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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 515253 5455 ... 84
Serious / Re: Conservative on campus
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:09:06 AM »
It is a situation that has led to the actual shunning of students. It's not a case of the majority thinking the minority incorrect; it's a case of them believing them to be also evil, malicious or immoral in some form or another. This sort of moralising attitude kills discourse in the very place it ought to be protected.
I know you're not explicitly expressing everything this article is expressing but I'm going to just rail this.
To this list of offenses — normally reserved only for bigots and criminals — we can now apparently add opposing same-sex marriage.
It really seems to be satisfied with the prior status quo, accepting that universities will shun some folks for their actions/beliefs/etc that reflect negatively on the insitution. Why are gay-marriage opponents seen as people who are in league with those other groups? Probably because they are characteristically ignorant, inconsistent, and do so at the cost of continued discriminating against large groups of people.

A gay marriage opponent can propose an idea as long as it isn't "fuck fags" and suddenly they're acceptable public dialogue, while any rationalization a neo-nazi could produce would be kicked out. And this article seems fine with that.

Obviously the real solution here is to give platform to anyone who's ideas can hold up to themselves, but this article seems to act under the premise that gay-marriage opponents aren't fueled by bigoted, or just plain retarded agendas like other retarded groups that aren't given platform are. Which is fucking stupid. Because they fail to present anything resembling an point that holds water, such as when I followed the first link in the article and found this gem of a truly airtight defense to sacred marriage:
“We argue that marriage really exists to unite a man and a woman as husband and wife to then be mother and father to any children that that union creates,” Anderson says to the voice on the other end of the line.

“This is based on anthropological truths that men and women are distinct and complementary. It’s based on a biological fact that reproduction requires both a man and a woman. It’s based on a social reality that children deserve a mom and a dad.”

He barely needs a breath. “Our argument is that this is what gets the government in the marriage business,” he says. “It’s not because the state cares about consenting adult romance.”
He spits the same substanceless trite all anti-marriage proponents do: circular reasoning that fails to uphold its own established values (marriage is specifically meant to foster procreation, yet marriage has never necessitated childbearing from the parties involved). Unless he starts saying old folks shouldn't marry, or you can't get your tubes tied unless you've got two kids already, he's just targetting homosexuals because he's a bigot. He's plain stupid, and nothing is learned from him.

No, i really dont. Its taking a huge toll on me.
Oh yeah you actually live in a country where it happens. How close are you to that?
Well its that time of the year again, it was postponed last time due to depression.
How does the system respond to chronic depression? Surely it realizes that depression isn't something that just goes away or can be solved by just saying "do it by this deadline or there are ramifications."

The Flood / Re: tbh fam lets all live on mars
« on: October 07, 2015, 04:44:07 PM »
We would very likely all die at the same time

i admit i initially thought this was intended to be a contest of who can decompress the slowest

Serious / Re: NASA set to announce another discovery. This time, Pluto
« on: October 07, 2015, 04:26:44 PM »
They found the Mass Relay

Naw, hope it's something neat though!
that would be legit terrifying

for future generations
we're the people who'd get to enjoy interspecies relationships

Serious / Re: Ben Carson's Remarks on Oregon Shooting
« on: October 07, 2015, 04:18:04 PM »
He's right, sorry not sorry.

Although his timing and choice of words is really poor.
yknow just because it was said by Ben Franklin doesn't make it immune from being wrong in the most basic of situations right?

because that statement is objectively wrong in an innumerable amount of situations

oh wait im sorry
because he used the words "essential tm liberty"
that means he meant what you think is essential, even if it defies rational boundaries

It can overall improve public quality of life yeah but that doesn't make it right necessarily. It at least should focus more on public service rather than military training though. (one can develop a career, improve communities, and create a strong national bond, the other is just paranoid international dick-waving)


Just don't do it like this. It's about serving the public, and women are just as capable at contributing to it.

The Flood / Re: Names you hate
« on: October 07, 2015, 12:09:33 AM »
Dear Christ Kate and any variation of it phonetically needs to die.

Serious / Re: The Middle East is such a fuckhole.
« on: October 07, 2015, 12:02:59 AM »
The only consistency is the faction that's about as bad as the Nazi's lol.
Pretty sure ISIS is worse than Nazis, they just aren't as good at the logistics of being bad.

The Flood / Re: What's the strangest thing you have ever seen
« on: October 06, 2015, 11:41:29 PM »
Pretty dark one night speeding along the highway when some black thing was in front of me before I could react and it made a good smack and it nudged the car an inch but it I didn't lose any acceleration and didn't drive over anything. Checked the car out next turn and no damages blood feathers or anything.

