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Messages - eggsalad

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Gaming / Re: Which Game Rating Destroyed Your Faith in Published Reviews?
« on: October 17, 2015, 12:51:27 PM »
Not any individuals, just the fact every game is rated above average.

The Flood / Re: If Texas and Arizona went to war
« on: October 17, 2015, 10:55:04 AM »
Arizona and Minnesota seem to have an old people exchange so I think it depends on the time of year.

Gaming / Re: Have a game crash on you after/during VITAL moments?
« on: October 17, 2015, 10:31:13 AM »

Serious / Re: So, I read George Orwell's 1984 last week...
« on: October 16, 2015, 10:52:55 PM »
I don't know what I'd do, but I do know that "revenge" isn't a great cause. Killing him wouldn't bring back my wife/son/daughter. It wouldn't solve anything. One murderer is dead--great. There's hundreds of thousands across the entire world.

When it comes to punishment vs. rehabilitation, I've always leaned more towards punishment. I don't think prisoners should be comfortable in prison. I don't think they should have entertainments or access to anything that could resemble a good, honest life. No--they're in prison, and they should be punished for the crimes they committed.

If I were to kill him, it would be for the sake of removing a detrimental person from society--it wouldn't be for revenge.

I apologize if my posts aren't lucid. It's 5 in the morning and I'm kind of trying to get this thread locked, because I'm pretty much done with it. Any conversations that are ongonig can continue in PMs if you so desire.
Would you abhor the idea of a prison library? Or of them having access to education programs?
Heck even TV is a good way to ensure that prisoners don't become fully engrossed in prison life, that screen is their only window into the current outside world. For some people that thing is the only way they know what's happened in the past 20 years.

The Flood / Re: Last time you Masturbated?
« on: October 16, 2015, 07:47:57 PM »
going to right now

I'd dare to say that those who reap the benefits of AA are the middle-class who aren't the ones who need assistance. A black man with a degree most likely came from a middle-class family, not the horrible inner-city environments that cause the black statistical disadvantages. A person from that environment probably stays in that environment, doesn't get a higher education, and doesn't work for a major organization or firm that cares about statistics. AA is meant to remedy poverty, not reward blacks who aren't in poverty.

I keep trying not to say blacks specifically because AA applies to more but fuck it they are the largest minority group and the one we always talk about. Everyone knows Asians have more privilege than whites anyways.

Gaming / Re: Well now I need a new game to play...
« on: October 16, 2015, 12:15:32 PM »
Nuclear Throne.

« on: October 16, 2015, 12:11:51 PM »
Look, the alternative is to send infantry or special forces in to capture the target, which is hardly viable in places like Somalia. Eggsalad mentioned you don't win wars by playing whack-a-mole...well actually you can; that's how the Taliban was deposed in Afghanistan after their regime fell via conventional warfare, and that's how Tanzim Qaidat was successfully combated in Iraq.
Not to disregard the above body of your post, because it is correct and important, but hasn't the deterioration of the situation in Iraq again and the continued existence of Al-Qaeda illustrated that the war essentially is a matter of trying to actively delay the revival of international terrorism rather than finding a permanent solution? Essentially endless whack-a-mole because if we stop things will get worse?

« on: October 16, 2015, 10:50:47 AM »
You don't win a war by capturing your enemy and trying him in court.
Haven't won by playing whack-a-mole either.

The Flood / Re: People Who Feel Bad
« on: October 16, 2015, 08:36:31 AM »
my fucking roommate is a nigger bitch native who spams "ciao" every other sentence and spends her entire life sitting in our room yapping on the phone

she never fucking leaves the room or stops to do homework
bitch needs to fucking drop out so i can have some peace
I have a similar problem with my roommate. He gets very aggressive while playing LoL, especially when I'm trying to sleep.

He also likes to yell racial slurs amd use "dark humor" while playing, I'm surprised that the residence staff hasn't stopped by to have a chat with him yet.
That's basically my right neighbor with FIFA. The left neighbor just blasts bass and has 3 people over all the time.

I thought the tendency of individual biases held by those typical in leadership was the idea of institutional racism.
I don't support affirmative action at all, candidates are individuals, not statistics.

tfw not born to an upper-middleclass asian family to reap those scholarships

The Flood / Re: People Who Feel Bad
« on: October 15, 2015, 09:17:38 PM »
my fucking roommate is a nigger bitch native who spams "ciao" every other sentence and spends her entire life sitting in our room yapping on the phone

she never fucking leaves the room or stops to do homework
bitch needs to fucking drop out so i can have some peace

Gaming / Re: Post a game ending without saying what game it is.
« on: October 15, 2015, 04:14:00 PM »
Sit on the throne.
*buzzer sound*
youre wrong ha

Gaming / Re: Post a game ending without saying what game it is.
« on: October 15, 2015, 04:09:45 PM »
Sit on the throne.

Serious / Re: So, I read George Orwell's 1984 last week...
« on: October 15, 2015, 04:02:10 PM »

Serious / Re: Are hypothetical scenarios of any value in discussion?
« on: October 15, 2015, 04:01:23 PM »
They're used to strip a party's principles and values down to a fundamental level, where they can be analyzed and make sure that a party's argument is in accord with their established parameters.

why do you bother owning a rifle that sucks to use

Who say's it sucks to use?

It's just a tad expensive.
when it comes to shooting volume = fun
but unfortunately volume = money

i guess i should just ask then
what is it

Is that good value for money? I'm not well informed on gun logistics.
those would be rounds you hunt with, not ones you take to the range
unless you've got expendable income

Gaming / Re: Games you should have beat by now, but haven't
« on: October 15, 2015, 12:11:25 AM »
Dark Souls 2 DLC.
Binding of Isaac.
Shadow of Chernobyl.
Don't Starve.

