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Messages - eggsalad

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The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: November 22, 2015, 07:14:18 PM »

Oh the tragedy of revolution.

Defeated by convenient writing.

Also enabled due to it also and only ever succeeded due to a plot hole.
tbh the series was "great man history the story"
fuck pk tho

Squealer still did everything wrong and deserved his fate.
Not his fault the fiend decided to just blow out the rat's guts and give him opportunity to unwrap himself rather than just incinerating him into nothingness like she did with literally every other character. Weird how that happens when the main characters need to win.

She should have died when she turned and entire army of mole people inside out.

A super protective and paranoid society shouldn't have gone full stupid when it was shown that an entire army if mole people got killed by pk and put themselves into a position where they'd easily be taken advantage of.

The field research division should have thought something was strange with the massive arms build up robber fly colony had despite having no more enemies to fight.

Super power man should have just opened up a chasm beneath the fiend and trapped her underground forever since he apparently has the power to split the earth in two.

There are a lot of convieniently done things to move the plot forward and keep squealer from getting rolled by the humans.
power levels are bullshit

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: November 22, 2015, 06:46:40 PM »

Oh the tragedy of revolution.

Defeated by convenient writing.

Also enabled due to it also and only ever succeeded due to a plot hole.
tbh the series was "great man history the story"
fuck pk tho

Squealer still did everything wrong and deserved his fate.
Not his fault the fiend decided to just blow out the rat's guts and give him opportunity to unwrap himself rather than just incinerating him into nothingness like she did with literally every other character. Weird how that happens when the main characters need to win.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: November 22, 2015, 06:18:39 PM »

Oh the tragedy of revolution.

Defeated by convenient writing.

Also enabled due to it also and only ever succeeded due to a plot hole.
tbh the series was "great man history the story"
fuck pk tho

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: November 22, 2015, 06:13:59 PM »

Also rewatching RotJ...
Lot worse than I remember. Any time Luke isn't on screen is just meh.

Well yeah I'm criticizing the movie because it's a bad, unenjoyable movie to watch.
Like the OT?
The prequels are worse.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: November 22, 2015, 06:05:57 PM »

Oh the tragedy of revolution.

He showed legitimate emotion only at the end of the film. Quite honestly the only other emotion I can remember him exhibiting is moderate surprise at Anakin's power level.

Well he IS a Jedi

Seems capable of getting annoyed or pissed off. And following a character without emotions is pretty fucking boring when this is a kids movie, not The Stranger.

He's a Padawan so that probably explains why he occasionally shows emotions like irritation. Might be boring, but the Jedi are all about self-control.
Well yeah I'm criticizing the movie because it's a bad, unenjoyable movie to watch. You could write off literally every aspect of the movie to artistic integrity but that doesn't mean that it largely failed properly communicate itself.

I didn't have a problem with the characters for the most part, just didn't have enough exciting parts when I last saw it (it's been a while)
I liked Quigon but that's because it's just Liam Neeson playing Liam Neeson, he got paid to show up and read some lines.

He showed legitimate emotion only at the end of the film. Quite honestly the only other emotion I can remember him exhibiting is moderate surprise at Anakin's power level.

Well he IS a Jedi

Seems capable of getting annoyed or pissed off. And following a character without emotions is pretty fucking boring when this is a kids movie, not The Stranger.

He's a Padawan so that probably explains why he occasionally shows emotions like irritation. Might be boring, but the Jedi are all about self-control.
Well yeah I'm criticizing the movie because it's a bad, unenjoyable movie to watch. You could write off literally every aspect of the movie to artistic integrity but that doesn't mean that it largely failed properly communicate itself.

He showed legitimate emotion only at the end of the film. Quite honestly the only other emotion I can remember him exhibiting is moderate surprise at Anakin's power level.

Well he IS a Jedi

Seems capable of getting annoyed or pissed off. And following a character without emotions is pretty fucking boring when this is a kids movie, not The Stranger.

I wonder if this is the actual cause for Earth's moon getting farther away each year, rather than the reasons provided before.
That's far too fast a rate of decay for such a notable effect.

The Flood / Re: Explosion Porn
« on: November 22, 2015, 01:19:36 AM »

mmm loose sand

If you're going to bash the prequels, at least bash shit that's worth bashing.

Namely, unnecessarily long scenes that are just trying to show off CG (the podrace scene).

Practical effects are something I have a lot of respect for, and it's something the original trilogy had, so I respect that.
CG is lame, but at least the prequels' CG was good.

