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Messages - Kitsune 狐

Pages: 1 ... 141516 1718 ... 255
The Flood / Re: Ayyy
« on: July 18, 2017, 01:08:50 PM »
there was a time when i had the most referrals

I have more referrals than Verby-sama.
I officially feel like someone.

The Flood / Re: Ayyy
« on: July 18, 2017, 01:08:18 PM »

The Flood / Ayyy
« on: July 18, 2017, 01:06:18 PM »
Who did I just refer? I'm confused. I was happy with only 7 referrals, but now I have 8.

This has been an offical shitpost.

The Flood / Re: I met a girl on Fetlife
« on: July 18, 2017, 12:40:20 PM »
What is Fatlife?
It's the life for fat fucks like me. A bunch of fat people get online but instead of facebook, it's fat life

But you're not fat. Are you trying to be like Roman now? :(
You're cooler than that.
Kits, I am fat. I went from 70 kg to 77 kg.

Fuck it, for the sake of being sexy, I'll up the days I go for a jog to everyday that I ain't working.

if you replace the word fat in the previous reply to fetish, that's what fetlife is. A guy told me about it. Fascinated, I had to make this thread. His fetish was being covered in chocolate, and guess what? The story ends on a happy note since he found a girl that likes the same fetish as he.

Oh you make me sad. 77 kg is not a lot for a man. You're like what 6'?
If I were anything but a fighter, I'd agree with you, but for every kg of fat you have, the opponent has the same weight in bones or muscle.

Oh fair enough. Then start running and eat healthier! :)

The Flood / Re: I met a girl on Fetlife
« on: July 18, 2017, 11:39:28 AM »
What is Fatlife?
It's the life for fat fucks like me. A bunch of fat people get online but instead of facebook, it's fat life

But you're not fat. Are you trying to be like Roman now? :(
You're cooler than that.
Kits, I am fat. I went from 70 kg to 77 kg.

Fuck it, for the sake of being sexy, I'll up the days I go for a jog to everyday that I ain't working.

if you replace the word fat in the previous reply to fetish, that's what fetlife is. A guy told me about it. Fascinated, I had to make this thread. His fetish was being covered in chocolate, and guess what? The story ends on a happy note since he found a girl that likes the same fetish as he.

Oh you make me sad. 77 kg is not a lot for a man. You're like what 6'?
Even at 6' 170lbs is a little doughy.  trust me, I was there two months back

Casper you've also got body dysmorphia. 170lbs at 6' is healthy.

The Flood / Re: Sep7 short fiction contest
« on: July 18, 2017, 11:08:15 AM »
What's the topic going to be?

The Flood / Re: I met a girl on Fetlife
« on: July 18, 2017, 11:06:56 AM »
What is Fatlife?
It's the life for fat fucks like me. A bunch of fat people get online but instead of facebook, it's fat life

But you're not fat. Are you trying to be like Roman now? :(
You're cooler than that.
Kits, I am fat. I went from 70 kg to 77 kg.

Fuck it, for the sake of being sexy, I'll up the days I go for a jog to everyday that I ain't working.

if you replace the word fat in the previous reply to fetish, that's what fetlife is. A guy told me about it. Fascinated, I had to make this thread. His fetish was being covered in chocolate, and guess what? The story ends on a happy note since he found a girl that likes the same fetish as he.

Oh you make me sad. 77 kg is not a lot for a man. You're like what 6'?

The Flood / Re: If one were to travel to the UK
« on: July 18, 2017, 10:38:24 AM »
Kk, but bring a Saber plush so we can piss off Tru, I don't have one.

Take me with you

I'm sure the mall in my area has one if not more. :3

The Flood / Re: I met a girl on Fetlife
« on: July 18, 2017, 10:28:24 AM »
What is Fatlife?
It's the life for fat fucks like me. A bunch of fat people get online but instead of facebook, it's fat life

But you're not fat. Are you trying to be like Roman now? :(
You're cooler than that.

