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Messages - eggsalad

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« on: July 29, 2015, 09:09:38 PM »
uh no, environmental influences can lead to increases in population. for example: a wet year that fostsers a large food supply leads to a low mortality rate for first year fawns, the following year, there is a harsh winter that kills a large amount of crop. The excess population then is reduced by deaths by starvation as their is not enough crop to support both the excess from last year and this year's newborns.

So you're solution is simply to pretend that it's okay to kill these animals because "well, they're going to die anyway!"

Surely you see the folly in that.

how do you pretend to know ecological systems if you think that populations ever remain at an equilibrium.

I don't think that. I'm simply saying that nature would return to how it was before we got involved. Yeah, nature is fucked. Not much we can do about it. Especially when we artificially increase population size to appease these hunters and increase revenue.

Like, let's not pretend people hunt for the sake of the animals. They do it because they want to, that's all.
Remember that you people are the ones advocating the abolition of hunting on the basis that it harms animals, which I then asserted that it is a less painful demise than they would otherwise undergo. Hunting already serves other purposes as well, hunters make the state a shit load of money, hunting entertains people, hunting gets people some good meat, it helps stabilize the ecosystem, etc etc.

So really there seems to be no reason to abolish hunting.

« on: July 29, 2015, 08:51:16 PM »
Reminder that the people defending animals rights advocate that they die by either being ripped apart by wolves, coyotes, etc. Or by slowly succumbing to hunger and not being able to go on.

« on: July 29, 2015, 08:47:47 PM »
Reminder that starving to death isn't more pleasant than being shot.


But hunters aren't shooting the animals that are starving to death, they're shooting the ones that are big, that would look nice on their wall, that have the most meat.
Yeah, the ones that consume more than others. But that doesn't change that if we didn't hunt, deer would starve in troves.

Until, you know, the population stabilises. It wouldn't be an issue if we didn't hunt in the first place.
uh no, environmental influences can lead to increases in population. for example: a wet year that fostsers a large food supply leads to a low mortality rate for first year fawns, the following year, there is a harsh winter that kills a large amount of crop. The excess population then is reduced by deaths by starvation as their is not enough crop to support both the excess from last year and this year's newborns.

how do you pretend to know ecological systems if you think that populations ever remain at an equilibrium.
and even if they did remain at equilibrium, they'd still be dying to predation or worse being too old to be able to feed themselves and die.

« on: July 29, 2015, 08:36:36 PM »
Reminder that starving to death isn't more pleasant than being shot.


But hunters aren't shooting the animals that are starving to death, they're shooting the ones that are big, that would look nice on their wall, that have the most meat.
Yeah, the ones that consume more than others. But that doesn't change that if we didn't hunt, deer would starve in troves.

« on: July 29, 2015, 08:27:48 PM »
Reminder that starving to death isn't more pleasant than being shot.

« on: July 29, 2015, 07:53:20 PM »
Except if you had any idea of how nature actually works, you'd know that wouldn't happen. Or at least, wouldn't stay that way for long.

Nature has a way of balancing itself out. If that wasn't the case, how do you explain every ecosystem ever before we came along? There's 3 billion years worth of natural harmony to look back upon before we interfered with our hunting shit.
Hunting is a mostly humane method of conserving a stable ecosystem.

It's very ironic that you'd bring this up because the natural limitations on exponential population growth are : predation, starvation, and disease. All of which are far more miserable deaths for animals than methods approved by DNR.

Booming populations can also have adverse effects on the ecosystem, beavers have bounties on them because up here they can flood and kill entire sections of trees that could otherwise be habitat.

When a population booms it exhausts that areas resources, which might starve out far more endangered species that eat the same resource and have to go against more competition.

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 29, 2015, 02:23:54 PM »
I don't claim to be an expert on transgenderism. What I do know is that gender reassignment surgery isn't helping enough to be justified as a treatment and that we need to tackle this a different way with therapy and medication. That's my argument.
I feel like you have misconceptions on how the process works. I don't know if you're oposed to HRT and transitioning in general because while your way of putting it (eg "pandering") implies you do, you're now more explicitly talking about SRS (which is a distinctly different subject that is controversial in the same way other dysphorias relate to medical practice, understandably so). 

