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Messages - Kitsune 狐

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The Flood / Re: I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:03:46 PM »
I am the King of the Moon

You be the king and I'll be the princess.

oh wait that sounded dirty damn it to hell lmao

The Flood / Re: I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:02:02 PM »
One lie can ruin your trust forever, so yeah, lying's... pretty bad, mm'kay.

Trust me I know. I'm very loyal and trusting until someone breaks my trust. Usually I'll try to ignore it and just write it off as they won't do it again, but if you lying to me over and over and over again I snap. I take trust, loyalty, and honesty very seriously. I don't care if someone is an asshole, or the sweetest person alive if you lie to me I will not like you. lol

The Flood / Re: I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:59:01 PM »
I thought you said you hated

Anyway, I do agree but sometimes the truth is too much to bear, sometimes the truth hurts too much. Unless you're talking about Congressional Style Lying (Compulsive Liars).

No Lars is cool. Kind of a dick but meh.


The Flood / Re: I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:52:18 PM »
Not sure I know anybody that consistently lies. That, or I'm a tad too trustworthy.

Ah well, hasn't hurt me nor anyone else as far as I can tell.

You seem pretty genuine from what I can tell.

The Flood / Re: Would you date a disabled person?
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:38:17 PM »
Why am I called a pedophile again? Unless you bring me proof of having manifested sexual interest in preteen people, I'm gonna have to request an apology for slander.

Feel free to send the apology via PM. Now, back on topic.
Shut your pedophile ass up
Judging by your avatar, I deduce that you're gay, and your anger towards the concept of pedophilia can only lead to the conclusion that you were molested as a child, which in consequence, lead to a psychological trauma that led to your sexual deviation towards the homosexual spectrum. If that is correct, you have my sincere compassion, but I can assure you that letting out your frustration on random people on the internet does not lead to psychological healing. It may seem that way, but it is nothing more than a temporary steam outlet that gives you the sensation that you are in control. I can assure you that I am neither a child molester, nor a pedophile. Your attitude is a display of hatred and bigotry, and if you look deep inside yourself, you will find a person who is ashamed of itself.

Try to change by all means. :)
Stop raping kids you freak
Eww... Kids are gross, all covered in drool and shit...
Fucking pedo
I know you are, but what am I?

A lying midget who likes to fap his baby dick off to cp.

kill yourself.

The Flood / Re: How many posts do you typically post in one day?
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:14:20 PM »
I post about 33 posts a day... It's actually gone down quite a bit it used to be 50+ a day...
However, I have been very busy IRL these past couple of weeks with work and stuff...
Just wait until I go on vacation. lol you'll wish you could have a break of me by then (just kidding)

The Flood / Re: I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:11:18 PM »
If you're caught lying don't try to fucking lie your way out of it.

dealing with a friend like this

tried my best to get past the lies and get her help, but there's only so much you can do for someone who consistently lies not only to you but to their self.

aww shit that is all too real right now

If you ever need to talk pm me.

The Flood / Re: I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:09:05 PM »
I actually hang around people like this the most because they are the people who need love and acceptance the most

I empathize with them because I used to be one myself
Maybe I still am
I can't tell
But I'm working on it

I think that the further you push them away, the more damaged they get
I think that being there for them and putting up with the annoyance so you can help them is truly being a friend

I used to be like that too when I was your age (oh my god it makes me sound old as hell sorry)
I just became jaded and sick of all of the deceit and lies.
The drama became all consuming and I lost myself to taking care of the well being of others before my own health.
Now don't get me wrong. I want to become a social worker in order to call the lies and help children in need.
Luckily I am not completely jaded, and I hope you never do who.

The Flood / Re: I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:06:11 PM »
i agree with you. i don't care whether someone legit is better than me or in a worse place than me; all that matters to me is who they are. i tend to believe things that i'm told very easily, because i don't really have a reason (on the internet) not to. but when they're caught lying (which they usually are eventually) and are just unable to own up to it, it's just shameful. so no, i don't think you're being too harsh.

