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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 787980 8182 ... 84
The Flood / Re: Internet Relationships
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:24:12 PM »
my e-bf will beat you up

The Flood / Re: Give an opinion of a user, but don't say who it is
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:39:13 PM »
i want to rape you with my mouth

The Flood / Re: [Serious] Best way to kill yourself?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:37:27 PM »
Idk jumping off a building sounds pretty effective and quick, plus a nice rush of adrenaline right before you go too.
Plugging up your car and getting poisoned would be nice too, get to chill to some music in the driver's seat, nice way to go.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:28:57 PM »
i don't give it a definition, because the idea is worthless to me

if "manliness" is generally defined to be "how a man should act", as you put it, then that necessarily excludes women from that equation

i'd amend that to "how men and women should act"--humanliness
and i already have another word for humanliness--it's called ethics

in which case, yes, i generally try my best to be an ethical person
That's assuming men and women are the same, but due to our different builds and such I think that it's our duty to help each other out to make up for the gaps.
give examples of situations that are actually consistently different between genders

thus far
One of the parts of being manly in my book is that you should treat everyone with respect, because everyone might have a story to tell. It's what I think a man should act like, so I try my best.

is definitely not an adequate example of something that isn't just trying to be a good person, rather than a good man specifically
Our roles in society, and not in dreamland. Women are often more submissive than men, and that's one point. They can't help it after they've formed into these expectations, and therefore you should help them come to terms with what they are.

You're right, that's what a good person should do, but I'm a man, so I use what I know to apply it to scenarios that I'm familiar with. Most girls that I know are not like explained above. Same applies to men, but as a man, and human, I can say that my definition of manliness is this and that.

I could say human, but saying man is specifying more, and it doesn't leave me open to too many assumptions. I don't know what it's like to be a woman, but I do know what it's like to be a man.
I'm not going to agree to you establishing that women don't have any agency.

It's not about the agency or lack of it, but rather the other party's agency. How good is the other person compared to me? I can kill two creatures in one day, but that person can kill three. Unfortunately there's only one spear, so one of us has to be the fighter.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm not saying that the other person can't fight. I'm saying that one of them is better at fighting.
Why bother distinguishing gender in that situation rather than ability to kill?
And if you are the better of two, why take pride in the fact you are male rather than you are a better hunter?
Please notice that I never meant to imply that. If you read my replies for a second time, you might realize that my replies can be interpreted in a way where I'm assigning attributes to genders due to likelihood of that being the case.

One of the killers was born in a fishermen town, and the other in a town with an arena. We know nothing about their lives, but we can assume things based on the stereotypes, and logic.
And sometimes there are situations where stereotypes are obviously broken and should not apply, and if our values adapt to accommodate these situations, maybe that is a sign that are values are not based on the stereotypes, but rather on the principle of ethics.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:19:55 PM »
i don't give it a definition, because the idea is worthless to me

if "manliness" is generally defined to be "how a man should act", as you put it, then that necessarily excludes women from that equation

i'd amend that to "how men and women should act"--humanliness
and i already have another word for humanliness--it's called ethics

in which case, yes, i generally try my best to be an ethical person
That's assuming men and women are the same, but due to our different builds and such I think that it's our duty to help each other out to make up for the gaps.
give examples of situations that are actually consistently different between genders

thus far
One of the parts of being manly in my book is that you should treat everyone with respect, because everyone might have a story to tell. It's what I think a man should act like, so I try my best.

is definitely not an adequate example of something that isn't just trying to be a good person, rather than a good man specifically
Our roles in society, and not in dreamland. Women are often more submissive than men, and that's one point. They can't help it after they've formed into these expectations, and therefore you should help them come to terms with what they are.

You're right, that's what a good person should do, but I'm a man, so I use what I know to apply it to scenarios that I'm familiar with. Most girls that I know are not like explained above. Same applies to men, but as a man, and human, I can say that my definition of manliness is this and that.

I could say human, but saying man is specifying more, and it doesn't leave me open to too many assumptions. I don't know what it's like to be a woman, but I do know what it's like to be a man.
I'm not going to agree to you establishing that women don't have any agency.

It's not about the agency or lack of it, but rather the other party's agency. How good is the other person compared to me? I can kill two creatures in one day, but that person can kill three. Unfortunately there's only one spear, so one of us has to be the fighter.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm not saying that the other person can't fight. I'm saying that one of them is better at fighting.
Why bother distinguishing gender in that situation rather than ability to kill?
And if you are the better of two, why take pride in the fact you are male rather than you are a better hunter?

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:15:51 PM »
one could give the situation of "lift heavy boxes for women because as a male you are likely more apt to do so"
but it could simply be said that "if you are the stronger of two people in a situation, offer to do the brunt of the physical work"
If that's your definition of a man, sure. Could be that someone else would prefer the above one because they want to get laid, but don't care about helping other people.
I simply feel as if it is an unnecessary dichotomy that doesn't apply to all situations. Maybe you're a weak man next to a strong woman in the box situation, it seems obvious that the ethical thing would be for the person it'd burden the least (the woman) to oblige. And that contradicts the above description. If you choose to follow that it is a man's role to do work and whatnot then go ahead, but those values aren't necessarily other people's.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:11:10 PM »
i don't give it a definition, because the idea is worthless to me

if "manliness" is generally defined to be "how a man should act", as you put it, then that necessarily excludes women from that equation

i'd amend that to "how men and women should act"--humanliness
and i already have another word for humanliness--it's called ethics

in which case, yes, i generally try my best to be an ethical person
That's assuming men and women are the same, but due to our different builds and such I think that it's our duty to help each other out to make up for the gaps.
give examples of situations that are actually consistently different between genders

thus far
One of the parts of being manly in my book is that you should treat everyone with respect, because everyone might have a story to tell. It's what I think a man should act like, so I try my best.

is definitely not an adequate example of something that isn't just trying to be a good person, rather than a good man specifically
Our roles in society, and not in dreamland. Women are often more submissive than men, and that's one point. They can't help it after they've formed into these expectations, and therefore you should help them come to terms with what they are.

