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Messages - eggsalad

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The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:24:50 PM »
Cannot say that I wouldn't, as evil as it is, it would be an interesting experience that would be difficult to pass.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm naturally curious for unique experiences, and in this situation the consequences that normally bar the act are removed.
The consequences that normally bar the act of killing somebody should be the acknowledgment that you are taking a person's life away without their consent. Even ignoring the damage that would be done to relatives and friends, that person is still having their will imposed on in the worst possible way because of "curiosity." Even if it was a painless death, there's no ethically sensible reason to just deprive that person of their own existence.
If no person is there to respond to losing those things then what significance do they have?

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:20:37 PM »
Cannot say that I wouldn't, as evil as it is, it would be an interesting experience that would be difficult to pass.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm naturally curious for unique experiences, and in this situation the consequences that normally bar the act are removed.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:19:18 PM »
Then it's a rather telling indicator of your willpower. A bit like the internet. Drop somebody in a space with no repurcussions and the worst comes out in most people.

Of course, this isn't an ultimate judgement either.

I think the people here advocating that they'd kill, actually wouldn't. Because they don't feel any weight. This is just a hypothetical.

When you actually feel the weight of your decision sitting there on top of you, that's when you flinch. Like it or no, most human beings, save for psychopaths, killing somebody is a traumatic experience. It gives nightmares and long lasting residual mental imprints.

Anybody here saying that they would is kidding themselves.
Can't say that I disagree with that.

It's a similar situation for me with suicide. I'd say very easily that I'd rather be dead by now, but whenever I've been given the opportunity for an easy release I opted out.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:04:10 PM »
And nobody was going to miss him
Why does this even matter? Is the value of your life determined by how many people will miss you when you're dead? That's retarded.
The dead are not alive to feel remorse for their death, meaning your action doesn't cause much suffering. If there are mourners, your action caused a great amount of suffering.

You're retarded.
Who cares? Your life is yours, and nonexistence is worse than anyone feeling bad for you. The idea that we have to depend on others for meaning is so annoying.
the lack of a family to mourn the victims death frees the killer from thoughts of guilt
i have no idea what you're going on about

Honestly if I was dropped into a situation where I was told to kill somebody with no family, no friends, nobody, I sure as fuck wouldn't be abstained from guilt.

Imagine it. Going up to someone, who went through what you could say was arguably a pretty shitty life because they never had anybody, and then you kill them.

They went through all of that through their life, to just to be put down?

That's not guilt free at all. That's fucking depressing.

Have you ever met people with no friends to speak of or any family? Anybody that likes them? Those sort of people bring out so much pity.
I suppose that's a matter of perspective.
Hopefully I could kill the person inexplicably and without them even noticing before they're already gone, I'd rather not think about their last thoughts.

I don't think too much about what their potential is or what their goals were, those were truly only relevant to themselves and now that they're gone there is no one to be sad over them not being fulfilled. If anything though, the person would likely go on to continue living a mediocre life. But that's just my two cents.

Not if you helped them. Not if you made the effort to give them a hand when nobody else would. And, define "medicore."

By all means, please create a general label that sums up the entirety of what a medicore life is. But, before you do, what if the person in question, who supposedly has a mediocre life, is happy?

Then you can't call it mediocre.

I don't know about you, but if I was ever dropped into the circumstance in OP, I wouldn't take that chance. Not a damn way in hell. And I sure as fuck wouldn't let that person keep living a shitty life either. I'd feel obliged to help in any and every way that I could.
I always felt that there was a disconnect between people who are truly happy and those who perpetually fool themselves into chasing their desires. The majority of which are the latter. But I guess there's no way for me to determine that just by looking at someone.