I know not everyone is going to be truthful not all the time, but it's just hard when you're trying to get through to someone and they just prove they are just a waste of time and effort. I don't wanna come off as if I think of myself superior (because despite my username I really don't) but I'm always honest about my life and my personality when asked. There's no point in pretending to be someone I'm not because if I did I would eventually be found out and it's not worth risking friendships. That's just me though some people just don't give a fuck about others and look out for numero uno and that' fine too as long as you're honest. Be a troll, but be an honest troll. lmao that made no sense.
aye, i know what you mean. it's not possible to make actual connections if you're not honest about who you are. though, if you're not looking to make connections then there's no real downside to dishonesty, IMO.

That's very true, and also why I don't think I could ever make an alt account... I wouldn't be able to contain being myself.

The Flood / Re: I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:05:24 PM »

One thing that I learned a little while ago, courtesy of a certain psychologist, is that when you catch someone telling a lie it's not always the best option to call out the lie. What that usually leads to is the situation described, doubling down and further and further levels of deceit until the whole thing comes crashing down.

If someone lies about something inconsequential, then generally you should let it slide. Everyone lies, every single day. There is no exception because deception is a core part of humanity, asserting otherwise is a lie and thus proves itself wrong. People lie to spare feelings, to avoid embarrassment or out of politeness. This is all fine. When people lie about things that truly matter, that's when it becomes more serious and the added emotions join into the party.

If someone lies about having an affair, causing a car crash or whatever then it is acceptable to lynch them for it.

What I would recommend is picking your battles with it, liecatching is good and all but it's not always worth it no matter how repulsive lying is to you.

People who are caught lying are either unskilled or unlucky, possibly malicious too but again it's context dependent. I try not to judge, but I can't say I view lying for personal gain too fondly even in the best of circumstances.

Psy it's like you read into my soul.

It's so hard to neglect the obvious lies in life... I work in retail and it's so obvious when someone is lying and trying to gain something from it, and all I want to do is scream at them to stop lying, but then I remember that I would lose my job, so I just give them what they want to a reasonable degree.

Not judging is the psychologist's code. We have to be unbiased and examine behavior for all possible aspects. The more schooling I do for my psychology degree the more I realize how selfish and yet self-loathing humans can be.   

The Flood / Re: I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:00:44 PM »
i agree with you. i don't care whether someone legit is better than me or in a worse place than me; all that matters to me is who they are. i tend to believe things that i'm told very easily, because i don't really have a reason (on the internet) not to. but when they're caught lying (which they usually are eventually) and are just unable to own up to it, it's just shameful. so no, i don't think you're being too harsh.

I know not everyone is going to be truthful not all the time, but it's just hard when you're trying to get through to someone and they just prove they are just a waste of time and effort. I don't wanna come off as if I think of myself superior (because despite my username I really don't) but I'm always honest about my life and my personality when asked. There's no point in pretending to be someone I'm not because if I did I would eventually be found out and it's not worth risking friendships. That's just me though some people just don't give a fuck about others and look out for numero uno and that' fine too as long as you're honest. Be a troll, but be an honest troll. lmao that made no sense.

The Flood / Re: I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 07:54:43 PM »
If you're caught lying don't try to fucking lie your way out of it.

dealing with a friend like this

It's always the hardest when it's your friend especially if they're a close friend.
My best friend growing up became a compulsive liar to hide her whereabouts because she was into hard drugs...
I tried my best to get past the lies and get her help, but there's only so much you can do for someone who consistently lies not only to you but to their self. Drugs are bad, mmmk?

The Flood / I Hate Liars.
« on: June 19, 2015, 05:22:32 PM »
Now don't get me wrong we have all had to lie at some point in our lives even when we really didn't want to, but for others it's just the way they live. It's one thing to catfish and lie about who you are IRL, but it's another to lie about your actions within the realm of the internet. Most of us like to conceal our true identities because obviously it's safer that way, but that's not my point. My point is I hate those who have said one thing one place and then blatantly lie in front of you to make themselves appear to be "better than you".

It's even worse when you provide hard evidence that they are lying and they still refuse to accept their fate and admitting that they're lying. No instead they go about lying about something else instead.

It is people like this that I cannot stand.

Maybe I'm just being to harsh, but I don't see the gain in this. If you're caught lying don't try to fucking lie your way out of it. I will disprove your honesty if I see fit. I cannot stand liars.

What do you guys think? Am I being too harsh or do you agree?

