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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 567 89 ... 84
The Flood / Re: If you could mod movies like you could mod games
« on: April 04, 2017, 04:45:32 PM »
I think I understand how you perceive reality now. Everything is constructed through poorly matched analogies.

It all makes sense.

The Flood / Re: If you could mod movies like you could mod games
« on: April 04, 2017, 04:43:38 PM »
Not comparable to mods in any way.
Literally the exact same thing as any other person's alternative cuts.

If it's fundamentally broken, then it can't be fixed.
Fundamental as in completely core aspects of the film are what make it bad. Guess what. Editing is a fundamental part of a film that can be easily redone.

If it needs to be fixed, feel free to fix it, but realize that you're just pissing around with other people's hard work, and whatever shitty ideas you have to improve their art appeal only to you.

me verb me spout nonsequiturs at increasingly rapid rate

It's not, though--I appreciate art more than you ever could. You want art to be for you--I want it to be for everybody.
You want it to be for the author exclusively.

If my opinion is anti-art, then okay, fuck art.
It's honestly like you were chemically lobotomized in your infancy.

The Flood / Re: If you could mod movies like you could mod games
« on: April 04, 2017, 12:18:05 PM »
Yeah. Director's cuts exist. Fan cuts can literally fix fundamentally broken, garbage movies.

It doesn't create one tainted movie, it becomes two separate stories. It should be encouraged, not shamed.

You're anti-art. Verb. Anti-art, pro-IP.

The Flood / Re: Race and Attractiveness
« on: April 04, 2017, 01:09:13 AM »
idk the more i think about it the more i appreciate the good aspects of em all.

this is why we need to prevent too much race mixing, we'll lose these beautiful permutations to gradients of MIXED

The Flood / Re: I want to be a pet
« on: April 03, 2017, 04:30:15 PM »
the world isn't right if there isnt a dick present
you're living in the past

the disgusting, evil past
the hot, ever fulfilling past

The Flood / Re: I want to be a pet
« on: April 03, 2017, 04:11:06 PM »
the world isn't right if there isnt a dick present

The Flood / Re: I want to be a pet
« on: April 03, 2017, 12:24:49 PM »
There's nothing better in this world than being on a leash.
>when he yanks the chain from behind and you realize your subordination

The Flood / Re: I want to be a pet
« on: April 03, 2017, 01:13:09 AM »
There's nothing better in this world than being on a leash.

Serious / Re: New vending machine BTFO fatties
« on: April 02, 2017, 07:00:30 PM »
We had a situation at school once where someone was dangerously hypoglycemic so I had to rush to a vending machine to get the most sugary shit I could.

This woulda been the ultimate irony.

Trivial annoyance in the apartment episodes.
Wacky relatives are visiting episodes.
Who done it episodes.
It's all a big misunderstanding episodes.
Christmas episodes.

Serious / Re: Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 24, 2017, 06:30:14 PM »
sapphire is ok with having a child be trans at a young age and think its child abuse to not let them do that. it cant be worse tbh

If a child suffers from severe depression that is not mitigated by conventional means and you willfully refuse the desires of both your child and the advice of medical professionals, I will conclude you are negligent of your child's well being.

When a parent's intuition takes precedent over professional's, you're in league with anti-vaxxers.

I know it sounds funny and tin foil, but proffessionals seem to be less of that these days. Their track record of fuck ups seems piss poor to be honest. While they're a proffessional for a reason, that doesn't make them the bedrock of authority, being right, or, eerily enough, intelligent.
They are the most qualified to assess the risks, if you are skeptical of their abilities you should be more skeptical of Cletus's abilities.

Doing nothing can be fatal.
Taking a proffessional's word at face value in the past has cost members of my family, and no doubt other people out there. You don't need to look far in history to find slews of proffessionals who made shit calls or made things worse. With people, no matter who they are, you've got to take things with a grain of salt and do your own work. See if their logic is sound and where holes are. If you don't, you're setting yourself up.
If HRT doesn't produce results, it can be discontinued before any notable effects occur. The risks of major complications happening due to HRT are miniscule, especially when only inhibitors are used.