The Flood / Re: se🅱️7agon
« on: July 18, 2017, 10:27:40 AM »

The Flood / Re: If one were to travel to the UK
« on: July 18, 2017, 10:09:19 AM »
Fuck you I'm going.

And now you're not allowed within 4 miles from it, lsn ere u lil shit

Take me with you

The Flood / Re: comfy night
« on: July 18, 2017, 09:44:52 AM »
I have to get up but my bed is too comfortable.


The Flood / Re: Class?
« on: July 18, 2017, 09:29:28 AM »
Class is prettier than her.

The Flood / Re: Filipino is awesome fam
« on: July 18, 2017, 09:28:07 AM »
Here's a list of Asian superiority. Best girl is on top. Cockroaches at the bottom.


You, sir, are WRONG.
>vietnam on the bottom

I will find you and I will dump a bowl of pho on your head.

I don't like Pho... I'm also probably allergic to it.

The Flood / Re: hi
« on: July 18, 2017, 09:24:42 AM »
That's not how you use "croon" in a sentence... "Croons" is not a word.
nah, any verb can be a noun tbh

it's a tad awkward in this instance, but it's not technically incorrect

It's only used as croons in the present tense.

Example: "This place is the best" Mary croons.

Croon is the most awkward noun. I can't even.

The Flood / Re: I met a girl on Fetlife
« on: July 18, 2017, 08:59:48 AM »
What is Fatlife?

I think you should post more.
You are right, I NEED to post more, but the things, which I post, must have some value in it, otherwise I don`t really do anythin useful to this place. Yesterday I was viewing Art Hub thread from very beginning and I was amazed of how much good art is there. I try to keep up, if I'll have spare time.

Yeah the art hub really is a hidden gem here. Good shitposting has it's worth here. Even that skill has been lacking lately.

The Flood / Re: hi
« on: July 18, 2017, 08:42:39 AM »

"Ellette looked up at Joanna, perplexed."

It should be:
"Ellette looked up at Joanna perplexed"

The Flood / Re: hi
« on: July 18, 2017, 08:40:42 AM »
That's not how you use "croon" in a sentence... "Croons" is not a word.

He might be dead but I just think he doesn't want to be here. Like I already said last time he told me he didn't like being around here anymore and wanted to get out and be more positive.

I can understand that. Can`t do the same though, I feel that it is weak choice for me. My negativity comes from me in first place.

What's so negative about this place?
Me, for example. Like, what did I posted so far? 50% memes or weeb shit, 35% gay fiction of me being total pervert, and only 15% content, which has some value in it. And now 2% whining, I`m such egoist. Sometimes I feel like my personality is a combination of the worst things from 4chan and tumblr: being passive agressive guy and being depressed guy, which spreads his depression to everyone he saw. Ok, enough of that, that won`t lead me anywhere.

I think you should post more.

The Flood / Re: Filipino is awesome fam
« on: July 18, 2017, 08:03:37 AM »
Here's a list of Asian superiority. Best girl is on top. Cockroaches at the bottom.


You, sir, are WRONG.
Thai ladyboys > everything else

That's a different list, love.

He might be dead but I just think he doesn't want to be here. Like I already said last time he told me he didn't like being around here anymore and wanted to get out and be more positive.
What's so negative about this place?

As long as you're not a lolcow you're good. This place has honestly calmed down a lot within the past year.

I miss his snarky lemon ass. I hope he's doing fine.

The Flood / Re: Filipino is awesome fam
« on: July 18, 2017, 07:58:53 AM »
Here's a list of Asian superiority. Best girl is on top. Cockroaches at the bottom.


You, sir, are WRONG.

The Flood / Re: There's this quiet girl at work that I like
« on: July 17, 2017, 11:46:40 AM »
I'm confused. I thought you were gay.

The Flood / Re: This is the ideal male body
« on: July 17, 2017, 10:23:32 AM »

The Flood / Re: my guide to getting GIRLS on your peen
« on: July 17, 2017, 10:23:15 AM »
Oh damn lemme leave my husbando real quick

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