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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 727374 7576 ... 84
"Chocolate cake is best" is an opinion because it makes no attempt at establishing the context of what "best" means and thus can be answered truthfully by different viewers of the question because they hold differing values.

Well, no.

If you haven't established the definitions of the words in your claim, it can't be answered properly at all.
I guess I thought that's what distinguished opinions from actual proposals.

Blurring the line between opinionated statements like "chocolate cake is best" and tangible propositions such as such as "chocolate cake, for the most part, suits the purpose of providing more pleasure for most people better" removes the significance of the word opinion.
At that point, you have to question the significance of opinions in the first place.

But the point I'm making is that there is no fundamental, epistemological difference between an opinion and a truth-apt proposition.
"Chocolate cake is best" is an opinion because it makes no attempt at establishing the context of what "best" means and thus can be answered truthfully by different viewers of the question because they hold differing values. When it is established that the goal of cake is to be tasty to humans, something can actually be determined.

Blurring the line between opinionated statements like "chocolate cake is best" and tangible propositions such as such as "chocolate cake, for the most part, suits the purpose of providing more pleasure for most people better" removes the significance of the word opinion.

Goalpost moving at best.

The Flood / Re: why does milwaukee have such an awful fucking flag
« on: July 07, 2015, 10:31:50 PM »
i too have watched ted talks

Could the same argument not be made for literally any component of the Fermi Paradox? Is it wise for us to work towards advancements in medicine if perhaps the reason we don't see advanced races elsewhere is because once you reach age ooptilian your race wins the game and ascends into NG+?

not to participate in it.
not participating =/= not being engaged

Although people who would just hand over their taxes regardless of what the state would do with it are pretty fucking terrible people.
I can be satisfied with that statement. I just wouldn't call them parasites.

People who bog down everything with half-baked dialogue do a lot more to weigh down a system than someone who chooses not to participate in it. By being working members of a nation, they are actively working to uphold the democratic process. I have more disdain for retarded filibusters than I do someone handing their check over to the state saying "do what the fuck you want I don't care".

Also House is a fucking awful show lmao.

« on: July 07, 2015, 10:31:38 AM »
yiff in hell
cloacas were made for kissing not penetration

The Flood / Re: watchu listenin 2
« on: July 07, 2015, 02:03:24 AM »


The Flood / Re: I'm Bored, Leg Thread.
« on: July 06, 2015, 09:32:07 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post your booty
« on: July 06, 2015, 07:53:16 AM »

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:55:05 PM »
Well, no, I don't necessarily think social climate is the cause of gender dysphoria. But I do think it's the cause of the detrimental aspects.
Is an incongruity between what you desire to experience from your body (in a sexual manner for example) and what you are capable of experiencing not detrimental to someone's mental health? Is an innate inability to satisfy one's own sexuality not a serious issue not caused by social pressures?

or shit im getting this confused with body dysphoria aren't i

The Flood / Re: Women are inferior to men
« on: July 05, 2015, 09:31:17 PM »
the vagina is biologically ENGINEERED to receive the penis

The Flood / Re: are you having a shitty night?
« on: July 05, 2015, 09:23:00 PM »
i like how the female is just dududu what am i doing

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:58:43 PM »
I would like to ask you your thoughts on this. If there was an option for you to no longer have the gender identity issues you have, would you take that option? Or would you rather stay as you are?
I feel like there is a large difference between asking this and asking if someone would have rather never had the condition. I would certainly take the latter, but as of now not the first.

The Flood / Re: On men and women.
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:51:17 PM »
To be fair women have been to the benefit of men's sacrifice in past time's so they haven't ever been pushed to think about what they'd do in those situations. Men who think for themselves are considered cowards while women who do so don't face similar condemnation. I'd say it's much more to do with the environment than some innate feminine trait.

Gaming / Re: Civs that won IRL...
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:46:13 PM »
Did Civ fundamentally change after 5 or are have you never played Civ

The Flood / Re: What's your impact?
« on: July 05, 2015, 05:06:35 PM »
I wash dishes.
Really I'm a fucking drain that should be exterminated.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 04:19:27 PM »
Also, the guy could have people caring about him. The guy could save people.

Potential is an important factor.

also the guy could be a newborn baby that nobody cares about yet
bad argument
what if the guy goes on to be mega hitler
or litters
So? That's bad in your eyes, but to assume that it is for me? That's a leap of faith.

If the guy litters, then what? He'll be one more in so many that do.
Point is that it's faulty to assert that you shouldn't kill him because he could go on to save lives when I could just say that he could go on to cause deaths

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 04:15:12 PM »
Also, the guy could have people caring about him. The guy could save people.

Potential is an important factor.

also the guy could be a newborn baby that nobody cares about yet
bad argument
what if the guy goes on to be mega hitler
or litters

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:55:20 PM »
All of the value in a person's life resides in the impact they have on others
Okay, what other value does a person have and why does it matter if whatever you esteem to be value has been lost?
Self-value is all that matters. There is no numeric scale, there's a switch. If a person wants to live, his life has value. If he doesn't, his life doesn't have value. Simple as that. Other people's opinion on the person has literally no relevance at all.
Hypothetical situation here :

If a mentally disabled man has a chronic illness that causes him to be in immense pain for the entirety of his conscious life, but due to the nature of his psyche, insists that he wants to live instead, is it better to let him remain in torment or to end his life against his will?
Definitely, definitely, definitely let him live. Choice and consent is all.
Why does what someone wants matter if literally nobody else wants that?
It doesn't fucking matter whatsoever what other people want. Your life is yours alone.
The only thing that matters is impact.