If someone experiences severe depressive symptoms. They are already at risk. These depressive symptoms can persist through other treatments. They did for me.

If I was fillibustered by my parents, I would have died without HRT. Others might not be as lucky as I was.
Yes but we're talking about nine year olds and child phychs that belong to get x, the generation that collectively does not know how to parent.
A lot of people say "kids" referring to anyone below 18. That's what discussion in Sapphire was about. I'm not sure what HRT would do before puberty even starts for most people.

Still though, no matter how much dispersion you want to cast on educated and licensed individuals, they are going to be more qualified to assess the risks than someone who's reproductive bits work.

Serious / Re: Get Rekt Shia
« on: March 24, 2017, 06:14:48 PM »
Shia's on deeper layers of irony than any of us right now.

Serious / Re: Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 24, 2017, 02:19:40 AM »
sapphire is ok with having a child be trans at a young age and think its child abuse to not let them do that. it cant be worse tbh

If a child suffers from severe depression that is not mitigated by conventional means and you willfully refuse the desires of both your child and the advice of medical professionals, I will conclude you are negligent of your child's well being.

When a parent's intuition takes precedent over professional's, you're in league with anti-vaxxers.

I know it sounds funny and tin foil, but proffessionals seem to be less of that these days. Their track record of fuck ups seems piss poor to be honest. While they're a proffessional for a reason, that doesn't make them the bedrock of authority, being right, or, eerily enough, intelligent.
They are the most qualified to assess the risks, if you are skeptical of their abilities you should be more skeptical of Cletus's abilities.

Doing nothing can be fatal.
Taking a proffessional's word at face value in the past has cost members of my family, and no doubt other people out there. You don't need to look far in history to find slews of proffessionals who made shit calls or made things worse. With people, no matter who they are, you've got to take things with a grain of salt and do your own work. See if their logic is sound and where holes are. If you don't, you're setting yourself up.
If HRT doesn't produce results, it can be discontinued before any notable effects occur. The risks of major complications happening due to HRT are miniscule, especially when only inhibitors are used.

If someone experiences severe depressive symptoms. They are already at risk. These depressive symptoms can persist through other treatments. They did for me.

If I was fillibustered by my parents, I would have died without HRT. Others might not be as lucky as I was.

Just saying. Complete trust is risky.
Less risky than giving parents that power.

Serious / Re: Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 24, 2017, 02:10:20 AM »
sapphire is ok with having a child be trans at a young age and think its child abuse to not let them do that. it cant be worse tbh

If a child suffers from severe depression that is not mitigated by conventional means and you willfully refuse the desires of both your child and the advice of medical professionals, I will conclude you are negligent of your child's well being.

When a parent's intuition takes precedent over professional's, you're in league with anti-vaxxers.

I know it sounds funny and tin foil, but proffessionals seem to be less of that these days. Their track record of fuck ups seems piss poor to be honest. While they're a proffessional for a reason, that doesn't make them the bedrock of authority, being right, or, eerily enough, intelligent.
They are the most qualified to assess the risks, if you are skeptical of their abilities you should be more skeptical of Cletus's abilities.

Doing nothing can be fatal.
Taking a proffessional's word at face value in the past has cost members of my family, and no doubt other people out there. You don't need to look far in history to find slews of proffessionals who made shit calls or made things worse. With people, no matter who they are, you've got to take things with a grain of salt and do your own work. See if their logic is sound and where holes are. If you don't, you're setting yourself up.
If HRT doesn't produce results, it can be discontinued before any notable effects occur. The risks of major complications happening due to HRT are miniscule, especially when only inhibitors are used.

If someone experiences severe depressive symptoms. They are already at risk. These depressive symptoms can persist through other treatments. They did for me.

If I was fillibustered by my parents, I would have died without HRT. Others might not be as lucky as I was.

Serious / Re: Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 24, 2017, 01:49:58 AM »
sapphire is ok with having a child be trans at a young age and think its child abuse to not let them do that. it cant be worse tbh

If a child suffers from severe depression that is not mitigated by conventional means and you willfully refuse the desires of both your child and the advice of medical professionals, I will conclude you are negligent of your child's well being.