In the event you're against HRT and general treatment, I think you need to consider that getting HRT is not an easy process. It requires a long string of appointments, assessments, and considerations with therapists to get a letter of approval that a psychiatrist then uses as consideration to prescribe hormone treatment. The process can take 6 months to a year (or more). The process for getting approved for sexual reassignment is an even queue and applicants are people who have been living as women full time for years. Truth is most transwomen don't even get SRS. Also note that, at least for transwomen, detransitioning is pretty easy outside breast reduction.
I really don't see how any of this is relevant to what I'm saying. There are long queues and it's a complicated process. Great.

The point is the whole process gives results that we shouldn't be happy with.
How is this not akin to saying "X% people die during chemotherapy, therefor it should be discontinued as a treatment for cancer". Can you even differentiate how many of those suicide victims would have not committed suicide had they not undergone surgery? Are you willing to tell X% of those satisfied with their operation that they should have not been allowed to undergo it?

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 29, 2015, 02:18:25 PM »
First point - Try to clean it up in here, you can hold the discussion without flaming each other.

Second (relating to the discussion itself)
It's a disorder rather than a disease, because it's an intrinsic issue that the person has rather than an externally afflicted one. So a cure in the traditional sense is unlikely to ever exist, you can't cure autism for example. You can find ways to treat it and mitigate the symptoms though, to lessen the suffering the person has as a result of the condition and helping them to live a happier/successful life.

If someone is dysphoric and it isn't a temporary mindset, they've been seeing a therapist for a length of time with no notable headway in either direction and they are on the whole unhappy with their life as a male/female, then the remaining options for treatment dwindle down to reassignment.

At the present that is the only alternative treatment and for some people it can work well and they do go on to live a happier life, for others it isn't as successful but that can be down to other comorbid problems rather than just because it flat out doesn't work.

The appalling suicide rates I believe are down to the social issues and comorbid disorders rather than an inherent problem with the dysphoria. The best way to compare that is to look across cultures at how transgenderism is treated, damn near universally it is reviled and stigmatised but in the places that it isn't (somewhere in polynesia iirc was the example) whodathunkit that they live happy lives and don't end up just flat out killing themselves.

So who knows, one day we might find a magic pill cure for it which switches the mind to suit the body without any of the issues that past attempts to do this have had. Until then, the mind is the more valuable half of a human. The fleshy vessel that houses it is secondary to that person's existence. Cosmetic changes to it that make the mind happier shouldn't be an issue to anyone other than the person having those changes, but given that humans are the nosiest creatures on the planet when it comes to shoving their interests into other people's shit it's hardly all that surprising.
I never understood why trans people had to go to a therapist before treatment even before informed consent was available. I mean, if someone is unsure and needs counseling, then it makes sense, but it just seems like an unnessisary roadblock for people who don't want/need therapy.

Since you're an almost-psychologist, can you explain?
It's my understanding that it comes down to being a safeguard to make sure that people don't undergo an irreversible form of surgery/change without it being established beforehand that it is the best course of action.

For those who simply want to change, they aren't unsure and are otherwise psychologically healthy I imagine it would be more of a formality than a specific 'You must have treatment before we let you have surgery' type of deal <.<

If you can imagine the situation where someone who thought they were sure underwent the reassignment and then a year or so later realised it wasn't what they really wanted, and a psych/therapist could have picked up on that... it'd be a pretty unpleasant predicament for them to find themselves in.
It still comes across as unnecessary to me. I'd completely get if therapy was strongly recommended or if the doctor/surgeon/whatever required a consultation before treatment, but required therapy is kind of extreme, not to mention how it turns the therapist into a gatekeeper.
It's a talked about issue in the Trans community and "gatekeeping" is the term used funny enough. So many clinics are more concerned about preventing cis people from mistakenly getting treatment that they disrupt Trans people's transition. Right now I'm debating whether or not to pursue informed consent because the clinic I'm trying right now refuses to give me a proper timeline and is basically putting me on indefinite loop of appointments.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 09:07:17 AM »
I wish I shot myself 4 years ago when I had my thumb on the trigger. Life hasn't gotten better and it's only getting worse. My family guilt trips me into staying alive and I fucking hate them because of it and for making this all happen in the first place.
it sounded a lot more sobby and less indignant in my head I swear

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 29, 2015, 09:00:37 AM »
I don't claim to be an expert on transgenderism. What I do know is that gender reassignment surgery isn't helping enough to be justified as a treatment and that we need to tackle this a different way with therapy and medication. That's my argument.
I feel like you have misconceptions on how the process works. I don't know if you're oposed to HRT and transitioning in general because while your way of putting it (eg "pandering") implies you do, you're now more explicitly talking about SRS (which is a distinctly different subject that is controversial in the same way other dysphorias relate to medical practice, understandably so). 

