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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 747576 7778 ... 84
The Flood / Re: tfw you try to pee with a boner
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:11:09 AM »

The Flood / Re: Touch your own butt.
« on: July 01, 2015, 10:10:33 AM »
delightfully smooth and soft, would use as a pillow

The Flood / Re: So I went out today with my friends
« on: July 01, 2015, 12:55:21 AM »
oh fine just playing league

The Flood / Re: Sup /b/, I mean Sep7, name my band
« on: June 30, 2015, 08:04:24 PM »
Anal Cunt

The Flood / Re: Im really bored AMA
« on: June 30, 2015, 05:52:08 PM »

0:04 is a money shot
has this audio been altered
bane sounds so fucking out of place it makes me hate this movie
also planes fucking crash when cargo shifts in them, how would dragging an entire other plane behind it not even bother one

Gaming / Re: I had a dream I was in Splatoon
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:39:52 AM »
were you a kid or a squid

The Flood / Re: Just melted a spider with lye
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:04:44 AM »


Gaming / Re: What headsets do you use for gaming?
« on: June 29, 2015, 03:02:26 PM »

The Flood / Re: Just finished watching "It Follows"
« on: June 29, 2015, 02:17:24 AM »
why was it standing on the roof

And yet, I never think that I should end it all. That'd just be silly, it's just a bad day. I'll sleep better tomorrow, soon my problems will be behind me. Fooling yourself with delusions of a better time, and laughing it off is the easiest way to deal with the problem, but is it really the best way? Medication's fine and dandy, but not everyone has the time or money to flip through the catalog of prescriptions the doctor has to sell to meet his monthly quota. So really, what else can you do besides grit your teeth and take the pains in stride?
Kill yourself? That's all I could think of back when things were worse, to the point the thought had become an impulsive mental tic. If nothing ever felt satisfying at the end of the day, from getting drunk like a bum to doing volunteer work, what was the point in enduring the natural miseries of life? I enjoyed the unconsciousness of sleep more than living, why not take it permanently? What value does something as rare as a life have if it's not ever felt fulfilling? To be honest I never knew the answer to those questions and I still don't. If my emotions bring me to decide it's time to kill myself, I don't have much in the way of reason to stop myself.

Sorry I didn't have anything to contribute, just venting too.

The Flood / Re: Are you depressed?
« on: June 28, 2015, 07:56:44 PM »
Things are getting better now that I've found a stable medication, am working towards becoming what I want to be, and got a relationship.

but shit could fall apart pretty easily still

The Flood / Re: What was the biggest mistake of your life so far?
« on: June 28, 2015, 07:40:25 PM »
thinking i could stick out depression

The Flood / Re: Admiring something you dislike
« on: June 28, 2015, 02:53:03 PM »
Thank god for people with sadistic fetishes that can satisfy people who aren't sociopaths by nature.

Serious / Re: Is Greece still insane? Yes, yes they are.
« on: June 26, 2015, 09:53:59 PM »
I've been kind of intrigued by this situation when it comes up but I don't understand credit on an international level to really know the gravity of everything. If Greece defaults, what effects will that have on citizens of the country and surrounding nations?

Serious / Re: If education was free, what would you study?
« on: June 25, 2015, 08:54:31 PM »
Psychology most likely.

The Flood / Re: Circumcision?
« on: June 24, 2015, 09:32:56 PM »
that girl's got a nice dick

Isn't propagation itself enough of an explanation of the purpose of something's functions? In the end don't all adaptations, things that make organisms more survivable or versatile or intelligent or so on, simply provide better means of ensuring continued reproduction? In many cases there are ones that lead away from that end, but with time only the adaptations that move towards reproduction survive.
No, because I could just ask, "Why do we need to survive"?
We as humans can ask that question and are able to decide for ourselves, which isn't necessarily a good thing for our survival as a race, at which point evolution would cease for us. I don't really get what "evolutionary purpose" even means at that point.

A virus that inhibits itself from further transmission and reproduction by damaging its host too seriously is a failure and it dies out as soon as its means of reproduction do. A virus does not exist to harm anyone, a virus exists to propagate itself. So to say that one that one is "better" simply because it's more lethal is strange, because it's the exact opposite.
a good point, though it speaks nothing of a virus's evolutionary purpose (beyond the propagation of itself)

i think he was asking more in terms of the grand scheme--which, i don't believe there is one
but yeah, that's great that you picked up on that at least
Isn't propagation itself enough of an explanation of the purpose of something's functions? In the end don't all adaptations, things that make organisms more survivable or versatile or intelligent or so on, simply provide better means of ensuring continued reproduction? In many cases there are ones that lead away from that end, but with time only the adaptations that move towards reproduction survive.

Unless he's asking what niche virus's fill in the ecosystem, in which case it's basically a mass-predator. Viruses help prevent too large of congregations of animals to form that might overwhelm the areas realistic limits.

1. Since evolution is a continuous process, with life forms evolving and adapting, with the most versatile surviving and eventually coming out on top, then what evolutionary purpose does a virus serve?

A virus's sole purpose of existence is the survival of itself. Which is why it spreads and infects. But, this is a bit contradictory because viruses damage their hosts. And, the stronger, arguably "better" viruses kill their hosts.

Which is a rather big contradiction to surviving.
A virus that inhibits itself from further transmission and reproduction by damaging its host too seriously is a failure and it dies out as soon as its means of reproduction do. A virus does not exist to harm anyone, a virus exists to propagate itself. So to say that one that one is "better" simply because it's more lethal is strange, because it's the exact opposite.

you need to spend time out there with all of them. if you punish them for getting in fights they'll learn quickly

The Flood / Re: So Whats Up?
« on: June 23, 2015, 08:32:13 PM »
So this is where everyone left for. I feel like an erotic sfw furry pics thread is going to be started here.
theres a semi-active one on bungle with less than sfw pics

The Flood / Re: So Whats Up?
« on: June 23, 2015, 08:31:12 PM »
whats up with you

Gaming / Re: Low sensitivity or high sensitivity?
« on: June 23, 2015, 08:25:26 PM »
I basically always take default on PC.
In Dark Souls, Halo, and Battlefield I took high because turn speed is more relevant than accuracy, in COD I took medium because holy fuck does those settings go high and accuracy is important, in World of Tanks I took low because I mained tank destroyers.

Serious / Re: ISI decapitates prisoners with det-cord
« on: June 23, 2015, 04:46:57 PM »
It was neat that they lifted the cage up once they knew they were all unconscious, usually drownings that show up on watchpeopledie don't include frothing like that shown.

The Flood / Re: Do you go on Reddit?
« on: June 23, 2015, 11:43:39 AM »

all i really visit

The Flood / Re: Songs you like by artists you dislike
« on: June 23, 2015, 11:28:20 AM »

Serious / Re: I have a question for Verb regarding anti-natalism
« on: June 22, 2015, 02:38:17 PM »
Why wouldn't it be? (Actually curious)

Because you would be imposing death on another human being.
Is that worse than the alternatives? Is non-existence worse than a lifetime of suffering?

Should we play someone else's hand in a gamble of whether or not they find life worth the suffering it will most definitely include?

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