When a parent's intuition takes precedent over professional's, you're in league with anti-vaxxers.

I know it sounds funny and tin foil, but proffessionals seem to be less of that these days. Their track record of fuck ups seems piss poor to be honest. While they're a proffessional for a reason, that doesn't make them the bedrock of authority, being right, or, eerily enough, intelligent.
They are the most qualified to assess the risks, if you are skeptical of their abilities you should be more skeptical of Cletus's abilities.

Doing nothing can be fatal.

Serious / Re: Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:57:44 AM »
sapphire is ok with having a child be trans at a young age and think its child abuse to not let them do that. it cant be worse tbh

If a child suffers from severe depression that is not mitigated by conventional means and you willfully refuse the desires of both your child and the advice of medical professionals, I will conclude you are negligent of your child's well being.

When a parent's intuition takes precedent over professional's, you're in league with anti-vaxxers.

The Flood / Re: Who would win a gender war?
« on: March 02, 2017, 11:19:18 AM »
Men win. They can't gestate a babby. Men lose.

Women win. Use frozen sperm to inseminate.

But wait. Babby is man.

Women lose.

The Flood / Re: Who would win a gender war?
« on: March 02, 2017, 11:02:40 AM »
I mean a few alphas would inevitably realize they have everything to win and nothing to lose from turncoating.

Also which side to trannies fight for.

Serious / Re: isnt it funny?
« on: February 17, 2017, 06:26:34 PM »
Aren't most of the trannies bungle transplants.

Yknow the cultural exchange between these sites is pretty mutually shit.

The Flood / Re: Finally saw Zootopia
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:08:48 AM »
The movie's just porn bait.

Gaming / Re: game screenshots thread
« on: February 13, 2017, 05:09:04 PM »

the most beautiful sunset of all

not new game plus

Serious / Re: Slippery slope is not a fallacy
« on: February 12, 2017, 02:20:51 PM »
There's nothing wrong with humanely killing babies with the consent of those watching over it.

We kill birds of similar intelligence for fun.

But convenience and law exist independent of moral value, and any lines drawn after birth are very arbitrary and imprecise in nature, so I wouldn't oppose any arguments of it being too difficult to discern, therefor legal person-hood should be given at birth for convenience. We can see babies before they come out anyways, idk what all this "it comes out retarded" nonsense is.

The Flood / Re: Arrival movie
« on: February 12, 2017, 11:46:44 AM »
It's pretty enjoyable to watch, the physicist felt underdeveloped for his role in the plot though. Should have given him some physicsy shit to figure out that the linguist couldn't. That way they would feel more like a team and he would seem less like a glorified presentation assistant.

Gaming / Re: Best way to deal with stress in online games?
« on: February 07, 2017, 06:19:44 AM »
You have to start caring more about the content of your matches and less about the result of them. I don't enjoy winning nearly as much as I enjoy playing well.

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 03, 2017, 07:12:09 PM »
If an idea is wrong then it is easily undermined by the truth.

Except this doesn't happen in reality. Creationists engage in debate with scientists all the time, and there are still creationists. Climate-change denial is common in US legislation. Cults and religions proliferate because there are many credulous people out there. People will pick and choose what information is significant to affirm their beliefs.

This frame of mind resembles thinking the invisible hand of the free market can magically solve monopolization. It's an oversimplification and symptomatic of a lack of understanding.
Rest assured, truth will undermine ignorance, but I don't mean to say that everyone is going to accept the truth. it's unfortunate, but that is why I believe in teaching people to be critical thinkers, and to question the teachings of others, because it will make them seekers of truth and that is something this world needs more of.
Wishful thinking. That doesn't really fix issues presented by the fact people are ignorant here and now. Legislation is being passed to pander to these people. It'd be like saying we should have just let slavery "phase" out in the South over time. Without any tangible time table or realistic expectation as to when that cultural shift will happen, you end up just sounding like an apologist.

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 03, 2017, 07:02:03 PM »
If an idea is wrong then it is easily undermined by the truth.