Also, I hated the constant nostalgia pandering in the prequels. Bringing back Jabba was stupid, and making it so Anakin was the one who built C-3P0 was... just nonsensical. I don't really consider these things big issues, though, and they're easy for me to gloss over, just like 90% of what prequel haters say.
Jaba was in the prequels?

So? And he was a good character. So?
He showed legitimate emotion only at the end of the film. Quite honestly the only other emotion I can remember him exhibiting is moderate surprise at Anakin's power level.

Like what? Without looking at the RedLetterMedia review (which is 90% nitpicking).
Just because the plot of the movie makes an action trivial doesn't mean it is nitpicking at the time it happens. Going down to the planet split up? Why? What? That literally doesn't reduce your chances of being caught unless it was a very specific location in the ship that couldn't fit both of you, which wasn't the case. This is supposed to be the character we trust to be wise? The only reason any of the obvious possibilities don't happen is Lucas writing it.

I guess you could write off him abusing the force to get what he wants as a character trait, tbh I kind of like that idea now that I think about it. The problem is though that doesn't give Obi-Wan proper room to develop. He just sits back and nags. If it weren't for Quigon dying in the end we wouldn't even be able to walk away thinking there was a definitive main character or at primary character arch. And the events of the movie were largely inconsequential to his development anyways, everything that changed in Obi-Wan would have changed anyways had the last scene happened anywhere at any time.

Made sense to me. Try... paying attention more? I dunno.
Why are they blocking trade to Naboo? Palpatine told them too? What is Palpatine holding on the side of the bargain? What supplies are they blocking to Naboo, Naboo is a planet what supplies do they need that they can't go without for barely anytime at all?

So how do you explain how it didn't have any weight or emotion?
What exactly were the consequences of the Naboo invasion? I mean like, they forced a signature for a treaty, so what? I don't even know what "trade" even entails. I don't know why any of this is happening. The characters aren't particularly relatable and they aren't people really down on their luck and in a bad situation other than the Nabooian. Too bad the main Naboo character we meet is literally monotone. Anakin actually is someone you feel bad for, being a slave and what not. But his actor just didn't portray it well most of the time, it's hard to feel the stress of him literally racing for his freedom when he doesn't even seem to understand the bet placed on his head. Instead it's more or less just the stress of a death race itself. Everything else that happens in the movie is pretty much entirely out of his control. The space battle was a big fucking accident.

Jar Jar was a good character.

Why? Does he develop? He sort of just does the same clumbsy annoying act throughout the movie and by the power of writing things happen around him. Nothing he does is a result of his agency except for leading the Jedi to the Gunga city.
The entire Star Wars franchise is for kids, yes. Surprise, surprise.
Well obviously not exclusively as you said below.
Why would a kid's movie designed for the whole family contain scenes that adults would be able to understand? It seems intuitive to me, and when I saw the movie as a kid, I thought the space politics was pretty interesting. Soooo.
Adults can understand slapstick, kids can't understand space politics. Besides, there are more interesting ways to deliver exposition than monotone droning that we get in the political mind of George Lucas.
Movies are more than assorted picture shows.

Star Wars fans are pretty disgusting and hate-able, though.
yeah if by "star wars fan" you mean the ones who collect the novels and have their lightsaber form down
that's like saying "halo players" are the ones who argue about novel lore
I'm also talking about the ones who just can't let people who enjoy the prequels enjoy the prequels.

(because they're better)
I'm pretty sure that those are just people who understand cinema.
Well, I guess, yeah an amount of people don't really understand why and just have natural bias towards original. The prequels just have so many noticeable flaws and the only redeeming feature seems to be whether or not you are woo'd by the CG, which gets harder and harder as they age.
If they understood cinema, they'd admit the prequels were better.

The appeal of the OT is pure nostalgia--nothing more. They're complete shit, with the exception of RotJ (which is, funnily enough, the one everyone likes the least in the OT).
That sounds like a whole lot of opinions that shouldn't be thought of as fact for peeps who have studied cinema all of their life and would notice the difference tbh.
OT fans stop acting like their opinion is a fact, and I stop acting like my opinion is a fact.

that simple tbh fam
did an OT fan piss in your cheerios and proceeded to defecate on your bed sheets?
If by "an OT fan," you mean almost every single one I've ever met on the Internet, then yes. Hundreds.
For the past seven or eight years.
I feel like our difference is more about which we hate more rather than which we like more. The OT weren't that exceptional or groundbreakng, and were pretty tropey and had some of the same trite the prequels were guilty of.

