Earth.
« on: May 11, 2016, 02:00:34 AM »
He literally described Nazis as "the least cute thing I could think of".

also can this sperg youtuber stop gyrating like rubick and get out of the camera its fucking unnerving

The Flood / Re: Post here and I'll describe why I hate you
« on: May 11, 2016, 12:52:17 AM »
You're frustrating, and you think it's okay to fuck dogs. What in the holy mother cunt is that.
If the puppers consents first.
so how do you feel about statutory rape laws and about what human mental age do you estimate an adult dog attains
dogs don't grow up mentally damaged

The Flood / Re: Post here and I'll describe why I hate you
« on: May 11, 2016, 12:50:23 AM »
You're frustrating, and you think it's okay to fuck dogs. What in the holy mother cunt is that.
If the puppers consents first.
how the hell can an animal consent?

is this a "my dog had a hard on so that means it wants to be fucked by me" argument or what

The Flood / Re: Post here and I'll describe why I hate you
« on: May 11, 2016, 12:47:23 AM »
You're frustrating, and you think it's okay to fuck dogs. What in the holy mother cunt is that.
If the puppers consents first.

Serious / Re: US Attorney General on the North Carolina bill
« on: May 10, 2016, 11:27:53 PM »
What is with all this fear mongering?  And if someone is assaulted because of it, it doesn't make the assault legal.
Then why is stopping perverts suddenly a huge issue? Or is some pro activeness pretty reasonable to have here? 
How often are trans people actually assaulted for using the bathroom?

Some old, some new. All agree there are a lot of recording and reporting problems on figures.
The numbers are small, but there aren't many trans people to begin with.

This is just from brief review, crucify me over things if you want.

Serious / Re: US Attorney General on the North Carolina bill
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:50:05 PM »
First of all, I don't agree that NC should have done what it did.  Secondly what Target is doing is enabling people, mostly men, to abuse the rule of this. It's not because of trannies, it's because of the real perverts who take advantage of this, and yes, it is happening.
What stops a pervert from now saying he's just a transman to get in. Genital police? Gunna make everyone carry their BC with them?

And lastly, this doesn't compare to black people or race at all, so stop right there.  Trans people are not being stopped from going to the bathroom at all.
Yeah they just have to worry about being removed by cops or being harassed or assaulted. Totally not undue inconveniences to just needing to defecate.
If they can get away with it because they look the part, then go right ahead, if not, then use the bathroom that corresponds with what's between your legs.
Yeah, what a truly remarkable measure of legitimacy. Let Cletus or his hag wife decide who and doesn't look feminine enough. Like this hasn't already caused problem for cis women who look like they might be trans. There are retards out there, this rule of thumb gives them the power to turn a bathroom visit into a situation involving police.

Being trans is not comparable to race in anyway.  You don't get to choose to be black.

Let's just ignore the fact that it's choose to be trans or continue to wallow in extreme depression. Yeah, it's a trans person's choice to transition. About as much as it is for someone to choose to undergo chemo.

And what's more fucked up about this situation is you have performers refusing to go to NC, but they'll surer than shit play in places like the Middle East where you know damn well that you and I would be executed just for being us.  So yes, this is retarded.
Agreed, but that's reason to have them boycott those bad places, not stop boycotting this bad place.

Serious / Re: US Attorney General on the North Carolina bill
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:44:06 PM »
Identity politics can still get pretty bad though. Horseshoe theory is relevant in this type of situation.
Can you explain more specifically?

I'm more just talking about stuff like this. If that's an accurate example of identity politics at work.
Does identity politics include stuff like this? I always thought the "identity" was like "gender identity".

Serious / Re: US Attorney General on the North Carolina bill
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:37:20 PM »
Identity politics can still get pretty bad though. Horseshoe theory is relevant in this type of situation.
Can you explain more specifically?

Serious / Re: Emma Watson listed in Panama Papers
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:36:34 PM »
I believe the privacy concern.
I don't believe there isn't monetary benefit.

The Flood / Re: Post here and I'll describe why I hate you
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:35:13 PM »
but itll only be why i hate myself

tbh ill deserve all the flak i get for the last time i babyraged on an argument
i got real analflustered

Serious / Re: US Attorney General on the North Carolina bill
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:29:20 PM »
This whole thing is retarded.  It went from being a non issue to being blown out of proportion.  I get NC should have left well enough alone, but then we have things like Target on the other extreme.  What people seem to be forgetting is that no one is being stopped from using the bathroom, just their "preferred" bathroom.  Guess what, being comfortable isn't a right.  Jesus Christ, people these days and their identity politics.
Have fun being a passing transman trying to follow the law here. You'll get pulled out by police until you can produce BC (this law is according to statement on your BC, not other forms of ID) or flash your genitals. For a transman to be able to use a bathroom unhindered they'd probably have to break the law by using the men's.

And let's not get it started on how brutal it is to just tell transwomen to deal with the fact they have very good chances of being harassed, assaulted, or worse in men's restrooms.

Ironically reactionary babyrage towards identity politics has done more to disrupt society than any trans people ever have.

Serious / Re: US Attorney General on the North Carolina bill
« on: May 10, 2016, 09:15:17 PM »
Feds are taking this way to seriously.

Uh, no.
Uh, yeah. That they've cut of funding to NC to bully them into following their policies.
ironically the states rights crybabies tend to forget this issue spawns from NC state legislature trying to restrict local government's ability to pass legislation

The Flood / Re: Post ITT for my honest opinion of you
« on: May 10, 2016, 03:56:51 PM »
wtf are you

The Flood / Re: Rate the avatar above you and explain your own
« on: May 10, 2016, 02:39:50 PM »
godspeed / c

It's a shitty frame from a shitty manga about some girl who got turned into a spider

The Flood / Re: non virgins get in here
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:56:49 PM »
start fuckin' dudes like sailors and prisoners

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