In the event you're against HRT and general treatment, I think you need to consider that getting HRT is not an easy process. It requires a long string of appointments, assessments, and considerations with therapists to get a letter of approval that a psychiatrist then uses as consideration to prescribe hormone treatment. The process can take 6 months to a year (or more). The process for getting approved for sexual reassignment is an even queue and applicants are people who have been living as women full time for years. Truth is most transwomen don't even get SRS. Also note that, at least for transwomen, detransitioning is pretty easy outside breast reduction.

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 29, 2015, 07:35:18 AM »
You're arguing with the dude that thought there was some kind of conspiracy involved in the Michael Brown shooting. He will not stop until he gets the last word regardless of how half baked his arguments are. You're wasting your time.
yeah, i can take bait like this pretty easily before I've had my meds.

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 29, 2015, 07:34:18 AM »
Not seeing anything, someone can support current treatment and search for a cure at the same time.
Except it isn't treatment.
It literally is.

No, I've been saying that you can't make an argument against the treatment we have now if you have no alternative that we can look to.
How the fuck am I supposed to have an alternative? I'm not a scientist or doctor.

I do know enough that we need to study this further to find a cure instead of playing along with them.
Why are these things mutually exclusive.

What are patients supposed to do if there is no cure and they don't receive treatment? Believe it or not plenty of people who receive treatment live happy lives because of it.

I've stated before that I only make this comparison because you fail to give me an example of a solution that I can use as an example instead.
Research. Not sure how many times I need to tell you that.
Have never been against research. Me telling you that you saying treatment is bad is stupid does not mean I think we should not research a true cure.
Give me something to work with or I'll make it for you.
LOL Is this a threat?

Compared to doing nothing.
And yet they still commit suicide.
And some still live happy lives because of their treatment, what's your point? Not treating them certainly won't change this statistic, if not making it worse.

This seems to be a doctor disagreeing with SRS and intervention in early childhood, both of which are different subjects than HRT and transgender treatment in general.
They've stopped the gender reassignment surgery in that hospital.
I meant SRS in general and then also measures to treat children, sorry if there was confusion.
But that doesn't really change much, SRS is still a different matter than HRT and transitioning.

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 29, 2015, 07:19:23 AM »
how fucking dense are you.

I have not ever been against a cure for the condition because it is goddamn awful.
Try rereading your posts.
Not seeing anything, someone can support current treatment and search for a cure at the same time.

I've been saying this entire time that until you fuckwits can produce a feasible cure
So we need to all of a sudden become geniuses and find a cure for something immediately otherwise or argument that we need to find a cure is invalid?

No, I've been saying that you can't make an argument against the treatment we have now if you have no alternative that we can look to.
(no, gay conversion-esque methods are not cures)
Point out where in my posts I said that. If you can do that, I'll take you seriously.
I've stated before that I only make this comparison because you fail to give me an example of a solution that I can use as an example instead. Give me something to work with or I'll make it for you.

then you have no ability to say that allowing people to transition should be disallowed, is bad, or is anything short of what we should be doing.
It is bad. It doesn't cure the disease. It's a bandaid on a gunshot wound.
Compared to doing nothing.

To disagree is to disagree with people who've spent their careers in psychology and psychiatry just because deep down you feel attacked by the concept.
This seems to be a doctor disagreeing with SRS and intervention in early childhood, both of which are different subjects than HRT and transgender treatment in general.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:28:22 AM »
If you've lived a life that has brought you here to be posting on Sep and you're going to college, you have no business rapping. All your lyrics are going to be fucking fake and you'll just be kidding yourself.
Not to defend the OP because I couldn't care less, but what makes you think everybody has a safe and sheltered life because they're on this website?
why the fuck would they be if they didn't

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:07:57 AM »
If you've lived a life that has brought you here to be posting on Sep and you're going to college, you have no business rapping. All your lyrics are going to be fucking fake and you'll just be kidding yourself.