Serious / Re: Army: Women will have to register for the draft
« on: October 15, 2015, 12:09:03 AM »
Isn't the purpose of having a defense force to defend your country? you need women for your country to continue existing, so sending them off to die rather defeats the point, no?
Ignoring for the moment that having children is wrong, you need men to create children as well, genius.

So much for your "rigorous, mathematically logical perspective".
You're the second person to make that misunderstanding. I am in no way saying that we do not need men, we need both men and women to survive. However, men and women are not equally expendable, men have evolved to be protectors hence our physical capabilities, so if you absolutely have to send people out to the front lines, it's them who are the best option.

You only get to be justifiably snarky once you've actually read someone's posts.
And i would hardly call this a rigorous opinion, I've left far too many things undefined.
Men's value in being soldier's doesn't reduce their value in being fathers.

why do you bother owning a rifle that sucks to use

Serious / Re: So, I read George Orwell's 1984 last week...
« on: October 14, 2015, 09:31:15 PM »
this word has pretty much become the new "fgt"

no one even uses it close to its original meaning anymore
I have always used it consistently.

Statists think they need need big daddy government to watch over them like a cuck thinks he needs a bull to pleasure his woman.

It's an abandonment of personal responsibility and pride in exchange for an easy path through life.
it's kind of hilarious how "life not sucking" is synonymous with "living life easily" to you
it's like for you the absence of these struggles means you'd live pointlessly and without reason
when really someone who's actually a man would be able to find plenty way to utilize that new found time to build great things

youre the cuck

Serious / Re: So, I read George Orwell's 1984 last week...
« on: October 14, 2015, 09:10:05 PM »
Orwell's best works were his essays tbh.
Never read them and tbh I don't have much interest for essays I just read stories.

that tbh felt patronizing im sorry i didnt intend i to be
I mean, essays can be stories too you know. Try Shooting an Elephant. Something like three pages long.
will do once later tonight

Serious / Re: So, I read George Orwell's 1984 last week...
« on: October 14, 2015, 09:07:26 PM »
Orwell's best works were his essays tbh.
Never read them and tbh I don't have much interest for essays I just read stories.

that tbh felt patronizing im sorry i didnt intend i to be

Serious / Re: So, I read George Orwell's 1984 last week...
« on: October 14, 2015, 09:04:48 PM »
You should read Animal Farm (short allegory story you can do it in one sitting), at least there you can sympathize with the characters because they represent real people that suffered in real events. Although the thing is also pretty shallow for interesting concepts.
I'll look into it. I actually don't dislike Orwell--I just disliked 1984. I'm willing to give his other works a try.

He'd probably hate me, though.
Orwell was a socialist, so I wouldn't be entirely sure.

Serious / Re: Freddie Gray autopsy leaked
« on: October 14, 2015, 08:56:33 PM »
Police are police, not babysitters. If the guy couldn't sit still then it's his own fault.
While this is true, they really need to have a policy of not allowing movement like that back there. If someone's going fucking mad-hatter back there, do you want to have to taze him just to make sure he doesn't tackle someone when you open the doors? What if you want to place another detainee in there?

Serious / Re: So, I read George Orwell's 1984 last week...
« on: October 14, 2015, 08:51:59 PM »
What started as just mindless sex between the two ended up developing into a genuine love; otherwise, I doubt Julia would have gone as far as she did otherwise. Then, at the very end, they feel absolutely nothing for each other. There was no going back for them, and we're straight up told what's going to happen to them. Winston broke, and we get to hear it for a chapter in that perspective. I realize you weren't fond of the premise, but having someone you've been following for some hundred and something odd pages give in during the final stretch is something that isn't done all that often, and that's probably why it had such an effect. He, in every sense of the word, lost in his struggle that he's had since the beginning of the book.

O'Brien is highly intelligent, and he makes sure not to hide that in his chat with Winston; he knows exactly what's going on in the world and whole-heartedly believes it's the right thing. Even worse, Winston can't even argue against him besides saying "you're just wrong!". I don't know, maybe it's the same as the reason why I liked the ending, but you don't see the protagonist losing those kind of motivation-defining arguments very often.
That's all well and good, but I don't automatically like things just because they're done different, you know what I mean? Like I said--I totally suspected O'Brien was part of the Thought Police almost right out of the gate. When the reveal came, it just gave me an eye roll.

As for the Julia thing, I guess that was executed pretty well, but I mean... I hated their relationship anyway.
Now that I think about it it really did feel incredibly unnatural. I think I let it pass because of how unnatural the world felt.

Orwell tends to make things morally one-sided.
You should read Animal Farm (short allegory story you can do it in one sitting), at least there you can sympathize with the characters because they represent real people that suffered in real events. Although the thing is also pretty shallow for interesting concepts.

Serious / Re: So, I read George Orwell's 1984 last week...
« on: October 14, 2015, 08:49:03 PM »
Have you read Brave New World? Much better counterpart that tackles similar topics, save doublethink. 1984 was really only interesting on that subject, everything else more or less served to establish the concept.
Doublethink was an interesting concept, I'll give him that. Brave New World is next on my agenda, but after reading the premise, I have to wonder what makes people think I'll like it more than 1984.
Because while 1984 really doesn't mesh with your values (in combination with its over-the-top setting), BNW revolves around the ideas of struggle and literature instead of privacy and totalitarianism.
I feel like BNW observes government in a much more mature light than 1984. 1984 assumes the most malicious of all intents is the core of the ruling powers, while BNW realizes that government is a reflection of the people's true values. Sometimes those collective values conflict with other values held by the people.

And man those last two lines got me thinking about the ending of Stalker again. If you guys like artsy movies you should watch it.

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