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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 575859 6061 ... 84
Serious / Re: people like this require the death penalty
« on: September 22, 2015, 11:09:42 AM »
This assumes the existence of competitors in a market with very well known and very substantial barriers of entry.
I've said several times now that the entire problem here is that Shkreli is abusing his position as a monopolist, because nobody has bothered to make a generic pyrimethamine drug.
You cannot say that this is not a kink in a free market system when the problem arises from no competitors choosing to compete.

And no, the burden of government regulation is not optional. Medicine needs to be assured to work.

As for development costs: I have no clue how intellectual property works in medicine so I can't say much. If someone more informed about it says it needs reform then I'd side with them. Other than that though the development cost is just an element of it being a more free market, where risk is not dampened by government intervention.

Serious / Re: people like this require the death penalty
« on: September 22, 2015, 11:04:06 AM »
Which is also the thing which lets other competitors come in and undercut the gougers, assuming the gouge is indeed 'illegitimate'.

Drugs aren't cheap.
This assumes the existence of competitors in a market with very well known and very substantial barriers of entry.
It may be the case here, but that's hardly a good defense of capitalism when the only power check isn't always there.

And you can't say that the barriers to entry only exist because of government regulation because you know that neither of us would want to live in a country where medicine has no semblance of peer review or safety assurance.

Serious / Re: "I hate what marijuana does to my students"
« on: September 22, 2015, 01:11:24 AM »
I'd like to see this fellas take on aderall I mean shit if energetic participation is so focal to his ideal world you'd think he'd add it to the curriculum. Oh wait it turns out mad hyperbole is retarded.

The Flood / Look at this fat snake
« on: September 21, 2015, 11:22:37 PM »

how does a danger noodle get so fat
like look at him lol he's so round

The Flood / Re: Would you consider
« on: September 21, 2015, 11:02:59 PM »
The Clone Wars cartoon was probably the most interesting thing I've stumbled across in the SW universe TBH.
is it because grievous was sexy
to be fair he was actually a super badass character that merited existence
unlike whatever he was in Lucastown or even worse that cartoon network CG show or whatever

The Flood / Re: Would you consider
« on: September 21, 2015, 10:59:56 PM »
The Clone Wars cartoon was probably the most interesting thing I've stumbled across in the SW universe TBH.
is it because grievous was sexy

Serious / Re: Ahmed Mohamed: the kid with the clock
« on: September 21, 2015, 10:56:21 PM »
my high school didn't let kids bring backpacks to class
I don't believe you.
page 13
Head coverings (hats etc.), outer coats and jackets,
backpacks and other book bags will be left in students’

It was enforced heavily, any teacher would kick you out and send you to the office if you didn't comply.

Serious / Re: Ahmed Mohamed: the kid with the clock
« on: September 21, 2015, 10:49:02 PM »
my high school didn't let kids bring backpacks to class
I don't believe you.
Mine didn't, ether. Apart from being a MASSIVE inconvenience, it's also fucking retarded for reasons I shouldn't even have to explain. Like, if I were to be carrying a bomb or weapon in my backpack, there's no rule stopping me from utilizing it in the fucking hallway.
What weird schools you people go to.
The ones in Michigan.
I went to HS in a Detroit suburb, and there was no ridiculous rule banning backpacks. People in my school barely even used lockers, we just brought bags everywhere.
This is what happens when white moms run an administration.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever walked out of a movie?
« on: September 21, 2015, 02:52:15 PM »
If you can't take humor in watching bad movies you don't have the authority to call movies bad.

The Flood / Re: Short Story
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:57:30 AM »
Baby shoes for sale; never used.

The Flood / Re: How can tattoos be permanent if life is temporary?
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:56:28 AM »
Aside from the faulty logic, tattoos technically arean't permanent since your body flushes out the ink over time, and you can speed up the process.
The ink is permanently injected into the dermis layer. Your body can absorb the ink very slowly over time causing it to fade a little, and that's it.

A tattoo is permanent unless you opt to get laser removal.
What about sand removal :^)

The Flood / Re: Do you believe in the multiverse?
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:02:08 AM »
Multiverse is a legitmate theory because of events on a quantum level. When people think of it as a product of concepts as unscientific and retarded as free-will or they try to primitively think of sort of "pockets" in a larger frame of regerence, that's when I'm pretty eager to pop some bubbles.

The Flood / Re: Sky Burials
« on: September 20, 2015, 07:29:10 PM »
I really don't want my corpse to be brutally scavenged by vultures tbh
doth thou believe in scientific ressurection
I  just worry about the family reaction to the basic notion of a sky burial, you know?

"Yeah mom and dad if I die before you guys, throw my rotting cadaver on top of a mountain and let the elements eat away at my flesh until I have become one with the Earth.
they need to nut up

The Flood / Re: Sky Burials
« on: September 20, 2015, 06:50:16 PM »
I really don't want my corpse to be brutally scavenged by vultures tbh
doth thou believe in scientific ressurection

The Flood / Re: Sky Burials
« on: September 20, 2015, 06:49:37 PM »
Isn't that the one where you let buzzards eat your body?
I think it's pretty neat symbolically and much more productive than wasting money and space and resources on coffins etc.
It's also pretty fucking bad-ass.

Well that's properly rage inducing. You'd think someone professional would understand mental illness is in the same league as physical problems.