Serious / Re: What's your opinion on nuclear weapons?
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:03:11 AM »
Arent modern warheads designed to have stronger blast yields without nearly as much residual effect?

Anyways I'm not all too sure about it. I feel international politics surroundin them is predatory, fickle, and hypocritical coming from nations who continue to sit on unrealistic stockpiles and would rather allow everyone to lose than to lose themselves. But in the end it's all how you'd expect governments to act.

I wish nuclear energy wasn't held back by these things, fossil fuels need to stop.

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:47:52 AM »
how fucking dense are you. I have not ever been against a cure for the condition because it is goddamn awful. I've been saying this entire time that until you fuckwits can produce a feasible cure (no, gay conversion-esque methods are not cures) then you have no ability to say that allowing people to transition should be disallowed, is bad, or is anything short of what we should be doing. To disagree is to disagree with people who've spent their careers in psychology and psychiatry just because deep down you feel attacked by the concept.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:05:24 AM »
A friend of mine has chronic depression, tried to kill herself a few days ago.
It's really rough, and I wish I could just make it known how much these people who suffer matter.

But this isn't about how you think. It's how you feel, and that feeling of worthlessness just shows up. There is no rationality to it, you can even know 100% that it is not true, yet, it still does its damage.

All I can say is, never forget that there are people who value you Sandtrap.
If there's anything I could wish for, it'd be that people would stop caring for me. I have enough to worry about already, having to consider how others will react to things concerning me is just...stressful. I feel like if I was left in a vacuum, where I could finally just kill myself and there'd be no repercussions, no one would care and it would all be over, I wouldn't even want to anymore. Because then I'm not being forced to live by others.

I wish I could say this to my parents, but of course it would leave them dejected and emotionally distraught, so I guess I'll just continue feeling these things for their sake. Which just feels cruel to me, considering they are the ones who chose to make this all happen.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 28, 2015, 11:21:58 PM »
I wish I shot myself 4 years ago when I had my thumb on the trigger. Life hasn't gotten better and it's only getting worse. My family guilt trips me into staying alive and I fucking hate them because of it and for making this all happen in the first place.

Septagon / Re: New Members or old?
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:37:26 PM »
faggots from bungle for some reason started thinking it was cool

The Flood / Re: Would You Have Sex With Your Avatar?
« on: July 28, 2015, 09:58:57 PM »
I don't know what Homestuck porn's like.
a lot of futa
I would not have expected that.
Who's your avatar?

It's someone OC from Nuclear Throne.

The Flood / Re: Would You Have Sex With Your Avatar?
« on: July 28, 2015, 09:44:36 PM »
I don't know what Homestuck porn's like.
a lot of futa

The Flood / Re: If you can't handle the banter
« on: July 28, 2015, 09:15:18 PM »
My town has 1 bus that old people use to get to the public library.

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 28, 2015, 09:07:39 PM »
again why do you people keep saying that allowing them to transition is "giving in". it's a process that for many individuals helps alleviate their stress. if you can't change the brain to match the body yet, then change the body to match the brain.

The Flood / Re: Would You Have Sex With Your Avatar?
« on: July 28, 2015, 07:30:25 PM »
Oh god yes.

The Flood / Re: Dante's Inferno
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:29:05 PM »
7th level

Level   Score
Purgatory   Very Low
Level 1 -    Very Low
Level 2   Very High
Level 3   High
Level 4   High
Level 5   Very High
Level 6 -    High
Level 7   Extreme
Level 8 -   Very High
Level 9 -   Extreme

The Flood / Re: What the hell is wrong with teenage girls?
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:13:35 PM »
grow some balls its just blood lmao

The Flood / Re: what are aninmals?
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:04:25 PM »

peep peeps

The Flood / Re: Post Songs that Hit You Right in the Feels
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:17:59 PM »

The song is filled with repetitive filler but knowing it's an homage to their deceased bassist I can feel the emotion behind the addition of orchestral.


This is the song I remember listening to most night shifts before biking home, sure the lyrics don't match the mood, but god damn I'm going to remember those sunsets over my home country when I move somewhere else.


Song I listened to when my dog died.


I have no context for this one.

Everything is so EMPTY.
And the more I learn about the actual distance between the Earth and Moon the more impressive the landing becomes...or the more IMPROBABLE.

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