In the end, I still don't feel much sadness from ending that happiness if the victim hadn't even realized their death. Heck, in a way it makes me feel happy that I let their life end on a happy note.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:55:47 PM »
No one ever said it would be guilt free
the lack of a family to mourn the victims death frees the killer from thoughts of guilt
point still stands though

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:54:19 PM »
And nobody was going to miss him
Why does this even matter? Is the value of your life determined by how many people will miss you when you're dead? That's retarded.
The dead are not alive to feel remorse for their death, meaning your action doesn't cause much suffering. If there are mourners, your action caused a great amount of suffering.

You're retarded.
Who cares? Your life is yours, and nonexistence is worse than anyone feeling bad for you. The idea that we have to depend on others for meaning is so annoying.
the lack of a family to mourn the victims death frees the killer from thoughts of guilt
i have no idea what you're going on about

Honestly if I was dropped into a situation where I was told to kill somebody with no family, no friends, nobody, I sure as fuck wouldn't be abstained from guilt.

Imagine it. Going up to someone, who went through what you could say was arguably a pretty shitty life because they never had anybody, and then you kill them.

They went through all of that through their life, to just to be put down?

That's not guilt free at all. That's fucking depressing.

Have you ever met people with no friends to speak of or any family? Anybody that likes them? Those sort of people bring out so much pity.
I suppose that's a matter of perspective.
Hopefully I could kill the person inexplicably and without them even noticing before they're already gone, I'd rather not think about their last thoughts.

I don't think too much about what their potential is or what their goals were, those were truly only relevant to themselves and now that they're gone there is no one to be sad over them not being fulfilled. If anything though, the person would likely go on to continue living a mediocre life. They may not have agreed with it, but in the end I saved them a lot of burden and effort that naturally comes with life. But that's just my two cents.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:51:54 PM »
And nobody was going to miss him
Why does this even matter? Is the value of your life determined by how many people will miss you when you're dead? That's retarded.
The dead are not alive to feel remorse for their death, meaning your action doesn't cause much suffering. If there are mourners, your action caused a great amount of suffering.

You're retarded.
Who cares? Your life is yours, and nonexistence is worse than anyone feeling bad for you. The idea that we have to depend on others for meaning is so annoying.
the lack of a family to mourn the victims death frees the killer from thoughts of guilt
i have no idea what you're going on about
What the fuck? If you're ending a human life, and you're thinking about the family of the person you're murdering, and not, you know, the person you're fucking murdering, you have issues. Really, if someone has no family, it's guiltless to kill him? What?
No one ever said it would be guilt free.
Simply the lack of people to feel misery over the fact after you kill him is a significantly easier sin for someone to get over then knowing they are putting a family into emotional turmoil.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:48:57 PM »
And nobody was going to miss him
Why does this even matter? Is the value of your life determined by how many people will miss you when you're dead? That's retarded.
The dead are not alive to feel remorse for their death, meaning your action doesn't cause much suffering. If there are mourners, your action caused a great amount of suffering.

You're retarded.
Who cares? Your life is yours, and nonexistence is worse than anyone feeling bad for you. The idea that we have to depend on others for meaning is so annoying.
the lack of a family to mourn the victims death frees the killer from thoughts of guilt
i have no idea what you're going on about
Except you still ended somebody's life.

That persons life isn't valueless because he has no friends and family. Instead of waking up tomorrow and eating breakfast, he'll be rotting in a hole.

Still feeling guilt free?
no one ever said his life was valueless
no one said things would be guilt free
just the fact that the only person to mourn the death is dead and therefor not suffering already means that the action of killing him (if done quickly) makes the action easy to justify to one' self

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:46:57 PM »
And nobody was going to miss him
Why does this even matter? Is the value of your life determined by how many people will miss you when you're dead? That's retarded.
The dead are not alive to feel remorse for their death, meaning your action doesn't cause much suffering. If there are mourners, your action caused a great amount of suffering.

