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Messages - eggsalad

Pages: 1 ... 424344 4546 ... 84
The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:02:01 AM »
Fruit is trans, Cindy is trans...

Is there anyone else I should know about?
for posterity's sake
Still trying to secure HRT but I've been trying to get it for over a year now.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 21, 2015, 12:53:11 AM »
Fruit is trans, Cindy is trans...

Is there anyone else I should know about?
for posterity's sake

Serious / Re: Political Compass Test
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:47:30 PM »
Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -3.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.54

Gaming / Re: Game(s) you hated at first, but grew to love
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:56:31 PM »
I started off a bit annoyed at Dark Soul's control scheme and UI but holy shit it's probably my favorite game of all time now.
UI is still awul though.

they are actually, literally, seriously better.

The Flood / Re: I
« on: October 19, 2015, 06:30:43 PM »
Awww yeah, I love Metallica!
They're only good because Dave Grohl wrote their past three albums.

The penal system serves to preserve order in society by removing unworkable individuals from causing harm, it doesn't exist to provide sadists and those who enjoy evil acts a safe haven to enact their fantasies.

« on: October 19, 2015, 04:37:45 PM »
what i dislike modern dependence on technology
sue me
>time before Google

"Hey, this is that guy from...that other movie. What was it?"

"beats me.."

"Oh, ok."

end scene
people managed then pretty well without google, im sure i can do the same. it could be pretty fun having to shift through books instead of just using google, you could learn quite a few other things on the way
literally fucking second option bias lmao

The Flood / Re: Things you do that you don't think anyone else does
« on: October 19, 2015, 04:08:57 PM »
when i can't sleep i sort random shit in my head, such as:

weapons in fallout games based on type

languages based on language family

electronic music producers based on country of origin

The Flood / Re: Things you do that you don't think anyone else does
« on: October 19, 2015, 01:37:08 PM »
Press my gooch to ease out tough shits.
A lot of people do this to push out that last dribble of piss, but I've never heard of anyone doing that while shitting lol
i dont understand how that could push out piss lol

Ever feel when your bladder is full and you've gotta piss real bad? Moving around feels uncomfortable because it's full?

If you got punched low enough with a full bladder, you'd piss yourself.

Likewise, putting pressure on it helps empty things out too.
I don't feel my bladder down there though. The pressure is up by my beltline.

The Flood / Re: Things you do that you don't think anyone else does
« on: October 19, 2015, 12:45:52 PM »
Press my gooch to ease out tough shits.
A lot of people do this to push out that last dribble of piss, but I've never heard of anyone doing that while shitting lol
i dont understand how that could push out piss lol

The Flood / Re: Things you do that you don't think anyone else does
« on: October 19, 2015, 11:02:49 AM »
Press my gooch to ease out tough shits.

Gaming / Re: Any reviewers that you trust?
« on: October 19, 2015, 10:16:42 AM »
TB's WTF is series is what I usually refer to to get a view of the game.
I don't really listen to his opinions I just watch the gameplay as he describe the mechanics.

The Flood / Re: Worst to Top Star Wars Movie?
« on: October 19, 2015, 01:17:30 AM »
5 felt oddly formless to me, the different acts hardly felt connected, and it felt like a disjointed journey through odd space. For that reason I prefer 4, which stuck to the more conventional story structure and benefited from it.

2 <1 <3 <5=6 <4

Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 05:40:52 PM »
This sounds like something a psychopath would say.

It sounds like something a logical person would say
Psychopaths usually search for situations that allow them to enact their violent tendencies without the threat of social repercussion. What better way than to make it necessary for some individuals to be killed.

secondarily "ordinary" rifles.
That's a vague term.
Intentionally so. The constructed notion of "assault rifles" that seems to be based primarily on aesthetics and accessories and is often completely misused is the reason I'm sticking to vague terms and am using the quotation marks. My point was that almost 75% of all gun homicides and violent crimes are commited with handguns, followed by your typical (hunting) rifles. Those with "military features" or a full-auto setting are only used in a fraction of all gun crimes.
I would consider semi-automatics, which see use in hunting, distinctly different from single actions (bar pump actions). I haven't heard of any examples of someone breaking into public area and unloading a bolt or lever action, most of the time it seems they use pumps and semis.

secondarily "ordinary" rifles.
That's a vague term.