I swear to god it was too hard a thud to be a plastic bag but WTF WASW IT


could you get a glimpse of the figure's shape?
All I could get was it was jet black, just about the height of the hood, and pretty thick around

The Flood / Re: What's the strangest thing you have ever seen
« on: October 06, 2015, 11:29:43 PM »
Pretty dark one night speeding along the highway when some black thing was in front of me before I could react and it made a good smack and it nudged the car an inch but it I didn't lose any acceleration and didn't drive over anything. Checked the car out next turn and no damages blood feathers or anything.

I swear to god it was too hard a thud to be a plastic bag but WTF WASW IT

The Flood / Re: Nickname?
« on: October 06, 2015, 11:26:16 PM »
The drinking crew back in high school called me Jasmine.

The Flood / Re: The most embarrassing thing about yourself
« on: October 06, 2015, 03:25:22 PM »
I use to be a brony. It really doesn't get much worse than that.
Oh yeah, this

I want to forget ;___;
at any moment my irl friends might remember this fact and use it as a weapon of mass cringe
its a terrifying existence

Gaming / Re: Watchu playing?
« on: October 06, 2015, 03:16:12 PM »
right now i have to make my own text based adventure game for an assignment
have no fucking clue what i am doing and its due in two days

The Flood / Re: Favorite mom other than your own
« on: October 06, 2015, 03:05:35 PM »
friend's mom makes some mad food

Gaming / Re: itt: we discuss the greatest video game of all time
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:28:26 PM »


The Flood / Re: What are the drawbacks to having sex with an octopus?
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:23:03 PM »
the beak

The Flood / Re: The normies got to us
« on: October 06, 2015, 10:13:39 AM »
This message is being sent to alert you to the planned ceremonial use of weapons at a dedication event located on campus.
On Thursday, October 8, at noon, the Fallen Bison Memorial will be dedicated during a ceremony that is expected to last about 30 minutes. The memorial honors NDSU students, faculty and alumni who have died in the line of duty. The closing of the ceremony includes a gun salute, which will utilize blank ammunition and consist of three volleys of seven rifle shots each.
At no time will a live round be present for this dedication.
The gun salute will take place in proximity of the Fallen Bison Memorial, which is located near University Drive, south of the Bentson/Bunker Fieldhouse on the north side of Centennial Boulevard. 
Approval for the ceremonial use of weapons during the salute has been arranged for and authorized in accordance with NDSU Policy 706.
Mike Borr
Director, University Police & Safety Office

I know when to go shoot up the normie station

The Flood / Re: Who's your forum spouse?
« on: October 06, 2015, 10:09:47 AM »

Serious / Re: Suitable Punishment for an 11 year old Murderer?
« on: October 06, 2015, 07:40:27 AM »
an extensive rehab program seems like the most logical answer to me

I'm thinking full psych testing, rehabilitation and have an eye kept of him for the rest of his life, pretty much. If an 11 year old doesn't understand the concept of wrong and right, then they're missing some vital social cues.   
Little kids kill shit all the time
we had a thread for it on here even

The Flood / Re: Favorite murderers
« on: October 05, 2015, 09:08:23 PM »
Chris Dorner because fuck the fucking police.

The Flood / Re: Musical instrument
« on: October 05, 2015, 07:13:22 PM »
alto sax
sucked ass at it

Serious / Re: There are now more guns than people in the USA
« on: October 05, 2015, 04:42:03 PM »
What's wrong with the people who have guns having multiple? Because that's the reason why this is the case.

The Flood / Re: Trip to New Zealand
« on: October 05, 2015, 04:16:17 PM »
Go to Fruit's house

Gaming / Re: Is it bad that I have Adult Mods on Skyrim?
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:09:03 PM »
besides--nothing is stopping you from making your own game
That doesn't adequately describe why it's bad they mod.
They play a game and have an artistic idea of what they think might improve it, or just add a new perspective on it. When they make these things they are creating new experiences for players to choose to have, which any person who appreciates art will agree is a good thing.

When you make a game you're building off of other people's works anyways. You use existing computer architecture, you learn to utilize programming methods other people made, you set your story that to some degree is influenced by ideas and things you have absorbed from media in your life, and you then craft an experience you think would be interesting to have and publish it for others to try experiencing.

Modding is just another rung up on the ladder of how far you're building off of, except when you move higher up on that ladder, the level of technical skill required to put out an idea shrinks, meaning that more people can have the opportunity to publish their ideas for people to experience, which is a good thing because it further increases the variety of experiences someone can choose to try out when they explore gaming.

But I guess if you want to, we can remove modding from the equation so that people who want to express their ideas through games have to get a job in the industry just to be capable of making it.

Everything about your stance works against artistic expression.

