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Messages - Kitsune 狐

Pages: 1 ... 134135136 137138 ... 255
The Flood / Re: Tell Me Things.
« on: September 29, 2015, 12:41:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: I've gotten bored of food.
« on: September 29, 2015, 12:39:42 PM »
Food in general sucks.
As a vegan, are you absolutely sure that you feel entitled to say that? I mean, you are missing out on three quarters of general foods. They might be tasty.

Or are you speaking wholly in the abstract?
I haven't always been a vegan.

But yeah, that was more of a philosophical postulation.
I dislike the concept of food, and it also just so happens that a great deal of it isn't very good.

I bet you indulge in a lot of delicious vegan foods nonetheless, and I bet you have a lot of cool recipes in your cookbook arsenal.

The Flood / Re: Tell Me Things.
« on: September 29, 2015, 12:33:56 PM »
the dot in the lowercase "i" and lowercase "j" is called a tittle

like tit-til?

The Flood / Tell Me Things.
« on: September 29, 2015, 12:30:32 PM »
What is something important you think I should know?

I currently know that
- they found a form of water on Mars
- the earth is round
- cats are the best to have around when you're upset
- I am on a forum full of people who know cool random stuffs

so please amuse me in more random knowledge.

The Flood / Re: I've gotten bored of food.
« on: September 29, 2015, 12:28:22 PM »
food is delicious if you know how to cook it right, but then there is a need to want to cook, and I usually lack that, so I know the feels. Luckily, my fiance knows how to cook, and doesn't mind cooking for me.

The Flood / Re: High test thread
« on: September 29, 2015, 12:27:16 PM »

The Flood / Re: So I told my dog to stick his head out of the window
« on: September 29, 2015, 11:44:26 AM »
okay and on that note I'm going to lock this thread until the mods can sort through this little shit flinging fest.

The Flood / Re: Medical Marijuana
« on: September 29, 2015, 11:03:27 AM »

Do you have glaucoma? I know I'm boarder line and have naturally high eye pressure (it's the highest on the "normal" scale), and marijuana really does help on those days when the pressure gets to be a bit too much to handle.

No. I do have something that could give me glaucoma though.

That's not good!!! Do you live in a place where medical marijuana is legal? If so, I would talk to your doctor about it.

Yeah. But the problem is my condition isn't verified. The optimitrist I visited thinks strongly that I have Uvietis. But I need to get it verified from an eye specialist so that we can pin down if that's what I have, and most importantly, what's causing it.

Uvietis is a bitch to detect and it has no direct source on its own. It's a secondary effect to something else going on in your body.

I recommend going to a specialist then, but make sure they're on your insurance (if you have insurance) otherwise they're suuuuper pricey!! Also idk what Uvietis is

Like I said. Trying to. I just have a long ass wait time since the doc is booked full. I'm canadian, so, no worries there. Those medical expenses are covered.

Uvietis has to do primarily with light. Your eyes become incredibly sensetive to it, your vision can blur, you start seeing spots in your vision, and your eyes become red and irritated and hurt like a bitch. If left alone, the symptoms get worse and you can have permanent loss of vision.

It's also like a gateway domino effect. If your eyes get fucked by uvietis, you can contract other fun shit because of it, like glaucoma and other eye killers.

Oh that's terrible! Is it treatable? I am so sorry >.< I'm terrified of losing my already terrible vision. Maybe medical marijuana will help slow the process, and help cure it. I know the oil has special healing properties that speeds up cell regeneration, and slows the growth of malignant cells which in return has decreased it's mass shrinking the tumors to a smaller and safer size to operate to remove brain tumors. I honestly don't know much about eyes and how they work on a micro level, nor am I saying you have a tumor, but maybe it can help your eyes out to at least slow the digression.

The irony here is that, yeah, I do have a tumor. But I highly doubt it would cause that since I am having it monitored and it's too far on the other side of my head to put that much strain on my eyes. I remember where the pain was when it started to put pressure on my internal bits.

What I am worried about though, is the cause. Like I said. Uvietis doesn't show up on its own. It needs something else for it to happen.

An injury, another eye related disease, an infection, or, worst case, eye cancer.

My eyes haven't been injured. And I know I'm not sick with an infection. So that doesn't leave much for options. Uvietis itself is treatable. But in order to be treatable you need to know what's causing it first. But there's no easy way around this at all.