You're right, that's what a good person should do, but I'm a man, so I use what I know to apply it to scenarios that I'm familiar with. Most girls that I know are not like explained above. Same applies to men, but as a man, and human, I can say that my definition of manliness is this and that.

I could say human, but saying man is specifying more, and it doesn't leave me open to too many assumptions. I don't know what it's like to be a woman, but I do know what it's like to be a man.
I'm not going to agree to you establishing that women don't have any agency.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:05:37 PM »
one could give the situation of "lift heavy boxes for women because as a male you are likely more apt to do so"
but it could simply be said that "if you are the stronger of two people in a situation, offer to do the brunt of the physical work"

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:03:22 PM »
i don't give it a definition, because the idea is worthless to me

if "manliness" is generally defined to be "how a man should act", as you put it, then that necessarily excludes women from that equation

i'd amend that to "how men and women should act"--humanliness
and i already have another word for humanliness--it's called ethics

in which case, yes, i generally try my best to be an ethical person
That's assuming men and women are the same, but due to our different builds and such I think that it's our duty to help each other out to make up for the gaps.
give examples of situations that are actually consistently different between genders

thus far
One of the parts of being manly in my book is that you should treat everyone with respect, because everyone might have a story to tell. It's what I think a man should act like, so I try my best.

is definitely not an adequate example of something that isn't just trying to be a good person, rather than a good man specifically

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:47:16 PM »
i dun wanna be manly

The Flood / Re: What's the worst way you've ever hurt yourself
« on: May 28, 2015, 10:21:16 AM »
I haven't ever really done anything painful to myself. So as far as lasting effect I crawled through some grass when playing airsoft at a friend's once and got a bad case of poison ivy. A few days later my entire arm was covered in puss and boils and none of the medication we tried worked. Eventually we went to the hospital to get some heavy duty meds injected and sure enough it went away, but left some nasty scarring on the underside of my arm. Haven't gotten poison ivy since though.

Serious / Re: "Death is the worst thing that could happen to you."
« on: May 28, 2015, 09:56:34 AM »
I say being full paralyzed or having all your legs and arms gone would be worse than death. What's the point of living when you can't even move? I would rather be dead than be a vegetable.
there's a demand for quadruple amputees in the porn industry life isnt over yet

The Flood / Re: What MBTI are you guys again?
« on: May 28, 2015, 01:20:15 AM »

Pretty different than usual, I used to be ISTJ consistently. But I've changed a lot over the last year.

Gaming / Re: RPG Tier List:
« on: May 27, 2015, 10:54:02 PM »
Putting Oblivion on the same level as Skyrim is just insulting. I'm not saying Oblivion is even deserving of good tier RPG, but it most certainly excelled past Skyrim in almost every way you can measure the quality of RPG elements.

And lack of Dragon's Dogma disappoints.

The Flood / Re: The REAL IDEAL perfect female body
« on: May 27, 2015, 09:01:05 PM »
but look how squishy she is she's bulging at every stripe

that was a cheap chair

The Flood / Re: What is the worst fetish
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:54:25 PM »
Probably tits and dicks because /d/ is fucking oversaturated with pics of futas so dramatically out of proportion that I have to use the search function to find a tf thread.

I don't hate foot fetish, but it's something I really just don't understand. Most things I can usually find some viewpoint that makes sense, feet are one I can't for.
dude, I've seen a TF thread on the front page each night all week.
yeah but there's only one and they're all bad comics  :'(

The Flood / Re: What is the worst fetish
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:42:01 PM »
Probably tits and dicks because /d/ is fucking oversaturated with pics of futas so dramatically out of proportion that I have to use the search function to find a tf thread.

I don't hate foot fetish, but it's something I really just don't understand. Most things I can usually find some viewpoint that makes sense, feet are one I can't for.

The Flood / Re: Okay guys...
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:22:13 PM »
i wish food wasn't so good

The Flood / Re: ITT: 10/10 albums
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:56:19 AM »

Gaming / Re: New Halo: CE World Record.
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:34:39 PM »
legendary category is the only one that matters

The Flood / Re: Have you ever been outside your home country?
« on: May 26, 2015, 06:29:52 PM »
I live closer to Canada than to Iowa yet I haven't been over the border.


  • 99.99...% of people, whether they're willing to admit it or not, only care about themselves, and that's not okay.
  • 99.99...% of things considered valuable by humans are not actually of any intrinsic value.

The Flood / Re: Anybody ever wanked in public?
« on: May 26, 2015, 05:16:38 PM »
Closest would be in a stall at work, it was a 7-hour dead shift, couldn't have been helped.

The Flood / Re: there is no point to life if god doesn't exist
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:57:49 PM »
The value in your life is the amount of time you spent happy.
i dont value my happiness
what do i do now

Getting killed by an exploding car as you exit a level in Nuclear Throne.

The Flood / Re: God cannot exist
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:14:06 AM »
>implying it doesn't just end with a loop of guille theme

The Flood / Re: opinions you don't think anyone else has
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:22:37 AM »
Dark Souls 2 PvP was much more balanced and diverse than the poise-fest that Dark Souls 1 hosted.

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