You're retarded.
Who cares? Your life is yours, and nonexistence is worse than anyone feeling bad for you. The idea that we have to depend on others for meaning is so annoying.
the lack of a family to mourn the victims death frees the killer from thoughts of guilt
i have no idea what you're going on about

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:42:55 PM »
And nobody was going to miss him
Why does this even matter? Is the value of your life determined by how many people will miss you when you're dead? That's retarded.
The dead are not alive to feel remorse for their death, meaning your action doesn't cause much suffering. If there are mourners, your action caused a great amount of suffering.

You're retarded.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:42:11 PM »
Cannot say that I wouldn't, as evil as it is, it would be an interesting experience that would be difficult to pass.

The Flood / Re: Would you go to war?
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:40:50 PM »
In no instance has my life or livelihood ever been threatened by a foreign entity (anymore than America itself does with WMDs), I have no reason to put my life in danger for what is almost completely out of my interests. If people want to go to war over politics and buffer states, then let the violent and stupid kill themselves.

People who walk into a restaurant 5 minutes before closing time.

« on: July 05, 2015, 12:01:17 AM »
Moths are cute little retards though.

Gaming / Re: What is the manliest game you ever played?
« on: July 04, 2015, 11:58:20 PM »
Conker's Bad Fur Day had some toilet humor I guess.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 04, 2015, 11:39:46 PM »
In the end I suppose it relies on how we evaluate the value of what we take and what we contribute back. For what we take from livestock we provide them back in stable supplies of food, water, and protection. Now there are still many ways we can improve our contributions, and what we consider as necessity to survive is muddy.

Right now humans are definitely consuming too fast and could be viewed similar any other invasive species a DNR rep would be putting bounties on to cull because of the disruption of the environment, IMO.

I feel like if he went on to sing in their discography as long as Bruce we'd be making the opposite judgement. Both of them are repetitive but enjoyable in their own right.

The Flood / Re: Is This Avatar Okay?
« on: July 02, 2015, 11:12:39 PM »
are you just making a really bad scalie joke

If you hunt for sport you're a conservationist.
A sociopathic conservationist.
sociopaths are doing more services to the animals than you are

The Flood / Re: Long long ago on a forum far far away...
« on: July 02, 2015, 03:40:34 PM »
:o) honk

The Flood / Re: Best Music Genres
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:39:31 PM »
Experimental Metal even though it's more or less a junk droor for anything that doesn't fit elsewhere.

metalcore is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine

The Flood / Re: Worst music genres
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:37:41 PM »
Anything country
cash tho
I haven't heard one cash song on the radio in years

The Flood / Re: Worst music genres
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:32:29 PM »
Country and Modern Rock. Rock died in the 80's and Punk divided between generic lazy bullshit and actual good hardcore and experimentalism. Glam metal could produce one good song an album at least.

The Flood / Re: Why Do Scrubs Cat Call?
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:26:19 PM »
I have literally never heard anyone cat call in my entire life.
Dude don't you watch cartoons?

Cartoons perfectly reflect typical human behavior.

Wtf Winy when did you get here
Made an account here a few months back, but only stuck around for a week or so. I'm still "housed" over at Bungleboards, but I felt like dropping by for some reason. I don't recognize your name, to be honest.
likely story lad
Tru I'm twice your size I will literally overhead press you into fucking infinity.
You're a brony

they aren't violent

The Flood / Re: Why Do Scrubs Cat Call?
« on: July 02, 2015, 01:47:44 PM »
Only times I've seen it are when small groups of a sex see someone of the opposite jogging by, and I've seen about an equal amount from both sexes.

but im not living in some shitty city so maybe im biased

The Flood / Re: Political compass thread.
« on: July 02, 2015, 06:28:38 AM »

The Flood / Re: Volkswagen robot kills technician
« on: July 01, 2015, 07:52:46 PM »
German news agency dpa reported that prosecutors were considering whether to bring charges, and if so, against whom.

the robot of course

The Flood / Re: The Phillies season summed up in one gif
« on: July 01, 2015, 06:51:04 PM »
the camera work though

The Flood / Re: Touch your own butt.
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:40:31 AM »
we just posting furry porn now?

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