You know what they're gonna have to do in order to figure out what's up with my eyes?

Take samples. You know how they do that?

Needles. I'm about as eager to find out what's causing this so I can get it fixed, as I am of noping the fuck out at the mere mention of having to stick needles in my eyes.

I'm terrified of needles going in me, but once they're in me I like to watch the blood leave my body. I'm weird. If you calmly explain you cannot see the needles they are usually really good about it. Id rather be stabbed in the arm a few times to figure out what's wrong than let it linger and get worse, but that's just me. If I lived in Canada I would offer to hold your hand and let you almost break it (my mom almost broke my hand once when she got an injection in her hip). I freaking hate needles, but if it's to better your health I'll let them take my blood.

Also I am sorry to hear you have a tumor. Have they done any tests on it to see if it's benign?

I've already been through multiple rounds of heavy chemo since last october if my memory is right. Yeah, thankfully, it was benign. But too deep to cut out without having me sing daisy bell all day long.

It's benign, but grows slowly. So, last year I reached the point where it started to crush parts of my head under pressure. I went through heavy rounds of chemo, and after my body couldn't take it because I was already in a shitty state, they switched me onto really low end pills to finish it off. So, I've recovered since the heavy shit. But, the bad news is, the docs can't take it out, and chemo never stops them completely.

So it'll eventually grow itself to hurting levels again or it'll go malignant and kill me one day. Either way I have a short lifespan. Projected estimates give me 30 years if I'm extremely lucky. I'm not worried about it. Faulty heart, faulty lungs, faulty brain, and now apparently, faulty eyes.

We all gotta go someday.

That's really terrible and so sad to hear!! You should really talk to the specialists when you get in to see them about medical marijuana and the studies done for brain tumors. <3 my heart goes out to you love.

The Flood / Re: I'm fucking done. Goodbye.
« on: September 28, 2015, 10:06:14 PM »
Please don't go :(

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: September 28, 2015, 07:25:06 PM »

The Flood / Re: Medical Marijuana
« on: September 28, 2015, 07:24:38 PM »

Do you have glaucoma? I know I'm boarder line and have naturally high eye pressure (it's the highest on the "normal" scale), and marijuana really does help on those days when the pressure gets to be a bit too much to handle.

No. I do have something that could give me glaucoma though.

That's not good!!! Do you live in a place where medical marijuana is legal? If so, I would talk to your doctor about it.

Yeah. But the problem is my condition isn't verified. The optimitrist I visited thinks strongly that I have Uvietis. But I need to get it verified from an eye specialist so that we can pin down if that's what I have, and most importantly, what's causing it.

Uvietis is a bitch to detect and it has no direct source on its own. It's a secondary effect to something else going on in your body.

I recommend going to a specialist then, but make sure they're on your insurance (if you have insurance) otherwise they're suuuuper pricey!! Also idk what Uvietis is

Like I said. Trying to. I just have a long ass wait time since the doc is booked full. I'm canadian, so, no worries there. Those medical expenses are covered.

Uvietis has to do primarily with light. Your eyes become incredibly sensetive to it, your vision can blur, you start seeing spots in your vision, and your eyes become red and irritated and hurt like a bitch. If left alone, the symptoms get worse and you can have permanent loss of vision.

It's also like a gateway domino effect. If your eyes get fucked by uvietis, you can contract other fun shit because of it, like glaucoma and other eye killers.

Oh that's terrible! Is it treatable? I am so sorry >.< I'm terrified of losing my already terrible vision. Maybe medical marijuana will help slow the process, and help cure it. I know the oil has special healing properties that speeds up cell regeneration, and slows the growth of malignant cells which in return has decreased it's mass shrinking the tumors to a smaller and safer size to operate to remove brain tumors. I honestly don't know much about eyes and how they work on a micro level, nor am I saying you have a tumor, but maybe it can help your eyes out to at least slow the digression.

The irony here is that, yeah, I do have a tumor. But I highly doubt it would cause that since I am having it monitored and it's too far on the other side of my head to put that much strain on my eyes. I remember where the pain was when it started to put pressure on my internal bits.

What I am worried about though, is the cause. Like I said. Uvietis doesn't show up on its own. It needs something else for it to happen.

An injury, another eye related disease, an infection, or, worst case, eye cancer.

My eyes haven't been injured. And I know I'm not sick with an infection. So that doesn't leave much for options. Uvietis itself is treatable. But in order to be treatable you need to know what's causing it first. But there's no easy way around this at all.