But the prequels just...fucking were so bad. The characters were either ridiculous or non-existent. Obi-wan in Phantom Menace acted cool and reserved (actually just annoyed the entire time) while Liam Neeson played Liam Neeson trying to be the "wise elder" when really he time and time again does some questionable and retarded shit thanks to Lucas not knowing how to write. Then we're forced into a plot in a world that doesn't really make much sense for what was explained. In a New Hope our driving force was the Empire killing Luke's family, and a distant message from a damsel in distress, cliched, but it is a plot that actually gives the plot weight and emotion. In PM we get "muh space trade routes" and "muh space politics", like it's trying to be some immersive sci-fi universe but any and all delving into the logic of the plot just gives you a slap in the face. Just because there is some dead air in New Hope doesn't really mean that episode one throwing in Jar-Jar electrocuting his tongue is a meaningful scene.

Speaking of Jar-Jar, who the fuck are these prequels aimed at? Kids? Why the fuck do we have such long scenes of boring space politics? Adult fans of the lore and universe? Why the fuck do we have such a fucked plot that makes no sense and blatant holes in the story and useless gimmick scenes and

god it's a mess

the OT at least had coherency, the prequels is like they just tried to cram in every possible thing that they thought ANY demographic would go "oooooo" at

Gaming / Re: Fallout Games Best To worst (1-10)
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:46:36 PM »
havent played between 2 and 3


Star Wars fans are pretty disgusting and hate-able, though.
yeah if by "star wars fan" you mean the ones who collect the novels and have their lightsaber form down
that's like saying "halo players" are the ones who argue about novel lore
I'm also talking about the ones who just can't let people who enjoy the prequels enjoy the prequels.

(because they're better)
I'm pretty sure that those are just people who understand cinema.
Well, I guess, yeah an amount of people don't really understand why and just have natural bias towards original. The prequels just have so many noticeable flaws and the only redeeming feature seems to be whether or not you are woo'd by the CG, which gets harder and harder as they age.

Serious / Re: Recent shifts in any of your views? Let's talk about them.
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:40:05 PM »
"Transhumanism" sounds retarded, and it has a negative connotation, thanks to sci-fi and Tumblr.
Yeah seriously it makes me think that they want to "transcend humanity", which is kind of a semantic mess.

Star Wars fans are pretty disgusting and hate-able, though.
yeah if by "star wars fan" you mean the ones who collect the novels and have their lightsaber form down
that's like saying "halo players" are the ones who argue about novel lore

Serious / Re: Research on angry college people
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:35:24 PM »
So what was it that Ben Franklin or someone said about giving up our freedom for security and not deserving either?
Government is literally giving up freedom for security. You give up your freedom to steal and murder for the security that you won't be killed or stolen from.

The Flood / Re: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:30:41 PM »

he took the bait

The Flood / Re: Are Nude Furries an Oxymoron?
« on: November 21, 2015, 09:38:39 PM »
are nudes just clothed skeletons?

that guy's gunna look back on this stuff with a lot of regret
imagine if he ran with his arms behind him too like sonic

Serious / Re: Research on angry college people
« on: November 21, 2015, 08:20:51 PM »
Weird how they color coded nationality and age but not gender, race, and education.

The Flood / Re: How do Orcs know about menus?
« on: November 21, 2015, 01:41:17 PM »
if orcs were bred in mud pits why do they have dicks

The Flood / Re: How many AP's did you take in high school?
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:04:43 PM »
idk about AP but I took college courses in English, Math, Sociology/Psychology, and Physics.
Only English and Soc/Psy credits transferred though.

Serious / Re: Arguments against Suicide
« on: November 20, 2015, 06:20:19 PM »
I think that "permanent solution to temporary problem" adage is asinine.
First off, if the "problem" is a dissatisfaction with things inherent to life, then all you're doing is trivializing the person's perceived problems.
Second, the "collateral" doesn't necessarily matter to them. They likely already have assessed the value of life and have concluded it is negative. Why should someone take the possibility of improvement as reason to refrain if there is no felt consequence to suicide. They aren't going to regret any missed opportunity, they can't.

Suicide is a solution that solves all problems and any possibility of any new problems emerging.

The Flood / Re: Which is worse?
« on: November 20, 2015, 06:18:57 AM »

The Flood / Re: Americans, how do you pronounce the word 'twat'?
« on: November 19, 2015, 11:01:52 PM »
Americans also pronounce water as woter



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