What is your opinion of those caught lying?


The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the best user on this site.
« on: June 19, 2015, 05:12:44 PM »
Chally, shut up for a second, this is gonna be good.
Suck my dick for a second
I didn't mean to be offensive. Sorry.

Why are you apologizing to Challenger?

Why aren't you apologizing?

You shouldn't be arguing during Ramadan.

Lawl. You're a jew!
Ramadan is Muslim you uncultured Unibrowmenian.

I was born on Ramadan lmao

Deci doesn't have a unibrow...

The Flood / Re: Imagine if everyone but you was an alt of Cheat
« on: June 19, 2015, 05:07:47 PM »
Disassociate Identity Disorder... 

The Flood / Would you date a disabled person?
« on: June 19, 2015, 02:56:14 PM »
Always thought banging a quadruple amputee would be kinky. Like a human dildo.

I forgot that we had two Kitsune's.

This is going to get fucking confusing really fast.

Why can't you just be Foxy?
You're telling me there are two of them? what's the difference between them?

I'm your princess.
I'm a real girl and not a fury (although I don't actually know this Kitsune just remembering anarchy...)

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the best user on this site.
« on: June 19, 2015, 12:00:57 PM »

Deci is an epic member of Sep7agon
It's posts like these that make your boobs your only redeeming quality.

Can't blame you there they are fantastic :)

The Flood / Re: which would you rather be exterminated?
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:14:28 AM »

Well if I was a Dalek I would say The Doctor.

Nah, they just hate everyone.

But OT, fatties. Exterminating people that generally have no control over it is wrong, but being fat can be, albeit ignorant, a choice. But tbh I really wouldn't want to kill anyone.

What about the few people who have thyroid issues that create obesity? Hypothyroidism I believe is what it's called.
get a new fucking thyroid

Lmao but mine works just fine!

OT: In reality I would exterminate those who are unnecessarily rude to those who work in the service industry ie: servers and retail. Especially if the worker has done nothing wrong.

The Flood / Re: which would you rather be exterminated?
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:04:13 AM »

Well if I was a Dalek I would say The Doctor.

Nah, they just hate everyone.

But OT, fatties. Exterminating people that generally have no control over it is wrong, but being fat can be, albeit ignorant, a choice. But tbh I really wouldn't want to kill anyone.

What about the few people who have thyroid issues that create obesity? Hypothyroidism I believe is what it's called.

The Flood / Re: which would you rather be exterminated?
« on: June 19, 2015, 07:03:38 AM »
Well if I was a Dalek I would say The Doctor.

The Flood / Decimator Omega is the best user on this site.
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:57:02 AM »
i'm pretty sure deci was partially responsible for 9/11

Yes because clearly an 8/9 year old is capable of that shit.
i just said involved, you didn't fly the planes

Mmmhm. And just how was I involved exactly?

OT: Do you put down any effort for this community? I actually have, and I got positive comments.

Sol, have you seriously done that? No? then you're butthurt and projecting.

If you count your creepy ass threads to be a contribution, I think the site would be better off without you contributing.
If I count. That's a big if. Ask yourself, are you projecting your anger or do you honestly believe that I'm talking about those threads? You're starting to become a real pain in my ass, so why don't you just stop being so annoying?

Hey now play nice!
Don't post in a thread like this and not expect Deci to respond.
Why is everyone so butthurt? (Sigh)

Deci is an epic member of Sep7agon

The Flood / Re: new Fox Clan recruitment video
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:51:09 AM »


Hush little poglett you can stay under my wing.  <3
I tried to reach out to him, but he just pushed me away entirely. I'm really loathe to speak to him now; I don't want to play weird little emotional love games.

Yeah but he adores us and only lashes out when we ignore him. Who is like a feisty fox pup! XD
But I didn't ignore him!

You kinda do....

Oi you ignore me more
I need my attention or I shrivel up and die

I didn't mean to ignore you!! <3 you Cub!
look which Cub is back in my inbox

How kawaii!!

The Flood / Re: Would you date a disabled person?
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:28:31 AM »

This thread is not about alakazam. Stay on topic, yo (or at least sort of on topic).

It kind of is about Alakazam.

it was a joke, dear.

I'd trim this quote down, but mobile phone.