You know what they're gonna have to do in order to figure out what's up with my eyes?

Take samples. You know how they do that?

Needles. I'm about as eager to find out what's causing this so I can get it fixed, as I am of noping the fuck out at the mere mention of having to stick needles in my eyes.

I'm terrified of needles going in me, but once they're in me I like to watch the blood leave my body. I'm weird. If you calmly explain you cannot see the needles they are usually really good about it. Id rather be stabbed in the arm a few times to figure out what's wrong than let it linger and get worse, but that's just me. If I lived in Canada I would offer to hold your hand and let you almost break it (my mom almost broke my hand once when she got an injection in her hip). I freaking hate needles, but if it's to better your health I'll let them take my blood.

Also I am sorry to hear you have a tumor. Have they done any tests on it to see if it's benign?

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: September 28, 2015, 07:20:24 PM »


No but seriously...
but seriously what bae?

Daily reminder that I'm krunk af...

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: September 28, 2015, 04:37:01 PM »

No but seriously...

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: September 28, 2015, 04:14:52 PM »
Don't Oppress Belgium: #DOB

The Flood / Re: Medical Marijuana
« on: September 28, 2015, 04:13:47 PM »

Do you have glaucoma? I know I'm boarder line and have naturally high eye pressure (it's the highest on the "normal" scale), and marijuana really does help on those days when the pressure gets to be a bit too much to handle.

No. I do have something that could give me glaucoma though.

That's not good!!! Do you live in a place where medical marijuana is legal? If so, I would talk to your doctor about it.

Yeah. But the problem is my condition isn't verified. The optimitrist I visited thinks strongly that I have Uvietis. But I need to get it verified from an eye specialist so that we can pin down if that's what I have, and most importantly, what's causing it.

Uvietis is a bitch to detect and it has no direct source on its own. It's a secondary effect to something else going on in your body.

I recommend going to a specialist then, but make sure they're on your insurance (if you have insurance) otherwise they're suuuuper pricey!! Also idk what Uvietis is

Like I said. Trying to. I just have a long ass wait time since the doc is booked full. I'm canadian, so, no worries there. Those medical expenses are covered.

Uvietis has to do primarily with light. Your eyes become incredibly sensetive to it, your vision can blur, you start seeing spots in your vision, and your eyes become red and irritated and hurt like a bitch. If left alone, the symptoms get worse and you can have permanent loss of vision.

It's also like a gateway domino effect. If your eyes get fucked by uvietis, you can contract other fun shit because of it, like glaucoma and other eye killers.

Oh that's terrible! Is it treatable? I am so sorry >.< I'm terrified of losing my already terrible vision. Maybe medical marijuana will help slow the process, and help cure it. I know the oil has special healing properties that speeds up cell regeneration, and slows the growth of malignant cells which in return has decreased it's mass shrinking the tumors to a smaller and safer size to operate to remove brain tumors. I honestly don't know much about eyes and how they work on a micro level, nor am I saying you have a tumor, but maybe it can help your eyes out to at least slow the digression.

The Flood / Re: Medical Marijuana
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:50:34 PM »

Do you have glaucoma? I know I'm boarder line and have naturally high eye pressure (it's the highest on the "normal" scale), and marijuana really does help on those days when the pressure gets to be a bit too much to handle.

No. I do have something that could give me glaucoma though.

That's not good!!! Do you live in a place where medical marijuana is legal? If so, I would talk to your doctor about it.

Yeah. But the problem is my condition isn't verified. The optimitrist I visited thinks strongly that I have Uvietis. But I need to get it verified from an eye specialist so that we can pin down if that's what I have, and most importantly, what's causing it.

Uvietis is a bitch to detect and it has no direct source on its own. It's a secondary effect to something else going on in your body.

I recommend going to a specialist then, but make sure they're on your insurance (if you have insurance) otherwise they're suuuuper pricey!! Also idk what Uvietis is

The Flood / Re: This is what a Sep7agon party would look like.
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:10:53 PM »

You guyse better know how to play beer pong! I would destroy you. I'm already used to going to sausage fest parties, but I think this sausage fest would be most interesting, and I think I'd spend my time checking the closets if you know what I mean.

No, no I do not understand what you mean.

To see who is hooking up and catching them in the act, duh. ^.^
You must really like watching gay sex.