Because they're words we developed to refer to people who have a penis or have a vagina.
Great. My argument is that we should evolve past that. That's an archaic way of doing things.
There's nothing archaic about it. It's how you define sex.
Yes, and my argument is that we shouldn't do it that way anymore.
There's no other scientific way to do it.
Social activity isn't an anatomy class. Stop thinking about people naked.

Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 04:35:11 PM »
What are these memes you're imagining now?

I don't care about your genitalia, I'm simply informing you that you're a male because you have a penis.
Your brain is so clogged thinking about dicks you forget what you were saying mid-sentence.

Because that's what you are. You're either male or female. Females can have babies, males can't.

Some "woman" with a dick can't have a baby.
That is circular logic.
It's not antinatalism though, friend :).
Yeah, because anti-natalism is actually logical.

Now, why does biology matter in terms of what words you use to describe people with? Why should biological sex determine which pronouns you use? Where is the correlation between biological sex and the words "him" and "her"?
Because they're words we developed to refer to people who have a penis or have a vagina.
What do we call intersex people.

And what kind of principle is that, then?

Because the only concrete answer I've received so far is "well it makes me feel icky."
Why do your feelings matter but mine don't?

I just told you it makes me feel uncomfortable calling you a female when you aren't one, and the only reason I do so is to be polite. Fact is you are a male. If you were born male you are male. Nothing will change that.

I don't have to call you what you tell me to call you to spare your feelings because you have a mental illness. I do it to be nice. I don't have to be nice.
Because your pathology is borderline obsessive with genetalia. If you're having a conversation with someone and despite every other apparent aspect of them being female, you choose to think instead about their junk. It's unnecessarily sexual and to be honest concerning.

If you have a penis you are male. If a vagina, female. If neither or both I'd stick to gender neutral terms until I'm told to use male or female terms
Why is genitalia the end-all, be-all? Why is it more important that we identify as our biological sex?
Because that's what you are. You're either male or female. Females can have babies, males can't.

Some "woman" with a dick can't have a baby.
What about women who can't have babies? What about intersex?

And conversation isn't the medical table. Conversation involves social cues and convention. When you say "she", you expect someone who appears female, not just someone who is on a chromosomal level.

It would be objectively false to refer to me as she. I am biologically male.

If I were biologically male but preferred to be referred to as she, then there's a discussion to be had.
"Biologically" and "preferred" are the keywords, aren't they?

I take it you believe that biological sex takes priority over personal preference.

Is there any logical reason to have reached that conclusion, though?
Biological sex is concrete and objective. Fluid or static as gender may be, physical sex is empirical and well defined.
Not really. What are intersex and chimeric individuals? XXY?

The Flood / Re: What do you stand for?
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:40:48 PM »

Why are there so many trans people on this site?
overflow from bungle

The Flood / Re: Post more captions for this gif
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:27:48 PM »
tom = patron
jerry = bliz

I think it should be pointed out that the transgender discussion is far from settled.

Asking people not to call trans folks tranny queers is one thing.

Treating it as an attack if someone refuses to recognize a person's *preferred* gender is another entirely.
It may not necessarily be an attack, but it is both selfishly inconsiderate and blatantly retarded. Gendered pronouns are more useful for communicating the person's expressed identity rather than their genitals.
If you were to refer to this guy as "she", you're not doing it just because you can't be bothered to know everyone's gender situation, you are doing it because you are actively taking the time to consider their situation. Which is pointlessly causing confusion when you refer to them as a she but when people meet them they are evidently everything but she.

What I don't understand are the people who say things like "political correctness is killing us" as if being a dick and offending/marginalizing people is some sort of cornerstone of our society. Why not try to be a respectful human being?

Cause it forces people to not speak their true feelings and forces everyone to act fake as fuck.

Its also killing sports with all these bullshit rules and bullshit "everyones a winner" mindset.
That exists outside grade school?

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