Lol <3 you Das.

The Flood / Re: Would you date a disabled person?
« on: June 19, 2015, 12:00:53 AM »

Yes blame me for promoting.
It's my fault that I talk about how awesome I think sep7agon is, and it was his decision to sign up. He only did it so he could follow me and stalk my activity and posts. Notice this is the first real thread he has posted since he joined.... Sigh.
how obnoxious

Me promoting? Or being monitored by the creator of BF? I was an admin and had full perms on his forum. I kind of expected it.

The Flood / Re: Would you date a disabled person?
« on: June 18, 2015, 11:50:27 PM »

This thread is not about alakazam. Stay on topic, yo (or at least sort of on topic).

It kind of is about Alakazam.

What's BF
The forum that alakazam is the admin of, apparently. "Beautiful Forums."

I have no idea how it's affiliated in any way with Bungie, if at all. If it isn't, I can't help but resent Deci for dragging this... very, very strange individual here.
Blame Kitsune.

Yes blame me for promoting.
It's my fault that I talk about how awesome I think sep7agon is, and it was his decision to sign up. He only did it so he could follow me and stalk my activity and posts. Notice this is the first real thread he has posted since he joined.... Sigh.

But to answer your question:

Yes if the person was able to fully communicate, I wasn't already getting married, (or if my fiancé became disabled), and I genuinely cared and felt deeply for a disabled person yes I would be with them. Especially if my fiancé were to become disabled.

Septagon / Re: did i seriously just get a warning?
« on: June 17, 2015, 10:38:57 PM »

I think it really depends on the context of the insult. There's a pretty fine line between being a smartass and straight up attacking someone.

Yeah like there's like friendly fire and then outright attempted slaughter. Friendly fire is good but can cause butthurt to escalade but nonetheless right out putting hardcore effort into insulting someone is just annoying and usually uncalled for.

Septagon / did i seriously just get a warning?
« on: June 17, 2015, 10:22:28 PM »
Moderation is unfortunately subjective,
I've been told otherwise by Psy, Yu, LC and Flee, when trying to communicate with them over things I report.

You are a great organiser and I am more than grateful for this site, just look at my activity. I've even contributed articles.
But you have moderators for a reason and as it stands, you are a horrible moderator.

You've jumped the gun on things like this before, going off of feeling and what you dislike, whereas, the actual people you have as moderators follow a code of conduct and a very well laid out set of rules.
I won't say other mods don't do things on feeling, but the amount of times I've heard another mod say how much they'd love to ban or perma someone on feeling, but can't because they have rules to uphold...

It's cheap and unfair when you bend the conduct your staff is held to, just to suit yourself.
I'm actually pretty hesitant to ban someone in most cases and I don't ever modify posts or warn someone on a whim. To be honest I am a bit lost on what the hell you're on about; I've been moderating posts and handing out warnings just as often and just as persistently as I always have, but none of them have been unwarranted.

You can think I'm a bad moderator all you want, and that's fine; I'm probably not the best one out there. But IMO you're blowing this whole thing out of proportion, considering the insult and the following warning. You do raise some good points about moderation consistency and punishments regarding name-calling. I think those things do need to be looked at again and agreed upon by everyone because as it stands now, this place is a bit too hostile and I'd like to see what we can do about changing that without making it a "hugbox" as Lemon said.

But don't act like it's hard to catch Lemon or me or a bunch of other members being "hostile" and act like randomly banning us while most the time we're free to say whatever we want solves anything.
It's not hard, no, but this forum isn't exactly a tiny place, and moderators can't read every post, even if they'd would like to. Some things will slip through the cracks either through lack of reporting or lack of moderator presence; that's just reality. But assuming that just because you got away with it one time means you can do it another without consequences is foolish (especially when the warning wasn't even a lite-ban, I mean come on...).

That's why you should make me a moderator. I don't always respond but I read almost every post on here.

Edit: I don't want this place to become a hug box either


And then I would kill myself

Nooooez! Don't do it!


For the good of the community I would never sell sep7agon to ala if I was cheat. Even if ala had the money.



I would totally sell the forum for a full paid trip to Japan for a month or two...

And then you come back and realize that you sold your forum to Ala. :P

And then I would kill myself

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