Yeah I do actually.

Does your fiancé?

Unfortunately, no he doesn't. So I get to watch gay porn on my own time. He'll watch lesbians with me though so win!

The Flood / Re: Dietary Conflicts
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:09:41 PM »

inb4kitsune realizes how good chicken is
Sadly, I already know how delicious chicken can be...

The Flood / Re: Medical Marijuana
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:08:25 PM »

Do you have glaucoma? I know I'm boarder line and have naturally high eye pressure (it's the highest on the "normal" scale), and marijuana really does help on those days when the pressure gets to be a bit too much to handle.

No. I do have something that could give me glaucoma though.

That's not good!!! Do you live in a place where medical marijuana is legal? If so, I would talk to your doctor about it.

The Flood / Re: Rate my comment
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:06:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: This is what a Sep7agon party would look like.
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:06:39 PM »

You guyse better know how to play beer pong! I would destroy you. I'm already used to going to sausage fest parties, but I think this sausage fest would be most interesting, and I think I'd spend my time checking the closets if you know what I mean.

No, no I do not understand what you mean.

To see who is hooking up and catching them in the act, duh. ^.^
You must really like watching gay sex.

Yeah I do actually.

The Flood / Re: Medical Marijuana
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:05:52 PM »
Do you have glaucoma? I know I'm boarder line and have naturally high eye pressure (it's the highest on the "normal" scale), and marijuana really does help on those days when the pressure gets to be a bit too much to handle.

The Flood / Re: Rate this dog I'm thinking of adopting
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:03:13 PM »
Aww the doge is adorable! Iirc that breed has a lot of energy and can be a nuisance if they're not given a proper outlet for said energy. Also big props for wanting to adopt an older dog! They usually get left in a kennel until they either die or get put down ::sad::.

The Flood / Re: This is what a Sep7agon party would look like.
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:57:40 AM »

You guyse better know how to play beer pong! I would destroy you. I'm already used to going to sausage fest parties, but I think this sausage fest would be most interesting, and I think I'd spend my time checking the closets if you know what I mean.

No, no I do not understand what you mean.

To see who is hooking up and catching them in the act, duh. ^.^

The Flood / Re: Dietary Conflicts
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:55:47 AM »

Surprised Verb hasn't posted ITT tbh.

But the meat's already cooked; if it's not eaten, then those animals died for no reason whatsoever. Don't die, mkay?

Yeah, well the chicken is raw, but they also bought us a brand new crock pot to cook the homemade prepared chicken dinners in it. They made a buffalo chicken one, a chicken pesto and green beans, and a chicken garlic lemon pepper which all sound yummy tbh. I'm hoping that since I still eat fish that my body will be able to digest the chicken without any issues. However, after I finish these dinners I am going to continue not eat chicken.

The Flood / Re: Favorite types of sushi?
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:52:29 AM »
Anything with eel. There's a local sushi restaurant chain called Ru San's and I always get their spicy punk rolls.

The Flood / Re: This is what a Sep7agon party would look like.
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:47:52 AM »
You guyse better know how to play beer pong! I would destroy you. I'm already used to going to sausage fest parties, but I think this sausage fest would be most interesting, and I think I'd spend my time checking the closets if you know what I mean.

The Flood / Re: Dietary Conflicts
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:14:38 AM »

Well about 3 weeks ago my fiancé lost his job
I take it this site ruined his whole career?

Surprisingly enough my fiancé isn't a member on sep7agon.

The Flood / Re: Dietary Conflicts
« on: September 28, 2015, 08:33:27 AM »

quote author=challengerX link=topic=46628.msg916383#msg916383 date=1443447135]
(Shilling for rich people)

Chally 101
Just like in the 80's when all the top scientists and government officials told us marijuana causes psychosis. Or when steroids were encouraged in the 30's, with top scientists telling us there were no adverse effects.

Somebody has to not be a sheep.

This is an awfully convenient way to deny reality.
Go ahead and continue to believe hormones and chicken breasts the size of human female's are healthy to eat.

Funnily enough, a lot of these so called scientists don't have our interests at heart. They have the interests of people funding them as their top priority. You can't deny what I'm saying. They literally said cannabis causes psychosis. They continue to do "experiments" to show how "dangerous" marijuana is by doing ridiculous things like pumping a mouse full of THC with no oxygen and then saying the THC killed him.

Chally you have a good point

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