The Flood / Re: Videos claiming Virginia reporter shooting was a hoax
« on: September 20, 2015, 03:12:00 PM »
We could do it in the Colosseum, on live TV, and people would still say that it's a hoax.

I don't truly care.
I don't think this particular shooting is a hoax because of the lack of impact it had. I think if the government were to fake a tragedy, it would be a big one with massive political ramifications. If it hardly does anything to push their agenda, then why do it? Even so, I think it's good that people are qestioning the legitimacy of the shooting. We should question everything. The day we stop questioning what the media tells us is the day we are truly brainwashed.
Proper skepticism is not used to prove preconceived notions. "Careful research" weighing ambiguous (you can show this video to multiple people and you will receive mixed conclusions) camerawork as if it's more than mountains of physical evidence is the opposite of trying to be well informed, it's just brainwashing yourself. But as with all "wake up sheeple" natratives, the entire lifestyle revolves around brainwashing yourself to not think rationally.

"Question everything except the idea that everything is a government lie".

The Flood / Re: AMA
« on: September 20, 2015, 02:07:20 PM »
Are fractional reserves properly regulated? Like, do we keep it in line?

The Flood / Re: 19th Century Military Uniforms
« on: September 20, 2015, 12:12:46 PM »
tfw russian engineering had an amazing aesthetic
tfw russian uniforms didn't start looking good until 1983

Serious / Re: -5 Points for You, Carson
« on: September 20, 2015, 12:07:00 PM »
Christians in this country are worse than Muslims in this country, simply because one is saying much more hateful shit than the other.

I feel sorry for Muslim Americans, honestly.
I think that's a symptom of just being a majority. It'd be the reverse conversation if the demographics were reversed.

That movie is a fucking riot.

That's Dota.

Serious / Re: Does atheism require nihilism?
« on: September 19, 2015, 10:18:16 PM »
No. You're making some pretty egregious assumptions of who an atheist is.

The Flood / Re: Remember the 80s Transformers movie
« on: September 19, 2015, 08:00:05 PM »
shit that glam metal
why were the 80's so good at music

Serious / Re: Smith & Wesson retirement plan
« on: September 19, 2015, 03:07:43 PM »
Yknow maybe back in the day these thoughts were relevant, maybe they will be still today, but with where we are maybe we're close enough to VR and shit that we can hold out til a veritable fountain of youth. Right now that's what kind of makes me favor trying to live. Maybe not for living as an old fart for 10 millenia, but maybe we'll find a way to experience ten lifetimes in VR for every 10 minutes of reality. I'd hold out for that opportunity personally, maybe that's just because I have a lot of unrealistic fetishes that can't be lived out IRL though.

Serious / Re: Ahmed Mohamed: the kid with the clock
« on: September 19, 2015, 02:56:17 PM »
I can't believe there are actually people on the school's side on this forum. This story is as black and white as can be. Anything to be contrarian, I guess....
my high school didn't let kids bring backpacks to class for security reasons. people all of a sudden freaking out when there's a security scare that fits the white people hate brown people narrative?

The Flood / Re: Controversial opinion thread.
« on: September 19, 2015, 02:49:06 PM »
-Incest isn't a huge deal unless you have kids
Contrary to public belief incest babies are majority of the time perfectly normal.

Also trans people aren't encouraged to get SRS lol. They are heavily encouraged not to. People have some fucking delusions about how the Trans issue is handled.

The Flood / Re: Controversial opinion thread.
« on: September 19, 2015, 12:31:16 PM »
On aggregate, employees who earn tips always outearn staff of similar qualifications who work in the back. I have no sympathy for servers who get stood up a table because it only takes two tables paying the designated "fair tip" for them to merely break even with cooking staff.

Anecdotally, I had to do a waitresses bussing job for her because she was too busy counting her money. SMH.

The Flood / Re: Controversial opinion thread.
« on: September 19, 2015, 12:18:43 PM »
Ownership of/sharing/viewing child porn is a victimless crime.
I do agree with you on that. Buying it is one thing because it supports the people that do it, but downloading it or viewing it isn't doing a thing. If there was a victim in the video you watched they can't be harmed anymore by someone simply viewing it without buying it.
are there actually any people who pay for child porn? I don't know or understand how that market works. But doesn't a download by virtue encourage the producer to make more content?

That said, the criminalization of virtual CP is beyond disgusting.
For people that buy it there is the dark web and you can also buy it outside the online. You can film it and download it to discs and sell those to people. For simply downloading it without buying it that's not going to encourage people to do it. Why risk it all by making images or videos when you're not getting anything out of it?
No paper trail can make you safer. Trying to manage online transactions while remaining safe is just really hard. Transfer of hard storage seems like a hard to manage market too.

Considering most child porn is made by pedophiles and not businessmen, I'd say that it'd be in a producers interest to share it because they know that people like them will enjoy it. Porn communities tend to behave like that.

The Flood / Re: Controversial opinion thread.
« on: September 19, 2015, 12:14:02 PM »
>can't confine aggressive bulldog with history of abuse
>dogs kills gram gram

how could this horrible  accident have been prevented
By confine, I'm talking about confining animals for the purpose of exploiting them. (For their milk, eggs, etc)
Dairy farms are usually pretty good deals for the cows yknow right? Milk quality is highly related to cow health and well being. I've been on some myself and the cows are most certainly better off in that industry than the wild.

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