Except this doesn't happen in reality. Creationists engage in debate with scientists all the time, and there are still creationists. Climate-change denial is common in US legislation. Cults and religions proliferate because there are many credulous people out there. People will pick and choose what information is significant to affirm their beliefs.

This frame of mind resembles thinking the invisible hand of the free market can magically solve monopolization. It's an oversimplification and symptomatic of a lack of understanding.

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 03, 2017, 04:42:18 PM »
So we're defining what is and is not acceptable speech based on how conducive it is to your definition of diversity?

Well I was of the impression people in this thread were defending free speech because it helps maintain a diverse pool of opinions from which to draw meaningful discourse and discussion. This makes sense in an academic setting, to a point. I think alienating and excluding demographics isn't conducive to that, so expressions that do nothing but alienate and exclude people while adding nothing else to the conversation aren't conducive to the values of free speech.

If I'm wrong and this is about how the government's going to snowball out of control and start jailing people for thought crimes, sorry, I misinterpreted the subject. I just didn't buy the whole "we need opposing opinions to reach truth" garbage.

I don't really think you have any right to complain about others discouraging discussion when you want to decide what is or is not acceptable discussion in the first place.

If you can't see how fostering speech that discourages discussion is irreconcilable with the idea of wanting discussion then there's no reason talking to you.

Saying insults isn't discussion, and if it is to you, then all I have to tell you is not all discussion is of equal value.

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 03, 2017, 02:48:39 PM »
I realize these types adore the idea of saying "the 'tolerant' left is intolerant of opposing views", but at some point you have to realize letting Germany run death-camps is not permissible if you want to live in a world of diversity.
You realize you just equated Milo's making fun of SJWs to the Nazi genocide campaign, don't you?

I want you to take a step back and think about this for a moment.
That's your conflation, not mine.

That was to establish that the idea that someone who claims themselves "tolerant" must be tolerant of any and all beliefs or expressions, is a clearly flawed way of thinking of the word tolerate.

I'm not saying Milo is killing Jews. I'm saying there is a definitive point at which a tolerant person can't tolerate opposing views. Therefor the argument that the left has to accept someone yelling Nigger or Fag is possibly fallacious, because where that definitive line is drawn is a matter of subjectivity. If you want to discuss where it lies, that's an open discussion. But to say that the left is hypocritical or contradicting itself is simply wrong.
Then why not just say "yelling nigger"? There's quite a big jump between outright genocide and calling people mean names, and it includes actual engagement in violence.
We do say that. Why should it be acceptable? All the word does is encourage minorities to shy away from places where that dialogue is spewed openly. That's the point. If speech is harmful to the point it discourages a group from even existing in that space, then that speech isn't conducive to diversity.

I would say calling transwomen men trying to infiltrate women's restrooms like rodents is akin to calling a black person a monkey, nigger, etc. At least when the argument for sex based bathroom regulation is framed around defending women from sexual predators who pretend to be trans, a discussion can be had about the effectiveness of the policy or about the weight of the consequences. But just calling trans people degenerates doesn't contribute to the discussion, it does nothing but discourage it.

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 03, 2017, 02:29:51 PM »
I realize these types adore the idea of saying "the 'tolerant' left is intolerant of opposing views", but at some point you have to realize letting Germany run death-camps is not permissible if you want to live in a world of diversity.
You realize you just equated Milo's making fun of SJWs to the Nazi genocide campaign, don't you?

I want you to take a step back and think about this for a moment.

That's your conflation, not mine.

That was to establish that the idea that someone who claims themselves "tolerant" must be tolerant of any and all beliefs or expressions, is a clearly flawed way of thinking of the word tolerate.

I'm not saying Milo is killing Jews. I'm saying there is a definitive point at which a tolerant person can't tolerate opposing views. Therefor the argument that the left has to accept someone yelling Nigger or Fag is possibly fallacious, because where that definitive line is drawn is a matter of subjectivity. If you want to discuss where it lies, that's an open discussion. But to say that the left is hypocritical or contradicting itself is simply wrong.

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