Gaming / Re: Is it bad that I have Adult Mods on Skyrim?
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:55:13 PM »
It's just so hilariously ironic that you, someone who hates capitalism and thinks people should do good on principle, think that people inspired by passion to express their ideas that build on a game are ruining the gaming industry, the system built to make art a sold commodity.
if you don't like the system

change the system

don't break the system
Quantify "breaking the system". This isn't about pirating. Devs get their money and can continue developing.

Gaming / Re: Is it bad that I have Adult Mods on Skyrim?
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:43:42 PM »
I see Verb has the illusion that the developer's resources are infinite.
Devs have to choose what ideas to explore and what not to, modding allows players to explore areas that the devs decided weren't as important as other areas.

"Ruining art". Pfft. That carelessly assumes that the Devs made an objectively better artistic piece than a modder can make and that the modder didn't experience the original work as it was intended before decided to alter it. The vanilla game is not even damaged when you alter a copy. The vanilla game is still readily available for play for you to re-experience it. This is literally being too close-minded to try experiencing a work in different ways, which ironically is the opposite of artistic appreciation.

Oooo so the existence of modding decentivises devs from exploring some ideas, so what, that means that devs can spend that effort exploring other ideas. If devs just sit on their ass with that gained time, the fault lies with their laziness, not the artistic, non-profit individuals who enjoy modding. Hell the amount you demean modders work shows how little you actually care about art and more how much you care about games being a sterile, monetarily driven service like any other capitalist shill.

Literally the most played game in existence right now spawned from a mod and has generated countless user experiences, but I guess that doesn't matter to you because of your personal misgivings towards the game.

It's just so hilariously ironic that you, someone who hates capitalism and thinks people should do good on principle, think that people inspired by passion to express their ideas that build on a game are ruining the gaming industry, the system built to make art a sold commodity.

something something justified true belief or something blah blah

Serious / Re: It's not about mental health, it's about armed whities
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:33:13 PM »
its just plain statistics being that white kids are the bulk of this niche that is synonymous with mass shooters (introverted, potentially high functioning autism, middle class, suburban) yeah they're going to be the ones that do do it because there are hardly any blacks in that niche of society. This doesn't point to white people are fucked up. All people are fucked up. I just don't understand how you bitch about racism all the time but are being racist right now.
And you'll rarely find any introverted and autistic black kids. And the ones that are like that have yet to shoot up a school.

And another thing I'll bring up. You guys say there aren't a lot of middle class blacks. True. But you realize the ones that aren't middle class tend to be around violence a lot more and have access to guns? Yet even they don't shoot up their schools. They might join a gang, but you won't catch them going into their school and killing people randomly.

You guys are just mad that it's practically only white people who do this.
Dodging: The post
Yes, actually, that's exactly what your post is.

Blacks simply don't do this. Even the ones that are prone to be violent and live in hostile environments don't do this, and they have easy access to firearms.
yeah instead they commit acts of gang violence which is so much better
I already covered that, genius. Try reading my posts and not skimming.

We're talking about school shootings. Black people don't commit these crimes.
yeah they just commit other lethal crimes

Serious / Re: It's not about mental health, it's about armed whities
« on: October 05, 2015, 11:06:26 AM »
Here's the thing though. It's creepy, socially awkward, mentally damaged white kids that do this. There are no black people doing this. There were like one or two Asians that have done this, and they were supposedly getting bullied.

This has nothing to do with there simply being a lot of white people. This is about how white people are brought up and how they tend to have a higher tendency to have mental illnesses and do sick shit like this.
Uneducated people usually don't form the moral and ethical conclusions that lead to extreme actions like mass murder. Blacks are disproportionately undereducated. Asians are a tiny fraction of the populace, yet whadya know, they are educated and we can see some outlier behavior from their demographic.
LOL What the fuck are you talking about? Out of all the educated middle class black folks not one has done this.

White people are fucked up. Accept it.
Blacks represent aa very small minority of the middle class.
And yet not a single one has done this. And they get bullied just like every other kid, if not more so.
Chris Dorner.

The Flood / Re: Movies today are shit
« on: October 05, 2015, 10:41:52 AM »
Yeah but the 80's had shit like Escape from LA. The 80's sucked.

Every period has shit tier movies. That's a fact. The 80's relied too heavily on gore for horror and muscle bound guys quipping one liners for action.

It just seems like 4 out of 5 movies today are absolute shit, compared to the 2 out of 5 it was just 20 years ago.

And don't get me started on all of the unnecessary remakes, reboots and sequels.
The only difference is advertisement. For every blockbuster there were 10-20 imitations that are fun to watch because they're so hilariously amateur. Ever watch ROTOR? Hands of Steel?

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