Are you saying killing Osama was wrong because he wanted to live?
That could be weighed with the value of other people's lives (and thus their own wills to survive) and the threat of leaving Osama alive could be used for a ransom from Al-Qaeda. Killing Osama would simply be the lesser evil.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:53:31 PM »
All of the value in a person's life resides in the impact they have on others
Okay, what other value does a person have and why does it matter if whatever you esteem to be value has been lost?
Self-value is all that matters. There is no numeric scale, there's a switch. If a person wants to live, his life has value. If he doesn't, his life doesn't have value. Simple as that. Other people's opinion on the person has literally no relevance at all.
Hypothetical situation here :

If a mentally disabled man has a chronic illness that causes him to be in immense pain for the entirety of his conscious life, but due to the nature of his psyche, insists that he wants to live instead, is it better to let him remain in torment or to end his life against his will?
Definitely, definitely, definitely let him live. Choice and consent is all.
Why does what someone wants matter if literally nobody else wants that?
It doesn't fucking matter whatsoever what other people want. Your life is yours alone.
So is that to say that we should allow people who are not of sound mind to torture themselves as they wish? Should we allow schizophrenics to dismember themselves or catatonics to starve?

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:51:30 PM »
All of the value in a person's life resides in the impact they have on others
Okay, what other value does a person have and why does it matter if whatever you esteem to be value has been lost?
Self-value is all that matters. There is no numeric scale, there's a switch. If a person wants to live, his life has value. If he doesn't, his life doesn't have value. Simple as that. Other people's opinion on the person has literally no relevance at all.
Hypothetical situation here :

If a mentally disabled man has a chronic illness that causes him to be in immense pain for the entirety of his conscious life, but due to the nature of his psyche, insists that he wants to live instead, is it better to let him remain in torment or to end his life against his will?
Definitely, definitely, definitely let him live. Choice and consent is all.
I guess this is just where we disagree on things.
Sometimes I feel that people refuse to recognize that misery is preventable. I guess misery just has more effect on my conscience than death does.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:48:08 PM »
All of the value in a person's life resides in the impact they have on others
Okay, what other value does a person have and why does it matter if whatever you esteem to be value has been lost?
Self-value is all that matters. There is no numeric scale, there's a switch. If a person wants to live, his life has value. If he doesn't, his life doesn't have value. Simple as that. Other people's opinion on the person has literally no relevance at all.
Hypothetical situation here :

If a mentally disabled man has a chronic illness that causes him to be in immense pain for the entirety of his conscious life, but due to the nature of his psyche, insists that he wants to live instead, is it better to let him remain in torment or to end his life against his will?

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:43:40 PM »
Cannot say that I wouldn't, as evil as it is, it would be an interesting experience that would be difficult to pass.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm naturally curious for unique experiences, and in this situation the consequences that normally bar the act are removed.
The consequences that normally bar the act of killing somebody should be the acknowledgment that you are taking a person's life away without their consent. Even ignoring the damage that would be done to relatives and friends, that person is still having their will imposed on in the worst possible way because of "curiosity." Even if it was a painless death, there's no ethically sensible reason to just deprive that person of their own existence.
If no person is there to respond to losing those things then what significance do they have?
love this tree falling in a forest meme
fear i am a naughty girl can't you say i'm begging you to wreck me
stop with the teasing

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:40:52 PM »
Cannot say that I wouldn't, as evil as it is, it would be an interesting experience that would be difficult to pass.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm naturally curious for unique experiences, and in this situation the consequences that normally bar the act are removed.
The consequences that normally bar the act of killing somebody should be the acknowledgment that you are taking a person's life away without their consent. Even ignoring the damage that would be done to relatives and friends, that person is still having their will imposed on in the worst possible way because of "curiosity." Even if it was a painless death, there's no ethically sensible reason to just deprive that person of their own existence.
If no person is there to respond to losing those things then what significance do they have?
That person has their won desire to live. That's a barrier enough on its own.
Which is mostly why I'd prefer they die faster than they can realize that desire is being breached.
With that, I wouldn't feel much remose, I'd think.
I can understand that, but don't sympathize at all with the curiosity to just end someone's life. It would be equally pointless to do it.
At that point I'm not saying anyone ought or ought not to do, that is just simply what I would do in the situation.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:31:34 PM »
Cannot say that I wouldn't, as evil as it is, it would be an interesting experience that would be difficult to pass.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm naturally curious for unique experiences, and in this situation the consequences that normally bar the act are removed.
The consequences that normally bar the act of killing somebody should be the acknowledgment that you are taking a person's life away without their consent. Even ignoring the damage that would be done to relatives and friends, that person is still having their will imposed on in the worst possible way because of "curiosity." Even if it was a painless death, there's no ethically sensible reason to just deprive that person of their own existence.
If no person is there to respond to losing those things then what significance do they have?
That person has their won desire to live. That's a barrier enough on its own.
Which is mostly why I'd prefer they die faster than they can realize that desire is being breached.
With that, I wouldn't feel much remose, I'd think.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:27:15 PM »
Okay great.

Now anybody who has said that they wouldn't is a hypocrite unless they're a vegan.
They're literally the same thing.

Kill an animal nobody will miss your kid is fed.
Kill a person nobody will miss your kid is fed.

All of the value in a person's life resides in the impact they have on others.
If a person has no impact on others, they're the same as a cow.

Glad to say I'm not a hypocrite.
Humans are a lot more complex than cows and have a much greater potential in life and range of emotions.

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